Because falling in love with a country and learning a language is really a romantic thing. Japan is really a country that you never get tired of visiting. I went to Japan twice during the cherry blossom season. Whether it was Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto, or Nara, I fell in love with them

2024/05/2517:04:33 hotcomm 1873

Because falling in love with a country and learning a language is really a romantic thing. Japan is really a country that you never get tired of visiting. I went to Japan twice during the cherry blossom season. Whether it was Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto, or Nara, I fell in love with them - DayDayNews

What is the motivation for learning a language?

For exams,

for studying abroad,

for immigration,

for traveling...

Because of falling in love with a country,

to learn a language,

It is really a romantic thing.


I like to go to Japan, and

is preparing to take my children to learn Japanese together.

Because falling in love with a country and learning a language is really a romantic thing. Japan is really a country that you never get tired of visiting. I went to Japan twice during the cherry blossom season. Whether it was Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto, or Nara, I fell in love with them - DayDayNews

Japan is really a country that you never get tired of visiting.

I went to Japan twice during the cherry blossom season.

Whether it was Tokyo,

or Osaka, Kyoto, Nara,

I fell in love with it all.

I have always wanted to go to Japan to see the red leaves, but

it seems that I won’t be able to go this year.

Taking advantage of the summer vacation,

I decided to put learning Japanese on my agenda.

While I was learning it myself, I also dragged my child into a trap.

Because falling in love with a country and learning a language is really a romantic thing. Japan is really a country that you never get tired of visiting. I went to Japan twice during the cherry blossom season. Whether it was Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto, or Nara, I fell in love with them - DayDayNews

I bought a set of entry-level Japanese enlightenment books,

"Japanese Enlightenment Book for Children to Easily Recognize 50 Sounds Pictures"

As can be seen from the title of the book,

First of all, this set is specially designed for children's enlightenment,

Of course It is definitely suitable for adults with no basic knowledge. The content of

is the most basic Japanese 50 sound pictures.

Because falling in love with a country and learning a language is really a romantic thing. Japan is really a country that you never get tired of visiting. I went to Japan twice during the cherry blossom season. Whether it was Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto, or Nara, I fell in love with them - DayDayNews

Parents who have studied Japanese have experienced the process of reciting the fifty syllabary.

That is the only way to learn Japanese.

Learning hiragana and katakana is the lowest entry level for Japanese.

Even for adults It's all very boring.

Children need a method of learning Japanese that they can accept.

Because falling in love with a country and learning a language is really a romantic thing. Japan is really a country that you never get tired of visiting. I went to Japan twice during the cherry blossom season. Whether it was Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto, or Nara, I fell in love with them - DayDayNews

Only by integrating language learning into daily practice

can we achieve better results.

Kana can be used in words,

words can be used in sentence patterns,

sentence patterns can be used in daily life,

can shorten the Japanese learning cycle,

thereby improve efficiency, and

do less useless work.

Because falling in love with a country and learning a language is really a romantic thing. Japan is really a country that you never get tired of visiting. I went to Japan twice during the cherry blossom season. Whether it was Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto, or Nara, I fell in love with them - DayDayNews

This set of books deepens children's visual senses through cartoon pictures

corresponding to words.

Eyes, ears, mouth, and consciousness are also used as information input tools.

writes the content that needs to be remembered into the brain, and

is established in the brain nerves. Create associations and relationships between words, pseudonyms, and images

. If the memory of

is not deep enough,

will put the word

corresponding to the kana in the most commonly used sentences and read it aloud.

This kana learning method will make the child's memory very deep.

Because falling in love with a country and learning a language is really a romantic thing. Japan is really a country that you never get tired of visiting. I went to Japan twice during the cherry blossom season. Whether it was Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto, or Nara, I fell in love with them - DayDayNews

This set of books is a click-to-read version.

supports the Little Master's click-to-read pen.

can be listened to and followed easily. The

synchronized recording is from a Japanese professional voice actor.

ensures authentic pronunciation.

In addition, the

book set also comes with a free learning check-in app!

Scan the QR code of the back cover applet,

select "Read Picture Book" after entering,

then select the cover of the book,

can start online Japanese learning. The

Because falling in love with a country and learning a language is really a romantic thing. Japan is really a country that you never get tired of visiting. I went to Japan twice during the cherry blossom season. Whether it was Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto, or Nara, I fell in love with them - DayDayNews

applet is synchronized with the content of this set of books.

kana, words, and sentences can be pronounced by clicking on the corresponding position.

can also choose between "display Chinese" and "no display Chinese" interfaces.

Because falling in love with a country and learning a language is really a romantic thing. Japan is really a country that you never get tired of visiting. I went to Japan twice during the cherry blossom season. Whether it was Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto, or Nara, I fell in love with them - DayDayNews

  • Children learning small languages ​​​​have many benefits for their own growth. It can significantly stimulate the structure of neurons and synapses in the gray matter of the brain to make them more dense and active, which helps to build diverse thinking.
  • More and more provincial and municipal college entrance examinations in primary and secondary languages ​​(Japanese, German, French, Russian and Spanish) can replace the English test. More and more postgraduate examinations in colleges and universities can choose to replace the English test with Japanese or Russian examinations. And compared with English exams, the test questions in minority languages ​​are relatively simple and have few modifications, making it easier to obtain high scores.

I remember when I was in college, our college and the School of International Communication were in the same building.

Majoring in various minor languages ​​​​opened my eyes.

There was also a wave of people learning the rare Hebrew language.

Learn one more language,

master one more skill,

open one more window,

also have more possibilities...

For more education questions, please consult the assistant!

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