1. Introduction to Zengzi. Zeng Shen, courtesy name Ziyu, was born in the fifteenth year of King Jing of Zhou Dynasty (505 BC). He was an important representative of the Confucian school, one of the "Five Sages of Confucianism", and later generations revered him as the "Zong Sage

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1. Introduction to Zengzi. Zeng Shen, courtesy name Ziyu, was born in the fifteenth year of King Jing of Zhou Dynasty (505 BC). He was an important representative of the Confucian school, one of the

1. Zengzi’s introduction to .

Zeng Shen, whose courtesy name was Ziyu, was born in the fifteenth year of King Jing of Zhou Dynasty (505 BC). He was an important representative of the Confucian school, one of the "Five Sages of Confucianism", and later generations revered him as the "Zong Sage".

Zeng Shen became a disciple of Confucius at the age of sixteen. Before Confucius died, he entrusted his grandson Zisi to Zengzi to teach him. After the death of Confucius, Zengzi built a mao to guard the tomb and observed filial piety for his teacher for three years. Within three years, he would not leave the tomb and cut off all entertainment activities.

Zengzi advocated "filial piety, forgiveness, loyalty and trust", and he did not even deceive children. Once, Zeng Zi’s son was envious of his neighbor’s children for eating pork. Zeng Zi’s wife coaxed him: “When you get home, kill the pigs at home so that you can eat pork too.” The pigs were really killed and pork was made for the children to eat. The wife didn't understand, so Zeng Zi explained: "You should also say one thing to a child. You must do what you say, otherwise he will not be honest when he grows up."

"Xiu Qi Zhiping" was proposed by Zeng Zi "Introspection, caution on independence" and "taking filial piety as the foundation" were also put forward by Zengzi. He participated in the compilation of "The Analects of Confucius" and wrote "The Great Learning" and "The Classic of Filial Piety", which have been circulated for more than two thousand years until today.

Zengzi’s students were also very powerful. Wen has Zisi, the successor of Confucianism; Wu has Wu Qi, a politician and military strategist in the early Warring States period, who was called the "god of war" at that time.

1. Introduction to Zengzi. Zeng Shen, courtesy name Ziyu, was born in the fifteenth year of King Jing of Zhou Dynasty (505 BC). He was an important representative of the Confucian school, one of the

2. Zeng Zi’s father, Zeng Dian, was also one of Confucius’s “72 virtuous disciples”. Both father and son studied under Confucius.

Zeng Zi’s father was named Zeng Dian, also known as Xi. He was one of Confucius’ 72 wise men (it is said that all 72 of them were proficient in the six arts). He was worshiped by the court during the Eastern Han Dynasty. During the Tang and Song dynasties, Zeng Dian was consecrated by the court many times. In the Analects of Confucius, there is an article where Confucius asked students about their aspirations, which is recognized as the most beautiful passage in the entire Analects of Confucius.

"Confucius said: 'Speak of your ambition'. Point said: 'The spring clothes are ready, five or six people are crowned, and six or seven boys are bathing in Yi, and the wind is dancing with the urns, chanting and returning'. Confucius sighed and said:' Me and Dianye! '" Teacher

asked the students to talk about their ideals. Zeng Dian said: "My ideal is to put on spring clothes in late spring, have an appointment with five or six adults and six or seven children. Take a bath in Yishui, enjoy the breeze on the dance platform, and sing songs all the way home."

Confucius sighed happily: "My ambition is the same as Zeng Dian's!"

Simple and true, the world is beautiful. To be benevolent, this is Zeng Dian’s ambition.

1. Introduction to Zengzi. Zeng Shen, courtesy name Ziyu, was born in the fifteenth year of King Jing of Zhou Dynasty (505 BC). He was an important representative of the Confucian school, one of the

3. The origin of the surname Zeng ~ The Zeng family is also a descendant of the Yellow Emperor.

"Historical Records" records that the Yellow Emperor's 25th son was named Changyi. Changyi gave birth to Emperor Zhuanxu, and Emperor Zhuanxu gave birth to Gun. Gun was the father of King Yu.

Dayu's son was named Qi. He established the first hereditary dynasty in Chinese history. The country was named Xia and its capital was Yangcheng, which is now Dengfeng County, Henan.

Qi gave birth to Zhongkang, Kang gave birth to the emperor, and Xiang gave birth to Shaokang. King Shaokang of Xia named his second son Qu Lie the title of Zengzi, and established the country of Zuo in the fiefdom of Zeng (today's Tancheng and Cangshan area in Linyi, Shandong), which was the beginning of the country of Zuo. In ancient times, fiefdom was the surname, so Qu Lie took the surname Zu from then on.

1. Introduction to Zengzi. Zeng Shen, courtesy name Ziyu, was born in the fifteenth year of King Jing of Zhou Dynasty (505 BC). He was an important representative of the Confucian school, one of the

The country of Zuo lasted for a long period of about 1500 to 2000, going through the Xia, Shang, and Zhou dynasties, until the Spring and Autumn Period. In 567 BC, the country of Zuo was destroyed by the country of Ju, and the prince Wu Wu fled to settle in Nanwucheng of the country of Lu. .

From then on, the descendants of Zuowu used "Zou" as their surname, without the side of the city (阝), which meant that they left the old city and did not forget their ancestors, so they called it "Zeng". This is the origin of the surname Zeng. Later, the Zeng family all respected Zuowu as the first ancestor of the Zeng family.

The great-great-grandson of Shu Wu was none other than Zeng Zi.

"Thousands of years of past events" are narrated today to express our respect for Zeng Zi, this great sage.

1. Introduction to Zengzi. Zeng Shen, courtesy name Ziyu, was born in the fifteenth year of King Jing of Zhou Dynasty (505 BC). He was an important representative of the Confucian school, one of the

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