For many people, running is for health or to lose weight. When I asked, "How did you spend the most painful period in your life?" they replied: "Running."

2024/06/1811:34:32 hotcomm 1086

For many people, running is for health or to lose weight. When I asked,

For many people, running is for health or to lose weight. When I asked,

For many people, running is for health or to lose weight. For others, running is life-saving. When I asked, "How did you spend the most painful period in your life?" they replied: "Running."

Today, let’s take a look at these shocking and touching stories.

1. He was imprisoned for drug abuse, and he relied on running to survive the hard years.

For many people, running is for health or to lose weight. When I asked,

Last weekend, October 14, a runner whom the editor once interviewed won the 35-kilometer race in the "Hiking Across Greater Xiangxi" cross-country race. He won the championship with a time of 4 hours, 04 minutes and 57 seconds. This was his second cross-country championship. In May of this year, he won the first championship in the 30-kilometer group of the 2018 Xiaoxiang 100 Langshan International Cross-Country Race.

His name is Tang Yelong. Maybe you will think that he is just a great runner and there is nothing strange about him. But have you ever thought that this cross-country champion once spent two years in prison for fighting and drug abuse?

For many people, running is for health or to lose weight. When I asked,

In 1992, Tang Yelong was born in an ordinary rural family in Huaihua , Hunan Province. In his adolescence, he was very rebellious and hung out with a group of social young people every day. One day in May 2013, 21-year-old Tang Yelong was arrested by the local police for taking drugs. Because he had been arrested for taking drugs before, and he participated in a fight in 2011 because of his so-called loyalty, Tang Yelong Long was sentenced to two years in prison.

He was imprisoned when he was just over 20 years old, and his life hit rock bottom. Tang Yelong was heartbroken and felt that his life was over. He began to reflect on the dark years when he was stuck in the quagmire, and began to regret that he did not listen to his parents' teachings, which resulted in the waste of his youth and the sadness of his parents.

For many people, running is for health or to lose weight. When I asked,

In the early days of his sentence, Tang Yelong was depressed all day long. Later, he met an older brother who was also serving his sentence. The other brother began to encourage Tang Yelong and often sent him inspirational books. Because he was in poor physical condition after taking drugs, the elder brother would take him for a run every day after work in the prison area. At first, Tang Yelong would be out of breath even if he ran 200 meters. Later, under the supervision of his elder brother, he started to try 1km and 2km. Gradually, he became able to run better and better, his body got better and better, and his mood became better the more he ran. clear!

On September 15, 2015, Tang Yelong was released from prison after serving his sentence, but he could not find a job after having been in prison. Even if he just found a job, the other party would fire him as soon as he heard that he was a drug addict.

That period was even more uncomfortable than being in prison. In order to relieve this anxiety, Tang Yelong wakes up at 6 o'clock every morning and goes running and climbing. He said that he likes running, the unfettered and free feeling when running, and the sense of purpose and achievement that running brings him. He reflects on running and learns after running, and his life has never been more fulfilling. By running, he survived this period, found a job that suited him, and embarked on a new path in life.

For many people, running is for health or to lose weight. When I asked,

Later he fell in love with marathon and cross-country, and also achieved good rankings in some competitions. In August this year, he was invited to represent Huaihua City in the 13th Hunan Province Sports Games. He said that he never thought that this day would come. He was grateful for his determination to get rid of decadence and for his persistence day after day. Thank you for not giving up on yourself.

Seeing Tang Yelong's experience reminded me of a great movie "The Shawshank Redemption". Although the situations of the protagonists Andy and Tang Yelong are different, they have the biggest thing in common: self-salvation. For Tang Yelong, physical freedom can be obtained by being released from prison, but spiritual freedom can be obtained by running. Therefore, he should be grateful for running, and even more grateful for himself who never gives up.

When you think your life has come to an end, maybe it is another beginning for you.

People are not afraid of being humble, but they are afraid of losing hope in life. Life without any light is like falling into the darkness of the abyss. Life is also death. I can't help but think of Senier's words:

Good luck is enviable, but defeating bad luck is even more amazing.

2, divorce, depression, she relied on running to survive

There is this sentence in "Island Bookstore": Maybe everyone has the most difficult year in their life, but it will make life beautiful and beautiful. vast.

For many people, running is for health or to lose weight. When I asked,

Life is like a marathon, there will be a certain period of time that is particularly difficult. Just like Xiaonu, her studies, work, and marriage were all going smoothly, but when her daughter was 6 months old, she discovered the fact that her husband was cheating on her. In June 2015, she divorced her ex-husband. After that, she became a single mother, crying all day long, and was eventually diagnosed with depression , and her life became a mess.

Life will always give you a sudden brake, making you think about how you should take the future. Xiao Nu once cried loudly because she couldn't help but. Her one-year-old daughter hugged her neck tightly, wiped away her tears with her little hands, and said in a childish voice: "Mom, don't cry." At that moment Xiaonu made up her mind to cheer up and never let her children see her crying again.

For many people, running is for health or to lose weight. When I asked,

During this period of depression, Xiaonu started to exercise and run. She also started to have more contact with running friends and started running marathons and triathlons. Because of running and fitness, her world was reopened, her heart gradually opened up, she became strong and calm, her depression was cured, and she became a sunny and happy single mother.

Xiaonu said that she was grateful that running gave her the positive energy to continue living. "The road ahead is still long. I will hold my daughter's hand and run with her."

For many people, running is for health or to lose weight. When I asked,

Every mother was once a young and beautiful girl. , has infinite yearning for the future, especially love. She longed for a happy and harmonious family, but after getting married, she discovered that her life was beset with difficulties. There is never the word "easy" in the adult world. Who is not strong while crying, desperate for death, helpless while loving, and struggling with life to the end while cursing many difficulties?

Who doesn’t try his best to survive.

Xi Murong said: "Setbacks will come and pass, tears will be shed and put away. Nothing can make me discouraged, because I have a long life."

If life is too difficult, how can we relieve our worries? For Xiaonu, the only option is running.

3. Her body was burned, but she still insisted on running.

Maupassant said: People are sometimes very fragile, and they will burst into tears by something. Sometimes I am very strong, and I will be surprised to find that I have come a long way by gritting my teeth.

For many people, running is for health or to lose weight. When I asked,

Yesterday, the editor saw an entertainment news: Taiwanese singer Selina Ren Jiaxuan established the " Ren Zhen Beautiful" company, Ren's father was named the chairman. The name "Ren Zhenmei" sounds really beautiful. Speaking of Selina now, you may not help but think of the fire she experienced that changed her life while filming in 2010. The fire brutally destroyed her body and caused her to endure unbearable pain and torture. .

For many people, running is for health or to lose weight. When I asked,

During the years of recovery, exercise allowed her to rediscover herself and rise from the ashes. In June 2014, Selina participated in the Taipei 10-kilometer long-distance running event. In April 2015, she participated in her first half marathon. After that, Selina participated in the NIKE San Francisco Women's Half Marathon. In the process of conquering marathons one by one, running gradually untied her heart and helped her change her mentality, no longer afraid of exposing her scars. Now, no matter how busy she is at work, Selina will insist on running several times a week. "There must be sports equipment in my suitcase, and they have become part of my luggage."

Zweig said, God gives us All the gifts given to us have already been marked with a price secretly; similarly, all the hardships God has given us have been compensated secretly.

Life is far more difficult than imagined, but we are all stronger than imagined. In this life, no one has ever been taught how to be a human being by suffering several times. The feeling of being slapped one after another by life and being slapped all over the floor is particularly bad.

For many people, running is for health or to lose weight. When I asked,

The best way to overcome the suffering in life is to take action. When you feel unhappy, instead of thinking randomly, it is better to go out for a couple of runs to vent your emotions and create happiness. Physical self-confidence will bring psychological self-confidence, control of your own body, and then control of the complicated life.

4. Running makes you a new self

"If you ask me what is the charm of running? I think you will have yourself and feel your own life's desire for the world." Taiwanese running writer Ouyang Jing , overcame depression and anorexia through running, and now she has become a "missionary" of running.

For many people, running is for health or to lose weight. When I asked,

Running not only allows us to go back and face the past, it is also a solution, helping us to reshape and adapt those unpleasant memories: "After calling out the demons in us, running also provides us with the ability to overcome The devil's tool. "

If there are many unhappy moments in your life, go for a run, because running can cure all the misfortune and hypocrisy in your life.

For many people, running is for health or to lose weight. When I asked,

Running can give you new vitality, both physically and mentally. After running, you will be calm and no longer confused. You begin to understand that the tablet needs to be held up second by second, the book needs to be read page by page, and the road needs to be walked step by step.

running can help you regain your confidence in life. When running, you listen to your body's needs, feel your heartbeat, breathing, and the response of every muscle in your body. You find that you can control your own steps, and you can control your own life as you run.

Running can improve your physical fitness and improve your previous feelings of powerlessness and worthlessness. When you feel that you are strong and can conquer 5 kilometers, 10 kilometers, half marathon, and full marathon, and you have regained the confidence that you have lost for many years, that sense of accomplishment and satisfaction will arise spontaneously.

Taste all the bitter tastes in the world, smile at all the sweetness in life. After running, you can become a better version of yourself.

Competition Organizing Committee Cooperation: makongduoren002 (WeChat ID)

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