Sociologists have proposed the concept of "upward marriage", which means that a woman should marry a man who is better than her and has better economic conditions than her. Such a marriage has many benefits. Women can not only live a comfortable and superior life, but also benefi

2024/06/2607:57:33 hotcomm 1369

Sociologists have proposed the concept of "upward migration", which means that a woman should marry a man who is better than her and has better economic conditions than her. Such a marriage has many benefits. Women can not only live a comfortable and superior life, but also have Conducive to the happiness and stability of marriage.

This form of marriage has a prerequisite, that is, the conditions of both parties should not be too different, and the woman must have certain advantages and strengths, so that the man will marry her willingly.

It is a woman's advantage to be young and beautiful. It is a woman's advantage to be gentle, considerate, diligent and thrifty, and to live a good life. It is a woman's advantage to be capable and well-educated, and to be able to assist men in their careers. It is also a woman's advantage to be able to raise and educate children and make the next generation better and better. Advantages, women with these qualities are men's first choice, and men will not hesitate to spend a lot of money to marry such a woman.

Some women are very ordinary but make excessive demands. To others, this is a fantasy, but she takes it for granted. This leads to a phenomenon: some girls cannot get married and become "older leftover girls", and some second-married women cannot find women. Find a suitable marriage partner. They long for a happy family and a happy marriage, but because the conditions for choosing a spouse are too high, they have to stay single and are in a very difficult situation.

Sociologists have proposed the concept of

Aunt Chen is 52 years old, divorced, with a pension of three to four thousand yuan. Aunt Chen loves beauty and dressing up. She has a good figure and is well maintained. She looks much younger than her peers.

Aunt Chen has a wide circle of friends and has many hobbies. She likes off-roading and traveling, and also likes to play with young people. Aunt Chen’s pension is not enough for her. Every month she asks her parents for money, saying that she “ "Chewing on the old" is not an exaggeration at all.

Sociologists have proposed the concept of

Aunt Chen is free and happy, enjoying life and has nothing to worry about, but her relationship experience has been very unhappy.

Aunt Chen and her ex-husband have a bad relationship. They often quarrel over trivial matters in life. In order to avoid conflicts, they live their own lives and ignore each other. In name, they are husband and wife, but in fact they are no different from roommates who share a house.

Sociologists have proposed the concept of

In addition, Aunt Chen has had a long-standing conflict with her mother-in-law. She almost never meets her mother-in-law, and the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is very tense. Aunt Chen could not experience the warmth of family and the happiness of marriage. Instead, she experienced endless pain and torture. Aunt Chen took the initiative to file for divorce.

Aunt Chen envied other people being in couples, and because she was financially strapped and helpless, she came up with the idea of ​​remarrying. Aunt Chen has clear requirements for her partner. She wants to find a man with good economic conditions to satisfy her material and financial needs. Aunt Chen focuses on the group of demolished households.

Sociologists have proposed the concept of

Aunt Chen participated in a TV show to seek marriage. She had a good image and good temperament, was eloquent, and loved to talk and laugh. Many male guests had a favorable impression of her. Aunt Chen said that she was only looking for demolition households, and men whose families owned mines were also acceptable. The male guests were dumbfounded after hearing Aunt Chen's words, and even the host was confused.

Aunt Chen gave this explanation: "My first love boyfriend spent my money. My ex-husband's income is limited. I am responsible for most of the household expenses. I did not spend a penny on her. I have been spending money on men for half my life. I want to find a rich man and experience the feeling of spending a man’s money.”

Sociologists have proposed the concept of

Aunt Chen is young, elegant and well-maintained. She wants to find a rich man to support her. This idea is understandable, but she can do it for a man. What does it offer? Aunt Chen replied: "I am beautiful and can make a man's face look bright. He will not suffer any disadvantages if he marries me. And I have an interesting soul. I can be his friend and his lover. I can give him "Bringing you a different kind of enjoyment."

Aunt Chen said so confidently, but no male guest recognized her statement, and no one wanted to date her. Many people felt that Aunt Chen was too materialistic and only cared about money and not feelings. Everyone treated her badly. The reviews are generally not high, and the blind dates ended in failure.

Sociologists have proposed the concept of

Men and women have different demands when discussing marriage. A man wants to find a young, beautiful woman who can live a down-to-earth life. This will not only satisfy his desire for a woman’s appearance, but also contribute to the happiness and stability of the marriage. In this issue The man above kept a clear head.

In contrast, women's mate selection conditions are specific and realistic. Women pay more attention to material and money, because women know the truth that "love without material things is like a piece of loose sand." A woman will ask a man to have a house, a car and a deposit, and ask the man to give her a large betrothal gift. Some women will also ask the man for pocket money. Through these means, a woman can increase her sense of security and provide a guarantee for her life.

Women can make demands on men, but these demands should be reasonable. If a woman's demands are unrealistic and beyond a man's tolerance, the result will only be a source of laughter.

Aunt Chen experienced a failed marriage. She did not feel the warmth and happiness of her family, nor did she experience her husband's care and love. This emotional lack became her biggest regret. Aunt Chen hopes to make up for these shortcomings one by one in her new marriage. She targets demolition households and wealthy people. She feels that only such men can meet her needs.

Aunt Chen wants to marry a rich man who loves her and find a romantic destination, but she ignores an important issue. A rich man has a wide range of choices. There is no shortage of young and beautiful women around him. He can marry a woman in her twenties and thirties, have several healthy and lovely babies, and live a happy life. Why should he look for someone in his 50s? Where is the woman?

Age is a flaw for Aunt Chen. She keeps saying that beauty is her greatest asset, but beauty has a shelf life. When her youth is gone and her appearance grows old, what can Aunt Chen do to keep her husband's heart? Deep feelings and common pursuits are the key to couples staying together until old age.

Aunt Chen should be aware of this problem and make changes in time, otherwise I am afraid it will be difficult for her to find a suitable wife.

Aunt Chen only wants to marry a demolished household and a rich man. Do you think she can get her wish? Welcome to leave a message for discussion.

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