Recently, domestic epidemics have occurred frequently, which has had varying degrees of impact on contact service industries such as catering, retail, and cultural tourism. Some small and medium-sized merchants are facing greater operating pressure.

2024/06/1621:24:33 hotcomm 1075

The service industry is connected to market entities and people's lives, and plays an important role in maintaining the smooth operation of the national economy. Recently, domestic epidemics have occurred frequently, which has had varying degrees of impact on contact service industries such as catering, retail, and cultural tourism. Some small and medium-sized merchants are facing greater operating pressure. In response to the difficulties faced by the service industry, the state and local governments are intensively launching a package of measures to help enterprises bail out.

Recently, 14 departments including the National Development and Reform Commission jointly issued the "Several Policies on Promoting the Restoration and Development of Difficult Industries in the Service Industry". The 43 specific measures include inclusive support and relief measures, targeted support and relief measures, and precise implementation of epidemic prevention and control. The measures cover many aspects such as finance, taxation, finance, and employment.

So far, more than 20 provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities and key cities have implemented detailed rules and successively implemented a combination of measures to rescue the service industry.

Shandong Province’s 35 measures cover not only inclusive preferential policies such as tax and rent reductions, job stabilization returns of unemployment insurance, financial support, and epidemic prevention subsidies, but also specific preferential policies such as the issuance of consumer vouchers and the refund of tourism quality deposits. According to preliminary calculations, after the implementation of these policies, it will reduce the burden on market entities in the province by approximately 23 billion yuan.

Recently, domestic epidemics have occurred frequently, which has had varying degrees of impact on contact service industries such as catering, retail, and cultural tourism. Some small and medium-sized merchants are facing greater operating pressure. - DayDayNews

Guangdong Province’s 47 measures to promote the recovery and development of difficult industries in the service industry focus on reducing enterprise production and operation costs and optimizing the enterprise operating environment to support service industry market entities to overcome difficulties and resume development.

Recently, domestic epidemics have occurred frequently, which has had varying degrees of impact on contact service industries such as catering, retail, and cultural tourism. Some small and medium-sized merchants are facing greater operating pressure. - DayDayNews

Deputy Director of the Guangdong Provincial Development and Reform Commission Huang Huadong : covers all aspects such as financial subsidies, tax exemptions, financial credit, epidemic prevention and control, etc. These policies and measures have clear guidance, strong support, and a wide range of beneficiaries, and will definitely help effectively Market entities in the service industry boost confidence.

Recently, domestic epidemics have occurred frequently, which has had varying degrees of impact on contact service industries such as catering, retail, and cultural tourism. Some small and medium-sized merchants are facing greater operating pressure. - DayDayNews

Tianjin, Hubei, Hunan, Anhui, Chongqing, Heilongjiang and other provinces and cities have also introduced targeted relief measures for the service industry based on the actual conditions of the region. Zhejiang Province’s 53 measures include 20 inclusive relief and support measures, as well as targeted support policies for different industries such as catering and tourism. Hunan has adopted 36 policies including tax cuts and fee reductions, financial support, and optimization of the business environment to reduce operating costs in the service industry. Many of Sichuan's 43 measures are aimed at industries with special difficulties such as catering, retail, and tourism.

Recently, domestic epidemics have occurred frequently, which has had varying degrees of impact on contact service industries such as catering, retail, and cultural tourism. Some small and medium-sized merchants are facing greater operating pressure. - DayDayNews

Deputy leader of the Macroeconomic Group of the Sichuan Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government Decision-making Advisory Committee Ding Renzhong : The main purpose is to reduce the operating costs of enterprises. The service industry accounts for 70% of the employment in our province, stabilizing the The service industry has stabilized employment and Sichuan's economic development.

Prescribe the right medicine and implement precise policies to help the service industry tide over the difficulties.

In addition to the inclusive package of tax exemptions, financial support, epidemic prevention and control and other policies, a major feature of this bailout for the service industry is "precise support." How do localities prescribe the right medicine and implement precise policies? Has the company received any real benefits?

During this time, staff from many districts and counties in Hangzhou, Zhejiang, are visiting companies to promote rent reduction and exemption policies. In accordance with the latest service industry relief policy, , a catering company in Xihu District, , on the basis of exempting three months of rent, can also charge an additional three months of rent at half the price. The person in charge told reporters that this can solve their problem. Urgent need.

Recently, domestic epidemics have occurred frequently, which has had varying degrees of impact on contact service industries such as catering, retail, and cultural tourism. Some small and medium-sized merchants are facing greater operating pressure. - DayDayNews

Ruan Jinmu, a hotelier in Xihu District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province: has reduced the price by 320,000 yuan, which also greatly relieves our pressure and allows us to persevere.

Recently, domestic epidemics have occurred frequently, which has had varying degrees of impact on contact service industries such as catering, retail, and cultural tourism. Some small and medium-sized merchants are facing greater operating pressure. - DayDayNews

So far, Hangzhou Yuhang District has visited more than 1,000 companies and is expected to reduce rents by 180 million yuan. Shangcheng District , where small and medium-sized businesses in the service industry are concentrated, is expected to reduce rents for small and medium-sized businesses by 250 million yuan.

Recently, domestic epidemics have occurred frequently, which has had varying degrees of impact on contact service industries such as catering, retail, and cultural tourism. Some small and medium-sized merchants are facing greater operating pressure. - DayDayNews

The person in charge of a B&B in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Zhang Ting: At least the pressure is much lighter after the exemption. The working capital can be used to pay for water and electricity, as well as employee wages. There is very great support.

Recently, domestic epidemics have occurred frequently, which has had varying degrees of impact on contact service industries such as catering, retail, and cultural tourism. Some small and medium-sized merchants are facing greater operating pressure. - DayDayNews

Recently, some communities in Changsha, Hunan were temporarily closed due to the epidemic, which directly affected the offline operations of surrounding supermarkets. The reporter visited and learned that the local government is actively signing an emergency supply agreement with supermarkets and supermarkets to ensure the supply of daily necessities, which not only solves the problem of material security for residents, but also relieves the operating pressure of supermarkets.

Recently, domestic epidemics have occurred frequently, which has had varying degrees of impact on contact service industries such as catering, retail, and cultural tourism. Some small and medium-sized merchants are facing greater operating pressure. - DayDayNews

Peng Haiyan, director of the Commerce Bureau of Furong District, Changsha, Hunan: has stabilized prices through our government procurement, and also eased the market supply and production and operation needs of enterprises during particularly difficult times.

Recently, domestic epidemics have occurred frequently, which has had varying degrees of impact on contact service industries such as catering, retail, and cultural tourism. Some small and medium-sized merchants are facing greater operating pressure. - DayDayNews

He Minxing, the person in charge of a supermarket in Yuelu District, Changsha, Hunan: is our most urgently needed and most effective support.

A few days ago, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism issued the "Notice on Further Adjustments to the Policies Related to Temporary Refund of Tourism Service Quality Deposits". Travel agencies can temporarily refund the deposit in full or suspend payment, and the period for making up the deposit has been extended to March 31 next year.

Recently, domestic epidemics have occurred frequently, which has had varying degrees of impact on contact service industries such as catering, retail, and cultural tourism. Some small and medium-sized merchants are facing greater operating pressure. - DayDayNews

The person in charge of this travel agency in Sichuan told reporters that they had previously paid 1.6 million yuan in service quality guarantee deposits, and had previously refunded 1.28 million yuan. After the full refund policy is implemented, they can also apply for a refund of 320,000 yuan.

Recently, domestic epidemics have occurred frequently, which has had varying degrees of impact on contact service industries such as catering, retail, and cultural tourism. Some small and medium-sized merchants are facing greater operating pressure. - DayDayNews

General Manager of a travel agency in Sichuan Yang Shi Jun : With the deposit returned, we can solve some urgent needs. We are also enjoying subsidy policies in terms of social security deferrals and training subsidies to help the industry tide over difficulties.

Takeout platform lowers service fees to reduce costs for catering companies

During this round of epidemic, the catering industry has been greatly affected. The country's "43 Service Industry Relief Articles" propose that Internet platform companies such as takeaways should be guided to further reduce merchant service fee standards in the catering industry, and catering companies in county-level administrative regions where high-risk areas are located should be provided with phased merchant services. Fee discount. What is the current implementation status of this policy?

After the announcement of the "43 Relief Measures for the Service Industry", many food delivery platforms announced plans to reduce commissions. A food delivery platform is offering commission reductions and exemptions to all merchants in 87 districts and counties across the country that have recently been listed as medium- and high-risk areas for the epidemic. In direct-operated cities such as Shenzhen, Xi'an, and Hangzhou, merchants' commissions during the epidemic prevention and control period will be halved and returned; in agency cities such as Baise, Guangxi, and Wuxi, Jiangsu, all commissions paid by merchants to the platform during the epidemic prevention and control period will be refunded, and the refunded funds will be Transfer to merchant account 4 months ago.

Recently, domestic epidemics have occurred frequently, which has had varying degrees of impact on contact service industries such as catering, retail, and cultural tourism. Some small and medium-sized merchants are facing greater operating pressure. - DayDayNews

For merchants in difficulty in epidemic areas, some takeout platforms have also introduced measures to halve takeout commissions and cap them at 1 yuan per order. For merchants who have difficulty completing fee rate transparency, they will be evaluated based on their operating conditions and degree of difficulty, and a commission cap of 5% will be implemented. The preferential period will last from March 2022 to the end of December 2022.

Recently, domestic epidemics have occurred frequently, which has had varying degrees of impact on contact service industries such as catering, retail, and cultural tourism. Some small and medium-sized merchants are facing greater operating pressure. - DayDayNews

Ren Yiqi, regional manager of a food delivery platform: In terms of commission reduction for , our platform has already reduced commissions by 30 million.

Policy support + professional assistance to help restaurants escape from survival crisis

Data shows that there are more than 11 million catering-related enterprises in our country, which play an important role in stabilizing employment and ensuring people's lives, but they are also more directly affected by the epidemic. Therefore, from the state to the local level to the industry, relief policies for the catering industry have been introduced. With the combined efforts of all parties, how do they deal with the current predicament?

At noon, this restaurant on the East Third Ring Road in Beijing welcomed a special guest. After analyzing the restaurant's recent takeout data, she made suggestions such as improving takeout dishes and increasing delivery speed.

Recently, domestic epidemics have occurred frequently, which has had varying degrees of impact on contact service industries such as catering, retail, and cultural tourism. Some small and medium-sized merchants are facing greater operating pressure. - DayDayNews

Yang Chunlin, the person in charge of a catering company in Beijing: We mainly do dine-in food. We know very little about the consumer groups who order takeout. Having a professional team like them come in to help us is a great help for us as dine-in operators. There are some that are very helpful and some that are very effective.

Recently, domestic epidemics have occurred frequently, which has had varying degrees of impact on contact service industries such as catering, retail, and cultural tourism. Some small and medium-sized merchants are facing greater operating pressure. - DayDayNews

Yang Chunlin told reporters that due to the epidemic, the restaurant's dine-in sales have been unsatisfactory this year. The monthly rent alone has to pay 180,000, and the costs of labor, ingredients, etc. are not low. The operating pressure is very high, so we must actively adapt to the situation. Become the only way for the restaurant to survive.

Recently, domestic epidemics have occurred frequently, which has had varying degrees of impact on contact service industries such as catering, retail, and cultural tourism. Some small and medium-sized merchants are facing greater operating pressure. - DayDayNews

Not long ago, the state introduced a package of measures to bail out the service industry. Restaurants enjoyed tax reductions and exemptions, deferred social security payments, epidemic prevention subsidies and other policies, and applied for targeted support with a 5% cap on takeout commissions.

Recently, domestic epidemics have occurred frequently, which has had varying degrees of impact on contact service industries such as catering, retail, and cultural tourism. Some small and medium-sized merchants are facing greater operating pressure. - DayDayNews

Because they had no experience, when the takeout was first launched, the order volume was low, the speed was slow, and the ratings were not high, so they applied for the free takeout butler service.

Recently, domestic epidemics have occurred frequently, which has had varying degrees of impact on contact service industries such as catering, retail, and cultural tourism. Some small and medium-sized merchants are facing greater operating pressure. - DayDayNews

Takeaway Butler Li Yan: We must regularly communicate with merchants on how to conduct various activities on the platform, how to match packages, how to match dishes, and the conversion rate of various exposure data on the platform.

Recently, domestic epidemics have occurred frequently, which has had varying degrees of impact on contact service industries such as catering, retail, and cultural tourism. Some small and medium-sized merchants are facing greater operating pressure. - DayDayNews

Through accurate big data analysis, the restaurant has greatly improved the quality of dishes, delivery speed, and customer experience. Takeaway sales have increased three to four times compared with the past, and the restaurant has temporarily escaped from its survival crisis.

The service industry is actively adapting and innovating service models

It is not just the catering industry. With the government's active support and strong support from the industry, many service industry companies are also actively adapting and innovating service models.

Hangzhou Sijiqing Clothing Street is the national clothing distribution center with more than 15,000 stalls. Some time ago, due to the epidemic, 18 markets were closed and have just been restored recently. Merchant Wang Xiaoli told reporters that although the store is still focusing on online sales, she is still actively preparing to understand the latest needs of the market.

Recently, domestic epidemics have occurred frequently, which has had varying degrees of impact on contact service industries such as catering, retail, and cultural tourism. Some small and medium-sized merchants are facing greater operating pressure. - DayDayNews

Wang Xiaoli, a merchant in Sijiqing Clothing Street, Hangzhou, Zhejiang: I am still telling our design department that we hope we can develop more new models and faster, as customer demand is still huge.

Recently, domestic epidemics have occurred frequently, which has had varying degrees of impact on contact service industries such as catering, retail, and cultural tourism. Some small and medium-sized merchants are facing greater operating pressure. - DayDayNews

While merchants are actively helping themselves, mall managers are also actively striving for rent reductions and carrying out various online promotion activities to help merchants stay together and recover as soon as possible.

Recently, domestic epidemics have occurred frequently, which has had varying degrees of impact on contact service industries such as catering, retail, and cultural tourism. Some small and medium-sized merchants are facing greater operating pressure. - DayDayNews

Also actively adapting to market demand is this hotel in Changsha, Hunan. Since the outbreak of this round of epidemic, the hotel's food court and dine-in area have all been closed, and only 30 to 40 of the nearly 600 rooms are occupied every day. At the same time, after some primary and secondary schools in Changsha suspended classes offline, many dual-income families were worried about how to balance their children and work. Therefore, the hotel launched the "Safe Nursery Room" guest room product. One room includes two breakfasts, one large and one small, and two additional children's meals. The cost for two children per day is about 200 yuan. Hotel staff turned into housekeepers, responsible for supervising children's online classes and organizing art and sports activities such as painting, table tennis, and chess. The hotel has also launched online takeout and actively provided group meals, which can increase income by 30,000 to 40,000 yuan per day, easing the current survival pressure.

Recently, domestic epidemics have occurred frequently, which has had varying degrees of impact on contact service industries such as catering, retail, and cultural tourism. Some small and medium-sized merchants are facing greater operating pressure. - DayDayNews

Xu Jiang, marketing director of a hotel in Changsha, Hunan: Under the impact of the epidemic, we are exploring a new profit model. On the other hand, we are also helping parents solve some practical difficulties.

Respond to changes and turn crises into opportunities

my country's service industry employs hundreds of millions, including large, medium, small and micro enterprises and about 100 million individual industrial and commercial households. The characteristic of the service industry is to deal with people, so most service formats are contact-based. This makes them more vulnerable to the continued impact of the epidemic.

helps enterprises to bail out, and the service industry is an important area of ​​focus. At present, the efforts of all parties show the following characteristics:

First, there is a top-level design covering the whole country. In accordance with the central deployment, the relevant departments directly come up with a package of relief policies for the whole country.

Recently, domestic epidemics have occurred frequently, which has had varying degrees of impact on contact service industries such as catering, retail, and cultural tourism. Some small and medium-sized merchants are facing greater operating pressure. - DayDayNews

Second, various localities have successively issued implementation details to make the relief orientation proposed by the country concrete and localized.

Recently, domestic epidemics have occurred frequently, which has had varying degrees of impact on contact service industries such as catering, retail, and cultural tourism. Some small and medium-sized merchants are facing greater operating pressure. - DayDayNews

The third is to segment the service industry. Different industries have different bailout methods. Within the same industry, it is also necessary to subdivide the situation. The more subdivided the situation, the more effective the bailout can be.

The fourth is to not only provide real money and help service industry market entities reduce costs, but also use policies to encourage market entities to actively explore new service methods to adapt to changes and turn crises into opportunities.

(CCTV reporters Zhang Qin, Wang Yan, Chen Yujie, Huang Wei, Li Chao, Zhang Hao, Hunan TV, Zhejiang TV, Guangdong TV, Sichuan TV, Shandong TV, Hubei TV, Shenzhen TV)

Source: CCTV News Client

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