Compilation of credit products for Hulunbuir City’s financial services to assist enterprises in bailing out Agricultural Development Bank Hulunbuir Branch credit products for individual businesses and small and micro enterprises Product name: Agricultural small business loan appl

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Compilation of credit products for Hulunbuir City’s financial services to assist enterprises in bailing out Agricultural Development Bank Hulunbuir Branch credit products for individual businesses and small and micro enterprises Product name: Agricultural small business loan appl - DayDayNews

Hulunbuir City Financial services to assist enterprises in rescuing credit Products Compilation

Agricultural Development Bank Hulunbuir Branch

Individual businesses and small and micro enterprises Credit products

Product name: Agricultural small business loans

Application conditions: In line with national industries, Environmental protection and other policies, production and operation for more than one year, main business involving agriculture, good financial status, and good credit status. There is no bad credit record in the past three years, and the legal representative or actual controller has no bad credit record that is serious or malicious in the past five years. The number of financial institutions involved in other financing shall not exceed 3.

Loan amount: 10 million or less

periods Limit: The term of short-term working capital loan shall not exceed 1 year, the maximum period of circulating working capital loan shall not exceed 2 years, and the maximum term of medium-term working capital loan shall not exceed 3 years. The maximum term of fixed asset loans shall not exceed 5 years.

Interest rate: In accordance with the relevant provisions of the People's Bank of China and Agricultural Development Bank of China interest rate management, the

guarantee method: guaranteed loan method, with priority given to government guarantee institutions.

Business phone number:

Hailar District Branch: 8295857 Zhalantun Branch: 321934

Yakeshi Branch: 7226468 Genhe Branch: 5220056

Ewenki Branch: 8818397 Erguna Branch :6824978

Arongqi Sub-branch: 4218578 Moqi Sub-branch: 4620739

Oroqen Branch: 5628936

Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Hulunbuir Branch

Credit products for individual industrial and commercial households and small and micro enterprises

1. Product name: Business Quick Loan - Agricultural Development Quick Loan (Online)

Application conditions: Aged between 18 and 65 years old, engaged in Farmers and herdsmen engaged in agricultural and animal husbandry production and operation, legal representatives, major shareholders or actual controllers of agricultural and animal husbandry operating entities, farmers and herdsmen who go to cities to start businesses and find employment, and participate in the integrated development of primary, secondary and tertiary industries in rural and pastoral areas and rural revitalization. Personnel etc.

Loan amount: Maximum financing amount is 1 million yuan

periods Limit: The loan period is generally 1 year, and the longest shall not exceed 3 years

Interest rate Rate: Annual interest rate shall not exceed 5%

Guarantee method: credit, guarantee

2. Product name: Business Quick Loan - Tax Loan (Online)

Application conditions: is based on corporate value-added tax invoice data and tax declaration data; the company has continued to pay taxes for more than 2 years. Loan customers can complete loan applications through mobile banking.

Loan amount: Maximum financing amount is 3 million yuan

periods Limit: loan term no more than 1 year

Interest rate rate: One-year LPR plus 30 basis points, minimum 4.1%

Guarantee method: credit

Three. Product Name: Business Quick Loan - Medical Insurance Loan (Online)

Application conditions: If you apply in the name of a small and micro enterprise, the small and micro enterprise must have normal industrial and commercial registration. If you apply in the name of a small and micro enterprise owner, the borrower must be aged between 18 to 65 years old, have full capacity for civil conduct, hold a valid "Drug Business License" issued by the Food and Drug Administration, have a designated service agency code determined by the Medical Insurance Bureau, and be recognized by the medical insurance agency unified medical insurance payment system.

loan limit: The maximum loan limit for legal persons is 2 million yuan, and the maximum loan limit for individuals is 300,000 yuan.

periods of are limited to: self-cyclical withdrawals, and the period of a single IOU shall not exceed 6 months.

profit rate: one-year LPR plus 30 basis points, with a minimum of 4.1%.

Guarantee method: credit

4. Product name: Business Quick Loan - Tobacco Loan (Online)

Application conditions: The borrower is between 18 and 65 years old, has full capacity for civil conduct, has a fixed business location, and owns tobacco monopoly license . Have been engaged in tobacco business for more than 2 years and have no record of tobacco inspection and punishment.

Loan amount: The maximum financing limit is 2 million yuan

periods Limit: The loan period shall not exceed 1 year

Interest rate Rate: The annual interest rate shall not exceed 4.57%

Guarantee method: Credit

Five, Product name: Business fast Loan - Merchant e-loan (online)

Application conditions: Individual industrial and commercial households engaged in production and operation within the autonomous region; have legal business qualifications, have a fixed business location, and have been in continuous operation for more than 3 years; have a stable source of income and good credit status, Open an personal settlement account in our bank.

Loan amount: The maximum loan amount does not exceed 100,000 yuan

periods Limit: The loan period generally does not exceed 1 year, and the longest does not exceed 3 years

Interest rate Rate: The annual interest rate does not exceed 5%

Guarantee method: Credit

6. Product name: e-credit/e-quick loan (online)

Application conditions: The collateral must be high-quality housing/small and micro enterprises in the real estate area recognized by our bank that have been established for more than 1 year (inclusive) and have been operating normal.

Loan amount: The maximum loan amount does not exceed 5 million yuan - 10 million yuan

periods limit: one-time mortgage, the amount is revolving, borrow and repay as you go, the single loan period

can be up to 12 months, and the loan period is the longest It can last up to 10 years.

Profit rate Rate: is reasonably priced based on LPR, with a minimum of 3.85%

Guarantee method: mortgage

Business phone number:

Hailar Branch: 8288243 Hedong Branch: 8261031

Anju Branch: 8231497 Central Street Branch: 8340136

Genhe Branch: 5222529 Ergu Na Branch: 6823173

Zhalantun Branch: 3200017 Arong Banner Branch: 4214130

Railway Branch: 8321179 Ewenk Branch: 8812779

Oroqen Branch: 5625902 Yakeshi Branch Bank: 7303217

Moqi Branch: 4613285 Yimin Branch: 8791788

Dayan Branch: 8606009 Chenqi Branch : 6711928

Agricultural Bank of China Hulunbuir Branch

supports credit products for individual industrial and commercial households and small and micro enterprises

1. Product name: Asset e-loan (online)

Application conditions: The legal representative of a small and micro enterprise has a housing mortgage loan. The repayment period exceeds 2 years and the mortgage maturity date is not less than 2 years. Small and micro enterprise customers whose daily average financial assets of enterprises and their legal representatives in Agricultural Bank of China reach a certain amount.

Loan amount: Up to 3 million yuan

periods Limit: 1 years

Interest rate : The maximum does not exceed 4.25%

Guarantee method: Pure credit, unsecured

2. Product name: Tax e-loan

Application conditions : Enterprise's latest tax credit rating is above level M. The total corporate tax paid by the enterprise in the past 12 months is more than 10,000 yuan. There is no serious breach of trust determined by the tax department, and there is no unpaid tax. The company's total sales revenue in the past year is greater than 200,000 yuan.

Loan amount: Up to 2 million yuan

periods Limit: 1 years

Interest rate : The maximum does not exceed 4.25%

Guarantee method: Pure credit, unsecured

3. Product name: Account e-loan

Application conditions : can be applied only if it is within the whitelist range automatically extracted by our bank system.

Loan amount: Up to 1 million yuan

periods Limit: 1 years

Interest rate : The maximum does not exceed 4.25%

Guarantee method: Pure credit, unsecured

IV. Product name: First household e-loan

application Conditions: The company is the "first loan borrower" of the Agricultural Bank of China, and has not handled "loans", " discounts", "advances" and other businesses with our bank, and has no record of handling "Weijie Loan". The enterprise has at most one financing balance in other banks. The company was established within 2 years. Good credit rating.

Loan amount: Maximum 300,000 yuan

period Limit: 1 years

Interest rate : The maximum does not exceed 4.25%

Guarantee method: Pure credit, unsecured

5. Product name: Mortgage e-loan

Application conditions : The business owner must be between 18 and 65 years old; the credit status of the business owner is normal, and the business has been in production and operation for more than 1 year (inclusive); the business has no more than 3 credit lines from other banks, and its unsettled debts have no non-performing balances.

Loan amount: up to 5 million yuan

periods limit: up to 3 years

Interest rate : up to no more than 4.25%

Guarantee method: Compliant real estate mortgage as a guarantee method

VI. Product name: cigarette Commercial e-loan

application conditions: The borrower has more than 2 years of tobacco business experience, and the annual smoking volume is more than 200,000. The tobacco certificate and business license holder must be the same person. The borrower is between 22 and 59 years old. Hulunbuir Local people may have houses or commercial buildings locally.

Loan amount: Maximum 500,000 yuan

Period: 1 years

Interest rate: 4.25%, specifically implemented according to LPR

Guarantee method: Pure credit, unsecured

7. Product name: Mobile e-loan

Application conditions: The borrower operates an mobile company agency store and has an agency agreement; has been an agency mobile business for more than 2 years; the borrower is aged 22 to 59 years old, is a local in Hulunbuir or has a residential or commercial building locally.

Loan amount: Maximum 500,000 yuan

Period: 1 years

Interest rate: 4.25%, specifically implemented according to LPR

Guarantee method: Pure credit, unsecured

8. Product name: Wine merchant e-loan

Application conditions : The borrower is a downstream distributor of a well-known winery; has cooperated for more than 2 years; has annual sales of more than 300,000; has a legal business license, and the borrower is between 22 and 59 years old; is a local in Hulunbuir City or has a residential or commercial building locally.

Loan amount: Maximum 500,000 yuan

Period: 1 years

Interest rate: 4.25%, specifically implemented according to LPR

Guarantee method: Pure credit, unsecured

9. Product name: store e-loan

Application conditions: The borrower is a merchant settled in the mall, and the mall management will collect cash uniformly; has been in normal business for more than 2 years; has annual sales of more than 300,000; has a legal business license; the borrower is between 22 and 59 years old, a local in Hulunbuir or has a house in the local area or commercial housing.

Loan amount: Maximum 500,000 yuan

Period: 1 years

Interest rate: 4.25%, specifically implemented according to LPR

Guarantee method: Pure credit, unsecured

10. Product name: Pharmacy e-loan

Application conditions : has been in normal operation for more than 2 years; annual sales exceed 200,000; the borrower is aged 22 to 59 years old, is a local in Hulunbuir or has a residential or commercial building locally.

Loan amount: Maximum 500,000 yuan

Period: 1 years

Interest rate: 4.25%, specifically implemented according to LPR

Guarantee method: Pure credit, unsecured

11. Product name: Car dealer e-loan

application Conditions: has been in normal operation for more than 2 years; annual sales exceed 1 million; the borrower is aged 22 to 59 years old, is a local in Hulunbuir or has a residential or commercial building locally.

Loan amount: Maximum 500,000 yuan

Period: 1 years

Interest rate: 4.25%, specifically implemented according to LPR

Guarantee method: Pure credit, unsecured

12. Product name: Travel e-loan

Application conditions : has been in operation for more than two years, and the recorded income from fees in the past two years is not less than 500,000 yuan; the borrower is aged 22 to 58 years old, is a local in Hulunbuir, or has a residential or commercial building locally.

Loan amount: Maximum 500,000 yuan

Period: 1 years

Interest rate: 4.25%, specifically implemented according to LPR

Guarantee method: Pure credit, unsecured

13. Product name: Short-term working capital loan

Application Conditions: The business owner is between 18 and 65 years old; the business owner’s credit status is normal, and the business has been in production and operation for more than 1 year (inclusive); the business has no more than 3 credits from other banks, and its unsettled debts have no bad balance; the business belongs to a non-profit industry. Real estate, finance and other industries.

Loan amount: Maximum 10 million yuan

periods Limit: 1 years

Interest rate : Our bank system automatically calculates, the maximum does not exceed 4.25%

Guarantee method: The borrower or mortgagor provides a qualified real estate mortgage as Guarantee method or guarantee provided by a guarantee company approved by our bank.

44. Product name: Weiyidai

Application conditions: The business owner is between 18 and 65 years old, the business owner’s credit status is normal, and the business has been in production and operation for more than 1 year (inclusive); the business has no more than 3 credit lines from other banks. , its outstanding debts have no non-performing balance; the industry to which the company belongs is not real estate, finance and other industries.

Loan amount: Maximum 5 million yuan

period Limit: 1 years

Interest rate : Our bank system automatically calculates, the maximum does not exceed 4.25%

Guarantee method: The borrower or mortgagor provides real estate mortgage as a guarantee method or The guarantee is provided by a guarantee company approved by our bank.

15. Product name: Business Assistance Loan

Application conditions: business owner must be between 18 and 65 years old; the business owner’s credit status is normal and there is no bad credit record in our bank or other banks. The enterprise has been in production and operation for more than 1 year (inclusive); the enterprise has no more than 3 credit extensions from other banks, and its outstanding debts have no non-performing balance; the enterprise belongs to an industry other than real estate, finance and other industries.

Loan amount: Maximum 1.5 million yuan

period Limit: Maximum 10 years

Interest rate : Our bank system automatically calculates

Guarantee methods: mortgage guarantee, natural person guarantee , credit guarantee institutional guarantee, market Management party guarantee and corporate legal person guarantee.

Business phone number

Manager Song of Hailar Branch 15247135435 Manager Zhang 0470-8349412

Manager Yu 18504708839 Manager Ma 15247187251

Manager Wei 15560700859 Manager Guo 1 5049540066

Zhalantun Branch Manager Liu 18347005733 Manager Yang 0470-8950705

Arong Banner Branch Song Manager 15547013345

Moqi Branch President Xiao 13614801290 Manager Zhang 13948406116

Dongqi Branch President Li 18504708104 Manager Chen 14747067444

West Flag Branch President Lu 1584 9029517 Manager Guo 13722106558

Chen Qi Branch Manager Cui 18504708367 Manager Xu 13190995466

Evenk Branch Manager Hai 15149296555 Manager Jiao 15734800707

Yakeshi Branch Manager Wang 13847075166 Manager Zhou 18504708608

Genhe Branch Manager Zhu 15804703034 Manager Qi 18647360077

Ergun Manager Hu 131 91300568 Manager Wang 15204906693

Oroqen Branch Manager He 13134924466 Manager Guo 18347066555

Bank of China Hulunbuir City Branch

Credit products for individual businesses and small and micro enterprises

are inclusive to the public -

1. Product name: Bank of China Enterprise E Loan • Credit Loan (online)

Application conditions: Small and micro enterprises that operate legally and effectively; enterprises and its legal representative have opened an account at Bank of China ; their credit status is good.

product quota : loan limit up to 1 million yuan

periods limit: term one year

profit rate: annual interest rate up to no more than 4.35% (specific model calculation)

product features : recyclable: borrow at any time Repayable and recycled; pure credit: credit limit up to 1 million yuan, no guarantee required. Purely online: automatic approval, online withdrawal and repayment.

2. product name: "BoC Enterprise E Loan • Bank Tax Loan"

"Bank of China Enterprise E Loan • Bank Tax Loan" product is based on the tax information of small and micro enterprises by Bank of China with the help of the Internet and big data technology. Online service credit loans provided to small and micro enterprises.

Application conditions: A small and micro enterprise that operates legally and effectively; the enterprise and its legal representative have an account with the Bank of China; the credit status is good; the enterprise has a good tax credit record.

Product quota : Loan limit up to 3 million yuan

periods limited to : term one year

profit rate : The maximum annual interest rate does not exceed 4.35%

product features : Pure online: automatic approval, online Repayment; pure credit: credit limit is up to 3 million yuan, no guarantee required. Recyclable: Borrow, return and reuse anytime.

3. product name: "Bank of China Enterprise E Loan • Mortgage Loan"

"Bank of China Enterprise E Loan Mortgage Loan" product is a product of Bank of China that uses the Internet and big data technology to use residences, apartments and villas as the main guarantee way, working capital loans provided to small and micro enterprises.

Application conditions: Legally operated small and micro enterprises; The enterprise has an account with the Bank of China; The credit status is good.

product quota : loan limit up to 10 million yuan

periods limit: one-year period - three-year period

interest rate rate: annual interest rate shall not exceed 4.35%

guarantee method: uses real estate as a guarantee method

product Features : is recyclable: borrow, return, and reuse. Super convenient: online approval, online withdrawal and repayment.

4. Product name: High-standard farmland construction loan (offline)

In order to support the construction of high-standard farmland in the autonomous region, we tailor-made exclusive financing service plans for companies in the survey, design, construction, and material supply of high-standard farmland construction projects. .

Application conditions: A small and micro enterprise that operates legally and effectively; has a good credit record; has obtained a transaction/bid winning notice for a "high-standard farmland construction project" in accordance with the law; the enterprise has opened a special collection account at the Bank of China.

product quota : The maximum total credit limit for shall not exceed 20 million yuan; at the same time, the total credit limit shall be determined based on a maximum limit of 70% of the total amount of the transaction/bid winning notice.

period limit: period of one year

profit rate: winning bidders can enjoy preferential interest rates, the interest rate is not higher than 4.65%

product features : easy loan application: obtain the "high standard farmland construction project" transaction/winning notice You can apply with the book.

pure credit: credit loan without other mortgage guarantees.

Flexible payment methods: There are various withdrawal and repayment methods to meet the needs of enterprises.

letter of guarantee service: Before bidding, you can enjoy the preferential services of bidding deposit and issuance of letter of guarantee. After winning the bid, you can also simultaneously issue performance guarantee , migrant workers wage guarantee, etc.

5. product name: Guarantee loan (offline)

"Guarantee loan" is based on the "bank policy" and "bank government guarantee" risk sharing model, and is included in the "small and micro enterprise pool" Enterprises within the cooperation scope provide credit support, and the government provides risk compensation as a product of risk mitigation measures.

application conditions: enterprises should be included in the government's "small, medium and micro enterprise pool", and at the same time be jointly recommended and recognized by government departments and the Bank of China; priority should be given to industries such as "agriculture, rural areas and animal husbandry", technology, culture, and environmental protection; enterprises in China The bank opens a settlement account.The credit record is good and there is no malicious behavior of evading debts.

product quota : total credit amount shall not exceed 20 million yuan

periods limit: term one year

guarantee method: guarantee company guarantee

product interest rate: interest rate shall not be higher than 4.65%; the government establishes risks in Bank of China The capital pool uses risk compensation as a means of risk mitigation; it is a guarantee company that has cooperated with Bank of China for more than two years and has a government investment background and strong strength.

6. Product Name Government Procurement Loan (Offline)

Government Procurement Loan business refers to suppliers who have obtained the government procurement contract of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region in accordance with the law. Based on the transaction notice and government procurement contract , Bank of China provides them with Credit business that provides a certain percentage of credit loans.

Application conditions: A small and micro enterprise that operates legally and effectively; has a good credit record; the enterprise obtains a transaction notice from the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Government Procurement Network, and the purchaser must be a unit at or above the municipal level.

product quota : loan limit up to 10 million yuan

periods limit: term one year

profit rate: interest rate not higher than 4%

product features :

Applying for a loan is simple: get the transaction/winning notice You can apply for

pure credit: credit loan, no other collateral pledge guarantee

flexible payment: various withdrawal and repayment methods to meet the needs of enterprises.

Seven, product name: BOC Credit Factory (offline)

BOC Credit Factory is a reasonable, simplified, standard, end-to-end factory-style "assembly line" operation and professional division of labor adopted by Bank of China to provide all-round services for small and micro enterprises. A new business model for financial services.

Application conditions: The enterprise has been operating continuously for more than 2 years; the actual controller of the enterprise has been engaged in the corresponding industry for no less than 4 years; the credit status of the enterprise and its legal representative is good.

product quota : credit line up to 20 million yuan

periods limit: working capital loan 1-3 years, fixed asset loan 1-5 years

profit rate: not higher than 4.65%

guarantee method: guarantee There are various methods, such as mortgage, pledge, guarantee company guarantee, etc.

product features : has simple application procedures, low loan costs, and flexible control of funds.

Private and inclusive -

8. Product name: Personal investment and business loan (offline)

refers to the loan issued by the Bank of China to solve the production problems of borrowers (including individual industrial and commercial households, small and micro business owners, farmers, etc.) RMB loans for normal capital needs during the operation process can be used for project operations and capital turnover.

application conditions: has a legal business entity and can provide relevant business licenses and operating permits.

Product quota: The amount of personal business loans does not exceed 3 million yuan.

Product term: The maximum term of personal business loans does not exceed 5 years (including 5 years): 1 year for working capital types and 5 years for fixed assets types.

Interest rate: is implemented in accordance with the interest rate pricing requirements related to inclusive finance.

guarantee methods: supports real estate mortgage, certificate of deposit pledge and other guarantee methods.

9. Product Name: Medical Insurance Pharmacy Operation Loan (Offline)

Medical Insurance Pharmacy Operation Loan is used for business-related purposes such as the purchase of drugs and medical machinery, and shall not be used for equity investment or areas where production and operation are prohibited by the state.

Application conditions: A retail pharmacy with a valid business license, a drug business license, and a medical insurance designated retail pharmacy that meets the following conditions: The Medical Insurance Bureau signs a medical insurance agreement with a qualified retail pharmacy.

product quota: For customers who use credit methods, the maximum credit amount does not exceed 150,000 yuan; if they use mortgage methods, the maximum credit amount is 1 million.

product term: shall not exceed 1 year at most, and the loan term shall not exceed the lease term.

loan interest rate: is implemented in accordance with the interest rate pricing requirements related to inclusive finance.

guarantee method: credit, mortgage.

10. Product name: Shuiyidai (online)

The purpose of Shuiyidai is limited to the capital turnover of legal operations related to the borrower's main business, and shall not be used for equity investment or areas where production and operation are prohibited by the state.

Application conditions: Individual industrial and commercial households and small and micro business owners with tax records.

product quota: The maximum amount for is 500,000 yuan.

product term: The loan limit is valid for 1 year.

loan interest rate: is implemented in accordance with the interest rate pricing requirements related to inclusive finance.

guarantee method: credit, mortgage.

11. Product Name: Planting Loan (Offline)

Planting Loan is used for farmers to purchase pesticides, seeds, fertilizers, oils, etc. It cannot be used for equity investment or areas where production and operation are prohibited by the state.

Application conditions: has certain planting experience and technical level, and has been in the industry for no less than two years; has qualified planting land, owns or leases supporting machinery and equipment, and has complete facilities.

product quota: maximum does not exceed 3 million yuan.

loan period: The maximum loan limit period for shall not exceed 1 year.

loan interest rate: is implemented in accordance with the interest rate pricing requirements related to inclusive finance.

guarantee method: is guaranteed by the guarantee company to provide full joint liability guarantee.

12. Product name: Visiting Tobacco Merchant Loan (offline)

Visiting Tobacco Loan is used for the purchase of cigarette products and non-cigarette products within its business scope, and shall not be used for equity investment or areas where production and operation are prohibited by the state.

application conditions: has a legal business entity, has more than 3 years (inclusive) of tobacco business experience, and can provide a business license and tobacco monopoly retail license. Have more than 2 consecutive years (inclusive) of tobacco business experience and be a tobacco merchant classified in level 5 (inclusive) or above.

product quota: 30% of the customer’s visits in the new business alliance system in the past year.

product term: The maximum loan limit term for shall not exceed 1 year.

loan interest rate: is implemented in accordance with the interest rate pricing requirements related to inclusive finance.

Guarantee methods: credit, mortgage

Bank of China business contact number:

Inclusive Finance Division:

Chen Kechao 0470-8208014/15847031634

Yakeshi Branch:

Yang Linchun 0470-7305188/137220 06769

Arong Banner Branch:

Zhang Guangzhu 0470-4259059/ 13804701598

Ewenki Banner Branch:

Guo Ya 0470-8202291/13847001031

Jianshe Bank Hulunbuir Branch

Support individual industrial and commercial households and small and micro enterprises credit products

1. Product name: Cloud Tax Loan (Online)

application conditions: small Micro enterprises or individual industrial and commercial households; enterprises and business owners with good credit status; customers who pay taxes with integrity.

Loan amount: 05,000 yuan - 2 million yuan

periods Limit: up to 12 months

Interest rate starting from 4.20%

Guarantee method: credit

2. product name: Account Cloud Loan (online)

application conditions: small and micro enterprises or individual industrial and commercial households; the credit status of the enterprise and business owners is good; open a corporate settlement account with China Construction Bank and have transactions.

Loan amount: 05,000 yuan - 100,000 yuan

periods Limit: Up to 12 months

Interest rate Starting from 4.20%

Guarantee method: credit

, Product name : Settlement Cloud Loan (online)

application conditions: small and micro enterprises or individual industrial and commercial households; the credit status of the enterprise and business owners is good; a corporate settlement account is opened in China Construction Bank, and the settlement status is stable.

Loan amount: 05,000 yuan - 2 million yuan

periods Limit: Up to 12 months

Interest rate Starting from 4.20%

Guarantee method: credit

four , Product name: Merchant Cloud Loan (online)

application conditions: small and micro enterprises or individual industrial and commercial households; the credit status of the enterprise and business owners is good; merchant acquiring business is carried out in China Construction Bank or a third-party payment company.

Loan amount: 05,000 yuan - 3 million yuan

periods Limit: Up to 12 months

Interest rate Starting from 4.20%

Guarantee method: credit

5. Product name: Cloud Power Loan (online)

application conditions: small and micro enterprises and business owners; the credit status of the enterprise and business owners is good;

an honest electricity consumption enterprise.

Loan amount: 10,000 yuan - 2 million yuan

periods Limit: up to 12 months

Interest rate : 4.45% starting

Guarantee method: credit

six , product name: individual industrial and commercial household operation Quick loan (online)

application conditions: individual business owners or sole proprietorships; good credit status;

holding financial assets from China Construction Bank or an honest tax-paying enterprise.

Loan amount: 05,000 yuan - 3 million yuan

periods Limit: up to 12 months

Interest rate starting from 4.25%

Guarantee method: credit

seven , product name: first household Quick loan (online)

application conditions: small and micro enterprises, business owners (co-borrowers) or individual industrial and commercial households;

enterprises and business owners have good credit status.

Loan amount: 05,000 yuan - 3 million yuan

periods Limit: Up to 12 months

Interest rate Starting from 4.20%

Guarantee method: Credit

Eight , Product name: Salary Cloud Loan (online)

application conditions: small and micro enterprises or individual industrial and commercial households; enterprises and business owners with good credit status; small and micro enterprises with a good salary payment record from China Construction Bank.

Loan amount: 05,000-3 million

periods Limit: Up to 12 months

Interest rate : Starting from 4.20%

Guarantee method: Credit

Business phone number:

Overseas branch:

Sales Department: 0470-8551647 Hedong Branch: 0470-8551635

Zhongzhong Street Branch: 0470-8221062 Xuefu Branch: 0470-8259096

Hualian Branch: 0470-8551706 Hexi Branch: 0470-8322372

Bell Branch: 0470-8308533 Hulun Branch: 0470- 8231081

Qianbaihe Branch: 0470-8207746 Tianrun Branch: 0470-8306580

Railway Branch: 0470-2226951 Ganzhuer Branch: 0470-8551308

Chengnan Branch: 0470-8577270 Manzhouli Lu Branch: 0470-8253229

Longyun Branch: 0470-8331703

flag County branch:

Yakeshi branch: 0470-7209985 Yakeshi Qingsong Road branch: 0470-7266108

Yakeshi market branch: 0470-7332661 Yakeshi Wudaojie branch: 0470-7306442

Yakeshimendu branch: 04707 368526 tie Lantun Branch: 0470-3240491

Zhalantun Xiushui Branch: 0470-3219273 Yimin Branch: 0470-8791340

Yimin Binhe Branch: 0470-8711311 Dayan Branch: 0470-8609730

Yanzhong Branch: 0470-8605920 Moqi Branch: 0470- 4613502

Oroqen Branch: 0470-5622482 Genhe Branch: 0470-5223178

Ewenk Branch: 0470-8814570 Arong Banner Branch: 0470-4228501

China Postal Savings Bank Hulunbuir Branch

individual industrial and commercial household loan product introduction

1. Product name: Business Loan- Mortgage loan

application conditions: has full civil capacity; has no bad credit record; is between 18 and 65 years old, has a local household registration or has lived in the local area continuously for one year or more; should have been operating normally for one year or more.

Loan amount: Maximum loan amount 3 million yuan

Loan period: Up to 5 years

Interest rate: 1-year annual interest rate is 6.1%; 1-5-year loan interest rate is 6.5%.

Guarantee method: mortgage

2. Product name: fresh food wholesale loan

Application conditions: is engaged in the wholesale of fresh products at the Wanjiahui Farmers Wholesale and Retail Market in Hailar District, Hulunbuir City or the Bingxin Farmers Wholesale Market in Zhalantun City Merchants in the industry must have local household registration, own local real estate, or have been operating in the industry locally for five years, and their annual income should be at least 3 million yuan.

Loan amount: Maximum loan amount 500,000 yuan

Loan period: Up to 1 year

Interest rate: Annual interest rate 5.8%

Guarantee method: Credit

3. Product name: Government Loan-Reemployment Loan (online Next)

Application conditions: Urban registered unemployed people, people with employment difficulties (including disabled people), demobilized veterans, people released from prison, college graduates (including college student village officials and students who have returned from studying abroad), and employees of enterprises that have resolved excess production capacity and unemployed people, migrant workers who have returned to their hometowns to start businesses, online merchants, registered poor people, farmers and herdsmen who start their own businesses in rural areas, and people who have moved to the countryside to start their own businesses as individuals, partnerships or organizations in our city and have insufficient funds. Guaranteed loan support for starting a business. Loan applicants must be under 58 years old for men and under 48 years old for women. It has legal and effective production and operation procedures and no bad credit record.

Loan amount: Maximum loan amount 200,000 yuan

Loan period: 2 years

Interest rate: LPR+150BP. Among them, personal responsibility: LPR-150BP (as of January 20, 2022, the customer bears 2.2%) financial discount: except for the remaining part borne by the individual (financial discount is 3%).

Guarantee method: html Pure credit for less than 7.1 million yuan, and a guarantee or mortgage that can cover the loan amount for more than 100,000 yuan is required

4. Product name: Speedy Loan (Pure Credit Online, Tobacco Speedy Loan Online, Mortgage Online+ Offline)

Application conditions: Credit Speedy Loan is for old customers of our bank, and Mortgage Speedy Loan is for new and old customers. Aged 18-60 years old. Have a legal business entity that has been operating normally for more than 1 year (including 1 year); have a tobacco retail license and the registrants are you and your spouse. The tobacco retail license must be valid when applying for a loan.

Loan amount: The maximum loan amount of credit speed loan is 300,000 yuan, and the maximum loan amount of mortgage speed loan is 2 million yuan.

Loan period: credit speed loan can be up to 2 years, tobacco speed loan can be up to 2 years; mortgage speed loan can be up to 5 years.

interest rate: credit speed loan annual interest rate is 8%; credit whitelist customers 7.5%; mortgage speed loan 5.5%.

guarantee method: credit, mortgage.

5. Product name: Postal and Agricultural Loan (offline)

Application conditions: New agricultural and animal husbandry business entities such as large planting (breeding) households, family pastures, and other agriculture-related customers.

loan amount: loan amount up to 1 million yuan

loan term: loan term up to 3 years

interest rate: 1-year loan interest rate 5.6%; loans with a term of more than 1 year (excluding 1 year)-3 years (inclusive) ) The annual loan interest rate is 6.2%.

Guarantee method: Inner Mongolia Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Financing Guarantee Co., Ltd. provides guarantee

Business phone number:

Hailar Alihe Road Branch 0470-8205630

Guangming Street Branch 0470-8208509 Caoshi Street Branch 0470-8333385

Ewenki Branch 0470-8987390 Zhalantun Branch 0470 -3200767

Yakeshi Branch 0470-7307299 Manzhouli Branch 0470-6224777

Xinyouqi Branch 0470-6409178 Genhe Branch 0470-5224543

Oroqen Branch 0470-562276

Oroqen Dayangshu Branch 0470-5712219

Arong Banner Branch 0470-3969768 Moqi Branch 0470 -4628441

Ergun Branch 0470-6935883 Chenqi Branch 0470-6778911

Shanghai Pudong Development Bank Hulunbuir Branch

Support credit products for individual industrial and commercial households and small and micro enterprises

1. Product name: Corporate Customer "House Mortgage Quick Loan" Business

application conditions : Small and micro enterprise legal persons, private enterprises, partnerships, Sino-foreign joint ventures, foreign-funded enterprises, township enterprises and other organizations that can be granted credit in accordance with the law; open a unit settlement account with the Bank; have a good credit record.

Loan amount: not exceeding 10 million yuan

Period: not exceeding 5 years

Interest rate: 1-year interest rate not exceeding 5.4%

Guarantee method: residential and commercial real estate mortgage + joint guarantee by the actual controller and his wife

Business phone number: 0470-2955990

2. Product name: "Bank Tax Loan" business (online)

Application conditions: Small and micro enterprises established for more than two years, registered in the jurisdiction of our bank, general taxpayers, tax credit rating For A or B, the company has a good tax payment record; the company's sales revenue in the last 12 months is not less than 800,000 yuan; the company's total tax payment in the last 12 months is not less than 10,000 yuan.

Loan limit: online no more than 1 million yuan, offline no more than 2 million yuan.

Period: not exceeding 1 year

Interest rate: not exceeding 4.45%

Guarantee method: credit

Business phone number: 0470-2955990

3. Product name: Silver Credit Business (online)

Application conditions: Enterprise has been established 2 years; the enterprise's asset-liability ratio is not higher than 70%; the enterprise's total profit in the previous year is greater than 0; and affiliated enterprises have already handled this business, they are not allowed to enter.

Loan amount: not exceeding RMB 500,000

Period: one year

Interest rate: not exceeding 4.45%

Guarantee method: credit

Business phone number: 0470-2955990

4. Product name: Small and micro enterprise online discount ( Online)

Application conditions: Small and micro enterprises that hold bank acceptance bills and need discounts; have basic information such as trade contracts, value-added tax invoices, financial statements, and levy codes.

Loan amount: Discount balance shall not exceed 25 million yuan

Term: Discount date to bank acceptance bill maturity date

Interest rate: Subject to the discount interest rate on the discount date

Business telephone number: 0470-2955990

5. Product name: Personal Business Loan - Housing Loan Quick Loan (offline)

Application conditions: must be 18-70 years old, have household registration in the location of the handling bank, or valid residence status, or fixed residence; the borrower and his spouse are subject to personal tax The credit rating must not be level five or level six; the borrower opens a personal settlement account with the Bank.

Loan amount: Single-family loan amount does not exceed 10 million yuan

Term: The maximum loan period does not exceed 20 years

Interest rate: 1-5-year interest rate is 5.5%, and 6-20-year interest rate is 5.8%.

Guarantee method: House mortgage guarantee method

Business phone number: 0470-2955980

China Merchants Bank Hulunbuir Branch

Support credit products for individual industrial and commercial households and small and micro enterprises

Product name: offline (business mortgage loan)

Application conditions: Own a house Have business and have been in business for at least one year

Loan amount: Maximum 2 million yuan

Period: Credit extension is up to 10 years, maximum loan period is 3 years

Interest rate: 4.1%-5.6%

Guarantee method: mortgage Guarantee (residential)

business phone number: He Wei 18647060309

Hulunbuir Branch of the Bank of Inner Mongolia

supports individual industrial and commercial households and small and micro enterprises credit products

1. Product name: Easy Loan

Application conditions : The applicant is a corporate customer: Have a valid and valid business license, have been operating for two years, have a fixed residence and business premises, and operate legally. The applicant's main settlement business must be handled by our bank. The applicant has made continuous profits in the past two years, has a good reputation, and has no illegal activities or bad credit records. If the applicant is an individual industrial and commercial household: he has full capacity for civil conduct, a fixed residence, and a business license. And valid existence, the operating entity was established within two years. The cash flow generated during the applicant's business operations must be reflected in the account opened by our bank; the applicant has a good reputation and has no illegal behavior or bad credit record.

Loan amount: Enterprises shall not exceed 10 million yuan, and industrial and commercial households shall not exceed 5 million yuan.

periods of are limited to : uses guarantee as the only guarantee method, which shall not exceed one year at most. If mortgage guarantee or pledge guarantee is the only form of security, the maximum period shall not exceed three years.

interest rate rate : loan interest rate refers to the one-year loan market quotation rate (LPR) released by the National Interbank Funding Center

2. Product name: Guaranteed Loan

Application conditions : is recommended to our bank by the government , issue a letter of recommendation, and be approved by our bank and meet the credit conditions of our bank for small, medium and micro enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households.

Loan amount : The maximum limit for a single household is 10 million yuan

phases Limited to : According to the borrower and the specific loan type applied for, the loan period stipulated in the corresponding individual product management system shall be implemented.

profit rate : specific implementation standards shall be implemented with reference to the relevant interest rate pricing policies of our bank.

guarantee methods : mortgage, pledge, guarantee and other guarantee methods.

3. Product name: Tax Easy Loan

Application conditions : The object of the loan has opened a settlement account or tax account with our bank and is operating normally.The company has been in business for more than 2 years, has a tax rating of A or B in principle, has paid taxes in full and on time in the past 2 years, has no bad tax records, and has a total tax payment of not less than 10,000 yuan in the past year or the average tax payable by the company in the past two years. Sales volume shall not be less than 300,000 yuan. Have good credit, no illegal activities or bad credit history.

loan limit : credit limit is comprehensively determined based on factors such as the borrower’s normal tax payment status and guarantee status.

period limited to : If uses guarantee as the only guarantee method, the validity period of the credit line shall not exceed 1 year. If mortgage (pledge) guarantee is the only form of security, the validity period of the credit line shall not exceed 3 years.

interest rate : loan interest rate should rise appropriately based on the benchmark interest rate.

guarantee methods : adopts various guarantee methods such as mortgage, pledge and guarantee.

IV. Product name: Central Easy Loan

Application conditions : Small and micro enterprises must meet the following requirements: have legal subject qualifications, no bad business practices, and have been operating for more than two years. Small and micro business owners or individual industrial and commercial households: under the age of 18-65, with full civil capacity, the applicant and main family members have good credit, no illegal activities, and no large family debts. Have legal business qualifications. Yangyidai products do not support customers in the following situations: customers who have not repaid their principal and renewed their loans; customers who have borrowed new loans to repay old loans; customers who have refinanced or extended loans; customers who have settled existing loans in advance for arbitrage purposes; customers who have stopped production or are on the verge of stopping production. .

Loan amount : shall not exceed 10 million yuan

periods limit : The borrower's loan period is in principle 1 year

Interest rate rate : Determine based on the one-year LPR quotation of the People's Bank of China in the current month plus points

Guarantee method : uses credit, guarantee, mortgage (pledge) or any combination.

5. Product name: Hongyan Happy Loan-Shangdaiyi

Application conditions: has full capacity for civil conduct and is over 18 years old. The borrowing age plus the loan period shall not exceed the statutory retirement age. Have a permanent residence or other valid residence certificate for the location of each branch, and have a fixed residence or business location in the local area. The borrower and his family members have good credit, no large family debts, and no illegal activities. The borrower and his family have stable economic income, have the ability to repay the principal and interest of the loan on time, and can provide a guarantee recognized by our bank.

Loan amount: 5 million yuan

Term: 3 years

Interest rate: For loans with a term of less than one year, 165 basis points will be added to the current loan market quoted interest rate; for loans with a term of more than one year, 200 basis points will be added to the current loan market quoted interest rate. base point.

guarantee method: one or more combinations of mortgage and pledge methods.

Business telephone number:

Branch sales department: 8207859 Hedong branch: 2951190

Ewenki branch: 8985511 Yakeshi branch: 7220505

Arongqi branch: 4259008 Dayangshu branch: 572 9071

Zhalantun Branch: 3957773 New Balhu Right Banner Branch: 3921302

Chen Barhu Banner Branch: 3982330 Genhe Branch: 3194828

Molidawa Daur Autonomous Banner Branch: 4912319

Mongolian Commercial Bank credit products

support individual industrial and commercial households and small and micro enterprises Credit products

1. Product name: Shang Rongtong

Application conditions : Individual industrial and commercial households, small and micro business owners or natural persons engaged in production and operation in other forms.

Loan amount: The maximum is not more than 1 million yuan

Term: No more than 3 years

Interest rate: One-year minimum interest rate is 4.45%

Guarantee method: Mortgage, pledge, guarantee, credit, etc. can be individually combined.

2. Product name: Qirongtong

Application conditions: Small enterprises, micro enterprises

Loan amount: Up to 10 million yuan

Period: No more than 1 year

Interest rate: One-year minimum interest rate 4.45%

Guarantee method: mortgage, pledge, guarantee, credit, etc. can be individually combined.

3. Product name: Guirongtong

Application conditions: A natural person engaged in legal production and business activities, which can be an individual industrial and commercial household or a small and micro business owner.

Credit line: Up to 5 million yuan

Term: Up to 3 years

Interest rate: One-year minimum interest rate 4.45%

Guarantee method: Mortgage guarantee

Business contact number

Hailar Branch Business Department: 0470-8552241

Arong Banner Branch: 0470-4259385

Zhalantun Branch: 0470-3795157

Yakeshi Branch: 0470-7228018 7228019

Hulunbuir Rural Commercial Bank

Support individual industrial and commercial small and micro enterprise credit products

1. Product name : Xingshangdai

application conditions : Individual industrial and commercial households or small and micro business owners with business licenses within the jurisdiction of Hailar, aged 18-65 years old, and have full capacity for civil conduct. The borrower has good credit and opens a personal settlement account (Fumin All-in-One Card) with the lending bank.

Loan amount: Credit method: no more than 100,000 yuan; guarantee method: no more than 500,000 yuan; mortgage and pledge method: no more than 990,000 yuan.

period: shall not exceed three years and shall be recycled within one year.

Interest rate: 7.77%

Guarantee method: credit, guarantee, mortgage, deposit certificate pledge

Business phone number: 0470-8348020 0470-8341238

2. Product name: Agricultural business micro-loan (through "online + offline" Integrated loan model)

Application conditions: The borrower is 18-65 years old and has full capacity for civil conduct; the borrower has his own real estate and a fixed business location in the Hailar area; he has a good credit record and repayment Willingness; have a stable and legal source of income and the ability to repay the principal and interest of the loan in full and on time.

Loan amount: Up to 300,000 yuan

Term: No more than 24 months

Interest rate: 8.90%

Guarantee method: Credit

Business phone: 0470-8348020 0470-8341238

3. Product name: Working capital loan

Application conditions: The borrower's production and operation are normal; the loan purpose is clear and legal, has the ability to continue operating, and has legal repayment sources.

Loan amount: determines the loan amount based on business conditions and guarantees.

term: one to three years.

Interest rate: determines the loan interest rate based on the latest loan market quotation rate (LPR) plus basis points.

Guarantee methods: mortgage, pledge, guarantee

Business phone number: 0470-8348020 0470-8341238

4. Product name: Entrepreneurship Guaranteed Loan (Personal)

Application conditions: is used for personal entrepreneurial business turnover within the jurisdiction of Hailar District. loan. Individuals recommended by Hulunbuir City and Hailar District Employment Service Centers who meet the requirements of the entrepreneurial guarantee policy.

Loan amount: .2 million (inclusive) or less.

Period: The maximum loan period does not exceed 2 years

Interest rate: According to the latest loan market quotation rate (LPR) plus 150 basis points

Guarantee method: Guarantee fund + mortgage or pledge

Business phone: 0470-8348020 0470-8341238

Five , Product name: Entrepreneurship Guaranteed Loan (Small and Micro Enterprises)

Application Conditions: is used for loans for production and operation turnover of small and micro enterprises within the jurisdiction of Hailar District. Small and micro enterprises that are recommended by the Employment Service Center of Hulunbuir City and Hailar District and meet the requirements of the entrepreneurship guarantee policy.

Loan amount: html within 73 million yuan (inclusive)

Period: The maximum loan period shall not exceed 2 years

Interest rate: According to the latest loan market quotation rate (LPR) plus 150 basis points

Security method: Mortgage or pledge guarantee method

Business hotline: 0470-8348020 0470-8341238

Yakeshi Rural Commercial Bank

supports credit products for individual industrial and commercial households and small and micro enterprises

1. Product name: Business E Loan

Application conditions: Individual industrial and commercial households that have obtained valid business licenses in accordance with the law , small and micro business owners and other individual owners. Have full capacity for civil conduct, normal business activities, and the ability to repay loan principal and interest on schedule; pay taxes in accordance with the law, have good credit, and open a settlement account at Yakeshi Rural Commercial Bank.

Loan amount: The maximum cannot exceed 500,000 yuan, and it is mainly issued by credit.

term: shall not exceed 3 years, and the credit period of a single loan shall not exceed 12 months.

Interest rate: is executed based on the loan market quotation rate on the loan date plus 200 BP.

Guarantee method: credit

2. Product name: First E loan

Application conditions: Lives in Yakeshi for a long time and can work stably A natural person who pays provident fund normally and has no loan record in a financial institution or no loan record in Yakeshi Rural Commercial Bank. Open a settlement account at Yakeshi Rural Commercial Bank.

Loan amount: The maximum cannot exceed 150,000 yuan, and is mainly issued by credit.

Period: shall not exceed 3 years, and the credit period of a single loan shall not exceed 12 months.

Interest rate: According to the loan market quotation rate on the loan date plus 200 BP implements

guarantee method: credit

Business phone number:

Urban Sales Department 7338618 Aimin Branch 7366611

Chengdong Branch 7304914 Chengxi Branch 7377040

Hongda Branch 7373186 Shengli Branch 7333922

Logistics Park Branch 7368981 Yuanlin Branch 7843477

Waizhen Fenduhe Branch 7737772 Boketu Branch 7762998

Urqihan Branch 7803079 Bahrain Branch 7882666

Chuoheyuan Branch 7892126 Kudur Branch 7532662

Coalfield Branch 7932567 Thar Gas Branch 7799654

Zhalantun City Rural Credit Associated Press

Credit for individual industrial and commercial households and small and micro enterprises Product

1. Product name: enterprise loan

Application conditions : business license, corporate customers who have been operating continuously for more than one year; have a certain business scale, good product market prospects, and have a high market share in the industry ;Have a certain asset scale, reasonable asset-liability ratio, and strong income-generating ability.

Loan amount : 50-7 million yuan

periods limited : html within 75 years

interest rate rate : 5.22-8.352% (annual interest rate)

guarantee method : mortgage, pledge, guarantee

business phone number 0470-3203165

2. Product name: Small and micro enterprise Fumin Card loan

Application conditions : The borrower must hold a legal and valid identity certificate, have full capacity for civil conduct, have a fixed production and business place or residence, and engage in activities that meet the requirements of Production and operation activities in line with national industrial policies; credit status is good, no major subjective bad records, and the borrower is not more than 60 years old.

loan amount : up to 500,000 yuan

periods limited : credit three-year cycle use

interest rate : 10.44% (annual interest rate)

guarantee method : credit, mortgage, pledge, guarantee

Business phone : 0470-3203165

Ergun Rural Credit Cooperative Union

Credit products for individual industrial and commercial households and small and micro enterprises

1. Product name: Business Easy Loan

Application conditions: is to meet the needs of farmers and farmers in the jurisdiction, This product is set up to meet the financing needs of individual industrial and commercial households and small and micro business owners.

Loan purpose: is used for production, operation and daily consumption

Loan amount: Maximum credit limit of 500,000 yuan

periods Limit: Maximum credit limit of three years (recycling)

Interest rate rate: 7.9%

Guarantee method: Credit

business phone number: 0470-6826164

2. Product name: Merchant Alliance Loan

Application conditions: This product is set up to meet the needs of enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households. Multi-household joint guarantee, repayment according to the contract, joint liability, mutual supervision, and turnover use.

loan purpose: is used for production and operation loans for individual industrial and commercial households; production and operation loans for sole proprietorships.

Loan amount: Maximum credit limit of 500,000 yuan

period Limit: Maximum credit limit of three years (recycling)

Interest rate: 7.9%

Guarantee method: joint guarantee

Business phone number: 0470-6826164

Genhe City Credit products for individual industrial and commercial households and small and micro enterprises of Rural Credit Cooperatives

1. Product name: LPR personal business loan

Application conditions: Individual industrial and commercial households engaged in legal production and operation

Loan amount: The maximum amount is 500,000 yuan

Term: one to three years

Interest rate: 4.15%-10.05%

Guarantee method: mortgage or guarantee

two , product name: LPR unemployment employment loan

Application conditions: Individual industrial and commercial households with unemployment certificates

Loan amount: Maximum amount is 200,000

Period: two years

Interest rate: 5.35%

Guarantee method: mortgage or guarantee

3. Product name: LPR Fumin Card

Application conditions: Engaged in legal production and operation Loan amount for individual industrial and commercial households: Maximum amount of 500,000

Period: Three-year recycling rate: 7.35%

Guarantee method: Mortgage or guarantee

Business contact: Wang Quanyue 0470-5230379

Arong Banner Rural Credit Cooperation Federation Social

supports individual industrial and commercial households and small and micro enterprises credit products

Product name (offline) : Business Easy Loan

Application conditions: (1) The borrower has legal business qualifications, and in principle the operating period is more than one year Above; (2) Aged 18 or above, with full capacity for civil conduct, and the borrowing age + period should in principle not exceed 60 years old; (3) Have a fixed place of residence and contact information; (4) Have stable legal income or enough to repay the loan Legal personal assets of principal and interest; (5) Good credit, no bad records in the personal credit system of the People's Bank of China.

Loan amount: The maximum loan amount for a single household is 100,000 yuan (inclusive);

periods of limit: loan period does not exceed 10 years, and will be repaid monthly;

Interest rate: 5 years, 5.99%;

period, period; 6.99%;

Guarantee method: guarantee or mortgage

Business phone number: 0470-4216973

Moqi Rural Credit Cooperative Union

supports individual industrial and commercial households and small and micro enterprises credit products

1. Product name: Shang Yingtong.

Application conditions: must be over 18 years old, have full capacity for civil conduct, and engage in legal business activities. The sum of the borrower's age and the credit period must not exceed 65 years old. The fixed residence and business premises are within the service area of ​​Moqi United Society. Have stable income and the ability to repay the principal and interest of the loan on time. Be in good health, abide by laws and regulations, and open a settlement account with Moqi United Press.

Loan amount: up to 500,000 yuan;

loan period: can grant credit for up to 36 months;

loan interest rate : loan annual interest rate is as low as 8.88%;

guarantee method: credit, guarantee, mortgage, pledge;

Business phone number: 0470-4611570

. Product name: High-amount revolving loan

Application conditions: The borrower is a corporate legal person and has regular recurring demand for funds. If the borrower is a natural person, he should be a citizen between 18 and 65 years old with full capacity for civil conduct. The credit status is good and there are no bad records. Have a stable and legal source of income and the ability to repay principal and interest on schedule.

loan amount: up to 5 million yuan;

loan period: can grant credit for up to 36 months;

loan interest rate: loan annual interest rate is as low as 8.88%;

guarantee method: maximum guarantee, maximum offset (quality) )

business phone number: 0470-4611570

Hubei Lunchun Rural Commercial Bank

supports individual industrial and commercial households and small and micro enterprises credit products

1. Product name : working capital loan (online or offline)

application Conditions : The borrower has normal production and operation, good financial status, and good credit standing with banks; the purpose of the loan is clear and legal, has the ability to continue operating, and has legal sources of repayment.

The loan limit : shall not exceed 15 million yuan

periods of limit : The term of short-term working capital loan is within one year, and the term of medium-term working capital loan is between one and three years.

interest rate : mortgage loan 6.65%, guaranteed loan interest rate calculation.

guarantee method : mortgage, pledge, guarantee.

2. product name : Grain guaranteed loan (online or offline)

application conditions : The borrower has a fixed business location, a business license and a business period of more than one year; the borrower has good credit Record and willingness to repay; the borrower has a stable and legal source of income and the ability to repay the principal and interest of the loan in full and on time.

loan limit : loan limit should be based on the borrower's credit status, repayment ability and grain mortgage (pledge) rate, and the actual loan amount shall be determined comprehensively.

period limited to : loan credit extension shall not exceed 3 years, and the loan period of a single loan shall not exceed 12 months.

interest rate : loan interest rate is fixed interest rate, 6.4%-6.9%.

Guarantee method : The actual controller of the grain collection enterprise shall bear joint and several liability for the loan.

Business phone number : 0470-5628085

Ewenki Rural Commercial Bank

supports individual industrial and commercial households and small and micro enterprises Credit products

Product name: Personal business loans

It is mainly suitable for long-term residence or long-term operation in the service area of ​​​​our bank, with corresponding qualifications Farmers and herdsmen who have repayment ability, have large-scale production and operation, or have credit needs, and have a large demand for credit funds.

Application conditions: has full capacity for civil conduct; the fixed business place is within the service jurisdiction of Ewenki Rural Commercial Bank, or has lived and operated continuously for more than 1 year within the service jurisdiction of Ewenki Rural Commercial Bank; the borrower and family members are honest and trustworthy, and have certain repayment requirements. ability to pay; open a settlement account at Ewenki Rural Commercial Bank.

Loan Purpose: meets the capital needs of natural persons in the process of production and operation.

Credit period : The credit period is controlled within 1-3 years in principle, but the longest shall not exceed 5 years. The loan interest rate : is based on the People's Bank of China's market quotation rate of the same grade plus points.

Guarantee method : credit, guarantor joint and several liability guarantee

business phone number : 0470-3128998

Chenqi Rural Credit Cooperative Association

supports individual industrial and commercial households and small and micro enterprises credit products

1. product name: Fumin Card Loans (available both online and offline)

Application conditions : Individual industrial and commercial households whose household registration is located within the service area of ​​​​the company, have fixed production and business premises and residence, have good credit status, and have obtained a business license in accordance with the law, are engaged in commodity production and processing , wholesale, retail and other activities; have formal establishment of administrative enterprises and institutions, can provide stable personal income certificate, and have good credit status.

Loan Quantity : .5 million

periods Limit: 3 years

Profit rate: 7.68%-11.73%

Guarantee method: Guaranteed, mortgageable, pledgeable

2. Product name: Maximum amount Loan (offline)

application conditions : The borrower is a corporate legal person, a legal person engaged in business activities, individual industrial and commercial households, farmers and herdsmen; the borrower's credit status is good. The borrower has a stable and legal source of income and the ability to repay principal and interest on time. Be able to provide the highest loan collateral that meets our company's requirements as a guarantee.

Loan Quantity : 9 million

periods Limit: 3 years

Interest rate : 6.90%-11.73%

Guarantee method: Guaranteed, mortgageable, pledgeable

3. Product name: Entrepreneurship Loan (Offline)

Application conditions : Anyone who is within the Chen Banner area, is under 65 years old, has certain labor skills, is self-employed, starts a business on his own, or is employed in a partnership or organization, has a need for entrepreneurial funds and has started a business Qualified laid-off and unemployed persons who have been trained, those who have insufficient self-raised funds, have the ability to repay loans and hold the "Re-employment Discount Certificate" issued by the Chenqi Re-employment Small Loan Guarantee Center, veterans in 2006 and later, Unemployed college graduates who graduated in 2006 and later and small businesses that have absorbed more than 30% of the laid-off and unemployed workers of the total number of employees are recommended by the Chenqi Labor and Social Security Bureau and apply for small guaranteed loans from the Chenqi Associated Press.

Loan amount : .2 million

period Limit: 3 years

Profit rate: 5.35%

Guarantee method: Guaranteed, mortgageable, pledgeable

Business phone number:

Chenqi Associated Press Business Department: 0470 -3130005

Chenqi Lianshe Baozhen Credit Union: 0470-6717920

Chenqi Lianshe Baozhen Credit Union: 0470-6761528

Chenqi Lianshe Wuzhuer Credit Union: 0470-6780144

Chenqi Lianshe Xiwuzhuer Credit Union: 0470- 6785025

Chenqi United Society Bayanhada Credit Union: 0470-6773588

Chenqi United Society Tenihe Credit Union: 0470-6750608

New Barhuzuo Banner Rural Credit Cooperative Union

Individual industrial and commercial households and small and micro enterprises Credit products

one , Product name: short-term working capital loan

short-term working capital loan is a short-term loan specially provided for private, small and micro enterprises to solve the problem of short-term capital turnover. Loans issued to meet customers' temporary and seasonal capital needs during the production process and to ensure the normal conduct of business activities.

Application conditions : The borrower has normal production and operation, good financial status, no major bad records, clear and legal loan purposes, stable and legal repayment sources, and good repayment willingness.

Loan limit : The credit limit for a single household shall not exceed 8 million yuan.

periods of limited to : The loan period is generally 1 year, with a maximum of no more than 3 years. The profit rate of

is 8.10% for general households and 7.50% for high-quality households.

guarantee method : guarantee, mortgage and pledge methods.

2. Product name: " Shang Fuxing" Individual Industrial and Commercial Household Loan

"Shang Fuxing" Individual Industrial and Commercial Household Loan supports individual industrial and commercial households, agricultural and animal husbandry economic organizations, small and micro business owners, etc., in order to solve the problem under the jurisdiction of New Zuoqi The financing needs of domestic individual industrial and commercial households, small and micro enterprises for production and processing, capital turnover, and product acquisition.

Application conditions : The borrower has normal production and operation, good financial status, no major bad records, clear and legal loan purposes, stable and legal repayment sources, and good repayment willingness.

Loan amount : The maximum single-family credit limit does not exceed 3 million yuan.

periods of limited to : The loan period is generally 1 year, with a maximum of no more than 3 years. The profit rate of

is 8.10% for general households and 7.50% for high-quality households.

guarantee method : guarantee, mortgage and pledge methods.

3. Product name: "Merchant Revolving Loan"

uses the "Enriching People's Card" as the issuance carrier, and determines the maximum credit limit for customers based on the assets and income of individual industrial and commercial households and small and micro business owners, adopting the "one-time assessment, subsequent With the management model of "loan available at any time, limit control, and recycling", online credit usage and repayment can be handled through mobile banking.

Application conditions : The borrower has normal production and operation, has a fixed business location, is in good financial condition, has no major bad records, has a clear and legal purpose for the loan, has a stable and legal source of repayment, and has a good willingness to repay.

Loan limit : The maximum single-family credit limit does not exceed 1 million yuan.

periods of limited to : The loan period is generally 1 year, with a maximum of no more than 3 years. The profit rate of

is 8.10% for general households and 7.50% for high-quality households.

guarantee method : generally uses credit as the main guarantee method, and can add guarantee or mortgage.

Business phone number :

New Zuoqi Associated Press Business Department: 6601562

Sales Department: 6601385

Chaogang Credit Union: 6689212

Ubul Baolige Credit Union: 6678372

New Baolige Credit Union: 6670320

Handagai Credit Union: 6690603

New Barhu Right Banner Rural Credit Cooperative Association

Small and micro enterprise merchant mortgage guaranteed loan product

1. Product name: "Small and micro enterprise merchant mortgage guaranteed loan", apply offline.

Application conditions: (1) Basic conditions that small and micro enterprises should have: hold a legal and valid business license, organization code certificate, tax registration certificate and other relevant certificates; have a fixed business location; have stable operating income and on-schedule The ability to repay the principal and interest of the loan; (2) Basic conditions that individual industrial and commercial households should have: Farmers within the service area of ​​the New Barhu Right Banner Rural Credit Cooperative Association or urban and rural residents engaged in "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" related operations must hold a legal and valid Business license, organization code certificate, tax registration certificate and other relevant certificates; have a fixed production and operation site. Have the ability to repay the principal and interest of the loan and have good credit standing.

Loan amount: The maximum loan limit is less than 10 million yuan.

Period: One to three years.

Interest rate: Small and micro enterprise merchant mortgage secured loan (one year up to and including one year). The interest rate is 8.25%. Small and micro enterprise merchant mortgage The interest rate of secured loans (one to three years) is 9.60%

. Guarantee method: is a small and micro enterprise loan issued by guarantee, mortgage and other guarantee methods.

2. Product name: "Credit Loan for Small and Micro Enterprises", apply offline.

Application conditions: (1) Basic conditions that small and micro enterprises should have: hold a legal and valid business license, organization code certificate, tax registration certificate and other relevant certificates;

have a fixed business location, stable operating income and The ability to repay the principal and interest of the loan on time; (2) Basic conditions that individual industrial and commercial households should meet: farmers in the service area of ​​the New Barhu Right Banner Rural Credit Cooperative Association or urban and rural residents engaged in "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" related operations, with fixed production capacity Business premises; engaging in legitimate and legal production and business activities; having the ability to repay the principal and interest of the loan; and having good credit status.

Loan amount: The maximum loan limit is 300,000 yuan

Period: Within one year

Interest rate: Small and micro enterprise credit loan interest rate is 6.60%-9.00%

Guarantee method: adopts credit method to issue loans

Business phone number:

Ala Tan'e Moler Credit Union 0470-6409988

Ursun Credit Union 0470-6407123

Kellen Credit Union 0470-6403132

Molidawa Monshang Village Bank

Small and micro enterprise merchant mortgage secured loan products

Product name: Personal business Loan

application conditions: loans are issued to individual industrial and commercial households, small and micro business owners, cooperatives and other individuals within the jurisdiction for business turnover.

Loan amount: The maximum amount shall not exceed 5 million yuan.

Loan term: 1-3 years.

Loan interest rate: implements different loan interest rates according to the type of loan term, with the highest annual interest rate not exceeding 12.6%

Guarantee methods: mortgage, guarantee, and credit. Our bank's personal operating loan loan guarantee method is mainly mortgage, and the collateral can be commercial buildings, residential buildings, and land.

Business telephone number: 04704627292 04704627296

Ewenke Mongolian Commercial Rural Bank

Credit products for individual industrial and commercial households and small and micro enterprises

1. Product name: micro loan

Application conditions: small and micro business owners and individual industrial and commercial households.

loan amount: The maximum single loan amount of does not exceed 1.5 million.

Term: The term of guaranteed loans is 3-24 months, and the maximum period of mortgage loans is no more than 36 months.

Interest rate: annual interest rate starts at 11.7%

guarantee method: guarantee Guarantee: one guarantor is required for less than 300,000 yuan: two guarantors are required for 310,000-500,000 yuan. The guarantor bears joint and several liability for the entire process. Mortgage guarantee: A mortgage of more than 500,000 yuan is required.

Business hotline: 0470-8819981

2. Product name: Assistance Loan

Application conditions: Individual industrial and commercial households, small, medium and micro enterprise legal entities, small, medium and micro enterprise owners who have difficulty in short-term capital turnover.

Loan amount: The maximum new limit for a single group customer shall not exceed 500,000 yuan.

Period: The maximum limit shall not be more than one year.

Interest rate: The interest rate shall not be lower than the interest rate of the most recent loan handled by the household in the bank.

Guarantee method: guarantee and mortgage

business phone number: 0470-8819981

3. Product name: small business credit

application conditions: corporate legal persons and small and micro business owners within the jurisdiction of .

Loan amount: The maximum is not more than 3 million yuan

Term: The maximum is not more than 3 years

Interest rate: Annual interest rate starts at 11.7%

Guarantee methods: Mortgage, guarantee, pledge, guarantee company and other guarantee methods

Business Tel: 0470-8819981

Hulunbuir City Small and Medium Enterprises Financing Guarantee Co., Ltd.

Financial Individual Business Owners and Small and Micro Enterprises Guaranteed Loan Products

Product Name: Rong Yibao (Offline)

Application Conditions: Limited Liability Company or Individual Business Household

Loan amount: .5 million or less

period Limit: Within 12 months

Interest rate : Guarantee fee is charged at 1% per year

Guarantee methods: Real estate mortgage guarantee, inventory pledge guarantee, third party guarantee

business Tel: 0470-3568577, 3107826, 3565069 (Hailaer District) 0470-4227028, 4227027 (Arong Banner Branch)

Hulunbuir Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Financing Guarantee Co., Ltd.

Financial individual industrial and commercial households and small and micro enterprise guaranteed loan products

1. Product name : Hunongdan-Yinongbao

application conditions : has the necessary qualifications and licenses for production and operation; has a fixed production and operation site, has generally been engaged in agricultural-related production and operation for more than 3 years, and has long-term, stable and standardized experience Land contract contract or contract land management rights transfer contract. The legal representative or actual controller must be no more than 60 years old, have good credit standing, and the purpose of the loan must be true and clear.

Guarantee amount : .1 million-1 million

periods limited : 1 years - 3 years

fee rate : 0.4%-0.5%/year

Counter guarantee method : In principle, 500,000 according to the project situation Credit of less than RMB 500,000 shall be guaranteed, mortgaged, pledged or combined according to the actual situation

2. Product name : Hu Nong Dan-Yi Mu Bao

Application conditions : has the necessary qualifications and licenses for production and operation ; Have a fixed production and operation site, have been engaged in animal husbandry-related production and operation for more than 3 years, and have stable purchasing and sales capabilities and profitability; the age of the legal representative or actual controller is not more than 60 years old, and the credit status is good; single-scale breeding is allowed Bottom line: The annual stock of beef cattle is more than 100 (insured); the annual stock of dairy cows is more than 100 (insured); the annual stock of mutton sheep is more than 1,000 (inclusive). The number of breeding horses in stock is 100 or more; other live animals are calculated based on the actual stock situation. The production and operation have a certain scale (the contracted or leased grassland area is more than 500 acres, and the ownership is not disputed), and the purpose of the loan is true and clear.

Guarantee amount : .1 million-500,000

periods limited : 1 years - 3 years

fee rate : 0.4%-0.5%/year

Counter-guarantee method : is mainly based on credit, or additional Other counter-guarantee measures

3. Product name : Hunongdan-Yilinbao

Application conditions : has the necessary qualifications and licenses for production and operation; has a fixed production and operation site, and meets the principles of animal husbandry-related production and operation More than 3 years; the age of the legal representative or actual controller is not more than 60 years old, and the credit status is good; engaged in forestry planting: the production and operation period of economic trees is not less than three years, and the number is not less than 1,000 trees; afforestation and greening trees, urban greening seedlings The production and operation period is generally not less than five years, and the number is not less than 3,000; the number of cash crops planted is not less than 20,000; the annual output of cash crops is not less than 1.7 tons; the annual output of cash crops is not less than 2.5 tons; long-term , stable and standardized land contract contract or contract land management rights transfer contract, land lease contract.Engaged in understory breeding: the number of deer breeding should be no less than 10; the number of wild boar breeding should be no less than 80; the number of breeding years should be no less than three years, and the breeding is stable and profitable in the past three years; engaged in forest tourism and understory product operation and processing: The operation of tourism projects such as tourism and holiday resorts requires an industrial and commercial business license. In principle, the production and operation must be more than three years and has a fixed production and operation site; the processing of understory products (such as blueberry product processing, etc.) requires an industrial and commercial business license and a production license. The necessary qualifications and licenses for operation must, in principle, be in production and operation for more than three years.

Guarantee amount : .1 million-1 million

periods limited : 1 years - 3 years

fees rate : 0.4%-0.5%/year

Counter-guarantee method : In principle, credit within 500,000 yuan , more than 500,000 yuan shall be guaranteed, mortgaged, pledged or combined according to the actual situation.

Business phone number :

Hailar, Chen Banner, and Ewenki areas:

Liu Shijie 0470-8115721

Arong Banner, Zhalantun, and Mo Banner areas:

Xu Jiaqi 0470- 8115722

Ergun and Yakeshi areas: Zhu Tianchen 0470-8115720

Oroqen and Genhe areas: Feng Jiuling 0470-8115723

East Banner and West Banner areas: Wei Wanying 0470-8115730

Hulunbuir City Public Security Bureau News and Publicity Section

source丨Hulunbuir Municipal Government Finance work office

Compilation of credit products for Hulunbuir City’s financial services to assist enterprises in bailing out Agricultural Development Bank Hulunbuir Branch credit products for individual businesses and small and micro enterprises Product name: Agricultural small business loan appl - DayDayNews

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