Huang Buyie - Issue 128 Today is August 15th, which is also the anniversary of Japan’s unconditional surrender. 75 years ago, Japan, the last fascist axis power, announced its unconditional surrender. World War II was basically over. The Chinese persisted in the war of resistance

2024/06/2606:47:33 hotcomm 1676

​​Original: Huang Buxie next door

Public account: Gu Ziming’s boasted cow

Huang Buyie - Issue 128 Today is August 15th, which is also the anniversary of Japan’s unconditional surrender. 75 years ago, Japan, the last fascist axis power, announced its unconditional surrender. World War II was basically over. The Chinese persisted in the war of resistance - DayDayNews

Huang Buxie — Issue 128 Today is August 15th, and it is also the anniversary of Japan’s unconditional surrender , 75 years ago, the last one Japan, the fascist axis power, announced its unconditional surrender, and World War II was basically over. The Chinese persisted in the war of resistance for 14 years and won a valuable victory.

Huang Buyie - Issue 128 Today is August 15th, which is also the anniversary of Japan’s unconditional surrender. 75 years ago, Japan, the last fascist axis power, announced its unconditional surrender. World War II was basically over. The Chinese persisted in the war of resistance - DayDayNews

75 years ago, Asian countries were invaded by Japanese fascists, their lands fell, and their people were enslaved. The Japanese invaders burned, killed, and looted, committing all kinds of evil. The unyielding people rose up to resist. Peace-loving people all over the world united to support the anti-fascist countries. The just struggle finally won a hard-won victory after paying huge sacrifices. August 15, the day Japan unconditionally surrendered, has become a milestone that all peace-loving and anti-war people will never forget. This day is the day when our Chinese people won the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression. It was also the first complete victory since China suffered foreign aggression in more than a century. His victory promoted the complete awakening of the nation, enabled China to get rid of its humiliating semi-colonial status, achieved national independence, and created conditions for the liberation of the people. Become the beginning of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. This day is also the day when South Korea and North Korea, which have been fighting Japanese colonial aggression, got rid of Japan's 60-year colonial rule on the Korean peninsula and established their own political power. This day is also the "VJ" Day when peace-loving citizens around the world who stood up to fight against the Japanese invaders won.

Huang Buyie - Issue 128 Today is August 15th, which is also the anniversary of Japan’s unconditional surrender. 75 years ago, Japan, the last fascist axis power, announced its unconditional surrender. World War II was basically over. The Chinese persisted in the war of resistance - DayDayNews

This day is also a memorable day for the Japanese. Japan's unconditional surrender saved ordinary Japanese people who were forced to participate in the war from being used as cannon fodder and saved their lives. Of course, this day is also the day that militarists hate the most, but it is also their luckiest day. These scum who started the war have killed countless innocent lives. The tears shed by countless unfortunate families for their dead relatives can flood the entire Mount Fuji. The culprits managed to survive. The war was started by them, but the cost was borne by ordinary people. What is more annoying than the militarist pigs are the shameless politicians who advocate for the militarists. Iwasato Masao, Lee Teng-hui, his dead brother was sent to the Pacific by Japan as cannon fodder, and died in Philippines . Made a burial object for the "Empire of Japan". Lee Teng-hui himself was drafted into the army and was "broken" with Japan. Because Japan surrendered on August 15, he was lucky enough to save his life. But he didn't know how to cherish peace and oppose war. Instead, he was servile to the Japanese who had harmed him in the first place. He wanted to continue to be a "Japanese imperial citizen".

Huang Buyie - Issue 128 Today is August 15th, which is also the anniversary of Japan’s unconditional surrender. 75 years ago, Japan, the last fascist axis power, announced its unconditional surrender. World War II was basically over. The Chinese persisted in the war of resistance - DayDayNews

Just a few days before the anniversary of Japan’s unconditional surrender, I caught a cold and was cremated and buried on the anniversary. I can be considered to have died with the "Japanese Empire". The "Japanese Empire" is dead, but militarism and extreme right-wing ideas still exist in Japan. On today's anniversary, Japan's Emperor Naruhito expressed his need to "deeply reflect on past history" at Japan's "National Memorial Ceremony for the War Victims" and pray that war disasters will never happen again. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said in his speech that "the tragedy of war must never be repeated." But he did not mention the responsibility for the harm to Asian countries. On the one hand, the emperor and the prime minister expressed the need to reflect deeply and avoid war. On the other hand, a member of Abe's cabinet, the second son of former prime minister Junichiro Koizumi, and Environment Minister Tsushinro Koizumi, who was considered a candidate for the future prime minister, led Many cabinet members went to the Yasukuni Shrine, where Class-A war criminals of World War II are enshrined, to "worship ghosts."

Huang Buyie - Issue 128 Today is August 15th, which is also the anniversary of Japan’s unconditional surrender. 75 years ago, Japan, the last fascist axis power, announced its unconditional surrender. World War II was basically over. The Chinese persisted in the war of resistance - DayDayNews

There is no doubt that this is a political show organized by Shinjiro Koizumi on this day in order to win over the right wing and gain votes. It also reflects from the side that Japan’s domestic reflection on World War II is still from the perspective of a loser who lost the war, rather than an anti-war reflection perspective. The scale of right-wing forces in Japan still cannot be underestimated. The Japanese authorities' double-faced attitude of bowing and apologizing externally, while kneeling down and worshiping ghosts internally, is the foundation of Japanese character.When you become stronger, he will give you face-saving concessions, but he still harbors bad feelings and is dishonest in his heart. The most incisive evaluation of the ancients is that the barbarians fear power and have no morals. They are courteous on the outside and treacherous on the inside. They must be controlled by kings. Only if we remain strong can we ensure our own safety in this environment surrounded by evil neighbors. ​​​​

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