In June 2017, 30-year-old Jam Hsiao attended a university graduation ceremony, sparking heated discussions among netizens. What sparked the discussion was not the heavy rain that day, but why Xiao Jingteng had just completed his studies in his thirties.

2024/06/1510:07:33 hotcomm 1823

In June 2017, Jam Hsiao, 30-year-old , attended a university graduation ceremony, sparking heated discussions among netizens.

What triggered the discussion was not the heavy rain that day, but why Xiao Jingteng had just completed his studies in his thirties.

In fact, few people know that "Rain God" Xiao Jingteng, who has been in the music industry for more than ten years, once suffered from a rare disease.

In his own words: I can understand the characters, but I read them very slowly, and I don’t understand the meaning of after reading them, so he always looks nervous when reciting lines on stage, as if facing a formidable enemy.

The symptom he suffers from is called dyslexia , a word that sounds very strange. The definition of "dyslexia" given by

network is:

"The inability to recognize and understand written or printed words, symbols, letters or colors. It is caused by the inability to recognize the linguistic meaning of visual signals."

Sounds very funny Difficult to understand, right? To put it simply, dyslexia means the inability to read and spell properly.

It is precisely because of the inability to read and write normally that patients with dyslexia often quickly fall to the bottom of society and bear huge psychological and mental pressure throughout their lives.

But alexia ≠ IQ defect, they just "read" the world differently from us, and this does not affect their achievements in other fields.

For example, Jam Hsiao has relied on his musical talent to become a top singer in the Chinese music scene.

There are more such examples abroad, such as Beethoven, Churchill, Leonardo da Vinci, Edison , Einstein, Jobs, Kennedy, Picasso, etc. are also patients with dyslexia, but they are also in their respective fields Made achievements and even promoted the progress of the times.

As early as 2007, India released a film about children with dyslexia - "Stars on Earth".

, a work starring Aamir Khan, rarely casts its sights on the group of "dyslexics" and typifies it, incorporating a large number of comedy and warmth elements. It received a Douban score of 8.9, and was rated 8.9 on Douban. It has a place in the Top250 movies.

And this year, a Chinese director also focused his lens on "children with dyslexia" -


In June 2017, 30-year-old Jam Hsiao attended a university graduation ceremony, sparking heated discussions among netizens. What sparked the discussion was not the heavy rain that day, but why Xiao Jingteng had just completed his studies in his thirties. - DayDayNews

The film was written and directed by Juan and starred by Zhu Zhu.

Let’s talk about the director first.

Juan is a Chinese female director with and legendary experience in .

She grew up in Beijing and was among the first batch of students to study in the United States after the Cultural Revolution.

Similar to Zhao Ting, who recently won the Palme d'Or, Juan also did everything in his early years in the United States, such as part-time workers, washing dishes, teaching Chinese, and being a salesman.

Later, Juan successfully achieved financial independence by virtue of his own strength and became the Asia-Pacific regional director of a multinational company.

If the plot continues like this, Juan will have absolutely nothing to do with the movie.

But by chance, she met Chen Kaige , and thus embarked on the road to film.

In 2000, " Peep Show " directed by Juan received a total of seven nominations at the 37th Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival.

In 2005, the alternative female film " Beauty Still " was released in mainland China and received a lot of praise. In the

film, Zhou Xun is beautiful, smart, and cool. This film can be called "the Chinese version of "She's Lonelier than Fireworks"".

actress Zhu Zhu is one of the most oriental-beautiful Chinese faces in the world.

Some time ago, Zhu Zhu was once again on the list of "Top 100 Most Beautiful Faces in the World in 2019" selected by American TC Candler.

She is the only Chinese woman who has been on the list for eight consecutive years.

Zhu Zhu, who was born in 1984, has a distinguished background. Her grandfather was the founding general of the People's Republic of China, so she received a good education since she was a child.

Zhu Zhu has a prosperous career:

was once the leading actress of MTV International Chinese Channel, a singer, a host, and even the former proprietress of Juventus.

As an actor, Zhu Zhu doesn't seem to have that strong sense of presence.

She has played roles in many movies: "Cloud Atlas", "Iron Fist", "Ladakh Before Dawn", etc., but because most of them were released abroad, they did not cause any big splash in China.It wasn't until

starred in the popular TV series " Elite Lawyer " as "Li Na" in 2019 that she was known to more audiences.

played the female lead in the popular dramas "The Deer and the Cauldron " and "The Fu of Da Qin" this year.

Zhu Zhu, who is famous for her pretty face and good figure, plays the unprecedented role of a mother of a girl with dyslexia who has no face in "Colorful". It can be said that she has humbled herself to the ground. Big surprise.

This time, Zhu Zhu also contributed superb acting skills, vividly interpreting a mother's tenacity and deep love for her daughter.

Statistics from the International Dyslexia Association of UNESCO show that at least 10% of the world's population has dyslexia, which will lead to lifelong illiteracy and disconnection from society.

If most movies focus on the 90% of people, then Juan's "Colorful" focuses on the 10% of people.

Meimei, a cute little girl, wears a colorful flower scarf, as if the whole spring is surrounding Meimei's neck.

On the first day of school, Meimei discovered that all the students in the class could understand the words on the blackboard. When Meimei was called to the blackboard to write her name, she only drew a piece of wood and two plum blossoms on the blackboard.

It turns out that like daughter, like mother. Meimei's mother's name is Lanlan, and she is the cleaner at Meimei's school. Lan Lan hides a secret - she has been unable to read and write normally since she was a child. As a result, he became a "waste" and could only work as a cleaner mopping the floor in the school. Her fear was doubled when she saw that her daughter had failed to write her name.

If the story continues like this, Meimei will become the second Lanlan, just like the protagonists of countless stories that have not been heard.

However, Juan’s own cross-cultural background made her consciously insert a "jumping out of the three worlds" design into the film.

Lanlan accidentally learned about the special education provided for this kind of people abroad from the foreign teacher Thomas, and Meimei is a smart child with rich imagination. If she is educated in the right way, she will be very good.

It was Thomas who introduced Lanlan to the term "dyslexia" for the first time.

Lan Lan, who has been living in confusion and haze, thinks that she is a useless person, garbage, and stupid, and she has passed these on to her daughter.

To save my daughter is to save myself.

She decided to take Meimei to the United States and go to a specialized school in New York. The decision of

seems to be nothing to many people today. But think about it carefully, this is a rural girl who doesn’t even know Chinese characters. The salary she saved from working as a cleaner for so many years may not even be enough to pay Meimei’s tuition for one semester in the United States.

But she insisted on going and was determined to go. We must go through mountains of swords and seas of fire.

They finally boarded the plane to New York and began their search for the "antidote."

When they arrived in the United States, Lan Lan and her daughter were in a huge sea of ​​people, without any friends, language barriers, and difficulties everywhere. How to find a specialized school for children with dyslexia and how to pay the high tuition and living expenses? Is it possible for Meimei to be cured?

Lanlan's process of overcoming difficulties was like fighting monsters and upgrading, and it was also like a miracle.

She worked illegally for $7.50 an hour and took on countless part-time jobs in order to earn money. This process was like a replica of what Huan had gone through back then.

In the end, Lan Lan moved the people around her and gave her a helping hand, making the impossible possible.

It sounds like this movie about people with dyslexia is a bit sad, but "In Color" doesn't want to upset the audience. There is often a mixture of warmth and humor in the film -

In the beginning, the first school Helen found for Meimei was not very formal. After transferring Meimei to the "Eighteen Bends on the Mountain Road" class, she was actually assigned to the same class as children with special disabilities.

Lanlan's landlord, the old lady Helen, got mad. She banged the table and had a quarrel with the principal. She immediately dropped out of school and took Meimei with her back home.

In the evening, when Lan Lan was washing Helen's hair, she said resentfully (Mei Mei acted as translator): "In China, no one quarrels with teachers."

The little old lady immediately replied with full energy: "Tell your mother, In the United States, we defend our rights. "

This actually sounds quite positive?

But when our little Meimei translated it to her mother, it became: "She said that in America everyone fights."

Huh? ? ?

Miss, your translation seems to be true. After all, two 70-year-old Americans almost got into a fight over a job some time ago.

At the end of the film, we learned that Meimei has extraordinary talents in decoding and graphics, and Lan Lan finally came out of the shadow of the past.

Lanlan and Meimei were sitting on chairs.

Meimei asked her mother: "Am I abnormal?"

Lanlan replied: "You are not normal, and neither am I. Normality is not important."

"Colorful" has more content than Juan's previous movies. A humanistic care.

Many people have told the story of the 90% of people.

And the stories of the remaining people also need to be told, listened to, and remembered.

What Juan wants to do is such a thing.

Actually, there are many movies like this that focus on minority groups and uncommon symptoms.

For example, the protagonist in the movie "Call Me Number One" suffers from congenital Tourette syndrome.

For example, Auggie in "Wonder Boys" had a face that was scarred due to extensive surgeries.

For example, the son in "Ocean Paradise" has autism.


These movies that focus on minority groups, while calling for our society to be more inclusive, also allow these "abnormal" people to be seen and paid attention to, letting them know that whether is normal or not is not the most important thing. Important . The end of the

movie also mentioned that under the guidance of well-trained teachers, 90% of dyslexia patients can enter regular schools, go to university, and study for a Ph.D.

Lanlan finally handwritten the words "I love you" and sent it to her husband.

Looking at reality, the reason why the experiences and outcomes of two generations of alexia patients, Lan Lan and Mei Mei, are actually different is that this symptom did not attract widespread attention in China before.

is exactly the same. Juan, who has a cross-cultural background, chose to set up the role of "Thomas" and set the main location of treatment in the United States.

Although there are differences in awareness and countermeasures about alexia in mainland China and the United States, in recent years, China's domestic research, monographs and measures related to alexia have made great progress. Hundreds of special articles on

have been published, and corresponding schools have been established in cities such as Beijing and Nanjing. Major universities are also cultivating relevant talents in this field, providing a large number of well-trained teachers to the society.

For us ordinary people, the value of this "Colorful" is not only to allow us to empathize with such a story and bring a touch of warmth to this cold winter, but also to give us a channel to understand this special group and try our best to Lend a helping hand.

From another perspective, the meaning of the film may be even more valuable. It tells us in a eloquent way what a family with dyslexia should do. It is a self-help manual for patients with dyslexia.

I was thinking that if I were a parent of a child with dyslexia, after watching this film, I would at least get the following information.

First, I will learn that according to global official data, at least 10% of people in the world have this characteristic, and in our country, the number of people with alexia exceeds 100 million, including many top elites from all walks of life. , so my child is not alone.

Second, I will learn that the golden time for children with dyslexia to be corrected is 7-9 years old. With the help of professional teachers, more than 90% of patients can keep up with ordinary courses.

Third, there is still a huge vacancy in the country in terms of support for patients with dyslexia. For government departments, this is a loophole that needs to be filled. For educators and parents, this is a serious problem that requires preparation in advance. .

Fourth, developed countries such as Europe and the United States have rich experience in dealing with this symptom. If you want to go abroad for correction, how much it will cost and what kind of difficulties you may encounter, the film has demonstrated to us.

Fifth, when God closes a door for you, he will definitely open a window. Meimei in the film found her own window. In reality, if my child encounters this problem, can I help her open it? The window that belongs to her?

If a video can provide me with so much useful information, I think it is a great thing.

hopes that "In Colors" can play a role in inspiring others, and looks forward to seeing more movies describing rare symptoms in the future, so that one beam of light illuminates another beam of light, and those people who are hiding in secret corners and crying can interact with each other. Hug each other to keep each other warm.

This "In Color" is like a pill that can solve real problems.

Finally, "Colorful" has been scheduled to be released nationwide on December 4. I sincerely hope that this conscientious masterpiece can be seen by more people!

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