Pictures and Texts丨The most vicious editors丨The most vicious editors During the epidemic, the average time each person spent on watching TV dramas increased. To prevent the epidemic at home, TV series are definitely one of the sources of happiness. Today, the editor will sort out

2024/06/1810:22:33 hotcomm 1789

Pictures and Texts丨The most vicious editors丨The most vicious editors During the epidemic, the average time each person spent on watching TV dramas increased. To prevent the epidemic at home, TV series are definitely one of the sources of happiness. Today, the editor will sort out - DayDayNews

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During the epidemic, the average time everyone spent on watching TV dramas increased. During home epidemic prevention, TV series are definitely one of the sources of happiness.

Today, the editor will sort out for you the current Pictures and Texts丨The most vicious editors丨The most vicious editors During the epidemic, the average time each person spent on watching TV dramas increased. To prevent the epidemic at home, TV series are definitely one of the sources of happiness. Today, the editor will sort out - DayDayNews022 latest overseas drama world rankings. Let’s see what foreigners like to watch during the epidemic. What are the differences with us? The article is long. It is recommended to collect and watch it. !

NO.6 "Queen of the South" ( Queen of the South )

Pictures and Texts丨The most vicious editors丨The most vicious editors During the epidemic, the average time each person spent on watching TV dramas increased. To prevent the epidemic at home, TV series are definitely one of the sources of happiness. Today, the editor will sort out - DayDayNews

Producing country: the United States

"Queen of the South" is a subversive TV novel adapted from Spanish national writer - Arturo· Pérez Revitt2011 pseudo-documentary .

This play tells the story of the heroine Teresa. In the process of being chased and escaping by a drug cartel, she slowly learned the "knowledge" and "strategies" of the drug trafficking business, and gradually became a new member of the drug cartel. The boss. Rather than saying this is the story of a female drug lord, it would be better to say that this is the growth history of a woman.

Pictures and Texts丨The most vicious editors丨The most vicious editors During the epidemic, the average time each person spent on watching TV dramas increased. To prevent the epidemic at home, TV series are definitely one of the sources of happiness. Today, the editor will sort out - DayDayNews

At the age of 30, she controlled the lifeblood of global drug lords and was known as the "Queen of the South". This exactly echoes a passage in the original novel: Maybe this is life, breathing and walking alone, just to one day turn around and look back.

The actress Kate who plays Theresa has made the show extremely popular. She also has a strong aura. She likes to drive racing cars, drink wine, and even has a brand of tequila that she endorses. As a national icon, Kate attracted the attention of Joaquín Guzman .

Pictures and Texts丨The most vicious editors丨The most vicious editors During the epidemic, the average time each person spent on watching TV dramas increased. To prevent the epidemic at home, TV series are definitely one of the sources of happiness. Today, the editor will sort out - DayDayNews

Who is Joaquin Guzman? He is the leader of the Sinaloa Cartel, the number one drug lord in Mexico, who makes US$3 billion (approximately RMB 19.2 billion) from illegal drug transactions with the United States every year. His prototype is just like in "Narcos El Chapo", digging tunnels to transport drugs on the US-Mexico border; his children will often show off their pet lions and tigers on social media.

Pictures and Texts丨The most vicious editors丨The most vicious editors During the epidemic, the average time each person spent on watching TV dramas increased. To prevent the epidemic at home, TV series are definitely one of the sources of happiness. Today, the editor will sort out - DayDayNews

He was arrested three times, escaped from prison twice, and even dug a 1.5-kilometer-long tunnel from a Mexican prison bathhouse to a construction site.

Pictures and Texts丨The most vicious editors丨The most vicious editors During the epidemic, the average time each person spent on watching TV dramas increased. To prevent the epidemic at home, TV series are definitely one of the sources of happiness. Today, the editor will sort out - DayDayNews

Pictures and Texts丨The most vicious editors丨The most vicious editors During the epidemic, the average time each person spent on watching TV dramas increased. To prevent the epidemic at home, TV series are definitely one of the sources of happiness. Today, the editor will sort out - DayDayNews

There are few soap operas like this that can cross national borders, be adapted by mainstream American dramas, and even break the dimensional wall, affecting the international political and economic situation. After all, "Breaking Bad" teaches us that drug trafficking is a big business.

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"Queen of the South" has also opened up new horizons for TV novels. More and more dramas focusing on feminism are being produced, exploring more realistic issues including abortion, same-sex marriage, etc., instead of being limited to historical and romantic love themes. , reality is always more exciting than stories.

NO.5 "Dating in the Society"

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Country of production: South Korea

"I want to meet the person I am destined to be and get married because I love each other" - "Dating in the Society".

The drama is a romantic comedy directed by Park Seon-ho and written by Han Seol-hee . It stars Ahn Hyo-seob , Kim Se-jung, Kim Min-gyu, Seol In-ah . It is adapted from the popular online comic "The President and I Are in Love" .

Pictures and Texts丨The most vicious editors丨The most vicious editors During the epidemic, the average time each person spent on watching TV dramas increased. To prevent the epidemic at home, TV series are definitely one of the sources of happiness. Today, the editor will sort out - DayDayNews

This "True Fragrance Warning" is called "Dating in the Society" . became a hot search topic on Weibo as soon as it started airing. has a series of sweet settings of Korean dramas such as fake blind date, contractual marriage, and the overbearing president fell in love with me . sounds like an old joke from ten years ago, but don’t be frightened by such settings, you will definitely like it. This TV series has a relaxed atmosphere, a mindless story, and an unexciting plot that is addictive.

Pictures and Texts丨The most vicious editors丨The most vicious editors During the epidemic, the average time each person spent on watching TV dramas increased. To prevent the epidemic at home, TV series are definitely one of the sources of happiness. Today, the editor will sort out - DayDayNews

Netizen barrage comments

Pictures and Texts丨The most vicious editors丨The most vicious editors During the epidemic, the average time each person spent on watching TV dramas increased. To prevent the epidemic at home, TV series are definitely one of the sources of happiness. Today, the editor will sort out - DayDayNews

The heroine Shin Ha Li (played by Kim Se Jung) is a researcher of the food development team who is in debt. On this day, she went on a blind date instead of Bai Fumei's best friend. The goal is to let play the annoying Haenyeo so that the blind date will give up . But he never expected that ’s blind date turned out to be the newly appointed president of his company!

Pictures and Texts丨The most vicious editors丨The most vicious editors During the epidemic, the average time each person spent on watching TV dramas increased. To prevent the epidemic at home, TV series are definitely one of the sources of happiness. Today, the editor will sort out - DayDayNews

Jin Shizheng

It is also magical for an ordinary clerk to meet his boss on a blind date! is not in a hurry. Anyway, the other party does not know that he is a fake, nor does he know that he is a company employee. is for money, so the drama must continue.

Pictures and Texts丨The most vicious editors丨The most vicious editors During the epidemic, the average time each person spent on watching TV dramas increased. To prevent the epidemic at home, TV series are definitely one of the sources of happiness. Today, the editor will sort out - DayDayNews

The male protagonist Kang Tae-moo (played by Ahn Hyo-seop) is the newly appointed president of the Chaebol III. Not only does he have handsome looks, a smart mind and extreme self-confidence, is also a workaholic. In order to cope with the blind dates arranged by his grandfather one after another, made up his mind to marry the first blind date.

Pictures and Texts丨The most vicious editors丨The most vicious editors During the epidemic, the average time each person spent on watching TV dramas increased. To prevent the epidemic at home, TV series are definitely one of the sources of happiness. Today, the editor will sort out - DayDayNews

Ahn Hyo-seop

Objectively speaking, this drama is different from the mainstream dramas on the market now, but is an ancient Mary Sue sweet drama adapted from the comics, and is a real decompression. is a relaxing sweet pet romance drama is like a sweet and delicious dessert. Although it is not a meal, it brings indispensable happiness to life. is very suitable for everyone to watch to relieve boredom after work.

NO.4 "Taboo" (Taboo)

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Country of production: UK

"Taboo" is also known as death taboo, taboo game . This is a British drama that is full of male hormones. The drama is jointly produced by BBC One and FX. BBC's TV series and documentaries have always been of high quality.

The idea of ​​the drama "Taboo" comes from real historical events. It mainly tells the past events in England that took place in the early 19th century.

Pictures and Texts丨The most vicious editors丨The most vicious editors During the epidemic, the average time each person spent on watching TV dramas increased. To prevent the epidemic at home, TV series are definitely one of the sources of happiness. Today, the editor will sort out - DayDayNews

In Britain in 1814, the East India Company had a monopoly on trade with India and other Central Asian countries. It even actually ruled India and competed with the royal family. The United States, which is experiencing its second war of independence, is not only confronting Britain on the battlefields of Europe and America, but is also actively expanding trade relations with China and other countries, trying to take advantage of economic and trade opportunities. At the end of 1814, Britain and the United States signed the Treaty of Ghent in Ghent, Belgium, and peace was restored, with no territorial losses on either side.

Pictures and Texts丨The most vicious editors丨The most vicious editors During the epidemic, the average time each person spent on watching TV dramas increased. To prevent the epidemic at home, TV series are definitely one of the sources of happiness. Today, the editor will sort out - DayDayNews

Pictures and Texts丨The most vicious editors丨The most vicious editors During the epidemic, the average time each person spent on watching TV dramas increased. To prevent the epidemic at home, TV series are definitely one of the sources of happiness. Today, the editor will sort out - DayDayNews

Britain and the United States signed the "Treaty of Ghent" in Ghent, Belgium

The above is historical fact, and it is also the background setting of this drama. "Taboo" is a legendary story about the protagonist. History is just the background, and the proportion of fantasy is not too much or too little, which is quite original.

The play is directed by Tom Hardy and his father Chips Hardy , who wrote the novel, spent several years preparing the story and conceiving a conflicted protagonist. The first season of cost 10 million pounds (approximately 85 million RMB). It is said that the company gave 8 million which was not enough, so Tang Laoshi spent 2 million on it himself.

Pictures and Texts丨The most vicious editors丨The most vicious editors During the epidemic, the average time each person spent on watching TV dramas increased. To prevent the epidemic at home, TV series are definitely one of the sources of happiness. Today, the editor will sort out - DayDayNews

Tom Hardy

The protagonist of this film is also very interesting. Because of his personal background and behavior, would definitely be a "big villain" in other films. The protagonist James Delaney was first an accomplice of the East India Company in the slave trade . Later, he was rescued in Africa after the slave ship sank. He also learned the old taboo witchcraft in Africa, which made this rich second generation who did not do his job a favor. He became a force that Britain, the United States and the East India Company wanted to win over, and according to what he said, he did many unimaginable things.

Pictures and Texts丨The most vicious editors丨The most vicious editors During the epidemic, the average time each person spent on watching TV dramas increased. To prevent the epidemic at home, TV series are definitely one of the sources of happiness. Today, the editor will sort out - DayDayNews

The budget is large, the scenery is elegant, the costumes are exquisite, and you can also see many familiar faces.

includes the High Sparrow in "Game of Thrones" , playing the role of Sir Stuart, the governor of the East India Company; "Game of Thrones" in which the carrot wife finally died tragically in the bloody wedding Oona Chaplin , who plays the protagonist's half-sister. " Sherlock " In , Sherlock's brother Mark Gatiss plays the king.

Pictures and Texts丨The most vicious editors丨The most vicious editors During the epidemic, the average time each person spent on watching TV dramas increased. To prevent the epidemic at home, TV series are definitely one of the sources of happiness. Today, the editor will sort out - DayDayNews

The High Sparrow in "Game of Thrones"

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Mark Gatiss plays the king in "Sherlock"

The costumes and scenery of this film are also very sophisticated and have a sense of the times. The background of the story is set in London in 1814. This period happened to be the early days of the independence of the United States. The relationship between Britain and the United States was in constant conflict. The two sides even met again in 1812 and a war broke out.

Pictures and Texts丨The most vicious editors丨The most vicious editors During the epidemic, the average time each person spent on watching TV dramas increased. To prevent the epidemic at home, TV series are definitely one of the sources of happiness. Today, the editor will sort out - DayDayNews

The "Nootka Sound" mentioned in the play is a small bay in the Pacific Ocean, located on the west coast of Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada, 270 kilometers northwest of Victoria.

Pictures and Texts丨The most vicious editors丨The most vicious editors During the epidemic, the average time each person spent on watching TV dramas increased. To prevent the epidemic at home, TV series are definitely one of the sources of happiness. Today, the editor will sort out - DayDayNews

And the protagonist owns the humble Nootka Sound, is a strategic location that both the United Kingdom and the United States are competing for, and it is of great trade value. The three-party game between the royal family, the East India Company and the United States over Nootka Sound gives the plot a very clear sense of the times.

NO.3 "Vikings: Valhalla" (Vikings: Valhalla)

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Country of production: Canada

" Vikings: Valhalla " is produced by Canadian History Channel , and is very well produced. Although the fighting scenes are not as exciting as those in " Game of Thrones " and " Lone Kingdom Spring and Autumn " (mainly due to early funding issues), has a more in-depth exploration of cultural collisions.

The high degree of compatibility between this drama and history makes people feel magical. The names and prototypes of many characters are taken from real historical figures.

Pictures and Texts丨The most vicious editors丨The most vicious editors During the epidemic, the average time each person spent on watching TV dramas increased. To prevent the epidemic at home, TV series are definitely one of the sources of happiness. Today, the editor will sort out - DayDayNews

The six seasons of " Viking Legend " can be divided into three parts: Ragnar the Peasant, Ragnar's Road to Kingship, and Ragnar's Children . Although the Viking Age played an important role in European history from the 78th century to the 11th century, this drama mainly tells the first half of Viking history. There are also new dramas in the second half that are expected to be released in 2023. will be launched next year, everyone can look forward to it.

Pictures and Texts丨The most vicious editors丨The most vicious editors During the epidemic, the average time each person spent on watching TV dramas increased. To prevent the epidemic at home, TV series are definitely one of the sources of happiness. Today, the editor will sort out - DayDayNews

The play shows the most profound theme , which is the internal contradictions of the new century Vikings group.

The Vikings who held Nordic polytheistic beliefs were gradually eliminated by the Christian Vikings . The former were conservative in thinking and refused new things, just like the Ashina Kingdom in "Sekiro", which was in decline.

Pictures and Texts丨The most vicious editors丨The most vicious editors During the epidemic, the average time each person spent on watching TV dramas increased. To prevent the epidemic at home, TV series are definitely one of the sources of happiness. Today, the editor will sort out - DayDayNews

Pictures and Texts丨The most vicious editors丨The most vicious editors During the epidemic, the average time each person spent on watching TV dramas increased. To prevent the epidemic at home, TV series are definitely one of the sources of happiness. Today, the editor will sort out - DayDayNews

The latter grew up in a dual cultural environment, so they have a very good understanding of the geography and social operating modes of the Christian world, which gave them more advantages in plundering.

Pictures and Texts丨The most vicious editors丨The most vicious editors During the epidemic, the average time each person spent on watching TV dramas increased. To prevent the epidemic at home, TV series are definitely one of the sources of happiness. Today, the editor will sort out - DayDayNews

So we can see that the Vikings who believed in the old gods had limited economic strength, shabby equipment, and were slow to go to sea and enter the battlefield. The Vikings who believed in Christianity had relatively strong economic strength and well-equipped equipment. They had swords and shields in their hands and armor on their bodies. They were well-trained and skilled in work.

Pictures and Texts丨The most vicious editors丨The most vicious editors During the epidemic, the average time each person spent on watching TV dramas increased. To prevent the epidemic at home, TV series are definitely one of the sources of happiness. Today, the editor will sort out - DayDayNews

Regardless of the domestic situation, the drama has a profound influence at least in countries such as the United Kingdom and the United States, and most British people can also watch it and become very involved. Let's think about it, this is like a TV series about the war of aggression against China from a Japanese perspective, will you watch it?

NO.2 "Inventing Anna" (Inventing Anna)

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Country of production: United States

"Inventing Anna" is a big hit released by Netflix in 2022. It became the ratings champion in just 2 days after it was launched, and the number of views is More than twice that of third place. is adapted from a true story and an interview with in a popular article in New York Magazine, telling the story of a top female liar.

Pictures and Texts丨The most vicious editors丨The most vicious editors During the epidemic, the average time each person spent on watching TV dramas increased. To prevent the epidemic at home, TV series are definitely one of the sources of happiness. Today, the editor will sort out - DayDayNews

The real-life Anna Sorokin

The experience of this female con artist is so bizarre that Netflix has already established a relationship with the famous TV producer Shonda Rhimes (main works: "Grey's Anatomy" ) signed a 5-year contract with to adapt this well-known story into a new drama.

Pictures and Texts丨The most vicious editors丨The most vicious editors During the epidemic, the average time each person spent on watching TV dramas increased. To prevent the epidemic at home, TV series are definitely one of the sources of happiness. Today, the editor will sort out - DayDayNews

Shonda Rhimes

The story tells the story of who claims to be Anna Delvey, a second-generation rich man from Germany. comes to the New York fashion circle and gets to know many socialites. She also wants to raise funds to create the "Anna Deville Fund" "Yes," However, after defrauded a large amount of wealth, everyone saw through her tricks, and exposed her ugly lies one by one. In fact, he was just Anna Sorokin from a fighting nation!

Pictures and Texts丨The most vicious editors丨The most vicious editors During the epidemic, the average time each person spent on watching TV dramas increased. To prevent the epidemic at home, TV series are definitely one of the sources of happiness. Today, the editor will sort out - DayDayNews


The world's top female liar

New York's upper class, a class that is unreachable and unattainable in the eyes of most people, has been deceived by a little girl born in the 1990s in the past few years.

Pictures and Texts丨The most vicious editors丨The most vicious editors During the epidemic, the average time each person spent on watching TV dramas increased. To prevent the epidemic at home, TV series are definitely one of the sources of happiness. Today, the editor will sort out - DayDayNews


html The 728-year-old German girl Anna Sorokin used her eloquent tongue to fabricate false identities and bank statements to defraud the trust of a group of New York's rich and powerful, enjoying the pleasure of wealth and power. The amount is up to $200,000.

The "Legend of Fraud" fake socialite case was tried in Manhattan Supreme Court. The client was found guilty of four counts of "major fraud" and sentenced to 4-12 years in prison. This story has come to an end.

Pictures and Texts丨The most vicious editors丨The most vicious editors During the epidemic, the average time each person spent on watching TV dramas increased. To prevent the epidemic at home, TV series are definitely one of the sources of happiness. Today, the editor will sort out - DayDayNews

The picture on the left is the prototype of Anna in the play.

The upper class society in New York in Anna's eyes seems to be a world where money and friendship are easy to get.

Her lying skills are not superb, but she is very convincing, and she even thinks it is true. started out as an intern at an art magazine, pretending to be a second-generation German rich man and sneaking into the American upper class. He deceived a group of New York elites and transformed into a socialite in New York, leaving others to pay for everything.

Pictures and Texts丨The most vicious editors丨The most vicious editors During the epidemic, the average time each person spent on watching TV dramas increased. To prevent the epidemic at home, TV series are definitely one of the sources of happiness. Today, the editor will sort out - DayDayNews


Perhaps, under the rules of a society where money can be used to play, Anna used her cunning and observation skills to see through the vanity and glitz here. Everything is just like what she said: "The money in this world is unlimited, but the real smart people are very limited."

There is such a saying in the upper class society: "Everyone is your best friend, you I don’t understand anyone.”Among the rich people everywhere, there are the “new money class” who have become rich overnight through their own efforts. Of course, there are also the second and third generations of rich people who use their parents’ trust funds to make mischief. .

Pictures and Texts丨The most vicious editors丨The most vicious editors During the epidemic, the average time each person spent on watching TV dramas increased. To prevent the epidemic at home, TV series are definitely one of the sources of happiness. Today, the editor will sort out - DayDayNews

"Anna" is definitely one of the must-see TV series in 2022. The drama not only provides an in-depth analysis of the blind spots in human nature, but also gives a glimpse into the lifestyle of New York's upper class. The extremely luxurious and heavenly days of make people fascinated and envious. It is also possible to see how a girl who is eager for success can hide evil and promote good to the extreme, performing a wonderful scam that has never been done before and will never come after!

NO.1 "The Last Kingdom" (Spring and Autumn of the Solitary Country)

Pictures and Texts丨The most vicious editors丨The most vicious editors During the epidemic, the average time each person spent on watching TV dramas increased. To prevent the epidemic at home, TV series are definitely one of the sources of happiness. Today, the editor will sort out - DayDayNews

Producer country: United Kingdom

"Spring and Autumn of the Solitary Country" is adapted from Bernard Cornwell 's book "The Saxon Story" , produced by "Tang Directed by the creator of "The Manor", it tells the story of the birth of England based on the Anglo-Saxon nation's resistance to the Danish invasion.

The "Spring and Autumn" series can be regarded as an out-and-out unpopular drama in China, but its super high quality cannot be denied. The play was filmed in Hungary, Denmark and the coast of Wales. Actors from eight countries were used to retell history. The war scenes were grand and epic.

Pictures and Texts丨The most vicious editors丨The most vicious editors During the epidemic, the average time each person spent on watching TV dramas increased. To prevent the epidemic at home, TV series are definitely one of the sources of happiness. Today, the editor will sort out - DayDayNews

mainly tells the story: In the year 872, when the separate kingdoms of what was now known as the British Empire and the Kingdom of Wessex were ravaged by the Vikings, the Kingdom of Wessex was the last country standing tall. The warrior Utherd.

His parents were killed by the Vikings, but he was raised by the Vikings. Throughout his life, he had to choose between the country where he was born and the relatives who raised him. He wandered between betrayal every time. With the edge of loyalty. played a key role in the birth of the New England country.

Pictures and Texts丨The most vicious editors丨The most vicious editors During the epidemic, the average time each person spent on watching TV dramas increased. To prevent the epidemic at home, TV series are definitely one of the sources of happiness. Today, the editor will sort out - DayDayNews

Pictures and Texts丨The most vicious editors丨The most vicious editors During the epidemic, the average time each person spent on watching TV dramas increased. To prevent the epidemic at home, TV series are definitely one of the sources of happiness. Today, the editor will sort out - DayDayNews

Compared with "Game of Thrones" , this drama is very low-key, and the publicity is not strong enough, but its fascinating plot and cold and objective shooting techniques give this drama a unique charm, grand and heavy The sense of history is vividly reflected against the main colors of gray and black.

Pictures and Texts丨The most vicious editors丨The most vicious editors During the epidemic, the average time each person spent on watching TV dramas increased. To prevent the epidemic at home, TV series are definitely one of the sources of happiness. Today, the editor will sort out - DayDayNews

Elements such as Vikings, England, blood and violence are all fully presented in this short and concise British drama.


The above are recommended for everyone The latest overseas drama world rankings in 2022 , which one are you most interested in? Are there any other overseas dramas worth watching? Please leave a message to exchange recommendations! Let’s discuss it together! It is not easy to organize . I hope everyone will support it. Likes + comments + attention are welcome for !

Pictures and Texts丨The most vicious editors丨The most vicious editors During the epidemic, the average time each person spent on watching TV dramas increased. To prevent the epidemic at home, TV series are definitely one of the sources of happiness. Today, the editor will sort out - DayDayNews

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