What did he do to be accused of treason? His name is Musharraf, and he is the former president of Pakistan. What has happened to such a president who works hard to govern?

2024/06/1818:17:33 hotcomm 1462

Such an ordinary-looking old man was suddenly sentenced to death by a special court in Pakistan on "treason" on December 17, 2019. Who is this person? What on earth did he do to be accused of treason? His name is What did he do to be accused of treason? His name is Musharraf, and he is the former president of Pakistan. What has happened to such a president who works hard to govern? - DayDayNews


What has happened to such a president who works hard to govern? Let him go from a superior leader to a "prisoner" who everyone calls for beatings.

Hello everyone, this is the history of Weilu. Take you to taste history and see the world. Warm a pot of wine, sit down on your knees, and listen to me slowly telling you.

Opportunities to enter politics

On August 11, 1943, Musharraf was born in New Delhi , India, and began his ups and downs life. When Musharraf was born, India and Pakistan were still one family and were both British colonies.

But as time goes by, the global national liberation movement is developing vigorously , India was no exception at that time, trying hard to get rid of the British control and become an independent country.

Under the strong pressure of the Indian national liberation movement , the United Kingdom was forced to propose a "divide and rule" plan.

On June 4, 1947, Mountbatten declared officially released, India and Pakistan completely became two countries. However, because this statement was written by a British lawyer who had never been to India, there were huge problems in the division of some regions. also laid great hidden dangers for the later India-Pakistan war .

What did he do to be accused of treason? His name is Musharraf, and he is the former president of Pakistan. What has happened to such a president who works hard to govern? - DayDayNews

Musharraf's father served as a diplomat in the newly established Pakistan, so the family had to leave their hometown and immigrate to Karachi in Pakistan.

Because of these special experiences, the young Musharraf came up with a bold idea,

"I want to be a ground-breaking soldier, firmly protecting the people under my wings, so that they can live a stable life." life."

Musharraf then took advantage of the favorable conditions provided by his father to work towards his goals. Finally, when he was 18 years old, he successfully entered Pakistan's most famous Army Military Academy and started his military career.

Military school life was more difficult than Musharraf imagined. Not only did he have to undergo various high-intensity training every day, but he also had to be proficient in using various weapons, but he did not give up because of the difficulties. Instead, he turned difficulties into motivation and faced the devilish training with a positive attitude. It was also with this spirit and his hard work that he successfully stood out among a group of military academy students. He became an artillery officer shortly after graduating.

What did he do to be accused of treason? His name is Musharraf, and he is the former president of Pakistan. What has happened to such a president who works hard to govern? - DayDayNews

Just a year after he was promoted to artillery officer, the conflict between India and Pakistan escalated. Musharraf's army was transferred to the Changamang forest area near Lahore, Punjab Province. Coincidentally, Most of his comrades are locals from Punjab. It's very convenient to get home, just a few hours' drive away. Musharraf was extremely envious. He also missed home very much, but his hometown Karachi was very far away from here. It would take at least a day and a night to reach it by train. At this time, the war between India and Pakistan was about to break out, and his superiors did not give him the opportunity to go home to visit relatives. As the saying goes, what you can't get is always turbulent. The more Musharraf is not allowed to go home, the more he wants to go back.

What did he do to be accused of treason? His name is Musharraf, and he is the former president of Pakistan. What has happened to such a president who works hard to govern? - DayDayNews

Musharraf is pictured with his family

So Musharraf once again submitted an application to his superiors to go home to visit relatives. Before the approval result came out, he secretly bought a ticket to go home, hoping to make a show of it first. But what surprised him was that as soon as he got home, he received a call from his superiors asking him to return to the team. Musharraf, who had finally arrived home, was extremely reluctant and had already thought of what to say to deal with his superiors. However, he learned on the phone that the fighting on the front line was suddenly tense, and Musharraf had no other choice but to rush back to the front line.

Perhaps because he failed to take a vacation, Musharraf brought his anger and sorrow to the battlefield to vent his anger on the Indian soldiers. This unintentional move actually made him shine on the battlefield. After the war, he was awarded the "Warrior" Medal by the military region.

What did he do to be accused of treason? His name is Musharraf, and he is the former president of Pakistan. What has happened to such a president who works hard to govern? - DayDayNews

In the next six years from 1965 to 1971, Pakistan and India also had many conflicts, large and small. But every time Musharraf could accomplish it extremely brilliantly, and gradually his reputation gradually spread among the military. Some people even nicknamed him the God of War in private.

Due to his outstanding military exploits, Musharraf's superiors loved him very much, so his career was extremely smooth. In the 1990s, his promotion path became more like cheating. He was promoted to major general in 1991 and lieutenant general in 1995.

At this time, his outstanding achievements were recognized by the then Prime Minister What did he do to be accused of treason? His name is Musharraf, and he is the former president of Pakistan. What has happened to such a president who works hard to govern? - DayDayNews

Musharraf was also very grateful to Sharif for his kindness. Although the relationship between the two was not pleasant in their subsequent interactions, Musharraf was still conscientious. Assist Sharif.

Musharraf and Sharif turned against each other

As time went by, Sharif became more and more aware that Musharraf was in the way, so he decided to get rid of Musharraf. However, Musharraf held real power, and it was not that easy to kill him domestically. easy. He must seize the right opportunity to reduce casualties as much as possible and remove the "poison" Musharraf.

What did he do to be accused of treason? His name is Musharraf, and he is the former president of Pakistan. What has happened to such a president who works hard to govern? - DayDayNews


The opportunity came soon. On October 9, 1999, Musharraf received an invitation letter from Sri Lanka . The letter wrote:

"I hope Musharraf can be honored to participate in the establishment of Sri Lanka's army." anniversary commemorations."

Musharraf readily agreed. To his surprise, came on the third day of his visit to Sri Lanka with his wife. His immediate boss Sharif suddenly interrupted a news broadcast on national television. The Prime Minister announced on the news that General Musharraf, Chief of Army Staff and Chairman of the Federation, would retire early, and his position would be directly replaced by Zia, Director of the Inter-Services Intelligence Agency. Uddin took over. As soon as this news was announced, the people of Pakistan were all confused. How could General Musharraf be suddenly removed from office despite doing a good job.

What did he do to be accused of treason? His name is Musharraf, and he is the former president of Pakistan. What has happened to such a president who works hard to govern? - DayDayNews

However, Musharraf was unaware of these changes. At this time, he was happily sitting on the plane returning to Karachi. Just when the plane was about to land, he learned that not only had he been dismissed from his post innocently, but the plane he was traveling on had also been He ordered a landing ban and saw that the plane was running out of fuel. If measures were not taken in time, his end would definitely be very difficult to the naked eye. So he immediately issued orders to his cronies and completed a coup that changed Pakistan's destiny directly on the plane. This coup directly ousted Sharif from the position of president, and at the same time Musharraf declared himself to be the new President of Pakistan .

What did he do to be accused of treason? His name is Musharraf, and he is the former president of Pakistan. What has happened to such a president who works hard to govern? - DayDayNews

Musharraf practices "tough" diplomacy

As the fourth "military president" in the history of Pakistan, Musharraf's political achievements during his reign were very impressive. Although he did not bow to European and American countries, he still relied on his own charm It has been widely recognized by the Western world. was even named one of the "Six Outstanding Figures in the World" by the American " Times" in 2002.

What did he do to be accused of treason? His name is Musharraf, and he is the former president of Pakistan. What has happened to such a president who works hard to govern? - DayDayNews

Why did he receive such a high honor?

It turns out that after the 9.11 incident in 2001, Musharraf suddenly realized that Pakistan is now at the crossroads of the times. Going in a different direction may bring completely different results to Pakistan. One is to follow the footsteps of the United States and hold high the banner of "anti-terrorism"; the other is to be content with the status quo and do nothing.

After Musharraf's careful consideration, he felt that peace and development have increasingly become the themes of today's era. If a country wants to develop well, it must conform to the trend of the times.

So Musharraf made two decisions that Pakistan had never made before: First, fully cooperate with the air defense plan of the superpower United States; second, directly abandon the Taliban which was designated as a terrorist.

What did he do to be accused of treason? His name is Musharraf, and he is the former president of Pakistan. What has happened to such a president who works hard to govern? - DayDayNews

It was these two correct decisions that brought the relationship between Pakistan and the United States closer, and even the government that had not been recognized since he took power in mutiny was accepted by the United States.

The big brother of the United States has readily acknowledged the existence of the Musharraf government, and its younger brothers are not willing to show weakness to Pakistan. It is also because of this that Pakistan's foreign exchange reserves have exceeded any other period in a very short period of time.

Not only that, Musharraf also used the United States and India to ease relations. In this way, Pakistan's external stability has been improved, and the expenses previously spent on military have been saved and put into people's livelihood . Build roads, railways and other infrastructure to facilitate people's travel. Invest in high-tech, build hospitals and schools, etc. The living standards of the Pakistani people are getting better and better visible to the naked eye.

What did he do to be accused of treason? His name is Musharraf, and he is the former president of Pakistan. What has happened to such a president who works hard to govern? - DayDayNews

Sino-Pakistani relations during Musharraf’s administration

Pakistan has always had a very favorable impression of China because of the materials China provided during the Pakistan-India War. Musharraf did not neglect his old friend just because relations with the United States had eased. Even during his administration, China-Pakistan relations even reached a "honeymoon period."

What did he do to be accused of treason? His name is Musharraf, and he is the former president of Pakistan. What has happened to such a president who works hard to govern? - DayDayNews

During one of his visits to China, he took the initiative to build a railway connecting China and Pakistan to facilitate exchanges and cooperation between the two countries. After careful consideration, our country's leaders felt that this method was feasible and incorporated it into the Gwadar Port. Since the completion of the port and the China-Pakistan Railway, the connection between China and Pakistan has become more convenient. It has even been used in China. After Western countries imposed sanctions and blocked the Persian Gulf and the Malacca Strait , there was still a safe channel connecting West Asia and Africa.

In 2008, the Wenchuan Earthquake occurred in China. This sudden disaster shocked the Chinese people. Caught off guard, our country devoted all its efforts to provide disaster relief. After learning the news, caring people from all over the world also extended a helping hand and donated money and materials to China. But what no one expected was that during the earthquake. The day after the incident, a foreign medical team quietly appeared in China. It turned out that they were the medical staff sent by Musharraf to support the country's post-disaster medical system, and they also brought Musharraf's instructions. :

"Don't worry, Chinese brothers, whatever you need, we will be provided by you."

What did he do to be accused of treason? His name is Musharraf, and he is the former president of Pakistan. What has happened to such a president who works hard to govern? - DayDayNews

This sentence is not an empty talk. Not long after, Musharraf also sent 4 s with only from Pakistan. The transport plane transported relief supplies to China. In order to load more supplies, Musharraf did not hesitate to remove the leather seats on his presidential plane.

Later, after our staff counted the relief supplies from Pakistan, they discovered that Pakistan had sent them. The number of tents in other countries is an integer, but the tents sent by Pakistan are accurate to single digits. Later, after questioning, it was discovered that Musharraf had plundered all the tents in the country in order to support China. Pakistan is the only foreign friend who treats China with such sincerity.

What did he do to be accused of treason? His name is Musharraf, and he is the former president of Pakistan. What has happened to such a president who works hard to govern? - DayDayNews

Musharraf’s drastic domestic reforms

The first thing Musharraf did after coming to power was to carry out comprehensive reforms for the entire Pakistan. He proposed the president. Through the referendum election method, put the right to elect the president into the hands of every Pakistani people. In addition, he also vigorously implemented the " clean up officials " policy to support the government. Clean out all the borers and use the money saved for people's livelihood.His move immediately touched the interests of many people, so many people began to impeach him. However, those who opposed Musharraf gradually discovered that because Musharraf's political performance was so good, their impeachment had no effect. , but allowed Musharraf to continue to be re-elected.

What did he do to be accused of treason? His name is Musharraf, and he is the former president of Pakistan. What has happened to such a president who works hard to govern? - DayDayNews

But there is no other way. Musharraf does not have anything impeachable in his political performance, so the opponents use the separation of political power in Pakistan to manage the country . However, since Musharraf came to power, he has not let go of military power. When Musharraf was first impeached for this reason, he had no psychological fluctuations and continued to go his own way. Don't take these people seriously at all.

However, as time went by, Musharraf found that those who impeached him were not only the opposition in his country, but also more and more international forces joined in, and his mental pressure also increased.

So after he was re-elected as president for the third time in 2008, he voluntarily gave up military power and only retained the civilian position of president. Not long after Musharraf discovered , he made a wrong move. Because he found that without military power, some of the drafts he made could not be implemented according to the plan.

What did he do to be accused of treason? His name is Musharraf, and he is the former president of Pakistan. What has happened to such a president who works hard to govern? - DayDayNews

Musharraf resigned from the military

So he discussed with the Prime Minister to regain the general power again. As a result, after the opposition found out about this idea, they immediately accused him of being " authoritarian. ". He originally wanted to rely on his cronies to get out of the current predicament, but to his surprise, his His cronies had long since rebelled, and Musharraf was now isolated and helpless.

On August 18, 2008, he could no longer bear the pressure of being impeached by many parties and announced on a public platform that he would be relieved of all presidential duties.

What did he do to be accused of treason? His name is Musharraf, and he is the former president of Pakistan. What has happened to such a president who works hard to govern? - DayDayNews

Musharraf's overseas "exile life"

In the second year after resigning as president, Musharraf exiled himself to the United Kingdom and Dubai . But unexpectedly, the opposition did not let him go just because he took the blame and resigned.

In February 2011, the Pakistan Anti-Terrorism Court actually issued an arrest warrant for former President Musharraf, saying that he was suspected of participating in the assassination of former Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto.. Musharraf is really a man sitting in a foreign country, and the pot comes from the sky .

Although Musharraf is innocent, his opponents do not benefit much because Musharraf is in a foreign country and the arrest warrant is useless against him.

What did he do to be accused of treason? His name is Musharraf, and he is the former president of Pakistan. What has happened to such a president who works hard to govern? - DayDayNews

Then why did his opponents continue to exterminate him after he stepped down? It turns out that although Musharraf lives abroad, he still misses his motherland and people very much in his heart, and has even expressed his desire to participate in politics again on public platforms many times.

In order to prevent him from making a comeback, his opponents began to think of killing him. Musharraf, however, had no idea of ​​this.

Opponents felt that it would not be a problem to continue like this. In order to trick Musharraf into returning to the country and then kill him, in 2013, they spread the news that Musharraf's arrest warrant was lifted.

Although Musharraf did not know the authenticity of the news at this time, he still decided to risk his own life and return to the country to participate in the new presidential election in 2013.

What did he do to be accused of treason? His name is Musharraf, and he is the former president of Pakistan. What has happened to such a president who works hard to govern? - DayDayNews

But he didn't know that all this was just a conspiracy by those who opposed him. As soon as his plane landed, he was arrested by the local police in Karachi. Not only did Musharraf's dream of becoming president fail to come true, he also landed himself in jail. He refused to plead guilty in court to the charges against which he was impeached, and was later released on bail, allowing him to escape prison.

So frustrated, he decided to escape this place of right and wrong and go to Dubai to recuperate. In the following years, there were still many crimes against him. Until 2019, some forces with ulterior motives even labeled them as " treasonous " and were even punished with the death penalty.

What did he do to be accused of treason? His name is Musharraf, and he is the former president of Pakistan. What has happened to such a president who works hard to govern? - DayDayNews

At this time, the whole of Pakistan finally woke up and expressed shock and doubt about the judgment of the special court. After in-depth investigations by many parties, the former president who had made great contributions to Pakistan was finally cleared of his innocence. This matter Sharif, the instigator of the attack, was deported on corruption charges.

And this old friend who has made great contributions to China-Pakistan friendship can finally recuperate in Dubai without any worries. May Musharraf recover as soon as possible and spend his old age peacefully, and may China-Pakistan friendship last for generations and never end.

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