Today I share with you 6 homemade buns. Each one is fluffy and soft, with a sweet and milky aroma. It is also simple to make, with zero difficulty and no skills. You can easily make it at home. No preservatives are added. It tastes better than the ones bought outside. Don’t worry

2024/06/2018:55:33 hotcomm 1349

today shares with you 6 homemade buns. Each one is fluffy and soft, with a sweet and milky aroma. It is also simple to make, with zero difficulty and no skills. You can easily make it at home. No preservatives are added. It is better to eat than the ones bought outside. Don’t worry, friends who like it should learn it quickly. Both the elderly and children love it, even breakfast is saved.

Purple sweet potato bread

1. Prepare ingredients:

Prepare 2 purple sweet potatoes , peel off the skin and clean them, cut the purple sweet potatoes into slices and put them in the steamer, steam on low heat for 15 minutes and it's done.

Today I share with you 6 homemade buns. Each one is fluffy and soft, with a sweet and milky aroma. It is also simple to make, with zero difficulty and no skills. You can easily make it at home. No preservatives are added. It tastes better than the ones bought outside. Don’t worry - DayDayNews

2. Start kneading the dough:

Prepare a small basin, add 3 eggs, , add 20g of white sugar, yeast 3g , stir with chopsticks to break up the eggs, add 150g of flour to be divided Pour it in at a time, add flour to the egg liquid while stirring, first stir into dough, pour in vegetable oil 10 grams , then mix into dough, cover with plastic wrap and ferment for 2 hours .

Today I share with you 6 homemade buns. Each one is fluffy and soft, with a sweet and milky aroma. It is also simple to make, with zero difficulty and no skills. You can easily make it at home. No preservatives are added. It tastes better than the ones bought outside. Don’t worry - DayDayNews

3. Make purple sweet potato balls :

After 15 minutes, the purple sweet potato has been steamed and placed in a basin. Add 20 grams of white sugar and 10 grams of honey to increase the sweetness and viscosity of the purple sweet potato. Mix the purple sweet potato with your hands. Crush the potatoes into pieces.

Then prepare a plate and brush it with a layer of vegetable oil . Form purple sweet potato puree into small balls and put them in a basin. Cover them with plastic wrap to prevent them from drying out.

Today I share with you 6 homemade buns. Each one is fluffy and soft, with a sweet and milky aroma. It is also simple to make, with zero difficulty and no skills. You can easily make it at home. No preservatives are added. It tastes better than the ones bought outside. Don’t worry - DayDayNews

4. Make bread dough:

After 2 hours, the dough has fermented. Take out the dough and knead it to remove the air. Roll the dough into a long strip, cut it into small pieces, and press the small pieces into a round piece. , the round piece should be thick in the middle and thin around the edges. Wrap the purple potato balls like buns, ball them up with your hands, and roll purple potato buns into a piece with a rolling pin.

Today I share with you 6 homemade buns. Each one is fluffy and soft, with a sweet and milky aroma. It is also simple to make, with zero difficulty and no skills. You can easily make it at home. No preservatives are added. It tastes better than the ones bought outside. Don’t worry - DayDayNews

Brush a layer of vegetable oil on the knife, make a few cuts on the dough, roll it up from the back and then roll it into a circle, and the beautiful purple potato bread will be formed.

Today I share with you 6 homemade buns. Each one is fluffy and soft, with a sweet and milky aroma. It is also simple to make, with zero difficulty and no skills. You can easily make it at home. No preservatives are added. It tastes better than the ones bought outside. Don’t worry - DayDayNews

5. Start steaming:

Brush a thin layer of vegetable oil in the pot first, put the purple potato bread and then evenly brush a layer of egg yolk, then sprinkle a little white sesame , brush the egg yolk to make it The purple potato bread has a beautiful golden color, and it can also stick the sesame seeds more firmly so they won't fall off.

Today I share with you 6 homemade buns. Each one is fluffy and soft, with a sweet and milky aroma. It is also simple to make, with zero difficulty and no skills. You can easily make it at home. No preservatives are added. It tastes better than the ones bought outside. Don’t worry - DayDayNews

Cover the pot and heat slowly over low heat to steam the purple potato bread. A soft and delicious purple potato bread is ready.

Today I share with you 6 homemade buns. Each one is fluffy and soft, with a sweet and milky aroma. It is also simple to make, with zero difficulty and no skills. You can easily make it at home. No preservatives are added. It tastes better than the ones bought outside. Don’t worry - DayDayNews

Homemade bread

1. Start kneading the dough:

Prepare warm water 280g , stir to dissolve 3g yeast , pour wheat flour 400g, white sugar 15g, 1g edible salt , first put the flour Stir into dough and knead it with your hands to form a dough. The dough needs to be relatively soft to make fluffy and soft bread. After the dough is well kneaded, cover the pot and let it ferment for 20 minutes .

Today I share with you 6 homemade buns. Each one is fluffy and soft, with a sweet and milky aroma. It is also simple to make, with zero difficulty and no skills. You can easily make it at home. No preservatives are added. It tastes better than the ones bought outside. Don’t worry - DayDayNews

After 20 minutes, add 20 grams of lard . If you have butter at home, the bread made by adding butter will look better in color. Knead the lard into the dough. At this time, it is best to knead the dough to form fascia . Knead the dough into fascia, cover the pot with a lid and ferment for 1 hour .

Today I share with you 6 homemade buns. Each one is fluffy and soft, with a sweet and milky aroma. It is also simple to make, with zero difficulty and no skills. You can easily make it at home. No preservatives are added. It tastes better than the ones bought outside. Don’t worry - DayDayNews

2. Start making bread dough:

Take out the dough after 1 hour, continue to knead the dough to deflate the dough, break the dough into 6 equal-sized dough balls, knead it into a round dough by hand, and knead 6 The shape of each dough should be the same, put it in the oven tray, put the dough into the oven and let it ferment again for 1 hour .

Today I share with you 6 homemade buns. Each one is fluffy and soft, with a sweet and milky aroma. It is also simple to make, with zero difficulty and no skills. You can easily make it at home. No preservatives are added. It tastes better than the ones bought outside. Don’t worry - DayDayNews

3. Start baking:

After 1 hour, brush a thin layer of egg yolk on the top of the bread . The baked bread will be golden and beautiful, then sprinkle with sesame seeds and put it in the oven. My oven is relatively small, so I use It is and baked at 180 degrees for 35 minutes. If it is a large household oven, it will be almost cooked in 25 minutes.

Today I share with you 6 homemade buns. Each one is fluffy and soft, with a sweet and milky aroma. It is also simple to make, with zero difficulty and no skills. You can easily make it at home. No preservatives are added. It tastes better than the ones bought outside. Don’t worry - DayDayNews

Take out the bread after 35 minutes, and a golden and soft homemade bread will be ready.

Today I share with you 6 homemade buns. Each one is fluffy and soft, with a sweet and milky aroma. It is also simple to make, with zero difficulty and no skills. You can easily make it at home. No preservatives are added. It tastes better than the ones bought outside. Don’t worry - DayDayNews

Milk-flavored Panyang Cake

1. Start kneading the dough:

Put 300 grams of ordinary flour in the basin, add yeast 3 grams , stir the yeast first, pour 160 ml of pure milk and knead the dough, while Stir while stirring until there is no dry flour. Add 10 grams of vegetable oil to prevent your hands from sticking to the dough when kneading, and the dough will be softer and easier to crisp.

Knead the dough together and knead it into a smooth dough, cover it with plastic wrap and seal it until it doubles in size. It will take about two hours .

Today I share with you 6 homemade buns. Each one is fluffy and soft, with a sweet and milky aroma. It is also simple to make, with zero difficulty and no skills. You can easily make it at home. No preservatives are added. It tastes better than the ones bought outside. Don’t worry - DayDayNews

2. Start making the cake dough:

After two hours, peel off the dough and see if there are honeycomb holes inside, indicating that the dough has fermented. Sprinkle a layer of flour on the chopping board, take out the dough and knead it to release the air. Knead the dough until it is smooth and flatten it with your hands. Roll it into a rectangular shape. Brush the dough evenly with vegetable oil, sprinkle with flour for easy layering, then sprinkle a little salt with the base, and roll up the dough. , roll into long strips, and cut into 3 cm thick cake base with a knife .

Today I share with you 6 homemade buns. Each one is fluffy and soft, with a sweet and milky aroma. It is also simple to make, with zero difficulty and no skills. You can easily make it at home. No preservatives are added. It tastes better than the ones bought outside. Don’t worry - DayDayNews

Arrange the cake dough to make it rounder, press the outermost cake crust underneath, cover the finished cake dough with plastic wrap and ferment again for 10 minutes, Ferment until the crust is slightly bulging, so The baked cake is more fluffy and soft..

Today I share with you 6 homemade buns. Each one is fluffy and soft, with a sweet and milky aroma. It is also simple to make, with zero difficulty and no skills. You can easily make it at home. No preservatives are added. It tastes better than the ones bought outside. Don’t worry - DayDayNews

3. Start baking:

Heat the pot over low heat and evenly apply vegetable oil. When the oil temperature is 50% hot, put the fermented cake dough into the pot. Fry one side until brown, then turn it over and fry the other side. Just flip it back and forth. Fry it several times for about 6 minutes. Both sides of the cake will be golden brown. It will be cooked when pressed and it will spring back quickly. A soft and delicious milk-flavored Panyang cake is ready.

Today I share with you 6 homemade buns. Each one is fluffy and soft, with a sweet and milky aroma. It is also simple to make, with zero difficulty and no skills. You can easily make it at home. No preservatives are added. It tastes better than the ones bought outside. Don’t worry - DayDayNews

Corn flour jujube cake

1. Start mixing the batter:

Prepare 200 grams of corn flour , 100 grams of wheat flour . The hair cake made with this ratio is sweet and not rough. Add yeast, 3 grams of , white sugar. 5 grams of promotes yeast fermentation, mix the dough with room temperature water, add in small amounts many times, stir until there are no dough lumps , and then add an appropriate amount of water , and mix it into a thick yogurt-like batter and set aside.

Today I share with you 6 homemade buns. Each one is fluffy and soft, with a sweet and milky aroma. It is also simple to make, with zero difficulty and no skills. You can easily make it at home. No preservatives are added. It tastes better than the ones bought outside. Don’t worry - DayDayNews

Prepare a deeper plate, line it with tin foil and brush it with vegetable oil to facilitate demolding after steaming. Pour the corn batter into it, sprinkle evenly with black sesame , and cut some red dates and sprinkle in it as well. Above, cover with a plate and ferment for 20 minutes until the batter swells and puffs up, making the steamed jujube cake more fluffy and soft.

Today I share with you 6 homemade buns. Each one is fluffy and soft, with a sweet and milky aroma. It is also simple to make, with zero difficulty and no skills. You can easily make it at home. No preservatives are added. It tastes better than the ones bought outside. Don’t worry - DayDayNews

2. Start steaming:

Boil water in the pot. After the water boils, put the fermented batter into the steamer, cover the pot and steam for 20 minutes. will be cooked.

Today I share with you 6 homemade buns. Each one is fluffy and soft, with a sweet and milky aroma. It is also simple to make, with zero difficulty and no skills. You can easily make it at home. No preservatives are added. It tastes better than the ones bought outside. Don’t worry - DayDayNews

Don’t rush to open the lid after 20 minutes, and simmer for another 3 minutes. Wait for the heat to dissipate before opening the lid to avoid the excessive temperature difference between the inside and outside causing the jujube cake to collapse. Take out the jujube cake and cut it into small, even pieces. The fluffy and soft cornmeal jujube cake is ready.

Today I share with you 6 homemade buns. Each one is fluffy and soft, with a sweet and milky aroma. It is also simple to make, with zero difficulty and no skills. You can easily make it at home. No preservatives are added. It tastes better than the ones bought outside. Don’t worry - DayDayNews

Milk-flavored cookies

1. Start making the yogurt paste:

Crack into 2 eggs , add 10 grams of white sugar, 50 grams of flour. If you don’t like too sweet white sugar, you can omit it, and pour in 250 ml of yogurt , stir into a fine yogurt paste and set aside. Do not have gnocchi in the yogurt paste, as it will affect the taste of the finished product.

Today I share with you 6 homemade buns. Each one is fluffy and soft, with a sweet and milky aroma. It is also simple to make, with zero difficulty and no skills. You can easily make it at home. No preservatives are added. It tastes better than the ones bought outside. Don’t worry - DayDayNews

2. Start baking:

Heat the electric baking pan without brushing oil. Pour a spoonful of yogurt paste into the pot and spread it into a thin and even round cake. Maintain low heat for 2 minutes and the yogurt paste will be completely set. Then flip it over and cook for another 1 minute. When the other side is golden brown, take it out of the pan and a nutritious milk-flavored pancake is ready.

Today I share with you 6 homemade buns. Each one is fluffy and soft, with a sweet and milky aroma. It is also simple to make, with zero difficulty and no skills. You can easily make it at home. No preservatives are added. It tastes better than the ones bought outside. Don’t worry - DayDayNews

Honey soft bottom buns

1. Start kneading the dough:

Prepare a basin, Pour 100 ml of warm milk into a pack of . Now that the weather is cool, you need to heat the milk first, add 3 grams of yeast , 20 grams of white sugar , stir to dissolve the yeast and sugar, pour high-gluten flour 200g use chopsticks to stir into dough, pour 5g vegetable oil knead into dough, knead the oil into the dough and knead until smooth of dough, cover the pot and place it in a warm place to ferment for 2 hours .

Today I share with you 6 homemade buns. Each one is fluffy and soft, with a sweet and milky aroma. It is also simple to make, with zero difficulty and no skills. You can easily make it at home. No preservatives are added. It tastes better than the ones bought outside. Don’t worry - DayDayNews

2. Make sweet pastry:

Prepare a small basin, pour white sugar 25g, sesame seeds 25g, vegetable oil 15g, stir it with chopsticks and then pour wheat flour 15g to make sweet pastry. Make a crispy base for the buns.

Today I share with you 6 homemade buns. Each one is fluffy and soft, with a sweet and milky aroma. It is also simple to make, with zero difficulty and no skills. You can easily make it at home. No preservatives are added. It tastes better than the ones bought outside. Don’t worry - DayDayNews

3. Start making bread dough:

After 2 hours, the dough has fermented. Take out the dough and sprinkle a layer of dry flour on the chopping board. Knead the dough for a while longer on the chopping board. After kneading, cut the dough into 4 pieces. Divide the dough, take one dough and knead it for a while until it becomes a round dough about the size of a steamed bun.

After kneading all four doughs, cover them with plastic wrap and ferment again for 20 minutes . Fermenting again can give the yeast more time to multiply. Continuous fermentation in a short period of time can better separate and shape the dough.

Today I share with you 6 homemade buns. Each one is fluffy and soft, with a sweet and milky aroma. It is also simple to make, with zero difficulty and no skills. You can easily make it at home. No preservatives are added. It tastes better than the ones bought outside. Don’t worry - DayDayNews

After the secondary fermentation is completed, take out a dough dough and press it with your hands. Press it into a disc and roll it into a ox tongue shape with a rolling pin. Roll it into a roll. Use a knife to cut it in two from the middle. Follow this method to cut the four pieces. All bread doughs are done.

Today I share with you 6 homemade buns. Each one is fluffy and soft, with a sweet and milky aroma. It is also simple to make, with zero difficulty and no skills. You can easily make it at home. No preservatives are added. It tastes better than the ones bought outside. Don’t worry - DayDayNews

Pick up a dough roll and stick a little water on the bottom first. The water will make it easier to stick the sesame puff pastry. Then stick the sesame puff pastry you just made. Place it in an oven dish, cover it with plastic wrap and let it ferment for another 30 minutes.

Today I share with you 6 homemade buns. Each one is fluffy and soft, with a sweet and milky aroma. It is also simple to make, with zero difficulty and no skills. You can easily make it at home. No preservatives are added. It tastes better than the ones bought outside. Don’t worry - DayDayNews

4. Start baking:

After the bread base has fermented, use a small brush to evenly brush the egg liquid on the top of the bread base , then sprinkle a little white sesame seeds and put it in the oven tray and bake for 25 minutes .

Today I share with you 6 homemade buns. Each one is fluffy and soft, with a sweet and milky aroma. It is also simple to make, with zero difficulty and no skills. You can easily make it at home. No preservatives are added. It tastes better than the ones bought outside. Don’t worry - DayDayNews

Prepare a small basin, pour a little honey and water, if the honey is too thick, use water to adjust it.

When the bread is baked for 20 minutes , take out and brush it with a layer of honey water , put it back in the oven and bake for another 5 minutes , the bun will be cooked. A golden and crispy honey soft-bottom bun is ready.

Today I share with you 6 homemade buns. Each one is fluffy and soft, with a sweet and milky aroma. It is also simple to make, with zero difficulty and no skills. You can easily make it at home. No preservatives are added. It tastes better than the ones bought outside. Don’t worry - DayDayNews

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