Most strokes in daily life are minor strokes, which usually recover on their own within 24 hours, but there are also some cases that can lead to fatal consequences. Causes of stroke 1. Hypertension and atherosclerosis. Relevant data show that nearly 93% of stroke patients have hy

2024/06/1513:02:32 hotcomm 1886

Most of the strokes in daily life are minor strokes . They usually recover on their own within 24 hours. However, there are also some situations that can induce fatal consequences, so we must understand why we get strokes and what we know about them. What are some ways to prevent stroke?

Causes of stroke

1. Hypertension and atherosclerosis

Most strokes in daily life are minor strokes, which usually recover on their own within 24 hours, but there are also some cases that can lead to fatal consequences. Causes of stroke 1. Hypertension and atherosclerosis. Relevant data show that nearly 93% of stroke patients have hy - DayDayNews

Relevant data show that nearly 93% of stroke patients have hypertension, and 70% of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases The patient has atherosclerosis. It can be seen that atherosclerosis is the "initiator" of stroke. When the patient's blood lipid regulation becomes abnormal, more and more hardened plaques will accumulate on the blood vessel walls, and the blood in the blood vessels will The flow rate will slow down, and eventually cerebral thrombosis and induced stroke will form.

2. Cerebrovascular abnormalities

If there are congenital abnormalities in the cerebral blood vessels, it is a common factor leading to cerebral hemorrhage, and cerebrovascular inflammation can further cause hemorrhagic stroke.

Rheumatic diseases, coronary arteriosclerosisheart disease, and carditis will all cause hard lumps to accumulate on the blood vessel walls. If heart failure or atrial fibrillation occur at the same time, the hard lumps on these blood vesselsthrombosis will Shedding occurs, and when it flows to the cerebral artery , it may block the artery and cause embolism . In life, the incidence of cerebral thrombosis caused by rheumatic heart disease is very high, and it always happens repeatedly.

3. Metabolic diseases

Most strokes in daily life are minor strokes, which usually recover on their own within 24 hours, but there are also some cases that can lead to fatal consequences. Causes of stroke 1. Hypertension and atherosclerosis. Relevant data show that nearly 93% of stroke patients have hy - DayDayNews

Diabetes and hyperlipidemia are also closely related to cerebrovascular disease. Reports show that nearly 40% of patients with cerebrovascular disease suffer from diabetes, and because of diabetes The risk of arteriosclerosis is up to five times higher than that of normal people. It can be seen that diabetes will also increase the chance of stroke.

4. Others

Thrombocytopenic purpura Although this disease is rare, it may also cause hemorrhagic stroke.

Common ways to prevent stroke

1. Healthy diet

Be sure to reduce the intake of fat and salt. At the same time, you need to pay attention to balanced nutrition. Don't overeat.

2. Regular physical examinations

Most strokes in daily life are minor strokes, which usually recover on their own within 24 hours, but there are also some cases that can lead to fatal consequences. Causes of stroke 1. Hypertension and atherosclerosis. Relevant data show that nearly 93% of stroke patients have hy - DayDayNews

Regular physical examinations are a crucial aspect in maintaining a healthy body. Especially patients with symptoms of hypertension must closely observe their physical condition, require early treatment, and also need to develop It is a habit to measure blood pressure regularly and make timely adjustments if abnormalities are found.

3. Moderate exercise

You must develop regular living habits and do moderate exercise in daily life, such as walking, jogging, etc. These activities can improve blood circulation, help reduce blood cholesterol levels, and prevent strokes. Appear.

4. Stay away from triggers.

You must stay away from habits that are harmful to your health. You must stay away from strenuous exercise, smoking, and overeating.

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