Author | Source of Uncle Liang | Master Liang (ID: liang_da_shi) Personal WeChat ID: liangshujiushiwo (no chatting) In December 1997, "Life is Beautiful" received rave reviews after it was released in Italy, and won the Oscar for Best Actor and Best Foreign Language. It has won 4

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Author | Source of Uncle Liang | Master Liang (ID: liang_da_shi) Personal WeChat ID: liangshujiushiwo (no chatting) In December 1997,

Author | Uncle Liang

Source | Master Liang (ID: liang_da_shi)

Personal WeChat ID: liangshujiushiwo (not chatting)

In December 1997, "Life is Beautiful" received rave reviews after it was released in Italy, and won the Oscar for Best Actor. It has won 40 international awards, including Leading Role and Best Foreign Language Film, and has moved countless audiences around the world.

ranks 6th in Douban's "Top 250 Best Movies in the World" list.

Author | Source of Uncle Liang | Master Liang (ID: liang_da_shi) Personal WeChat ID: liangshujiushiwo (no chatting) In December 1997,

What’s even more amazing is that according to media reports that year, after the trial screening of the film at the Cannes Film Festival, the entire audience stood up and applauded with tears for 12 minutes...

Just today, this classic movie was restored in 4K version, re-released in China.

Even though Uncle Liang had watched it many times before, he still went to the theater to watch it again.

At the end, Guido was pulled to be shot.

Amidst the panic and rapid gunfire, I heard many people in the theater crying.

23 years ago, I didn’t understand the meaning at first glance.

Now as a father of a child, when I watch it again, I can relate even more.

From their stories, we can get a glimpse of the true meaning of life, just like the classic line in the movie:

No one’s life is perfect. But every moment of life is beautiful.
No matter what kind of disaster strikes, as long as life still exists, life will always continue. Living is the most beautiful thing.

Author | Source of Uncle Liang | Master Liang (ID: liang_da_shi) Personal WeChat ID: liangshujiushiwo (no chatting) In December 1997,

1. Good morning, princess, in order to remember your smile, I desperately press the shutter in my heart.

The first half of "Beautiful Life" is bright and bright warm colors, and the second half is gloomy and gray cold colors.

In the changing colors, the plot changes from sweet and humorous to calm and sad. The one main line that remains unchanged is the romantic love between Guido and his wife Dora.

Author | Source of Uncle Liang | Master Liang (ID: liang_da_shi) Personal WeChat ID: liangshujiushiwo (no chatting) In December 1997,

They met for the first time on a sunny morning.

Dora burned a beehive upstairs in her house, but was stung in the thigh by a wasp. She accidentally fell from the second floor and was caught by Guido who was passing by.

The two fell into the haystack, and the first words Guido said were: Good morning, princess!

From then on, the phrase "Good morning, princess" runs through the entire film.

Not long after, Guido lost control while riding his bicycle downhill. In desperation, Guido jumped off the bicycle instantly, knocking down Dora.

So Guido shouted happily again:

Good morning, princess!

When we met twice, we fell in love for the first time.

Author | Source of Uncle Liang | Master Liang (ID: liang_da_shi) Personal WeChat ID: liangshujiushiwo (no chatting) In December 1997,

At that time, World War II had begun.

Guido is a Jewish poor boy, serving dishes in a hotel, living under the roof of others, and living in his uncle's house. His biggest dream is just to open a small bookstore;

And Dora is a beloved teacher with outstanding temperament and elegant manners. There are houses in the city and suburbs.

Guido pretended to be an official of the Education Bureau and went to Dora School to inspect.

explained the superiority of racism in public, but was eventually exposed.

In fact, his main purpose was to invite Dora to watch the weekend Venice opera "Offenbach".

Author | Source of Uncle Liang | Master Liang (ID: liang_da_shi) Personal WeChat ID: liangshujiushiwo (no chatting) In December 1997,

On the way home after watching the opera on Sunday, the car broke down.

In the pouring rain, Guido used a pillow to protect Dora from the rain, and took out a roll of red carpet from the trunk and spread it down the steps.

As a result, the originally miserable rainy night was made by the optimistic and humorous Guido, like a wedding scene.

Author | Source of Uncle Liang | Master Liang (ID: liang_da_shi) Personal WeChat ID: liangshujiushiwo (no chatting) In December 1997,

On this night, their feelings quickly heated up.

Dora began to confide:

A woman is like a treasure chest. Once you open it, she will be obedient. Opening it is easier than you think, all you need to do is find the right key.

Author | Source of Uncle Liang | Master Liang (ID: liang_da_shi) Personal WeChat ID: liangshujiushiwo (no chatting) In December 1997,

And Guido happened to have the right key:

optimistic . Even though he was imprisoned in the Nazi concentration camp, he still smiled at life. He believes that all difficulties are only temporary and a better future will eventually come;

interesting, as a hotel waiter, may seem humble and boring to outsiders.

But he turned his ordinary life into poetry;

kind , he fabricated a series of lies, risking his life, so that his son could forget the fear of war and maintain innocence and love.

Dora does not have many lines in the play, but there are two sentences that are deeply touching: The first sentence is under the dinner table, she said to Guido, take me away;

Author | Source of Uncle Liang | Master Liang (ID: liang_da_shi) Personal WeChat ID: liangshujiushiwo (no chatting) In December 1997,

The second sentence is at the train station, her husband He and his son were taken to a Nazi concentration camp.

Although she knew that it was a train bound for death, she said to the German officer with firm eyes, I am going too!

Author | Source of Uncle Liang | Master Liang (ID: liang_da_shi) Personal WeChat ID: liangshujiushiwo (no chatting) In December 1997,

In just 7 words, it is the best interpretation of loyal love.

Take me to , it means that once I decide to marry you, then I will absolutely support you and trust you.

Regardless of the end of the world or the end of the world, the relationship between life and death is broad, and it is said with Zicheng.

I am also going to , which means that as your wife, no matter you are poor or rich, going to glory or death, I will accompany you all the way.

Never give up, depend on each other in life and death, hold your son's hand, and grow old together with you.

She is his eternal princess, much loved;

He is the love of her life, and will remain with her until death.

Life is beautiful, if you love someone, you will shine.

In recent years, the divorce rate in China has remained high and has been rising year after year.

The root cause is that from the beginning, many people did not understand what love is.

There are many couples who, once they encounter difficulties, or because of money, go their separate ways, or even turn against each other...

We often go very far, but forget why we set out in the first place.

There is a line in "Late Marriage" written by Li Zongsheng :

I am waiting, the only compatible soul in the world.

But before the compatible soul appears, most people have already surrendered to life and choose to make do with it.

2. Love is simple, he weaves the biggest lie in the world, making everyone who laughs cry.

In addition to Guido and Dora, the enviable love, in "Life is Beautiful", the most important ones are Guido and his sons. That deep fatherly love .

Ever since his child was born, Guido has been playing games with his son and made tank toys for him;

He carried his wife and children to school on bicycles, as if they were butterflies flying happily in the wind;

His son refused to take a bath. Get into the cupboard to hide from mom.

When Guido found out, he pretended to summon the cupboard to send flowers to Dora.

The son walked up to the cabinet, and the first words that came out were:

Good morning, princess!

Author | Source of Uncle Liang | Master Liang (ID: liang_da_shi) Personal WeChat ID: liangshujiushiwo (no chatting) In December 1997,

The young son had a happy childhood in such a family.

However, the good times did not last long and the war spread.

The Nazi's iron heel stepped into this small Italian city, and the peaceful and peaceful life was shattered.

A sign at a bakery on the street reads, " Jews and dogs are not allowed ."

Author | Source of Uncle Liang | Master Liang (ID: liang_da_shi) Personal WeChat ID: liangshujiushiwo (no chatting) In December 1997,

The son asked why, Guido lied and said that they did not like Jews and dogs.

Everyone has their own likes and dislikes. There is also a hardware store where Spain and horses are not welcome. The owner is not welcome. What can we do?

Guidona’s lies of fatherly love begin here.

The reality is becoming more and more cruel, but his lying acting skills are becoming more and more mature.

On the day of his son’s fifth birthday, both father and son were Jewish and were sent to a Nazi concentration camp.

Dora was not a Jew and could have escaped the disaster, but she voluntarily accompanied her husband and son to go together and endure the torture of fate together.

The son asked Guido on the road, where are we going?

Guido said, I am going to take you on a birthday trip and I will definitely give you a surprise.

Author | Source of Uncle Liang | Master Liang (ID: liang_da_shi) Personal WeChat ID: liangshujiushiwo (no chatting) In December 1997,

This "surprise" place is the Auschwitz concentration camp.

What they are about to face is an inhumane massacre in history.

At least 1.1 million Jews were killed here.

In the end, there were less than 7,000 survivors.

Guido is well aware of the cruelty, but even in hell, he strives to create a happy childhood for his son.

He told his son that this was just a game. If you score 1,000 points in

, you will win a birthday gift:

a real tank.

Guido, who did not understand German, took the opportunity to pretend to be a translator for a German officer and announced the "rules of the game" to his son:

No crying, no looking for his mother, no snacks, and hiding to avoid being sent to prison. gas chamber was poisoned.

However, paper cannot cover the fire after all.

The son asked him, this is not a game, the officers sent people into the furnace to be burned to death, and used human bodies to make buttons and soap!

Author | Source of Uncle Liang | Master Liang (ID: liang_da_shi) Personal WeChat ID: liangshujiushiwo (no chatting) In December 1997,

But in the end, the son was still confused by Guido's superb acting skills and lies.

finally chose to believe him.

Guido would play "hide and seek" with his children, leaving his rations for his son to eat. He would take the opportunity to sneak into the broadcast room and say to his mother on the radio with his son:

Good morning, princess...

Author | Source of Uncle Liang | Master Liang (ID: liang_da_shi) Personal WeChat ID: liangshujiushiwo (no chatting) In December 1997,

This elf The same man, even if he is frightened every day, he still has to work hard.

Because of his optimistic nature, he turned the miserable concentration camp into another "home".

Faced with all cruelties, he solved them with smile and humor.

Even if the gun was pointed at him from behind, he just blinked.

used a secret code to tell his son hiding in the trash can, hide quickly, our game is about to win...

Author | Source of Uncle Liang | Master Liang (ID: liang_da_shi) Personal WeChat ID: liangshujiushiwo (no chatting) In December 1997,

At this moment, comedy was coated with lies, and laughter turned into tears.

Under Guido's care, the child grew up happily without any awareness of the threat of death.

In one lie after another, Guido shows the brilliance of humanity, which is dazzling and admirable.

My son Joshua recalled in the video:

Because of my father, the most terrifying period became my warmest time.

He weaves the biggest lie in the world and can make everyone who laughs cry.

He tried his best to protect his children's happy childhood from any damage, not even war.

Although fairy tales and games are fake, father's love is real.

It is said that a father's love is like a mountain, tall, steady and deep.

However, it is not easy to be a qualified father.


而在温暖和爱中长大的孩子,就算遭遇再大的风浪,也会坦然面Yes, fight head on and never give up.

The best education parents can give their children is to lead by example, love and be kind, and protect their innocence.

believes that one day, he will be fully capable of going outside.

faces the world of truth, falsehood, good and evil, and overcoming obstacles alone.

Qi Pa said that one of the debate questions was:

Should parents tell their children that fairy tales are fake?

Uncle Liang strongly agrees with the opponent Fu Seoul’s argument:

I don’t tell him, just to accompany him to distinguish, think and explore together.

And this kind of surprise of growth is the most beautiful scene between father and son.

If you reveal the truth about the cruel life when your children are very young.

This is a kind of spoiler, fast forwarding his growth.

brought irreversible cracks and scars to his childhood.

And this pain may take him a lifetime to heal.

Just as the movie lines say:

If something is lost, maybe it can be found again.

But if it is broken, it cannot be repaired no matter what.

So, I would rather have nothing.

3. In the real world, life is not always rose-colored, but life can be always beautiful.

It is worth mentioning that the male and female protagonists in the movie, Roberto Benigni and Nicoletta Braschi, Not only are they a couple in the movie, but they are also a couple in reality.

The two met on the set, fell in love, and got married. Now in their sixties, they are still very affectionate and are a famous "husband and wife team" in the film industry.

Braschi, a "princess" both on and off screen, was not only the heroine in Bernini's life, but also became the heroine in almost all of Bernini's films.

Author | Source of Uncle Liang | Master Liang (ID: liang_da_shi) Personal WeChat ID: liangshujiushiwo (no chatting) In December 1997,

In addition, "Life is Beautiful" is based on a real character, his name is Salmoni.

In 1937, Germany, Italy and Japan formed the fascist axis, and the suffering of the Jews began.

Salmoni was arrested by the Nazis in 1944 and eventually sent to the notorious "hell on earth" concentration camp Auschwitz.

He later recalled:

" I was locked in a dark iron car, and I felt like I was heading towards death. "

Although he escaped the fate of entering the gas chamber, he was reduced to a tortured coolie.

From then on, he was no longer Salmoni, but numbered A15810.

endured long-term hunger, cold, fatigue, and torture by the guards.

In the winter, what was most unbearable for Salmoni was that they were forced to stand barefoot in the snow to take roll call, which lasted for several hours every day.

In the harsh environment, although Salmoni survived strongly, his two brothers were reduced to ashes in the crematorium.

Author | Source of Uncle Liang | Master Liang (ID: liang_da_shi) Personal WeChat ID: liangshujiushiwo (no chatting) In December 1997,

In 1945, Salmoni was rescued. He wrote his autobiography "I Finally Defeated Hitler " to disclose the crimes of fascism to the world.

He said in his speech: " We must remember history, but remembering history does not mean remembering the pain, but always maintaining the courage to overcome suffering and the firm belief in life. "

Life is not always rose-colored, But it can be beautiful forever.

4Life is like a journey against the odds, and a reed is used to sail.

Even in a miserable world, one must smile bravely

The movie " Beautiful Life" makes people moved, not only romantic love, father's love that transcends life and death, and cruel war There is also the glimmer of light in the world, and the exploration and questioning of the meaning of life:

What is a beautiful life?

Become rich and powerful, gain both fame and fortune?

Is buying a car or a house a stable life?

Or will you meet your sweetheart and have a happy marriage?

is neither.

The real beauty of life is the purity and freedom of the soul.

If the heart is not free, it will be a prison wherever it goes.

There is no absolute pain or joy in the world, and there is only a thin line between good and bad.

The only decisive factor is your world view and outlook on life, and your mentality towards everyone, things and things.

There is no right or wrong, only positions.

How you treat life is what your life will be like.

Mayday sang in "General's Order":

Whatever you believe in and what you are attached to, you are.

Even if the world is miserable, we must smile bravely;

Even if we are deep in the gutter, we must look up at the stars.

Life is indeed difficult, and life is not perfect.

But an optimistic attitude, a kind heart, and deep and pure love can make a incomplete life more complete.

We are all like this, giving up some less important things in exchange for some important things. Whether

is worth it or not is your own choice.

Ordinary life also has poetry;

Beautiful flowers can also bloom on the cliff.

In the year of Qi Jin, he wrote in "Chen Song":

Wherever the heart desires, the plain shoes will go;

Life is like a journey against the odds, and a reed is used to navigate.

I hope we can all work hard to live out our own beautiful life.

Author | Source of Uncle Liang | Master Liang (ID: liang_da_shi) Personal WeChat ID: liangshujiushiwo (no chatting) In December 1997,

The author of this article: Uncle Liang, the author of the best-selling book "Super Individual: Build Your Multi-dimensional Competitiveness", the main author of the public account Master Liang, the former channel director of Ping An Group, a master's degree in management from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, a well-known training consultant, and the signed author of a brief book. Welcome to follow the public account Liangshi (ID: liang_da_shi).


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