1. Introduction to Overseas Network, March 18. On March 18, local time, Li Ao, a well-known Taiwanese writer, passed away. The statement from the family pointed out that Mr. Li Ao went to the hospital for treatment in July 2015 and was later diagnosed with a brain stem tumor.

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1. Introduction to Overseas Network, March 18. On March 18, local time, Li Ao, a well-known Taiwanese writer, passed away. The statement from the family pointed out that Mr. Li Ao went to the hospital for treatment in July 2015 and was later diagnosed with a brain stem tumor. - DayDayNews


Overseas Network, March 18 According to Taiwanese media reports, on March 18, local time, the well-known Taiwanese writer Li Ao passed away. The statement from the family pointed out that Mr. Li Ao went to the hospital for medical treatment in July 2015 and was later diagnosed with a brain stem tumor. Recently, his condition became critical and he unfortunately passed away at 10:59 am on March 18, 2018 at the age of 83.

In June 2017, Li Ao participated in the recording of a TV program called " Goodbye Li Ao". The program originally planned to invite his friends Chen Wenqian, his ex-wife Hu Yinmeng, and Soong Chuyu, who was the first to ban Li Ao's books in Taiwan, as guests, but Before the show was broadcast, Li Ao unfortunately died of illness. It has yet to be confirmed whether the show will air as originally planned. It is reported that Li Ao wrote a public handwritten letter on the show to say goodbye to his family, friends and enemies.

1. Introduction to Overseas Network, March 18. On March 18, local time, Li Ao, a well-known Taiwanese writer, passed away. The statement from the family pointed out that Mr. Li Ao went to the hospital for treatment in July 2015 and was later diagnosed with a brain stem tumor. - DayDayNews

Taiwan's "Dongsen News Cloud" published Li Ao's autographed letter on the 18th. The content is as follows:

Hello, I am Li Ao. I am 83 years old this year. At the beginning of the year, I was diagnosed with a brain tumor and have just completed radiation therapy. Now I have to take 6 steroids a day, so my body has become like a battlefield. Recently, I was hospitalized for a second acute pneumonia infection. I am in pain, as if hell is not far away from me.

In my life, I have scolded many people and hurt many people; I have countless enemies and few friends. The doctor told me: "You can live for up to three years. If you want to do anything, hurry up!"

I thought that in this last time, in addition to adding 41- In addition to the goal of 85 books, I just want to see my family, friends, and enemies again to say goodbye. You can understand that this is the last meeting in our lives. "Goodbye Li Ao" and after that, we will never see each other again.

Because this is the last meeting, I hope this meeting is sincere and frank. Not only how we met and understood each other, but also how we loved and killed each other.

To the guests, I will tell the truth to you; I also want you to tell the truth to me. The speaker is not guilty and the listener is warned.

Maybe we had a lot of cruel struggles before, but maybe we also had a lot of good memories before; I hope that through this meeting, we will have no regrets. No regrets, this is my promise to you and my expectation for you.

For guests, no matter where you are, I will send you a handwritten invitation letter. I invite you to come to Taipei and come to my study. We can have a meal together and take a photo together. I will take you to see the cute cats. I will record our last meeting throughout the whole process. On the one hand, it will be reserved for you and me. On the other hand, it also satisfies my selfishness. It has been almost 10 years since I said goodbye to the mainland media. I want to use these videos to let everyone see me again, get to know a different me again, and witness the end of my life. Thank you!

1. Introduction to Overseas Network, March 18. On March 18, local time, Li Ao, a well-known Taiwanese writer, passed away. The statement from the family pointed out that Mr. Li Ao went to the hospital for treatment in July 2015 and was later diagnosed with a brain stem tumor. - DayDayNews

2. Why “when a person is about to die, his words are also good”?

"The Analects of Confucius Taibo" says: "Zeng Zi said: 'When a bird is about to die, its song is sad; when a man is about to die, his words are also kind.'" It can be seen that when people know that they are about to pass away, , he is always relieved physically and mentally. At this time, he will let go of many bad thoughts such as narrow-mindedness and hatred in his life, hoping that all bad thoughts can be resolved before leaving. At this time, his mind is suddenly open, so he speaks with Beautiful and benign.

The most typical scene is a scene in the popular idol drama "Beauty's Scheming" a few years ago:

Empress Dowager Bo was jealous of her son's doting on Dou Yifang during her lifetime, and she was always harsh towards Dou Yifang. But she knew in her heart that Dou Yifang was virtuous, kind-hearted, and sincerely good to her son. However, the jealousy in a woman's nature made her always unkind to Dou. When she was dying, Dou Yifang was by her side. She told him all her true opinions about Dou. The mother-in-law and her daughter-in-law settled their differences and Empress Dowager Bo passed away peacefully.

1. Introduction to Overseas Network, March 18. On March 18, local time, Li Ao, a well-known Taiwanese writer, passed away. The statement from the family pointed out that Mr. Li Ao went to the hospital for treatment in July 2015 and was later diagnosed with a brain stem tumor. - DayDayNews

It can be seen that everyone is born kind and full of love: because our life and growth come from love. Because that is what we once had, so we pursue them eagerly: if you have not felt love, how will you know its existence, if you do not think it is beautiful, how can you yearn for it.

However, after the influence of various factors in the acquired environment on us, something called thinking ability or direction will be formed, that is, thought. We deeply believe that it is our true self, and create different value standards with different experiences in life to control ourselves and measure or judge others. We become more and more dependent on and identified with it. Gradually, we are getting further and further away from our true selves, thus isolating our essential "kindness and love".

1. Introduction to Overseas Network, March 18. On March 18, local time, Li Ao, a well-known Taiwanese writer, passed away. The statement from the family pointed out that Mr. Li Ao went to the hospital for treatment in July 2015 and was later diagnosed with a brain stem tumor. - DayDayNews

Until death, the "end" of life awakens our understanding of its "beginning", that is, our understanding of its true meaning. Therefore, at that moment, we abandoned those things that had misled us in our thoughts, those external gains and losses, many shouldn’ts and can’ts, many standard boundaries, causal logic (such as the thinking logic of “tit for tat”), etc. wait. And regained the self that had been lost for a long time, the kind and loving self. That feeling is just like what people say, "You only know how precious it is when you lose it. It's too late to cherish it."

1. Introduction to Overseas Network, March 18. On March 18, local time, Li Ao, a well-known Taiwanese writer, passed away. The statement from the family pointed out that Mr. Li Ao went to the hospital for treatment in July 2015 and was later diagnosed with a brain stem tumor. - DayDayNews

3. Look at the starting point from the end

1. Introduction to Overseas Network, March 18. On March 18, local time, Li Ao, a well-known Taiwanese writer, passed away. The statement from the family pointed out that Mr. Li Ao went to the hospital for treatment in July 2015 and was later diagnosed with a brain stem tumor. - DayDayNews

The famous management guru Stephen. Covey The beginning of the second habit "Begin with the End in Mind" mentioned in "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People" is designed here by Dr. Covey Here is a meditation exercise for readers to participate in their own funeral ~

Now close your eyes and think about it, if you were sitting at your own funeral, sitting in the last row, and everyone was talking about you in their eyes, what do you think people would do? Sum up your life? Do you like these reviews? If not, then you need to "begin with the end in mind" and rethink your life. Only the evaluation you hope to receive when the final decision is made is the success you truly desire in your heart.

1. Introduction to Overseas Network, March 18. On March 18, local time, Li Ao, a well-known Taiwanese writer, passed away. The statement from the family pointed out that Mr. Li Ao went to the hospital for treatment in July 2015 and was later diagnosed with a brain stem tumor. - DayDayNews

Today Li Ao’s suicide note once again vividly proves the significance of Dr. Covey’s “begin with the end in mind”.

Many people work hard, but in the end they find that the ladder to success is built on the wrong wall, but it is too late, so busyness may not yield results. There are also many people who feel empty after becoming successful and find that they have sacrificed many precious things. The reason for this is that there is a lack of clear goal guidance, so it is important to clarify the real goal. Only by clarifying the real goal, moving forward courageously, and persisting to the end will there be better effectiveness.

Dr. Covey told us that only by keeping the end in mind, can we become highly effective people. We should keep asking ourselves every day: Who do I want to be and what are my priorities?

1. Introduction to Overseas Network, March 18. On March 18, local time, Li Ao, a well-known Taiwanese writer, passed away. The statement from the family pointed out that Mr. Li Ao went to the hospital for treatment in July 2015 and was later diagnosed with a brain stem tumor. - DayDayNews

The most effective way to start with the end in mind is to write a personal mission statement. Zuckerberg once said at the graduation ceremony of Harvard University, "Finding the mission that the world has given you is the key to true happiness." The mission statement mainly explains what kind of person (morality) you want to be and what you want to achieve. Career (contributions and achievements) and the values ​​and principles underlying it.

1. Introduction to Overseas Network, March 18. On March 18, local time, Li Ao, a well-known Taiwanese writer, passed away. The statement from the family pointed out that Mr. Li Ao went to the hospital for treatment in July 2015 and was later diagnosed with a brain stem tumor. - DayDayNews

Gates is a practitioner who starts with the end in mind. When he was young, Gates had a dream that everyone should have a computer that can be used for communication and learning. At that time, computers were so expensive that even computer manufacturing companies thought Gates was a dreamer. At the time, this was simply impossible—even for Gates at the time, it was difficult to get one. However, Gates was guided by his own goals and worked hard to practice. No one could have imagined that a computer would cost only $1,000 from the initial cost of $1 million. Today, Gates' dream is to realize the equal value of all lives, so Gates and his wife founded the Bill and Malinda Gates Foundation. Gates said in his 2007 Harvard graduation speech: "For Malinda and I, the challenge is the same: how to use the resources at hand to benefit as many people as possible."

1. Introduction to Overseas Network, March 18. On March 18, local time, Li Ao, a well-known Taiwanese writer, passed away. The statement from the family pointed out that Mr. Li Ao went to the hospital for treatment in July 2015 and was later diagnosed with a brain stem tumor. - DayDayNews

Jack Ma is practice "to The most famous Chinese person is "The end is the beginning".In February 1999, the first plenary meeting was held at Ma Yun's home in Hangzhou's lakeside home. At this meeting, Ma Yun said, "We are going to run an e-commerce company. We have three goals. First, we want to build an e-commerce company." A company that has survived for 102 years; second, we want to build an e-commerce company that serves small and medium-sized enterprises in China; third, we want to build the largest e-commerce company in the world and enter the top ten global website rankings

from this day on. At first, Ma Yun was determined to develop e-commerce. They did not rent an office building, but worked in Ma Yun's home. At most, there were 35 people sitting in one room, working like wild beasts at Ma Yun's home day and night. He stopped designing web pages and discussing web pages and ideas. When he got sleepy, he would lie down on the floor and constantly encourage his employees. "When the starting gun is fired, you don't have time to see how your opponent runs. You have to run all the way," he warned the employees. The biggest failure is to give up, the biggest enemy is oneself, and the biggest opponent is time.” This is how Alibaba was conceived and born in Jack Ma’s home. In March 1999, Alibaba was officially launched, until it gradually attracted the attention of the media and venture investors. , and then it became the world's largest online trade market and the world's number one e-commerce brand, and gradually developed into Alibaba Group and became the Alibaba empire

. Conclusion

As a controversial figure, Li Ao is famous for "awakening the world with cynicism and saving the world with scolding". His works include "Beijing Fayuan Temple", "Impotence America", "Li Ao has something to say", " "Red 11" and more than 100 works, a total of ninety-six of which have been banned, setting a historical record. "The Complete Works of Li Ao" is a collection of most of his works. A total of 80 volumes with 30 million words. In September 2005, he visited mainland China and delivered a series of lectures titled "Vajra's Angry Eyes, Bodhisattva's Low Eyebrows, and Nun's Thoughts on the Ordinary" at three top universities: Peking University, Tsinghua University, and Fudan University.

1. Introduction to Overseas Network, March 18. On March 18, local time, Li Ao, a well-known Taiwanese writer, passed away. The statement from the family pointed out that Mr. Li Ao went to the hospital for treatment in July 2015 and was later diagnosed with a brain stem tumor. - DayDayNews

Regarding Li Ao's death, Cai Kangyong regretted: "I mourn Li Ao~~ He alone has the magical power of Eastern Evil, Western Poison, Southern Emperor and Northern Beggar; if he is gone, the world will be gone. "

How can we, who are still in the world, start with the end in mind and become the selves we really want to be like Li Ao?


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