The film "The Curse" is quite controversial in terms of reviews. Some netizens support it, but some netizens only gave it one star because of some tricks played by the director. This also directly led to its lack of recognition in certain categories. The rating on the website has

2024/06/1702:28:32 hotcomm 1361

"The Curse" is quite controversial in terms of reviews. Some netizens supported it, but some netizens only gave it one star because of some tricks played by the director. This also directly led to its popularity in a certain area. The score on the valve has been falling all the way, and as of now, it is only 6.8 points.

The film

When it comes to the overall framework of the film, there is actually not much of a problem. It is in the form of a documentary. The past and present are overlapped and explained, and then the causes and consequences of the story are slowly revealed. What is also worthy of praise is that the plot Follow-up clues will be laid at different time points, making the audience unable to leave the picture. In fact, the director has done a good job in attracting the audience.

The film

Then the question is, do you know why such a movie that can retain the audience has attracted countless abuses from the audience?

The answer is actually very simple, because some viewers think they have been cheated after watching the entire film!

The film

The film "The Curse" has actually set a "trap" for the audience from the beginning, and it will also give the audience some psychological hints from time to time during the film, allowing the audience to follow its thinking. In fact, there is a connection with the audience here. It's a good interaction, but this kind of interaction is not what the audience wants to see, because the matter itself is opposed by most viewers. See the following set of comments.

The film

The film

As the saying goes: "Those who are in authority are obsessed with it, but those who are onlookers know clearly." In fact, after reading this, you should already know that the horror film "The Curse" is actually fundamentally successful. If nothing else is said, at least it has attracted a large portion of the audience. Remember it, even though it has received a bad reputation, it does not prevent it from becoming a good work. From another perspective, you will actually find that the origin of the above set of comments confirms what my title said: " "The Curse" is actually a "trap horror film"!

The film

Back to the film itself, director Ke Mengrong is actually quite bold this time. Compared with traditional horror films, the format of the film is indeed very bold, and it is also very direct, telling the audience clearly at the end: " That’s right, I’m here to trick you!”

The film

This point is actually borrowed from the expression technique in " The Ring ", but the expression in "The Ring" is more obscure and only exists in the film. The format is that you will die after watching the video, but "The Curse" is different. It clearly moves its so-called "curse" to the big screen, and then spreads it to the audience, allowing the audience to be immersed in the scene. , instead of creating a strong interaction and connection, the "fascinated" audience will naturally believe it and feel that they have been cheated by the director, and then they will scold the director if they are caught. But if we look at it from another angle, from the perspective of a bystander If you objectively evaluate this movie, you will actually find that it has many advantages.

The film

First of all, the format is novel, right? No horror film director has ever dared to "curse" the audience so blatantly before, right?

Secondly, it has a strong sense of interaction, which makes the horror movie "playful". It is not just the so-called scary pictures and bluffing music, but also the strong interaction with the audience, which enhances the realism of the film.

The film

In the end, its core of family affection is just right. Everything the heroine Li Ruonan did was just for her daughter, including deceiving the audience in front of the screen and asking them to share the so-called "curse" with her. It has nothing to do with anything else, at least in the sense that every mother can do anything to protect her children, it is just right.

The film

Of course, there are still flaws in the film, such as how the little girl covered in rune patterns appeared in the grass wearing only a pair of underwear for no reason. There is no explanation of the reason.

To sum up, the horror film "The Curse" is actually quite successful on the whole. The structure of the film is relatively complete. It does not focus only on the horror elements like some horror films, which in the end weakens the smoothness of the plot. Of course, there are The boldness of Director Ke Mengrong must be praised at all. After all, when it comes to "cursing" the audience, it is clear that Director Ke played a high-level and novel angle, but what is not clear is that he was scolded.

The film

So speaking of this, what do you think of the horror movie "The Curse" in front of the screen?

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