As of May 2017, 6,073 companies across the country have registered on the National Pollutant Discharge License Management Information Platform, and the pollutant discharge licenses applied by more than 1,500 companies have entered the review process. The environmental protection

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As of May 2017, 6,073 companies across the country have registered on the National Pollutant Discharge License Management Information Platform, and the pollutant discharge licenses applied by more than 1,500 companies have entered the review process. The environmental protection  - DayDayNews

As of May 2017, 6,073 companies across the country have registered on the national pollution discharge license management information platform. The pollution discharge licenses applied by more than 1,500 companies have entered the review process. The environmental protection department has issued 68 nationally unified codes. allow dirty.

By 2020, all pollutant discharge companies must complete the application for a pollutant discharge license in accordance with national requirements!

For pollutant discharge enterprises, applying for a pollutant discharge permit is a very important part of current environmental management. When applying for a pollution discharge permit, you must not ignore the following four issues.

As of May 2017, 6,073 companies across the country have registered on the National Pollutant Discharge License Management Information Platform, and the pollutant discharge licenses applied by more than 1,500 companies have entered the review process. The environmental protection  - DayDayNews

As of May 2017, 6,073 companies across the country have registered on the National Pollutant Discharge License Management Information Platform, and the pollutant discharge licenses applied by more than 1,500 companies have entered the review process. The environmental protection  - DayDayNews

Under the legal framework of the " Water Pollution Prevention and Control Law " and the "Air Pollution Prevention and Control Law", the Ministry of Environmental Protection, based on the classified management list of fixed pollution source discharge permits (hereinafter referred to as the list), requires enterprises within the scope of the list to be included in the discharge permit management. The

directory is based on the " National Economic Industry Classification ". Based on the amount of pollutants produced, the amount of emissions, and the degree of environmental harm, it is clear which industries are subject to pollution discharge permits, and which types of enterprises in these industries can implement simplified management. The list will also stipulate the timetable for the state to promote the issuance of pollution discharge permits by industry. For mobile pollution sources and agricultural non-point source pollution, they are not managed according to the fixed pollution source discharge permit system.

As of May 2017, 6,073 companies across the country have registered on the National Pollutant Discharge License Management Information Platform, and the pollutant discharge licenses applied by more than 1,500 companies have entered the review process. The environmental protection  - DayDayNews

According to the "Implementation Plan for the Permit System for Control of Pollutant Discharge", the Ministry of Environmental Protection will promote the issuance of pollution discharge licenses step by step by industry based on the existing environmental protection legal framework system and based on the pollution discharge permit management list.

took the lead in issuing enterprise licenses in the thermal power and paper industries in 2016; completed the issuance of enterprise licenses for water ten and air ten key industries and overcapacity industries in 2017, focusing on petrochemicals, chemicals, steel, non-ferrous metals, cement, printing and dyeing, and manufacturing. Leather, coking, agricultural and sideline food processing, pesticides, electroplating, etc.; by 2020, the country will basically complete the issuance of licenses for enterprises in industries specified in the directory.

As of May 2017, 6,073 companies across the country have registered on the National Pollutant Discharge License Management Information Platform, and the pollutant discharge licenses applied by more than 1,500 companies have entered the review process. The environmental protection  - DayDayNews

First of all, applying for a license not only requires application conditions, but also time and category requirements. To apply for a pollutant discharge license from the environmental protection administrative department, a pollutant-discharging unit shall fill in the application form online and submit relevant materials. New pollutant discharge units, trial production projects, and pollutant discharge unit new construction, reconstruction, and expansion projects must submit applications for pollutant discharge licenses within 7 working days from the date of receipt of the acceptance documents from the environmental protection administrative department.

After receiving the application, the environmental protection administrative department shall accept the application if the materials are complete and issue a voucher; if the materials are incomplete or do not comply with the legal form, the applicant shall be notified in writing within 5 working days of all the corrections that need to be made. content. The initial validity period of the pollution discharge permit is 3 years, and the renewal period is 5 years. The main contents of the

As of May 2017, 6,073 companies across the country have registered on the National Pollutant Discharge License Management Information Platform, and the pollutant discharge licenses applied by more than 1,500 companies have entered the review process. The environmental protection  - DayDayNews

license include basic information, licensing matters and management requirements.

Basic information: mainly includes the name, address, legal representative or main person in charge of the pollutant discharge unit, unified social credit code, validity period of the pollutant discharge permit, issuing authority, certificate number, QR code, and the main production equipment and products of the pollutant discharge unit. Production capacity, pollution prevention and control facilities and measures, and other information related to determining licensing matters, etc.

Licensing matters: (1) The location and number of sewage outlets, discharge methods, and discharge destinations; (2) Types of pollutants discharged, permitted discharge concentrations, and permitted discharge volumes; (3) Permitted discharge concentrations and emissions during special periods such as heavily polluted weather or dry periods, etc. Permitted emissions.

management requirements: (1) Requirements for self-monitoring plans, ledger records, execution reports, etc.; (2) Information disclosure requirements for pollution discharge permit execution reports, etc.; (3) Other legal responsibilities that enterprises should bear.

Among the above matters, licensing matters and management requirements must be strictly followed by enterprises holding a license to discharge pollutants. If changes are indeed necessary, the procedures for changing the pollution discharge permit should be completed.

As of May 2017, 6,073 companies across the country have registered on the National Pollutant Discharge License Management Information Platform, and the pollutant discharge licenses applied by more than 1,500 companies have entered the review process. The environmental protection  - DayDayNews

Enterprises within the scope of the "Classified Management Directory of Stationary Pollution Source Discharge Permits" formulated by the Ministry of Environmental Protection will be included in the management of pollution discharge permits.

As of May 2017, 6,073 companies across the country have registered on the National Pollutant Discharge License Management Information Platform, and the pollutant discharge licenses applied by more than 1,500 companies have entered the review process. The environmental protection  - DayDayNews

According to the notice of the Ministry of Environmental Protection, the Environmental Supervision Bureau will carry out enforcement inspections of pollution discharge licenses in the thermal power and paper industries across the country in the second half of 2017.

At that time, the inspections of environmental protection law enforcement personnel will be based on the following three behaviors of enterprises: unlicensed sewage discharge, sewage exceeding the permitted concentration limit, and urging enterprises to self-monitor requirements.

(Source: Leather Network)

As of May 2017, 6,073 companies across the country have registered on the National Pollutant Discharge License Management Information Platform, and the pollutant discharge licenses applied by more than 1,500 companies have entered the review process. The environmental protection  - DayDayNews

Gudong smart running shoes 2.0 is an upgraded version of Gudong smart running shoes 1.0. It is a "second pair of standing running shoes". It can not only be used for daily running and training, but also can be used to participate in the 21km half-distance race. Marathon. Compared with the first generation, Gudong smart running shoes 2.0 are more accurate, worry-free and smarter. The motion sensor has been optimized with more than a hundred algorithms. The running shoes can record motion data without being connected to a mobile phone, and can more accurately identify running and pause states.

Gudong Smart Running Shoes 2.0 has also developed a sports ability testing system specifically for running users, which can evaluate the user's physical condition and score it. It provides users with an exclusive set of running training plans. Runners can combine test scores and gradually improve physical distribution, duration, and supply links to truly advance and improve long-distance running.

As of May 2017, 6,073 companies across the country have registered on the National Pollutant Discharge License Management Information Platform, and the pollutant discharge licenses applied by more than 1,500 companies have entered the review process. The environmental protection  - DayDayNews

According to preliminary statistics from the State Sports General Administration, it is expected that China's sporting goods industry will reach a scale of 7 trillion in 2025. In 2016, the U.S. market had a total population of 300 million, and 300 million pairs of sneakers were sold. However, in China, which has a population of 1.4 billion, only 300 million pairs of sneakers were sold. If we follow the normal development trend of this industry, China's sporting goods market will have huge development prospects.

As of May 2017, 6,073 companies across the country have registered on the National Pollutant Discharge License Management Information Platform, and the pollutant discharge licenses applied by more than 1,500 companies have entered the review process. The environmental protection  - DayDayNews

Three male shoemakers, Baocheng, Fengtai and Yuqi-KY, although their operations were disrupted by the appreciation of the New Taiwan Dollar in August, they still delivered good results. Baocheng's August consolidated revenue was 523.344 billion yuan, an annual increase of 9%; Fengtai's August revenue was 5.239 billion yuan, an annual increase of 58.53%, setting a new monthly revenue high since July last year. ; Yuqi’s cumulative consolidated revenue in the first eight months was 6.724 billion yuan, an annual increase of of 57.11%, setting a new high for the same period.

As of May 2017, 6,073 companies across the country have registered on the National Pollutant Discharge License Management Information Platform, and the pollutant discharge licenses applied by more than 1,500 companies have entered the review process. The environmental protection  - DayDayNews

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