Spoiler alert from the editor of this article: Unauthorized reprinting is strictly prohibited every year, and those who find plagiarism will launch a network-wide complaint. Ni Kuang, a generation novelist who is one of Hong Kong’s four most talented people, recently accepted an

2024/05/2400:06:33 hotcomm 1112

Editor of this article Spoiler Society: Every year

Unauthorized reprinting is strictly prohibited. If plagiarism is found, the entire network will complain.

One of Hong Kong’s four most talented novelists, Ni Kuang, a generation novelist, recently accepted an exclusive interview with Hong Kong media. It tells the love story of him and his wife who have been married for 60 years. It turns out that the two still call each other "Pig Girl" and "Pig Baby". Ni Kuang even revealed that he has not had contact with his sister Yishu for 22 years.

Spoiler alert from the editor of this article: Unauthorized reprinting is strictly prohibited every year, and those who find plagiarism will launch a network-wide complaint. Ni Kuang, a generation novelist who is one of Hong Kong’s four most talented people, recently accepted an  - DayDayNews

Ni Kuang is a world-famous science fiction writer, playwright, and critic. His writing range is very wide. In addition to the main series of science fiction novels, he has also written many supernatural stories, as well as a small number of martial arts novels and detective novels. Famous works include "Wesley Series", "Yuan Zhenxia Series", "Black Lady Mulan Series" and so on. In addition, Ni Kuang has also written more than 300 film scripts.

Spoiler alert from the editor of this article: Unauthorized reprinting is strictly prohibited every year, and those who find plagiarism will launch a network-wide complaint. Ni Kuang, a generation novelist who is one of Hong Kong’s four most talented people, recently accepted an  - DayDayNews

When Hong Kong media interviewed Ni Kuang, they found that Ni Kuang’s home in Hong Kong Island is very civilian. There is no luxurious decoration and there is no living room. There are only two massage chairs on the sofa, one belongs to Ni Kuang and the other belongs to Mrs. Ni. Ni Kuang said that there were two massage chairs and everyone was sitting here watching TV. Mrs. Ni must hold his hand.

Spoiler alert from the editor of this article: Unauthorized reprinting is strictly prohibited every year, and those who find plagiarism will launch a network-wide complaint. Ni Kuang, a generation novelist who is one of Hong Kong’s four most talented people, recently accepted an  - DayDayNews

Ni Kuang and his wife have been married for 60 years. Their love story happened when they were students. Ni Kuang said, “In 1957, he came to Hong Kong from Guangzhou and went to night school. I was three years old and very beautiful. We had not known each other for long, so we rented a room to live together. Later, his father said it was inappropriate and asked us to register for marriage, so we went to register, and he wanted his father to sign. At that time, his wife was not yet 21 years old.

Spoiler alert from the editor of this article: Unauthorized reprinting is strictly prohibited every year, and those who find plagiarism will launch a network-wide complaint. Ni Kuang, a generation novelist who is one of Hong Kong’s four most talented people, recently accepted an  - DayDayNews

Ni Kuang, who has a casual personality, said that he did not propose like others. He said that he had never bought a ring for his wife, and she did not want it. Recently, he suddenly opened the safe and found that his wife did not ask for it. He didn’t even have a piece of jewelry. When Ni Kuang was not famous at that time, his wife also lived in poverty with him. He said: “When we first started dating, my wife went to teach when it was the most difficult time, and I posted articles everywhere to make money. I received a royalties of 3 yuan and 50 cents a day, a bowl of barbecued pork rice per person. After eating, my wife was full and I was not full yet. But I didn’t have money for the second bowl. At that time, a bowl of white rice and braised sauce in a tea restaurant cost 20 cents, called “Pretty Boy with a Hat.” I ate one bowl, and when I finished eating, I went out and there was a small stall selling egg waffles for 10 cents. Bake a cake for dessert, then walk to catch the tram.

Spoiler alert from the editor of this article: Unauthorized reprinting is strictly prohibited every year, and those who find plagiarism will launch a network-wide complaint. Ni Kuang, a generation novelist who is one of Hong Kong’s four most talented people, recently accepted an  - DayDayNews

Ni Kuang, who once said that he should be gentle to women, feels that he is ashamed and disrespectful to his wife. He said that his wife was completely accommodating to him. He is so accommodating to the point that no one would believe him if he told him. For example, if he said he wanted to collect shells, his wife would go all over the world to help him buy shells and wait for them to be mailed. For example, if he suddenly wants to raise fish, his wife will help him buy a pair of goldfish worth several thousand yuan. For example, if he eats 5 packs of cigarettes a day and smokes until the walls of his house turn brown, his wife will not tell him to quit smoking. He once tried drinking brandy 3 or 4 times a day, and he would go home drunk every day. His wife would not even scold him, but Ni Kuang said that he also loved his wife.

Spoiler alert from the editor of this article: Unauthorized reprinting is strictly prohibited every year, and those who find plagiarism will launch a network-wide complaint. Ni Kuang, a generation novelist who is one of Hong Kong’s four most talented people, recently accepted an  - DayDayNews

Ni Kuang said that he and his wife still call each other Zhuzhubao. He said: "Zhuzhu sister and sister Zhu were only 19 years old when we dated. My name was her Amei. I am a pig, so he called me pig." Pig, sometimes he calls me "Pig, Pig, Baby," and I have to respond to his sister, "Pig," and if he doesn't, he keeps calling me "Pig." The two of them have grown from adolescence to adulthood. Ni Kuang, who is 84 years old this year, said that he can now face life and death with an open mind. . But his wife, who suffers from Alzheimer's disease , is his Achilles heel. Ni Kuang said: "She must leave. She hopes most to walk in front of me. She can't stand it when I leave."

Spoiler alert from the editor of this article: Unauthorized reprinting is strictly prohibited every year, and those who find plagiarism will launch a network-wide complaint. Ni Kuang, a generation novelist who is one of Hong Kong’s four most talented people, recently accepted an  - DayDayNews

As for his biological sister The famous writer Yi Shu, Ni Kuang said that when the other party was 50 years old, he called him and said: "Second brother (crying), I am already 50 years old." Ni Kuang said at the time that there was nothing strange about it, he would be 60 years old soon. , and Yi Shu is now 72 years old. He had a phone call 22 years ago and has not contacted her since.

Spoiler alert from the editor of this article: Unauthorized reprinting is strictly prohibited every year, and those who find plagiarism will launch a network-wide complaint. Ni Kuang, a generation novelist who is one of Hong Kong’s four most talented people, recently accepted an  - DayDayNews

As he gets older, Ni Kuang's health gradually sounds the alarm. He said that the doctor said that he is too fat, 60 pounds overweight, and now weighs 185 pounds. The man who calls each other Zhuzhubao said that he has many major problems with his body. From head to toe, he has more than 70 diseases.

Spoiler alert from the editor of this article: Unauthorized reprinting is strictly prohibited every year, and those who find plagiarism will launch a network-wide complaint. Ni Kuang, a generation novelist who is one of Hong Kong’s four most talented people, recently accepted an  - DayDayNews

Ni Kuang has suffered from eczema for more than 30 years. In the past two years, the inflammation has started. Three doctors said it was skin cancer, and four doctors said it was eczema. Ni Kuang said he was unwilling to get checked. Ni Kuang, who faces life and death with an open mind, said that he has already thought about his funeral and hopes to be buried at sea without wasting the ashes.

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