He Xingfu got married. Although the dowry was not worth ten miles of red dowry, the dowry brought from her mother's family was enough for several large trucks. However, as a bride, He Xingfu is different from the average nervous and shy woman. Although her own mobility is limited

2024/06/1522:17:32 hotcomm 1688

He Xingfu got married. Although the dowry was not worth ten miles of red dowry, the dowry brought from her mother's family was enough for several large trucks. However, as a bride, He Xingfu is different from the average nervous and shy woman. Although her own mobility is limited - DayDayNews


He Xingxing got married. Although it was not as good as Shili Hongzhuang, the dowry brought from her mother's family was enough for several large trucks. Perhaps this is insignificant compared to the cities that give away mansions and cars, but in rural weddings, it can be considered a grand event.

However, as a bride, He Xingfu is different from other nervous and shy women. Although her own mobility is limited and she cannot entertain relatives and friends without permission, she tells her sister He Xingfu, who is the bridesmaid, to go out to entertain more. But He Xuxun's mind was obviously not as careful as hers. He was just cracking melon seeds leisurely, and reluctantly left the new house after hearing his sister's instructions. But looking at the men, women, and children he didn't recognize, He Xingxun chose to quietly spend time on the phone with his partner, trying to fool him.

He Xingfu got married. Although the dowry was not worth ten miles of red dowry, the dowry brought from her mother's family was enough for several large trucks. However, as a bride, He Xingfu is different from the average nervous and shy woman. Although her own mobility is limited - DayDayNews

In fact, during a wedding, in addition to the bride who should not be messed with, the bridesmaids who follow you will usually become the object of the groom's attention. Although many bad habits have been abandoned now and there will be no such embarrassment, there will always be some ignorant young people who do not know the rules and do it in the name of fun. The banner of adding fun is actually taking advantage of the situation. He Xuxun was unlucky to be targeted, and the other person was a "second-generation official" who could not be messed with in Wanjia Village. In this way, there is no need to think that the movement will definitely not be small. Either Sister He Xingfu can bear this tone, or she can risk her face and make it known to everyone. He Xingfu chose the latter, even if it was his own wedding.

At first, I felt that it was impossible to be happy in a marriage like He Xingfu's that started with a bloody scene. Later, I realized that when people are bullied for their good deeds, choosing to swallow their anger is the beginning of an unhappy marriage. From the moment she picked up the bench and threw it at the secretary's son, she had already vindicated her character and laid the foundation for her marriage. Because what she hit was not the secretary’s son, but the marriage trouble and the gangster; if she tolerated it, then the gangster would become the secretary’s son.

He Xingfu got married. Although the dowry was not worth ten miles of red dowry, the dowry brought from her mother's family was enough for several large trucks. However, as a bride, He Xingfu is different from the average nervous and shy woman. Although her own mobility is limited - DayDayNews

On the wedding day, he hit the secretary’s son with a bench.

When He Xingfu got into the wedding car, opened the window and looked out, she knew that her destiny would enter a new chapter. The growth stories she experienced before will become gradually blurred marks, slowly condensing into her thoughts, words and deeds.

Wang Qinglai is He Xingfu's newlywed husband, and he also likes her very much. This can be seen from the wedding. Although the Wang family is just an ordinary family, the wedding not only followed the trend and hired a master of ceremonies, but also set up a stage, and there were red lanterns and colorful characters everywhere as far as the eye could see. The concierge even entertained Secretary Wan, the most prominent figure in Wanjia Village. Although the Wan family was not related to the Wang family, Secretary Wan was still placed at the VIP table.

He Xingfu got married. Although the dowry was not worth ten miles of red dowry, the dowry brought from her mother's family was enough for several large trucks. However, as a bride, He Xingfu is different from the average nervous and shy woman. Although her own mobility is limited - DayDayNews

There is a detail that the newlyweds had just bowed to heaven and earth for the first time and were about to bow to the high hall for the second time. The mother-in-law suddenly stopped the wedding and quickly stood up to invite Secretary Wan to the stage. She said that the newlyweds should first bow to Secretary Wan before it was their turn. High hall. The father-in-law responded quickly and even slapped himself, saying that he was an old fool. Although He Xingfu looked surprised, as a newly arrived bride, she could only adapt.

It is obvious that the selfishness of the Wang family is hidden here, but it also reflects a fact. That's the countryside, where an official with big sesame seeds and mung beans will be regarded as a god. Because a village chief or secretary is equivalent to the local emperor of a village. Although he does not have much power, he can be respected by the entire village, and this happens to be rural culture.

He Xingfu got married. Although the dowry was not worth ten miles of red dowry, the dowry brought from her mother's family was enough for several large trucks. However, as a bride, He Xingfu is different from the average nervous and shy woman. Although her own mobility is limited - DayDayNews

However, this kind of rural culture failed to spread to He Xingfu. When she finally persuaded her sister He Xingxun to greet the guests for her, she heard that her sister was dragged into the dark room and humiliated. Although marriage troubles have existed for a long time, for a young girl, it is undoubtedly forcing her to die.

How could He Xingfu endure it? She no longer cared about the bride's restriction that she could not come out to meet people. She even didn't even have time to wait for her husband. She rushed in single-handedly, kicked open the door, picked up a bench, and walked towards Hit the person who was assaulting my sister on the head.

And this person was Wan Chuanjia, the son of Secretary Wan who had just bowed down at the wedding. When the blood flowed down Wan Chuanjia’s head, those who were watching the excitement exploded, and even the whole yard The guests also cheered and left in an instant. Because no one here dared to offend Secretary Wan, and what they kept saying was that the bride cut open the head of Secretary Wan’s son, but there was no mention of the incident where Secretary Wan’s family almost raped He Lucky.

He Xingfu got married. Although the dowry was not worth ten miles of red dowry, the dowry brought from her mother's family was enough for several large trucks. However, as a bride, He Xingfu is different from the average nervous and shy woman. Although her own mobility is limited - DayDayNews

In fact, everyone is not legally illiterate. We all know that once the fact of rape is caused, not only will you go to jail, but the punishment will also be quite severe. However, there will still be people who find various reasons to commit crimes. Although Wan Chuanjia is under the banner of marriage, But in his heart he hides the vicious intention of raping He Xingxing. However, due to Secretary Wan's official status, everyone chose to turn a blind eye and even deliberately concealed it. But He Xingfu's bench slapped everyone in the face and sounded the alarm for everyone.

He Xingfu got married. Although the dowry was not worth ten miles of red dowry, the dowry brought from her mother's family was enough for several large trucks. However, as a bride, He Xingfu is different from the average nervous and shy woman. Although her own mobility is limited - DayDayNews

The attitudes of his parents-in-law and husband strengthened He Xingfu's determination.

When Wan Chuanjia was driven to the hospital by a group of people, He Xingfu's parents-in-law had a long face and even got angry at He Xingfu on the spot.

"What's wrong with having a family heirloom? Others have suffered it, so why can't you bear it? Tell me, you have caused such a big disaster. Even if I sold out the whole house, I can't afford to pay for it even if I sell it all." The first rafter died first, why? Your bench has destroyed our family."

Even her husband Wang Qinglai didn't say anything, although he didn't stand with his parents to criticize him. But I also acquiesced in my heart that the Wan Chuan family was not wrong, and said on the wedding night: " Our family is a small family in Wanjia Village. It has no power, so please bear with it."

He Xingfu got married. Although the dowry was not worth ten miles of red dowry, the dowry brought from her mother's family was enough for several large trucks. However, as a bride, He Xingfu is different from the average nervous and shy woman. Although her own mobility is limited - DayDayNews

But this is not the end, if we talk about men If you don’t know how to feel sorry for women, women should stick together. After all, it is women who are being bullied. But no matter where He Xingfu goes, he can hear the young daughters-in-law chatting and doing laundry talking about the fact that she smashed the Wan Chuan family's head. Even though she repeatedly clarified that it was the Wan Chuan family who insulted her sister, there is still no one. Be on her side.

Her parents-in-law even visited Wan's house several times to apologize, but were turned down every time. The more times this happened, the more angry my mother-in-law became. For this reason, my father-in-law even said "You are ruining our family. If you really want to do this, our Wang family will really not dare to have you." These words of the father-in-law It's really heartbreaking. He is not clear about right and wrong, and does not uphold justice for his family. Instead, he wants to drive away his daughter-in-law, who has just met her, just to curry favor with the secretary of his own village.

He Xingfu got married. Although the dowry was not worth ten miles of red dowry, the dowry brought from her mother's family was enough for several large trucks. However, as a bride, He Xingfu is different from the average nervous and shy woman. Although her own mobility is limited - DayDayNews

Actually, everyone understands what is going on, and I also believe that when any young girl encounters such a situation, in addition to being sad and crying, her family must be unhappy. It's just that if it doesn't hurt you, you'll never care.

As a newly married daughter-in-law, He Xingfu had no one to rely on and no understanding of the pros and cons. She could only reach this point by relying on herself. However, it was precisely because of everyone's opposition that she became more determined to fight. People are like springs, the more they are suppressed, the more they rebound.

He Xingfu got married. Although the dowry was not worth ten miles of red dowry, the dowry brought from her mother's family was enough for several large trucks. However, as a bride, He Xingfu is different from the average nervous and shy woman. Although her own mobility is limited - DayDayNews

Just like what she said when she broke into Secretary Wan's house, "So your family is unreasonable?" and Secretary Wan's response was, "Are you saying that Wan Shan Tang covers the sky with one hand? If you have the ability, remove me as secretary." " Although Secretary Wan's response was very strong, it also meant concessions.

Because Secretary Wan does not want to be a person who can dominate the world with one hand, it means that he has his own judgment, and he is not bullying men and women like Wan Chuanjia. Otherwise, it will not prevent Wan Chuanjia from taking revenge. It's just that I've been an official for a long time, I'm used to being flattered by others, and I can't let go of my dignity. But He Xingfu happens to be barefoot and not afraid of wearing shoes. As long as he maintains the momentum of not being afraid of anything and walking around the world with reason, sooner or later he will be able to reverse this situation, and there will no longer be such bullying.

People really don’t sink in adversity, they grow up in adversity. He Xingfu insists on one word of philosophy, but everyone is biased on one word of vulgarity.There are indeed many difficulties in confronting customs with justice, but sooner or later it will be accepted by more people, because justice is more popular and more in line with people's hearts, while some bad habits in customs will sooner or later disappear from the stage of history.

He Xingfu got married. Although the dowry was not worth ten miles of red dowry, the dowry brought from her mother's family was enough for several large trucks. However, as a bride, He Xingfu is different from the average nervous and shy woman. Although her own mobility is limited - DayDayNews

What is the key to opening the door to a happy marriage?

He Xingfu is a tough and brave person. If the same thing happened to ordinary people, she might make a big fuss in her husband's family, and even force her husband to support her. But she has never relied on anyone, whether it is lifting a bench to hit someone. , or when she went to Secretary Wan’s house to argue, she was always the first one to rush up. Perhaps she was asking for an explanation for her sister from the beginning, but her persistence must have been for her own beliefs.

She doesn't care whether others understand her thoughts or whether they support her, because she firmly believes that she is right and is right. Therefore, she rushed forward fearlessly and fought against everything bravely, even if she lost her newly entered marriage.

He Xingfu got married. Although the dowry was not worth ten miles of red dowry, the dowry brought from her mother's family was enough for several large trucks. However, as a bride, He Xingfu is different from the average nervous and shy woman. Although her own mobility is limited - DayDayNews

In fact, the farce at He Xingfu's wedding may only be discussed for a while, or it may not affect his future life at all. Of course, this premise is that Wan Chuanjia was just teasing and did not do any more excessive things. But one fact is that this happened to be the beginning of He Xingfu's marriage. Maybe her husband's family would not say anything at that time, and they would even come over to comfort them. But once the validity period of sympathy has passed, such a disgraceful thing will become The label on He Xingfu.

When a woman marries into her husband's family, it is often a war between a woman and a family. Although this war is bound by a marriage contract, it cannot be denied that no one in the husband's family will miss any opportunity to test a woman. If He Xingfu suffers silently, they will think that she is easy to bully. If she wants to do anything in the future, it will be difficult to get support, and they will even exploit her in turn.

He Xingfu got married. Although the dowry was not worth ten miles of red dowry, the dowry brought from her mother's family was enough for several large trucks. However, as a bride, He Xingfu is different from the average nervous and shy woman. Although her own mobility is limited - DayDayNews

The essence of getting along with others is that you retreat while I advance, and you advance while I retreat. Once it is determined that you are someone who is not easy to mess with, you will think twice about what you say or do, because human nature is to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, and if you want to gain the respect of others, you must either be profitable or be so powerful that you cannot avoid it.

There is a saying in " The Reverie of a Lonely Walker ": As long as a person is good at pursuing happiness, others cannot make him fall into a truly miserable situation.

What a person wants depends on what he is willing to pay, and how much he pays also determines how much he can get. Why do some people have very happy marriages while others have very miserable marriages? If you are careful, you will find that everyone does not get married for the purpose of divorce, and whether the marriage will be happy or not is only in her own hands. Once she is willing to manage it for the happiness of her marriage, her life will definitely be happier than others. many.

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