In the drama "Age of Awakening", every character emerges as a well-known historical figure. However, there are some special actors and special scenes in the play that contain deep meanings. Do you understand?

2024/06/1703:33:33 hotcomm 1463

In the drama

In the drama " Awakening Era ", every character emerges as a well-known historical figure. However, there are some special actors in the play, and the special scenes contain deep meanings. Do you understand?

In the drama

The most touching thing is the little ant.

During his lunch break while working at the dock, Chen Yannian was chewing on a moldy flatbread and drinking a bowl of water, only to find an ant struggling in the water. So he picked it up with his fingers.

The little ant on the hand. is like everyone else, you and me. You are living in this world, but you don’t know what kind of dangers you will encounter? I didn't know that this ant would fall into the water. Ants are just like ordinary people, struggling in a life of dire straits.

In the drama

If you think this ant is just a lens, you are wrong. Li Dazhao sat on the kang. He picked up a watch and checked the time. Then I found an ant crawling on the book. Mr. Li Dazhao used his fingers to let it climb up, and then the ant started to show off, and actually jumped onto his arm, on the plush skin.

In the drama

represents , which represents time and annual rings. In this era, an ant climbed on the book, book represents knowledge, ant represents ordinary people.

In other words, in this era, ordinary people realize their own stage through the power of knowledge.

In the drama

Ants represent insignificance, but never underestimate small animals. An ant can swallow an elephant. Ordinary people like you and me must not underestimate it, because you and I can also become the pillars of strength.

In the drama

I met Chen Duxiu when he was on a walk in prison. An mantis .

mantis , Chen Duxiu was implicated and imprisoned because of the May 4th Movement. While taking a walk, I encountered a mantis sitting on the grass. So he caught the praying mantis in his hand. The mantis danced on his hand.

In the drama

This shot symbolizes that although I am imprisoned here, I only have a small space where I can still dance alone, because thoughts cannot be imprisoned. You can trap my body, but my mind can still be free.

In the drama

Chen Duxiu and his wife Gao Junman, they raised rabbits in their small yard in Beijing. Chen Yannian and Chen Qiaonian , two people founded mutual aid club after moving out. More than ten classmates raised sheep together. There are really many animals appearing in this drama.

When Li Dazhao came to his hometown of Hebei, he lived in an ancestral hall in the countryside. He also raised ducks and chickens. It is a living animal world!

In the drama

Dove, symbolizing peace.

The dove is the best to understand because it symbolizes peace. Wouldn't it be ironic if there was a pigeon in prison? As Chen Duxiu said, this pigeon is so suitable for the occasion that it is also imprisoned in a cage.

In the drama

When he was released from prison, he let the pigeons fly. This is a symbol of freedom. But here is a very comic scene: Chen Duxiu returned home, and the whole family greeted him happily, except Chen Zimei asked his father for pigeons.

This pigeon has been let go, how can it come back? So my brother said: "I will go to the vegetable market and buy you an identical Yingying."

"I don't want it, I want Yingying."

In the drama

This small detail seems very ordinary, but in fact he has a very special deep meaning. peace is not something you will have if you want it. Let the doves fly, but there are still some villains who will obstruct and entangle you.

Fortunately, by the 40th episode, the pigeon flew back again and came to Chen Zimei's side. This scene implies that peace depends on the next generation.

In the drama

He did not succeed in the revolution all at once; It takes generations of hard work to succeed.

In the drama

Wild Duck in Peking University

Mr. Cai Yuanpei, invited a large number of talented people back. Among them are Hu Shi, who has not received a doctorate, Chen Duxiu, who has no diploma, and Li Dazhao, a student who graduated from Waseda University. The group of people invited by

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are just like a group of wild ducks and are not regular troops. Just like Mr. Gu Hongming , is very unconvinced. What kind of people did Peking University invite? Neither diploma nor outstanding academic achievements. Isn't this a group of wild ducks?

In the drama

But for the time being, this group of people has no academic qualifications and no outstanding academic achievements. But he created his own world at Peking University. Become a group of free wild ducks.

In the drama

Mr. Cai Yuanpei is an outstanding educator. His unique approach to recruiting talents laid a patriotic foundation for Peking University. He can accommodate old cultural ideas and accept new cultural movements.

It is precisely because of the president Cai Gongming that Peking University has laid a very good foundation for entering the world's famous universities. is tolerant and great!

In addition to these special actors, there are also some scenes that are also memorable. Among them are bricks, pumpkin seeds, and potatoes roasted on the stove. Each represents a variety of meanings.

In the drama

brick: The brick appears in many scenes. It was Chen Duxiu who came to Beijing to establish the editorial department of " New Youth ". There is a muddy road in front of the editorial office.

Mr. Cai Yuanpei wants to visit the editorial office. But the road was really bumpy and there was no way to get over it. what to do? Then you can only pick up the bricks and put them over one by one. The shoes are stained with mud, but they are still moving forward, which shows that no matter how muddy the road is, it cannot block the way forward.

In the drama

No matter how rugged the road to revolution is, it starts from this small path towards the light. When the sun is shining, this road can also go out of Kangyang Avenue.

Pumpkin seeds: Chen Yannian especially likes to eat peanuts, and Chen Qiaonian likes to eat fried pumpkin seeds.

Chen Duxiu is not a good father. He has not done much for his son. But he helped his son fry peanuts and asked his wife to bring pumpkin seeds and fry them together with the peanuts. There are two kinds of pumpkin seeds, which are heated to different degrees when mixed together. The pumpkin seeds will burn easily.

In the drama

But Chen Duxiu said that his son Chen Qiaonian likes to eat fried pumpkin seeds. The two brothers went to France for a work-study program. Chen Duxiu took a bag of fried pumpkin seeds to see his sons off.

Why is there a bag of fried pumpkin seeds? In fact, two brothers, Chen Yannian and Chen Qiaonian, were arrested and killed when they were 29 and 26 years old respectively. This also indicates that in a large environment, small ones will be confused, and there will always be some sacrifices.

In the drama

Potatoes on the stove: There are many shots in of a group of people having a meeting around the stove, with potatoes roasting beside the stove. When the potato is ripe, pick up a piece and share it with each other. is a hot potato to eat.

In the drama

What kind of meeting are you having? The meeting is about the road to revolution and the decision-making for the future of the country. was a very dangerous action at the time.

stove: represents hope.

Liu Mei's father invited Chen Yannian to his home to discuss their marriage.

In the drama

There is a burning stove in the house. Chen Yannian expressed her thoughts directly to her father. He didn't want to suffer along with him. He was ready to make sacrifices for the revolution.

For the sake of revolution, small families must be abandoned. Because he saw his father, Chen Duxiu, unable to take care of the family. If you want to own a home, you must have a strong and prosperous country.

In the drama

Liu Mei's father looked at the stove and added a piece of carbon into it. This means that the revolution needs new blood to become more prosperous.

A single spark can start a prairie fire.

Every scene in this TV series really has a very deep meaning. Chew carefully, the more you chew, the stronger it becomes.

in the long history of history. There is such a group of people who sacrificed their lives and blood for the country and deserve all Chinese to remember their names.

The blood of the martyrs will not be shed in vain. China will be stronger with you.

In the drama

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