Xiaolei is a 10-year-old girl. While her peers are jumping to school, she can only lie in the hospital and take injections and medicine. Six months ago, Xiaolei felt unwell and developed symptoms of constipation, but her parents didn't care and just took her to a small clinic in

2024/05/2700:16:33 hotcomm 1021

"Dad, it hurts..."

Xiaolei (pseudonym) is a little girl who is only 10 years old. While her peers are jumping around to study and go to school, she can only lie in the hospital and take injections and medicine.

It was clearly the rising sun, but at a young age, she was told by the doctor that she was about to reach the end of her life.

Six months ago, Xiaolei felt unwell and developed symptoms of constipation, but her parents didn't care and just took her to a small clinic in the countryside to prescribe medicine. Unexpectedly, Miaomiao's condition did not improve, so her parents hurriedly took her to the Provincial Maternal and Child Health Hospital for medical treatment. The examination found that Miaomiao had a large tumor with a diameter of 10 centimeters in her body!

Xiaolei’s parents took her to Beijing to seek medical treatment, but they were unable to save this young life. Xiaolei, who was only 10 years old, passed away before she could see the world carefully.

Xiaolei is a 10-year-old girl. While her peers are jumping to school, she can only lie in the hospital and take injections and medicine. Six months ago, Xiaolei felt unwell and developed symptoms of constipation, but her parents didn't care and just took her to a small clinic in  - DayDayNews

1. Childhood cancer - diagnosed at an advanced stage and should not be ignored

Cancer is not only found in adults! A study conducted in 195 countries and regions in The Lancet Oncology magazine showed: In 2017, cancers in children and adolescents ranked sixth among the health burdens caused by all cancers. Children's cancer is insidious, progresses quickly, and is highly malignant. By the time parents discover it, their children are often in the advanced stages of cancer.

According to data from the National Cancer Registration Center, the average annual growth rate of childhood malignant tumors in my country from 2001 to 2010 was as high as 2.5%. "There are 30,000 to 40,000 new childhood malignant tumor patients in China every year." Chongqing University Xie Yue, deputy director of the Cancer Radiation Therapy Center of the Affiliated Cancer Hospital, sighed.

Common malignant tumors in children mainly include leukemia, central nervous system tumors , lymphoma. Children under three years old are more common in hepatoblastoma, Wilms tumor, malignant germ cell tumors and other tumors. Tumors such as sarcoma and are more common in children between the ages of seven and fourteen.

Although the incidence of malignant tumors in children is relatively low compared to adults, due to the rapid onset of childhood cancer, most children are already in an advanced stage when diagnosed.

Xiaolei is a 10-year-old girl. While her peers are jumping to school, she can only lie in the hospital and take injections and medicine. Six months ago, Xiaolei felt unwell and developed symptoms of constipation, but her parents didn't care and just took her to a small clinic in  - DayDayNews

2. When children suffer from cancer, in addition to genetics, we should also pay attention to these carcinogens

Children suffer from cancer, and a large reason is affected by genetic factors. Parents inherit genes that are susceptible to tumors in their children, causing the children's cells to be prone to genetic mutations that promote the growth and development of cancer.

But in addition to genetics, parents should also keep their children away from the following adverse factors with high cancer risks so that their children can grow up healthily.

Xiaolei is a 10-year-old girl. While her peers are jumping to school, she can only lie in the hospital and take injections and medicine. Six months ago, Xiaolei felt unwell and developed symptoms of constipation, but her parents didn't care and just took her to a small clinic in  - DayDayNews. Radiation and pollution

Radiation and environmental pollution have a great impact on pregnant women. They can easily cause mutations in fetal cells in the abdomen and increase the risk of cancer in their children.

, Helicobacter pylori

Helicobacter pylori is listed as a Class I carcinogen by WHO . Nearly half of the occurrence of gastric cancer is related to Helicobacter pylori. The "Consensus Report on the Prevention, Control and Management of Helicobacter pylori Infection in Chinese Residents' Households (2021 Edition)" shows that most people are infected with Helicobacter pylori in childhood, and family transmission is the main way for children to become infected with Helicobacter pylori.

. Second-hand smoke

Everyone knows that smoking is harmful to health, but how harmful is second-hand smoke to developing children? Data from the Planning Department of the National Health Commission show that .18 billion children in our country are harmed by second-hand smoke. Tobacco smoke contains at least 69 carcinogens . Children who have been exposed to second-hand smoke for a long time are more likely to develop asthma, , cough, sputum, wheezing and dyspnea.

Xiaolei is a 10-year-old girl. While her peers are jumping to school, she can only lie in the hospital and take injections and medicine. Six months ago, Xiaolei felt unwell and developed symptoms of constipation, but her parents didn't care and just took her to a small clinic in  - DayDayNews

, Formaldehyde

The number one killer of children under the age of 114 is leukemia, ranking first in the incidence and mortality of childhood tumors. One of the main culprits causing leukemia in children is formaldehyde hidden in furniture and toys.

Why is formaldehyde so "favored" by our children? Formaldehyde mainly accumulates within 1 meter above the ground. Children are in the growth and development period, their cell metabolism is fast, and the amount of air they inhale is twice that of adults. However, the body's resistance is weaker and therefore more susceptible to formaldehyde.

. Car exhaust

Diesel engine exhaust and gasoline engine exhaust are Level 12 carcinogens defined by the World Health Organization . Burning diesel and gasoline will release a substance called benzo[α]pyrene , Benzo[α]pyrene is a recognized highly active carcinogen, belonging to a class of carcinogens and a representative of atmospheric carcinogens. In daily life, do not let your children go to underground garages or places where cars are densely packed.

3. Signs of childhood cancer, parents must remember

All ages, even newborns, may suffer from cancer. Parents should not take it lightly, pay attention to their children's physical condition in a timely manner, and protect their children's healthy growth.

Wang Ying, director of the Radiation Therapy Department of Chongqing Cancer Hospital , reminds parents that if their children have the following conditions, they must go to the hospital for examination as soon as possible.

Xiaolei is a 10-year-old girl. While her peers are jumping to school, she can only lie in the hospital and take injections and medicine. Six months ago, Xiaolei felt unwell and developed symptoms of constipation, but her parents didn't care and just took her to a small clinic in  - DayDayNews. Unexplained lumps in the body

If unexplained lumps, swollen lymph nodes, appear on the body of a child, especially painless lumps, one must be vigilant and investigate the cause in time.

. Persistent fever

html persistent fever for more than 11 weeks fever has no effect even after antiviral and antibiotic treatment. Parents must pay attention and do relevant screening as soon as possible.

Xiaolei is a 10-year-old girl. While her peers are jumping to school, she can only lie in the hospital and take injections and medicine. Six months ago, Xiaolei felt unwell and developed symptoms of constipation, but her parents didn't care and just took her to a small clinic in  - DayDayNews

. Persistent pain

Longer-term persistent or intermittent pain may be caused by cancer. Tumor growth will compress nerves and cause body pain. If pain occurs for a long time, you must go to the hospital for examination.

. Sudden fainting

If a child suddenly falls, faints and other symptoms, it is best to do a nervous system examination to be alert to the possibility of brain tumors.

, abdominal distension, vomiting

Children have digestive tract symptoms. In addition to gastroenteritis , it may also be caused by abdominal and intestinal tumors . Parents must pay attention to this.

Children are the heart and soul of their parents. When a child is sick, the pain and pressure in the parents' hearts is difficult for others to empathize with. For the healthy growth of their children, parents must pay attention to their children's physical condition in a timely manner. #Healthy New Year#


[1] "About 400,000 children are diagnosed with cancer every year! Parents beware! Let children avoid these carcinogens". Fujian Health News. 2021-02-03

[2] "The incidence of malignant tumors in children is increasing year by year. With standardized diagnosis and treatment, 70% of children can be cured". Guangming.com.2019-02-15

[3] "12-year-old boy diagnosed with terminal cancer, focusing on childhood cancer and children's health". Department of Oncology, Tianjin First Affiliated Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine. 2020-10-13

Reproduction is prohibited without the author's permission

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