Wang Daochen, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Director of the Municipal Industry and Information Technology Bureau, the Municipal Industry and Information Technology Bureau is responsible for 6 items in 2 categories of provincial and municipal assessment indicators, 2

2024/05/2611:42:33 hotcomm 1888
Wang Daochen, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Director of the Municipal Industry and Information Technology Bureau, the Municipal Industry and Information Technology Bureau is responsible for 6 items in 2 categories of provincial and municipal assessment indicators, 2 - DayDayNews

Wang Daochen, Party Secretary and Director of the Municipal Industry and Information Technology Bureau

The Municipal Industry and Information Technology Bureau is responsible for 6 items in 2 categories of provincial and municipal assessment indicators, 21 key tasks of the "83" project and the "Government Work Report", and key tasks of this department 9 items, all tasks were completed on time or exceeded.

1. The high-quality development of the industrial economy has reached the best level in history

(1) The total scale has achieved a historic breakthrough. From January to November, the city's designated industries achieved main business income of 825.9 billion yuan, an increase of 20.9%, ranking third in the province in total, 6 places higher than at the beginning of the "13th Five-Year Plan". The city's brand is louder.

(2) Economic benefits have been improved by leaps and bounds. From January to November, the industrial profit was 79.12 billion yuan, an increase of 244.56%, which is 208.28 percentage points higher than the provincial average. It has maintained three-digit growth for 9 consecutive months, ranking first in the province in terms of total volume and ranking first in growth rate. 2 places. The industrial profit rate reached 9.58%, 3.39 percentage points higher than the provincial average (5.59%), ranking first in the province and 14 places higher than last year.

(3) The industrial structure will achieve fundamental changes. From January to November, investment in industrial technological transformation increased by 20.7%, 21.7 percentage points higher than the provincial average (-1%), ranking third in the province. Among them, investment in technological transformation in the manufacturing industry increased by 37.5%, 35.9 percentage points higher than the provincial average (1.6%), ranking first in the province.

(4) Achieve leading changes in service quality and efficiency. A number of works have been commended by the province and the city: it was awarded the advanced unit of the province's industry and information system by the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, and was awarded the Advanced Collective for the "Prosperous and Strong Binzhou" Construction Struggle Award by the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government. The transformation of the lightweight aluminum new material equipment manufacturing industry was praised by the Provincial Government Office as a typical experience. The high-end aluminum industry special class was awarded the advanced collective of "Provincial Comprehensive Experimental Zone Construction for New and Old Kinetic Energy Conversion" by the Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government. The Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology sent a special letter of thanks to the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, stating: "Your city has a high political position, has effectively implemented the decisions and arrangements of the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government, and has made important contributions to improving the quality and efficiency of the province's industrial economy and stabilizing growth. ".

2. Solid and powerful foundation for industrial development

(1) Continue to implement the Double Thousand Actions of “Thousands of Technical Transformations, Thousands of Enterprises Transformation”. The "Guidance Plan for Key Projects of Technical Transformation of Industrial Enterprises in the City" was compiled and implemented, and 396 key technical transformation projects were notified monthly and provided with full-process tracking services to help solve problems and difficulties. Industrial technological transformation work is at the forefront of the province. An on-site meeting on the intelligent green technological transformation of the province's industrial enterprises and an on-site meeting on the in-depth integration of informatization and informatization were held in our city. The industrial technological transformation case was selected as an innovative case of the Municipal Party Committee, participated in the provincial reform brand selection, and was published in the "China Informatization" magazine of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and was promoted nationwide.

(2) Accelerate the transformation of leading industries and the upgrading of traditional industries. Mid- to high-end aluminum products accounted for 63.6%, an increase of 13.5 percentage points from last year. Two companies were included in the smart manufacturing demonstration factories of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, accounting for 1/4 of the province. Successfully joined the "Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei" hydrogen fuel cell vehicle demonstration city. 5 industrial chains and 10 enterprises were selected as the "chain master" enterprises of the province's key industrial chains. The province's high-end chemical industry has developed with high quality, and our city ranks first in the province in terms of number of selected key enterprises and reward funds. The lightweight aluminum new material industry cluster was selected into the provincial advanced manufacturing cluster key cultivation plan and recommended by the province to create a national advanced manufacturing cluster. The National New Industrialized Industry Demonstration Base (Lightweight Aluminum) has passed the preliminary review by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.

(3) The advanced level of the industrial chain is accelerating. The system of specialized, special and new enterprises has been continuously improved, with the number of specialized, special and new enterprises at the national, provincial and municipal levels reaching 391. Promote leading enterprises to take the lead in establishing 10 industry alliances and 6 innovation alliances, and have organized and participated in more than 60 academic exchanges, industrial forums, and exhibitions to attract investment. Cultivate 6 national-level service-oriented manufacturing demonstration enterprises and industrial design centers, cultivate 43 provincial-level technological innovation demonstration enterprises and "one enterprise, one technology" R&D centers, and select and recognize municipal-level industrial design centers and "one enterprise, one technology" R&D centers. 50 homes. 128 projects are included in the provincial technological innovation project plan and enjoy 100% super deduction of R&D expenses.

(4) The supporting role of new infrastructure is highlighted.The construction of 5G base stations has been accelerated, with 4,657 now in operation, achieving full coverage in main urban areas of cities and counties and key commercial application areas, as well as network coverage in popular scenic spots, industrial parks, key towns and other areas. Cultivate 5 provincial-level industrial big data platforms and 10 municipal-level industrial Internet platforms. 380,000 broadband optical modems and routers have been replaced, the number of gigabit broadband users has reached 87,000, and the download rate of broadband users has reached 58 megabits per second. There are 8,645 cloud-based companies, ranking first in the province’s comprehensive evaluation.

3. Create a business environment that is comfortable for enterprises and entrepreneurs

(1) Planning and guidance should be more scientific. The "Binzhou City Industrial and Information Technology "14th Five-Year Plan" Development Plan", "New Chemical Materials Industry Development Guide" and "Offshore Engineering Equipment Industry Development Guide" have been formulated and implemented, and the pace of industry transformation and upgrading has continued to accelerate.

(2) The development of private economy is strongly guaranteed. Formulate and implement the "Three-Year Action Plan for High-Quality Development of the Private Economy" and carry out seven major special actions. We deepened the evaluation reform of "yield per mu" and promoted the implementation of 7 differentiated policies. In the first half of the year, the comprehensive evaluation ranked first in the province.

(3) The team building of entrepreneurs has been continuously strengthened. The "Municipal Entrepreneur Training Plan" was formulated and implemented, and more than 14,000 people were trained on various special topics.

(4) The separation of secondary and tertiary industries has been solidly advanced. Establish a list of key enterprises and carry out special inspections. At present, 36 industrial enterprises in the city have achieved business separation, and a total of 76 registered service enterprises have been separated.

(5) Emergency epidemic prevention supplies are provided effectively. Municipal reserves of 20 categories of protective materials, 22 categories of key treatment drugs, and 11 categories of medical equipment and consumable reagents have been completed to high standards. Currently, the city's 28 key medical supplies production enterprises are operating well, with sufficient reserves and strong support.

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