At this moment, it’s ten o’clock in the morning on the seventh day of the first lunar month of the Gengzi Year, and the sun is shining brightly. But like most people, I responded to the government’s call and self-isolated at home to prevent the new coronavirus.

2024/06/1707:51:32 hotcomm 1647
At this moment, it’s ten o’clock in the morning on the seventh day of the first lunar month of the Gengzi Year, and the sun is shining brightly. But like most people, I responded to the government’s call and self-isolated at home to prevent the new coronavirus. - DayDayNews

seems to be poetry, but it is loose writing, some unthemed text written wherever I think of it.

At this moment, it’s ten o’clock in the morning on the seventh day of the first lunar month of the Gengzi Year, and the sun is shining brightly. But like most people, I responded to the government’s call and self-isolated at home to prevent the new coronavirus. Just early this morning, the WHO declared the epidemic in China a "public health emergency of international concern" and the number of people infected has exceeded SARS 17 years ago.

When SARS was raging, I was the director of the news department and the editor-in-chief of the commentary section of the Daily Business Daily. I had to talk about the page four times a day, plan topic selection, interview, edit, write articles, and solicit articles. I admire myself for my strong energy. Therefore, during this epidemic, I pay special attention to those in-depth and perspective reports from the front line. It is a pity that in the era of self-media, although information is coming in fiercely, it is always mud and sand. Refuting rumors every day has become the focus. This is a rumor, that is a rumor, there are rumors locally, and there are even more rumors in Wuhan. I am speechless for a while.

At this moment, it’s ten o’clock in the morning on the seventh day of the first lunar month of the Gengzi Year, and the sun is shining brightly. But like most people, I responded to the government’s call and self-isolated at home to prevent the new coronavirus. - DayDayNews

In front of the window of my study, there are several trees, both large and small. The camphor tree on the left is a paradise for various birds. They have been chirping since four or five o'clock in the morning. It started with a bird occasionally making a tentative call. After a while, if it called a few more times, another bird would respond, and the response would continue, and then it would become more and more enthusiastic, similar to the "talking page" I used to do when I was doing news in a newspaper. ". Everyone has their own opinions and wants to convince each other. I have tried many times to record the sounds of the birds meeting, and asked bird experts to help me identify which birds they are, but so far I have not been able to record them. I thought that the birds in the city had the same sleep quality as me. Otherwise, why would I wake up so early? I could read my notes from the past when I woke up early. They only had meetings when they woke up early. As for what they were discussing, only the birds knew. In front of the right side of the window, there is a tall paper tree. It sheds its leaves early in winter. On the bare branches, there was a big bird's nest last year. A pair of big-tailed magpies flew in and out all day long to show their affection. This bird announced the good news. Yeah, the neighbors all like it. They often screamed in front of my window and flew up and down to perform difficult movements. I praised them a few times and then stopped praising them. I thought it was their duty to serve people.

Speaking of birds, I can’t stop talking. On the back balcony of my house, I have a tree commonly known as the " money tree ". Although it has not made much money, the tree has grown very densely. My mother (my wife) has deleted several branches. I am very unhappy: make a fortune. What branch did you delete from the tree? This time last year, two blackbirds took a fancy to my money tree. In fact, they had taken a fancy to it the year before last. They built a nest and laid four eggs. But after looking at them a few times, they took the eggs away. , as for how it was taken away, we don’t know. In view of this, this time we stopped paying attention to them and just watched their movements from a distance through the glass. This time they laid four more eggs and finally hatched four little blackbirds. I told Lu Lu to get a camera and record their life scenes. It's annoying on land, but it's more common on the Internet. Blackbirds often build nests and lay eggs on people's balconies. They are very vindictive, so don't touch them. We still pay attention and care about the growth of the bird. One day, Lu Lu’s mother came back from shopping and said that she saw a big blackbird digging through the mud with its sharp beak on the roadside. It must be looking for earthworms. I wonder if it is the father and mother of the four little blackbirds on our balcony. . The blackbirds are indeed very vigilant. While the mother is feeding, the father squats on the ginkgo tree outside the window and observes. About 20 days later, the father and mother blackbirds took their babies and flew away quietly. Where did they go, and will they come back to build their nests? There is no answer yet. In mid-April last year, I went to Jinyun to collect folk songs. Baoji Yuanye, Qiu Shanshan, Han Xiaohui, and Wang Bisheng and I talked about this bird story. Yuanye smiled and said to me: Chunxiang, the blackbird is Sweden Birds, your family protects blackbirds. You can write a letter to the King of Sweden to inform you. We laughed.

At this moment, it’s ten o’clock in the morning on the seventh day of the first lunar month of the Gengzi Year, and the sun is shining brightly. But like most people, I responded to the government’s call and self-isolated at home to prevent the new coronavirus. - DayDayNews

After writing more than a thousand words, I had to get up and walk a few steps. This week, my WeChat exercise steps were almost only about 6,000 steps. I usually walk more than 10,000 steps. A circle around the east bridge and west bridge of the canal side bridge is enough.Now I can only walk in circles in a few rooms and corridors, walking around the house, but I can't find the sense of accomplishment in walking at all. Fortunately, the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal can be seen from the balcony. The water of the canal flows towards Tongzhou , and it feels like there is finally a distant place. Walking out of "Wenweizhai" and passing through the corridor to the living room and dining room, I met the thinker Mr. Lu Xun wearing a black scarf (a signed woodcut copy by Zhao Yannian), the meditator Bodhidharma wearing a red cloak (a painting donated by Mr. Cai Zhizhong), We meet hundreds of times every day. The nine-month-old granddaughter Xiao Ruirui has also gotten to know the two masters. She will also smile at the two "ones" in the banner, "A careless thought is a wrong start, a break-up is a wrong start to the end", the "head" is also smiling, and the head is still Traditional Chinese characters, left page and right page. Her smile is just a function of repetition and I don’t know what it means. When she gets older, I will slowly tell her that if you look at it, negligence and mistakes are all in one thought.

At this moment, it’s ten o’clock in the morning on the seventh day of the first lunar month of the Gengzi Year, and the sun is shining brightly. But like most people, I responded to the government’s call and self-isolated at home to prevent the new coronavirus. - DayDayNews

couldn’t help but look at WeChat again. A notice was posted on the WeChat group of the Writers Association, calling on all writers to go against the grain and sing praises to those who are fighting against the epidemic. Naturally, poets are the fastest, and poetry flows like a clear spring. Immediately afterwards, I read many reportage works, reciters recited, calligraphers wrote, and the scene 17 years ago appeared again. You are not alone, we are behind you, we can read your eyes, and we are united as one. This is roughly the state we are talking about. In the face of the epidemic, those who don't write and make irresponsible remarks about others are actually annoying.

As usual, after the epidemic, we should summarize and reflect as usual, commend all kinds of advanced people, and deal with all kinds of malfeasance (a director of the Health Commission was dealt with yesterday), and work and life will eventually return to normal. I am most concerned about reflection. We were all reflecting on and during and after SARS. At that time, there was a vision that SARS would at least change some of our existing lifestyles, such as sharing meals, not eating wild animals, junk science processing, etc. Looking at it now, some have done pretty well, but many have done it but failed to persist. A simple truth is that any bad habit will bring disaster to yourself and others. Therefore, rectifying various bad habits of human beings, settling down their own environment, and living in harmony with nature should be the focus in the future. Otherwise, humans will still be unable to escape the various revenges of nature.

The government just said that the turning point has not yet occurred, and everyone will have to be quarantined for at least a week. I don’t know what will happen tomorrow, but I am more optimistic that most people, whether physical or mental, will always feel some pain. A longer memory is better than anything else.

This is the first time for Lu Buyi to use " untitled " to write an essay. He is going back and forth, so readers, just make do with it.

Written in Wenweizhai, Hangzhou on the seventh day of the first lunar month of Gengzi

(picture provided by the author)

Column editor: Huang Wei Text editor: Huang Wei Title and picture source: Visual China Picture editor: Da Xi

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