Rural landscape of change: Live life with millions of fans in short videos

2024/05/2621:48:33 hotcomm 1370

Rural landscape of change: Live life with millions of fans in short videos - DayDayNews

@chuanxiangxiaomeier started a beautiful and fresh pastoral life in the countryside where she swore never to return. @村小青 said, "Those people you don't care about, care about them."

"小美儿" Turn over a few times Zuoshan went to give the old man a haircut. When he heard that she was coming, the villager who had the haircut prepared the fruits for her early. "Xiao Qiao"'s video has a high number of clicks, and he helps farmers sell unsalable agricultural products.

These ordinary people who have never been the center of attention, in the most ordinary daily life, with no pretense, in the fields or deep in the mountains, convey the flowing human love in an unseen way.

1. Little girl from Sichuan Township: Two wandering hearts, settling down under the gaze of millions of people

Rural landscape of change: Live life with millions of fans in short videos - DayDayNews

It was originally 400 pieces of wedding candies, because Xu Yan saw a comment saying that the auspicious saying for marriage must be "two pictures".

But in the recent Xigua PLAY ranking competition, fans’ help won them a boat ticket. The young couple saw the saying “520” in the comments, so they increased the number of wedding candies to 520 and went to banks in several villages and towns. Go get some change and stuff each wedding candy with a red envelope.

Xu Yan talked about the process with a smile. There was no ceremony in her wedding, but she was sharing her marriage with more than one million people.

Return to Baihua Town and end the days of wandering and working.

Rural landscape of change: Live life with millions of fans in short videos - DayDayNews

Xu Yan is from Suining, Sichuan. She is the "little girl" in the account "Little Girl from Sichuan Township" who travels abroad every day. The video records her entire life after following Zhou Xiaolong to Yibin.

After 2018, Xu Yan and Zhou Xiaolong established a relationship. Xu Yan heard the word "self-media" from Zhou Xiaolong for the first time. The two of them returned to the countryside from the city and lived in the house left by Zhou Xiaolong's father. The property I bought was an old house in Baihua Town that had not been repaired for many years and was overgrown with weeds. This ended the life of wandering and working for more than ten years.

It is easy to think that they are childhood sweethearts. In fact, the rooting of this love is accompanied by the rooting and sprouting of video content. Their lives are with millions of fans, which is a real "present continuous tense".

Before Xu Yan met, Zhou Xiaolong’s brother-in-law was already a Sannong creator of Xigua Video, named Rural landscape of change: Live life with millions of fans in short videos - DayDayNews

. Xu Yan laughed on the phone. She talked endlessly about her life, all her experiences. Her voice was diluted with laughter and turned into an interesting story.

"Fans are my mother-in-law"

She is the "little sister" in the eyes of fans, and Zhou Xiaolong is the "little second baby" in their mouth. These two names can be regarded as their original nicknames. "Mei'er" is a term for girls in Sichuan dialect, and "Xiao Mei" is a term for almost all girls in the service industry. Xu Yan used to be a hotel girl, a factory girl, a shampoo girl, a farm girl, Insurance girl, clothing store girl...

She worked as a "little girl" in all the above industries, until she made a video with "Xiao Erwa", and she became a "Sichuan Township girl" again.

"I thought at that time, anyway, he has nothing and I have nothing." Two people walking "barefoot" did not have complex fears. Xu Yan said that no matter what difficulties she encounters later, she will think of Zhou Xiaolong's words.

He said, "As long as a person is not dead, there will be no difficulty in living." The optimistic spirit and strong vitality of Sichuan people are constantly reflected in them.

Just returned to the countryside, and saw an old house in a lonely mountain, dilapidated and deserted. Xu Yan, who was filled with the joy of love, was also frightened by the quietness of the rural dark night where "you can hear the echo even if a pin drops". She never thought of making a vow. I wanted to go to the city to live a good life, but I suddenly returned to the countryside with a boy.

Rural landscape of change: Live life with millions of fans in short videos - DayDayNews

Hidden from grandma, hidden from everyone. The two of them planned half a month's living expenses with three hundred yuan, but when Xu Yan got greedy for lobster, Zhou Xiaolong would still spend one hundred yuan to satisfy her.

Xu Yan is satisfied, she said, “It’s good for me that he can give me all the money he earns."

Zhou Xiaolong first started making videos when he left the country. He sold his Taobao store and borrowed money to buy a camera. The two of them studied the use of the machine through the manual, learned PR editing online, and used the most primitive way to figure out the latest trends. The "self-media life" of

was not successful. Zhou Xiaolong's initial goal was only to have 500 people watch each video. Until he could no longer support it, he returned to the company to work to make money. Xu Yan had to complete all the filming and editing abroad. It took more than a dozen times to find the right position in front of the camera, and I was very happy.

actually made more than 100 yuan one day. "We were both so happy. We went to barbecue and I was drunk that day. "Haha."

Xu Yan recalled that during the worst time, she didn't even have the money to buy ingredients for the filming. The girl at the foot of the mountain gave her 1,000 yuan.

She began to really connect with the village, learning to grow vegetables from them, and going to The old man got a haircut, and the two of them relied on the tradition of "hundreds of families' meals" in the countryside to communicate with the villagers. They filmed these videos and shared them with netizens, and their fans gradually increased.

"Little Girl from Sichuan Township". The content of the video, in a nutshell, is that two young people returned to the countryside with nothing, and broadcast a large-scale "from scratch" process for the entire network.

They filmed raising chickens and dogs, growing vegetables and picking fruits, and repairing old houses. Having three meals a day, they inadvertently connected everyone's pastoral dream of farmhouses, fertile fields, barking dogs, and roosters crowing.

Dai Wangshu once translated a poem by Xuanmi Te Gormen called "The Garden":

8. The garden of the moon is fragrant, plump and tender: it has turnips and radish, eggplant and sweet radish, and among the pale raw lettuce, there are also the lettuce that the patients eat, and further away, there is a patch of lettuce. Cabbage, our garden is plump and tender...

Rural landscape of change: Live life with millions of fans in short videos - DayDayNews

Zhou Xiaolong and Xu Yan do not read poetry, but they are satisfying the few poetic feelings in this era.

Xu Yan’s camera is Zhou Xiaolong, but behind her are several people. Millions of fans.

They often leave thousands of comments discussing how the kennel should be repaired. Those uncles and aunts who are now living in the city think of their life experiences in the countryside. Xu Yan and Zhou Xiaolong will take pictures of those suggestions. Through the video, they have a real connection with the viewers through short video .

So their wedding is a journey that connects the inside and outside of the video. Those viewers are like "relatives" of the two people, serving them. Building a home provides countless topics, and two wandering hearts settle down under the gaze of millions of people.

"They are willing to watch, and I am willing to make videos for them to watch for the rest of my life." "Xu Yan said, that is her natal family.

2. Rural Xiao Qiao: Recording the Contemporary History of Rural Areas

Wang Xiaoqiao was on a Xigua video called "Rural landscape of change: Live life with millions of fans in short videos - DayDayNews

She wondered how she could be so popular on Xigua Video when she was neither funny nor talented. Many people pay attention.

initially just returned to his hometown. When he was bored, he made videos for fun. His first video was about picking dates. Half a year later, he accidentally recorded the process of his mother selling pigs, which received more than 8 million views.

A "swine fever" epidemic in 2018 caused the price of pork to drop to more than 4 yuan. In the video, Wang Xiaoqiao's mother cried while looking at the piglets in the pig pen, "crying" and getting angry.

"I won't raise pigs anymore. I won't raise pigs anymore after selling them." He covered his eyes with his dark and rough hands.

The price of pork has increased in 2019. Wang Xiaoqiao’s mother received 16,000 yuan from selling pigs and happily gave her 200 yuan to give out red envelopes to fans. But the price of eggplants has dropped again. The eggplant farmer in the video worked hard to harvest a cart full of eggplants in one afternoon and sold them for 1.5 cents per catty. A 500-jin eggplant sold for less than 80 yuan.

Wang Xiaoqiao’s videos include not only her family, but also the people and stories she meets every day in the land where she lives.

On the roadside, I met a 13-year-old boy who was pulling his mother home on a flatbed truck; on the way to the market, I met a condiment seller who improvised a jingle about the world; she helped a brother looking for his younger brother, and sent gifts to mentally retarded families...

She photographed There is a scene in "Country Doctor". The subjects are a pair of brothers who are over fifty years old. The old mother is lying on the bed and relying on Dr. Li to take care of her every day. The two old people are unprepared and choked in front of the camera, thanking the doctor. The two people The red eyes express the emotions of farmers.

Rural landscape of change: Live life with millions of fans in short videos - DayDayNews

Wang Xiaoqiao didn’t know that she was live broadcasting the contemporary countryside in her own way, and inadvertently made everything “Dogma” (Dogma 95 is a 1995 TV show by Danish director Lars von Trier and others) The goal of this community was to instill a sense of simplicity in filmmaking, emphasizing the purity of film composition and focusing on the true story and performance itself).

She is both the recorder and participant of all this. She stands with everyone in her video. This is also the amazing thing about this type of videos of rural bloggers.

does not stand on any height, does not output opinions from any intellectual perspective or any cultural symbols that can be further packaged. It just sees and presents them. They are real rivers themselves.

Wang Xiaoqiao and the rural scene behind her

In the early video, Wang Xiaoqiao filmed herself going out to the market. On the street stage, someone was singing "Chengdu" in a nonsensical tune. On the big red stage, the singer stood on the stage holding a blue in his hand. A colorful plastic basin. The villagers gathered from all directions under the stage looked at the excitement and stared at the "basin" in his hand.

Wang Xiaoqiao's face turned red with excitement after grabbing it. Although she turned around and gave the gift to the old man next to her, the whole scene reminded people of Jia Zhangke's movies.

He photographed it like a "township gathering", with thieves and gangsters from the county walking through the narrow streets, hanging out in third-rate entertainment venues, and wandering on the highway.

Wang Xiaoqiao's short video is a "township gathering", but her perspective has a natural and simple kindness. She visits her own life like an investigator and mediator at the police station.

Rural landscape of change: Live life with millions of fans in short videos - DayDayNews

As of 2017, the number of people in China with agricultural household registration exceeded 900 million. The number of migrant workers is close to 300 million, equivalent to more than half of Europe's population. This is a huge population base.

"My relatives work in the city, and their co-workers all like to watch my videos."

Two years ago, some people would still wonder what the video platform that makes images without thresholds brings to people's lives. In 2019 This question can already be answered very well, two-thirds of Chinese people get comfort on their mobile phones.

Some people are concerned that the price of their eggplants is too low. Some people saw them taking a lunch break on the roadside at noon in the summer. Cities have more priority than rural areas to enjoy resources, including video development and the right to be noticed in the spiritual world. Not only Wang Xiaoqiao's 3.49 million fans need her, but behind this is actually the entire huge group that cares about rural people's livelihood needs a "Wang Xiaoqiao, Zhao Xiaoqiao, Sun Xiaoqiao" …”

Rural landscape of change: Live life with millions of fans in short videos - DayDayNews

In China’s changing world, “change” is a concept that has nothing to do with age, class, or background. Today's world is wider than we imagine, and of course it is not limited to the worldview brought by an app. Impetuous and shallow public opinion is always used to cover all folds of reality and human nature with simple and crude labels.

But there are always people like Wang Xiaoqiao who remind you of the living lives on the land behind you.

Chief Editor | Whale Book

Author | Confucius

Editor | Panda

- END -

Rural landscape of change: Live life with millions of fans in short videos - DayDayNews

This is the fifth story in the "Seeing the Temperature of Life" column. The creators of Xigua Video provide fans with companionship value and small wonders of their own unique lives, and are gradually being accompanied by fans. It’s a symbiotic relationship that doesn’t require seeing each other. As long as you are seen, you are no longer alone.

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