Source: Overseas Network Picture According to Taiwan's "Central News Agency" Overseas Network, October 26, on October 24, the mainland's "Fengyi 9969" sand pumping ship and "Changxin 36" sand transporting ship were detained by the Taiwan authorities on the grounds of "crossing th

2024/06/1520:25:32 hotcomm 1362

Source: Overseas Network

Source: Overseas Network Picture According to Taiwan's

Picture According to Taiwan's "Central News Agency"

Overseas Network, October 26th On October 24, the mainland's "Fengyi 9969" sand pumping ship and "Changxin 36" sand transporting ship were accused of "crossing the border" by the Taiwan authorities. 28 people, including two captains surnamed Kang and Lu, were detained by Taiwan's Coast Guard.

According to Taiwan's "Central News Agency" report on the 26th, the Taiwan authorities' "Coast Patrol Administration" Fleet Branch and Penghu County Government discovered the mainland's "Fengyi 9969" sand pumping ship and "Changxin 36" sand transporting ship in the Penghu waters on the morning of the 24th. , and detained two ships on the grounds of "crossing the border", and 28 people, including the two captains surnamed Kang and Lu, were detained by the Penghu District Court. This was also the first time in the history of the Penghu District Court that 28 defendants were detained. record of.

In addition, the Penghu District Court also stated that the 28 people detained were "suspected of serious crimes" and prohibited them from communicating with the outside world on the grounds that they were suspected of fleeing and "colluding with accomplices."

"Crossing the border" is a common reason used by Taiwan authorities to seize mainland ships. In August this year, the Taiwan authorities used this as an excuse to seize four mainland fishing boats within four days, detain the crew members and impose heavy fines. At the beginning of this year, Taiwan’s Coast Guard Fleet Branch also dispatched the 2,000-ton Tainan warship to Penghu to cooperate with the Penghu Coast Guard in conducting so-called “sweeping” missions against “cross-border” mainland fishing boats. In April, Mazu The "coast patrol" even used shotguns to fire shock bombs to intimidate mainland fishing boats. Taiwan's green media "Liberty Times Website" reported on October 17 that since the beginning of this year, the Taiwan authorities have fined a total of 64 mainland fishing boats for "crossing the border", with a total fine of NT$71.35 million (NTD, the same below). On average, each boat has been fined A fine of NT$1.115 million will be imposed. If there is a fishing dispute between the mainland and Taiwanese fishing boats, the Taiwan authorities will immediately impose a mandatory inspection and require the mainland fishing boats to compensate the Taiwanese fishing boats for their losses.

In response to the Taiwan authorities' frequent seizures of mainland ships and crews, and even injuries to fishermen, the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council has called on the Taiwan authorities to " be considerate. ". The mainland has always treated Taiwanese fishermen with compatriots. We have been in many places along the coast Taiwanese fishermen reception facilities have been set up to provide Taiwanese fishing boats and fishermen with shelter, supplies, rescue, rescue and other related assistance. Compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Strait are flesh-and-blood brothers. Taiwan should stop treating mainland fishermen in a rough and dangerous way and ensure the safety of the lives and property of the fishermen involved. (Overseas Network Xia Lijuan)

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