Tomorrow night (June 14), a "super moon" will appear in the night sky. This is the "second largest full moon" this year. How is the weather across the country? Where can you watch the rare visual feast of the "Super Moon"? Come and take a look at the super moon viewing map.

2024/06/1810:17:33 hotcomm 1450

Tomorrow night (June 14), a "super moon" will appear in the night sky. This is the "second largest full moon" this year. How is the weather across the country? Where can you watch the rare visual feast of the "Super Moon"? Come and take a look at the super moon viewing map.

The weather in Shaanxi, Shanxi and other places is conducive to viewing Sichuan, Chongqing, or you can enjoy the moon with clouds

According to astronomers, the fullest moment of this full moon occurred at 19:52, and the apparent diameter of the moon is very large, which is different from the "largest full moon" of this year. Not much.

So what is the weather like across the country? Is it suitable to watch the spectacle? Hu Xiao, chief meteorological analyst of China Weather Network, said that the eastern part of the northwest, most of the Huanghuai, Jianghuai, and northern Jiangnan will be mainly sunny, which is conducive to viewing; while southeastern Inner Mongolia, northeastern Hebei, western Liaoning, Shandong Peninsula, and the coastal areas of Jiangsu Affected by the cold vortex, the weather is not good, and the above-mentioned areas will be covered by large clouds, which is not conducive to viewing; the southeastern coastal and southern China areas are affected by the intersection of cold and warm air with frequent rains, making it difficult to watch the super moon.

Tomorrow night (June 14), a

In big cities such as Xi'an, Taiyuan, Nanchang, Wuhan, Changsha, Zhengzhou, Yinchuan, Hefei and other places, the sky cloudiness is less conducive to viewing, and the probability of encountering this "astronomical drama" is higher. You can look up at the sky at that time , have a romantic encounter with the wonder; Chengdu, Chongqing and other places with clouds and moon, you may have the opportunity to enjoy the super moon.

The sky in Beijing, Tianjin, Shijiazhuang, Kunming and other places has more clouds, so there is a high probability that the super moon will pass by; friends in Nanning, Guilin, Fuzhou, Shanghai, and Nanjing may also miss it due to frequent rains. It's a super moon.

It is understood that the reason why the full moon is different in size is because the moon revolves around the earth in an elliptical orbit, sometimes closer to the earth and sometimes further away. Its orbital period is approximately 27.3 days, which is the orbital period of the moon around the earth. The point in orbit closest to the Earth is called perigee, and the farthest point is called apogee. When the moon is at perigee, it is closest to us and appears largest. When it is at apogee, it is furthest away from us and appears smallest. If the full moon happens to appear near perigee, the moon will look "big and round", which is called a "supermoon".

get Tips for admiring the moon to help you encounter astronomical wonders

Experts said that after dark on June 14, the public can pay attention to the night sky, which can be viewed with the naked eye. If you use binoculars, astronomical telescopes and other equipment to watch, the effect will be better. Binoculars have a large field of view, are easy to carry and operate, and have just the right magnification to bring the entire moon into the field of view, making them a powerful auxiliary observation tool for viewing a total lunar eclipse. In terms of specifications, you can choose binoculars with a magnification of 7 to 10 times, an objective lens diameter of 35 mm to 50 mm, and a field of view of about 8°.

Using an astronomical telescope to observe the super moon can magnify the moon dozens of times, increase the brightness of the moon, and more clearly appreciate the details of the moon, and clearly see the lunar sea, craters, mountains and other landform features. If you can attach a camera behind the telescope, you can also take beautiful close-up photos of the lunar eclipse. Let us look forward to the super moon tomorrow night!

column editor: Qin Hong Text editor: Yang Rong Title picture source: Tu Chong Picture editor: Su Wei

source: Author: China Weather Network

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