As the most important e-commerce promotion in the first half of the year, 618 is building an unconventional consumption model. It will not only become a booster to stimulate consumption and enhance confidence, but also have a positive impact on the supply chain, digital technolog

2024/05/2409:56:33 hotcomm 1556

Jimu News Reporter Zhou Dan

Intern Peng Siwen

This year’s 618 has been given more meaning.

As the most important e-commerce promotion event in the first half of the year, 618 is building an unconventional consumption model. It will not only become a booster to stimulate consumption and enhance confidence, but also have a positive impact on the supply chain, digital technology , and even A review of future consumer confidence. June 18 has passed, and the big sales are coming to an end. Judging from the data released by multiple e-commerce platforms, multiple categories and brands have experienced sales growth, consumers have benefited, and merchants have accelerated their "blood recovery". Let the whole society see the resilience and potential of China's consumer market.

The mobile phone list is both expected and unexpected.

mobile phone sales increased by 153% year-on-year, computer digital sales increased by 101% year-on-year, and home appliances increased by more than 10 times year-on-year... This is June 19, Jingdong hourly purchase, Data released by JD Daojia during the 618 period.

Under the multiple stimulations of big promotion discounts provided by brands, heavy subsidies from platforms and consumption vouchers issued by governments in many places, many consumers have started to buy and buy. This year’s 618 has also officially announced that it is coming to an end.

Although many institutions have previously predicted that this year's 618 will face a "cold winter" in the market, judging from the performance of the first wave of pre-sales at the end of May and the battle reports released by multiple platforms on June 18, this year's 618 Not only has 618 not been ignored, many brands have also achieved growth in transaction volume and stimulated consumers’ desire to buy.

According to’s 618 statistics, the high-end mobile phone market priced above 6,000 yuan is still dominated by Apple , with iPhone 13 Pro Max and iPhone 13 Pro occupying the top two positions in the rankings. On the competition list with a price range of 3,000-4,000 yuan, the top two are occupied by Xiaomi and Redmi respectively. The leader is Xiaomi's flagship mobile phone Xiaomi 12, the Redmi K50 Pro ranks second, and the third place is the iPhone 11 released in 2019.

"Why is a model released in 2019, almost 3 years old, still selling well today?" Some netizens were puzzled.

"Although the iPhone 11 series is a product two years ago, in the price range of 3,000-4,000 yuan, it is still a cost-effective product among products in the same price range in terms of functionality and price." At a in Wuhan , a salesperson said that due to the lack of 5G network, iPhone 11 performs better in terms of battery life.

In addition, in Wuhan’s offline market, mobile phone sales have also heated up a lot recently. "Many students who have completed the college entrance examination are taking advantage of the 618 period to buy mobile phones, and sales have increased significantly recently." At a mobile phone store on Jiangchentian Street in Hankou, a salesperson told reporters, "Judging from the sales of mobile phones during this year's 618 period, based on hardware alone, Parameters are not enough to win the favor of consumers. Nowadays, consumers are paying more and more attention to the use experience. Mobile phone manufacturers have also clearly felt this information. Judging from the new products released, manufacturers are also strengthening improvements in this area. "

multiple. Elements boost the sales of small home appliances

The sales of small home appliances are growing rapidly, which has become one of the biggest surprises of this year’s 618 promotion.

From fruit and vegetable washing machine , air fryer , dishwasher to chef machine , clothes dryer , small household appliances are capturing the hearts of young people.

Vipshop data shows that since the special sale started on June 16, small household appliances have become one of the most popular categories among consumers, and the sales of many products have increased exponentially. As for the buying groups, the majority are those born in the 1990s and 1995s.

Why do young people favor small home appliances so much?

As the most important e-commerce promotion in the first half of the year, 618 is building an unconventional consumption model. It will not only become a booster to stimulate consumption and enhance confidence, but also have a positive impact on the supply chain, digital technolog - DayDayNews

Small home appliances sold on online platforms (Picture source: Vipshop)

Xiaocheng, a 22-year-old Wuhan citizen, said that he can’t cook. After reading some posts on Xiaohongshu and Weibo, he felt that air fryers and cooking The mobile phone is very suitable for me as a single person. "You can free your hands, and you don't have to rely on takeout to survive. You can take photos and send them to friends, and it has a full sense of ritual." The most important thing is that the price is not expensive and suits your consumption situation.

"Some young people are not good at cooking, and small appliances can simplify cooking skills. In addition, young consumers are more receptive to emerging things, pay more attention to personality and appearance, and are also 'price sensitive'. Compared with large appliances, , more cost-effective."A salesperson at Gome Xudong Store in Wuhan said that smart technology has given social attributes to housework, and the kitchen can also become a "cloud social" place, where people can have fireworks and share photos, so it is popular among young people.

Healthy It is another label for small household appliances.

According to statistics from Vipshop, since June, the sales of fruit and vegetable washing machines have increased by 8 times, and sales from the post-90s generation have surged 10 times year-on-year. The industry's leading brands Dongling , The year-on-year growth rate of Haier is more than 12 times.

Industry insiders said that the summer climate is also one of the reasons for the explosive growth of small home appliances. Meiyu and Dragon Boat Water in the south and the continuous high temperature in the north have promoted the popularity of small home appliances. .

Beauty products are ushering in "compensatory consumption"

html Since June, as the epidemic has gradually stabilized and the resumption of work and production has driven the rapid recovery of beauty consumption demand, some consumers have begun to "compensate consumption"

Data released by Baiguan Technology. It shows that during the first wave of pre-sales of Tmall 618 (2022.5.26-2022.5.31), the number of pre-sales on the platform was nearly 33.34 million, and the number of pre-sales of personal care and cosmetics on Tmall was nearly 21.4 million, of which facial skin care accounted for

Soochow Securities compared the activity prices of Tmall flagship store in the research report and found that the discounts on some core cosmetics items were greater than 618 last year, which shows that the brand is prepared for big promotions.

Pinduoduo data also shows that compared with last year’s 618, the order volume of beauty products on Pinduoduo platform increased by 122% year-on-year. Taking Dabao, a brand of Johnson & Johnson Group, as an example, an eye cream product of this brand has been stable all year round. Ranked among the top three in eye cream sales, it achieved a month-on-month growth of more than 110% during the 618 period.

“Logistics is recovering, return rates are declining, and users’ minds are beginning to shift from what to eat to what makeup to wear. Zhang Hailiang, head of e-commerce for Johnson & Johnson's cosmetics business, said after learning about this year's 618 sales data: "Everything is getting better. We are making every effort to recover growth and are confident." "

From "putting on makeup before doing nucleic acid tests" during the epidemic to "scheming mask makeup" after returning to work, the yearning and pursuit of beauty has never disappeared. Data from multiple platforms show that female users aged 35-45 with strong spending power , is becoming the group with the fastest growth in beauty consumption, thus driving the consumption growth of brands and categories such as lipstick, suits, and sunscreen.

As the most important online retail promotion event in the first half of the year, this year’s 618 will undoubtedly be given more.

Zhang Chunyu, a researcher at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said that looking into the future, the long-term fundamentals of my country’s consumer market have not changed, the residents’ expectations for a better life have not changed, and technological innovation will continue to promote the accurate matching of large-scale supply and demand for online consumption. , and play an important role in the new pattern of economic and high-quality development of .

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