One sentence to overturn the love cards of the 12 zodiac signs? You want the Scorpio water and earth element to overturn the love cards of the 12 zodiac signs with one sentence? The Scorpio water and earth element you want is here

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One sentence to overturn the love cards of the 12 zodiac signs? You want the Scorpio water and earth element to overturn the love cards of the 12 zodiac signs with one sentence? The Scorpio water and earth element you want is here - DayDayNews

writing | New Moon Jun

editing | Shepherd

typesetting | Feng Qi

The moon turns his gear-like dream, and the largest planet stares at me through your eyes. ——Neruda

Yesterday afternoon, nine days after the divorce storm, Goo Hye Sun took her first photo.

She hugged her puppy and said in the post that her art exhibition had ended successfully and the proceeds would be passed on to the Animal Companion Organization.

Once upon a time, this romantic story written by Goo Hye-sun, a Scorpio, and Ahn Jae-hyun, a Cancer, made many people happy. But in the end, the person who said "Only Goo Hye Sun, she is my universe" finally entered the burnout period; the person who went on stage on tvN to confess to the award and said "I came here to see my husband" was finally exposed on the public platform. The "betrayer" in her words.

Yesterday, we talked about a topic: fake intimacy . This state is not unfamiliar. In the eyes of others, they are so sweet, but they themselves know that this is just a disguise.

One sentence to overturn the love cards of the 12 zodiac signs? You want the Scorpio water and earth element to overturn the love cards of the 12 zodiac signs with one sentence? The Scorpio water and earth element you want is here - DayDayNews

Just like a staff member recently revealed that Ahn Jae Hyun and Goo Hye Sun often quarreled during the filming of " Newlywed Diary ", "the longest one time was 6 hours", and writer Kim Dae Joo also mentioned them The couple's relationship was very different from what they expected. "I was quite surprised by Gu Hye Sun's true appearance, and Ahn Jae Hyun was contrary to expectations. He was just like an ordinary husband."

In psychology, false intimacy is Defined as an defense mechanism . Both parties reach an agreement by acquiescence, and maintains the stability and routine of the relationship by avoiding the introduction of unknown and uncertain factors. Fundamentally, it is because of fear of loss and rejection that subconsciously refuses the other person to "understand the true self", and at the same time refuses to "really care about someone".

So, why do the 12 zodiac signs lead to fake sexual intimacy? What are their real needs in the relationship? How can they get through their disguises and touch their truest hearts and the soul of another person? Following the series on fire and air elements (click to view), today we reveal to you the real world of water and earth elements.

The earth sign

The biggest resource and shadow of the earth sign is probably "pragmatic" . The stability of Taurus , the details of Virgo, and the responsibility of Capricorn, they walk in the world with their feet firmly on the ground, and they are also willing to use this method to give their partners the most direct touch. However, the slightest threat to this focus on reality may drive earth signs into the cage of pseudo-intimate relationships - they don't want to lose this visible relationship . Once they can allow themselves to take a breath and make an exit from the reality they are holding on to, they may, they will become the best practitioners of the future of relationships.


In an intimate relationship, what Taurus needs most is "comfort" .

This comfort runs through the 360 ​​degrees of the entire relationship, for example, it looks "comfortable". Taurus partners don't need to be stunning or exquisite. What they want is comfort that can present a natural temperament without deliberately dressing up. If their partner is healthy, energetic and smiling, he will be their muse. If you have plastic surgery or something, you will be blacklisted.

In a relationship, Taurus does not need the diplomatic "management" of Libra or the "gorgeous" display of Leo. What they want is "comfort". There is no need to be deliberate, just companionship, no planning, just leisurely leisurely, slowly. Cooking delicious food and snuggling up close to your body are great.

Taurus's love philosophy is very simple. It's faster to take your time, and in a natural state, things will heat up naturally.

One sentence to overturn the love cards of the 12 zodiac signs? You want the Scorpio water and earth element to overturn the love cards of the 12 zodiac signs with one sentence? The Scorpio water and earth element you want is here - DayDayNews

Because of this, Taurus is very pragmatic. They are accustomed to accumulating everything, accumulating strong relationships, and focusing on the foundation of relationships; accumulating stable materials, with special emphasis on cost-effectiveness... During accumulation, they feel deep stability, and they feel their presence in the world.

But in this world, the only constant is change.

When love is lost in a relationship, it is difficult for Taurus to let go, because they do not want the stability they have built with their own hands to be broken. The emotions and materials of both parties have become inseparable over the years, and the costs they have invested over the years are facing huge changes, which makes it difficult for Taurus to face it. They escape and continue to build a material world, as if they still own it all. Become a slave to material things.

Uranus entering Taurus teaches Taurus the most important lesson, which is change. Life changes suddenly without any warning. The popular YouTuber, a science lady born under the sign of Taurus, went to an aristocratic and prestigious school in her previous life, and also received a master's degree in biomedical engineering. When Uranus entered Taurus, she sold her company in Silicon Valley and concentrated on working as a YouTuber. It only took 87 days to become famous, winning ELLE's Most Stylish Youtuber and 2018 Youtuber Quickly Become Popular Creator, and was highly praised by Tsai Kang-yong .

One sentence to overturn the love cards of the 12 zodiac signs? You want the Scorpio water and earth element to overturn the love cards of the 12 zodiac signs with one sentence? The Scorpio water and earth element you want is here - DayDayNews

When they began to learn to embrace "change", more fresh oxygen was allowed to flow into their lives. They let go of some relationships that were no longer suitable for the present. tried to let go of some of their only obsession with "stability" and make space. Give more new things, embrace the true love of , instead of continuing to be the "Grandet" in the basement, counting gold coins.


In an intimate relationship, what Virgo needs most is "growth" , because they believe that everything needs to be "optimized": a lifestyle that can be optimized, three meals a day that can be optimized, Appearance, manners, lifestyle and personal hygiene, and intimacy can be optimized.

If the other person is someone who is content with the status quo, it is likely to make Virgo frown, because they feel that "everything can be better." This "picky" skin about their partner is wrapped with the stuffing of "love":

When their "picky" partner's clothes are not flat enough, they will silently iron the clothes and put them in the closet; when their "picky" partner nourishes When there is an imbalance, there must be nutritious food on the table that they need you to take in; when you talk about what new gift you want, they will hear it in your heart, and maybe they will find it next to your pillow before going to bed.

As a Virgo partner, as long as you are willing to enjoy their services, they will be very happy. Provide services to them occasionally, and they will become as beautiful as heaven.

One sentence to overturn the love cards of the 12 zodiac signs? You want the Scorpio water and earth element to overturn the love cards of the 12 zodiac signs with one sentence? The Scorpio water and earth element you want is here - DayDayNews

As Virgos who are earth signs, their love has a work-like daily routine, which must be strictly implemented. When Virgo is busy cleaning, what your partner may need is for her to sit down and watch TV with him, but Virgo will think that keeping the house clean is my love for you.

Virgos tell themselves that they are always rational. Maybe they are the most orderly people on the planet, and even want to label everything... They like everything to be in order. In this order, Virgos will feel full of security. This is an advantage in life, but it is also Their weakness.

In their hearts, there is a deep fear - fear of losing control. It's okay to say that the items are messy, he can clean it up personally. But what about the heart? What is the cause of the confusion of the heart?

It is difficult to face the "loss of control of the human heart", so Virgo escapes, escapes from daily affairs, and continues to prepare meals and iron clothes day after day, thinking that he is still giving love... life It seems to be passing by as usual, but my own emotions and love, and the other person's emotions and love cannot be labeled and classified.

One sentence to overturn the love cards of the 12 zodiac signs? You want the Scorpio water and earth element to overturn the love cards of the 12 zodiac signs with one sentence? The Scorpio water and earth element you want is here - DayDayNews

In fact, the answer to the question can be found in the opposite sign of Pisces, relax in time, temporarily forget about order and standards, accept and allow yourself to "lose control" at a certain moment, in the "infinitely tolerant" city of Pisces and Virgo Build a bridge in a city that "makes progress every day" and leave "standards and order" to the moment when you clock in from get off work.

understands the purposeless romantic moments with your partner. Accepting loss of control and shaping perfection are two sides of the same coin. We all need to maintain balance to help achieve more perfect happiness.Although we want to achieve the ultimate perfection in our hearts, does everyone have a different answer to "perfection"?


A life born in the cold winter, what will be its first perception of the world? For Capricorns, the world is not friendly and full of challenges.

As a feminine earth sign, he cannot ignore the materiality, structure and limitations of the world. To maintain his or her emotional stability, it is not about a high-hanging "happiness" oil painting that can be admired, but that someone needs to live a down-to-earth life with him or her so that he can work overtime and work crazy with peace of mind. If there is a conflict, it is because he is afraid that you will become a stumbling block on his way to promotion. He is afraid that you will never be able to get back your determination once you have committed it.

As a calm and objective Capricorn, TA always sees through the process and puts the goal at the forefront, because it is very important to Capricorn. Without a goal, Capricorn can't accomplish anything. He will fall hard from the cliff he is trying to climb to the cold ground, scattering the fragments of his will everywhere. The same is true in emotional relationships.

Capricorn is the most responsible sign. Even if there is no love, he still has to take full responsibility and carry all the burdens to the end. This process has nothing to do with love or not, but is only related to the willpower of Capricorn. This is why Capricorns fall into the trap of false intimacy: responsibility .

One sentence to overturn the love cards of the 12 zodiac signs? You want the Scorpio water and earth element to overturn the love cards of the 12 zodiac signs with one sentence? The Scorpio water and earth element you want is here - DayDayNews

Capricorn longs to use his mortal life to build a monument of his own in the world. He hopes to declare to the world: "I was here, I built it."

People think that Capricorns are full of ambitions, and it is right, because only the determination of their goals can inspire their inner tenacity and encourage them to continuously hone their survival skills. Capricorn's goals are both personal and social. The results he wants to create, no matter how big or small, must not only be important to himself, but also be important to the society.

From raising a family, owning a shop, to managing a large enterprise, or holding an important government position... everything must comply with this principle. This is why Capricorns pay special attention to social order and standards.

The shadow of Capricorn is trying to subordinate everyone else's will to his own ; everyone else's needs, desires, ideas, and lifestyles must be subordinated to how they think life should work.

One sentence to overturn the love cards of the 12 zodiac signs? You want the Scorpio water and earth element to overturn the love cards of the 12 zodiac signs with one sentence? The Scorpio water and earth element you want is here - DayDayNews

The prescription to deal with this shadow is: Capricorns need to spend some effort to understand that different people want to live different lives and have different needs and desires. They are expressing different archetypes.

Like astrological insights, there are twelve basic patterns of life, not one. Under the armor that Capricorn equips himself to get through this unfriendly and challenging journey of life, he must remember that he has the ability to love others, and the way to love is to "get to know" who they really are, rather than overdoing it. control.

In fact, the more Capricorns can express their powerful emotions positively in relationships, the less likely they will mess up their own vision. The more he allows himself to relax in a timely manner, the more he will discover that those souls that lack self-discipline in his eyes do not lack value; on the contrary, they may be holding the key to the joy of life that Capricorn himself has long lost.

If this can be done, Capricorn will be more mature and complete. He can climb dangerous peaks and dance briskly.

Water sign

After the "I think" of the fire sign, the "I have" of the earth sign, and the "I know" of the air sign, we come to the "I feel" of the water sign. In a relationship, what the water sign needs is a subjective sense of connection, which is like the tenacity of water itself, soft, changing but full of tension. They can wash everything away, but once the flow stops, they will also become muddy. Most of the water signs who are defensive are because of this impurity. They want to connect, but they are afraid that their soft inner being will be eroded and spiraled deeper and deeper. However, once water signs find that they do not need others to confirm their in-depth exploration of the world, they will become the most nourishing party in the relationship.


Cancer's probability of pseudo-intimate relationships is not too high, because few Cancer girls around them can tolerate this. Although their hearts are extremely soft, once the intimacy is gone, you will definitely encounter her armor.

As a water sign, Cancer has their usual sensitivity and subjectivity. The journey of a water sign requires emotional connection with others. Deep down, they know that the important things in the world cannot be measured, only felt. They act on emotion and have their deepest responses to all things, which come from intuition. Cancer is a pioneer sign, especially.

Therefore, what Cancer needs in an intimate relationship is only a sense of security, and it is the kind of that only pure love can bring. When a Cancer girl is in love, she can take the trouble to call her partner every morning to wake him up; she can also calmly exit the relationship first when there are edges and corners that make them uncomfortable.

If you want to say why Cancer would establish a pseudo-intimate relationship, there is a high probability that it is ’s family member .

One sentence to overturn the love cards of the 12 zodiac signs? You want the Scorpio water and earth element to overturn the love cards of the 12 zodiac signs with one sentence? The Scorpio water and earth element you want is here - DayDayNews

Cancer's weakness is usually their family. If two people have already formed a family, or if a Cancer family member says, "I think you two are a good match and you two are fine," I will be relieved. Cancer will choose to maintain a pseudo-intimate relationship in order to not be shaken by this beautiful situation.

I still have to mention Ma Yili. So much time has passed from the time when she was doing it and cherishing it to this year's divorce announcement. During this period, the two of them collaborated on TV series, and she accompanied him in filming movies. From time to time, there were articles and news about taking her daughter to participate in competitions... Behind this seemingly peaceful relationship, it was Cancer who said and acted for the sake of a relatively stable status quo. And cherish it.

Cancer's shell contains children, parents, elders, and friends/partners, but once it goes out, it is difficult to come in. But for the softness inside the shell, they will endure. Only when the time is right, until the children grow up, and until all harm is minimized, will Cancer propose to end the pseudo-intimate relationship.

If you add the framework of family responsibilities to an intimate relationship, it seems a bit off-topic, but this is the crux of Cancer, they are always off-topic in love. When you love, you are like a mother. When you no longer love, you settle for second best and maintain superficial peace. But Cancer, don’t worry too much, okay?

One sentence to overturn the love cards of the 12 zodiac signs? You want the Scorpio water and earth element to overturn the love cards of the 12 zodiac signs with one sentence? The Scorpio water and earth element you want is here - DayDayNews

Love can be the liking of one person or the entanglement of two people, but it must not escalate to the disintegration of the family. Cancer's intimate relationship is very similar to the current situation of most families. They care too much, worry too much, and take care of everyone but forget about themselves.


Scorpio will always give people the stereotype of "a pair of deep, staring eyes, and a face that does not easily show a smile". Hidden beneath this face is a heart that is not easily accessible to prying eyes.

The territory of Scorpio is really not accessible to everyone, and the heart of Scorpio is really not open to everyone. His sincerity only belongs to an absolute minority. Scorpio's VVVIP privileges are only issued to a few people in this world, or to a certain person, or, so far, none of them have been issued.

In love, there is no room for sand in the eyes of Scorpio. To have 100% ownership of love, that is, your heart must completely belong to me. Under normal circumstances, Scorpios are very resistant to pressure and have mature management of their own emotions. But under that calm face, there is a very strong part running in the mind, which is not easily noticed by others. Only Scorpio himself knows how strong it is.

Although Scorpio's love is fierce and sincere, Scorpio also has deep fears and strong defense mechanisms. For Scorpio, it is too unsafe and unreasonable to expose such a real and hot core to the sun in full view of the public. How could you hand over yourself and your sincerity so easily?

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This is a Scorpio resource, and it can also be a weapon that causes self-harm. Energy does not dissipate or evaporate, it can only be channeled. Not outward, but inward.Stress is like this, emotions are like this, and sadness is even like this. If you don't look for an outlet to release it, it can only seep inward and be buried deeper and deeper in your subconscious. Over time, it will evolve into venom, its strongest defense.

If Scorpio enters into a pseudo-intimate relationship, it is probably because: wounds .

Scorpio walks around the world with this deep sadness. What outsiders see is still that calm face, but in the dark night, Scorpio curls up on the sofa, licking his wounds alone, day after day, year after year. One year...but this is not in line with the evolution path that Scorpio should have. The unresolved issues inherent in will always manifest themselves in external events and conflicts, which have to be faced head-on.

On a certain day, the suppression mechanism suddenly failed, and violent emotions and thoughts suddenly poured out, shocking others, and also shocked Scorpio himself. Every Scorpio carries a deep mark of injury, and this mark is too deep and painful, and it takes too much time to wash away and dilute the scars in the heart.

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The antidote to this deep sadness actually lies in the hands of Scorpion himself. When Scorpion understands that everything is safer than he imagined, try to allow others to see his vulnerability and wounds, and allow a gap in the airtight deep wall to let in light.

Tear down the walls of heart raised by fear, destroy the seemingly unbreakable but already precarious gray tower, release the venom, and let the sadness flow out. And at that moment, Scorpio took another big step in his evolution.

To take a further step, you need to let love flow in Scorpio, take a deep breath, try to take off your armor in front of the person who loves you the most, let him see your scars, and face it with what you want to wrap it up and the desire to embrace others, trying to awaken your own cold heart with warmth.


Pisces is probably the most affected area in people's mouth. Who makes Pisces so soft and sensitive? If Scorpio is the insight into human desires, then Pisces brings this insight into the collective - their feelings are not directed at a certain person, but at an atmosphere, an environment, and a feeling that transcends this visible world. above.

Jupiter and Mercury rule the same constellations, and they essentially have to interact with the environment. Gemini uses words, Virgo uses service, Sagittarius uses chasing, but what about Pisces? It's probably the feeling, the indescribable part, but only I know it. Because of this feeling, Pisces has a rich imaginative world. This is a "common problem" of the water element. Their sense of smell is so keen, their joys, anger, sorrows and joys will be infinitely magnified here, and their senses will be opened all at once.

So you often see that Pisces shed tears for other people's stories so easily. They may not even be able to tell whether it is someone else's story or their own. They become that person, feeling his joys and sorrows, even when the other person is not there. They already know something before any expression is given.

Because of this natural open tentacles, Pisces are easily infected by other people's emotions, happy, happy, sad, sad... They are like fish in the ocean. With the whole environment, uses their own water. The tension between molecules connects oneself and the world, ups and downs.

One sentence to overturn the love cards of the 12 zodiac signs? You want the Scorpio water and earth element to overturn the love cards of the 12 zodiac signs with one sentence? The Scorpio water and earth element you want is here - DayDayNews

Therefore, Pisces are very sensitive in relationships. They naturally have an intuitive feeling for everything that happens, whether it is joy, sorrow, or conflict. But ironically, it is precisely because of this fully open sensitivity that Pisces needs some kind of avoidance to protect themselves.

Therefore, when they face conflicts, they will have avoidance unique to mutable signs. Pisces' avoidance is sometimes unconscious. They live in the perfect imagination of the relationship. They may have felt the "wrong" parts for a long time, but selectively ignored them.

So we discovered that in a relationship, Pisces often plays a role, but he is not even aware of the role he plays. He blocks the other person's true appearance. Every time his partner wants to reveal the true shadow, Pisces turned his head.

At this moment, the strong intuition and feelings of Pisces have turned into shadows. They have lost their ability to test reality, leaving only pure imagination.

One sentence to overturn the love cards of the 12 zodiac signs? You want the Scorpio water and earth element to overturn the love cards of the 12 zodiac signs with one sentence? The Scorpio water and earth element you want is here - DayDayNews

Who makes them want perfection so much? Don't look away in this way, so that Pisces can still maintain that complete and omnipotent feeling in the relationship. In fact, the reason why Pisces is labeled as the salvation and the Virgin is basically because of this perfection. There is a circle in their hearts, and they want to make up for the gaps in personnel when they see them.

As a result, they constantly look for gaps, and if they can't find one, they create one themselves, playing the role of filling the gap in the relationship. The true appearance of their partner has been forgotten by them. But little did they know that this cradle where healers were born has the strongest healing power among the twelve constellations.

As long as they truly understand, pain and conflict are all part of their perfect world; only the essential touch brought about by reality is the real achievement of the perfect relationship they want. They will become the best container for a relationship; their partners will also deeply understand what true love is.

What is your zodiac sign?

What do you need most in a relationship?

Welcome to share with us in the comment area

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