The powder keg in the Middle East has exploded again. In the recent Palestinian-Israeli conflict, Israel, the little bully in the Middle East, launched a number of military attacks against Palestine, causing heavy casualties on both sides, especially the Palestinian military and

2024/05/2318:42:33 hotcomm 1124

The powder keg in the Middle East has exploded again. In the recent Palestinian-Israeli conflict, Israel, the little bully in the Middle East, launched a number of military attacks against Palestine, causing heavy casualties on both sides, especially the Palestinian military and  - DayDayNews

The powder keg of in the Middle East has exploded again. In the recent Palestinian-Israeli conflict, Israel, the little bully in the Middle East, launched a number of military attacks against Palestinians, causing a large number of casualties on both sides, especially the Palestinian military and civilians. Seeing that the war is imminent, the major countries in the Middle East and the United Nations have urgently intervened in mediation.

However, this kind of "mediation" has begun since the founding of Israel in 1948. has mediated hundreds or thousands of times so far, but it has not been used.

but it is also useless. In the past seventy years, the Arabs represented by Palestine and the Jews represented by Israel have fought five wars, which are commonly known as the five Middle East wars. Almost all Middle Eastern countries are involved, including Soviet Russia and European and American powers.

has been fighting for more than seventy years, but the hatred remains unresolved. Not only did the Arabs fail to conquer the Jews, but they are now often beaten violently by Israel. There is no doubt that Israel has become the biggest winner of the war in the Middle East. From a wandering people who were hunted everywhere to the founding of a new country, from a thorn in the side of the entire Middle East to the current hegemon in the Middle East, how has Israel transformed?

The powder keg in the Middle East has exploded again. In the recent Palestinian-Israeli conflict, Israel, the little bully in the Middle East, launched a number of military attacks against Palestine, causing heavy casualties on both sides, especially the Palestinian military and  - DayDayNews

Three Labels of Jews

Nowadays, people’s understanding of Jews mostly focuses on three characteristics: Poor, smart, and evil.

I say that the Jews are pitiful because the Jewish nation has been a wandering nation since ancient times. Before the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948, it had been wandering in Europe and the Middle East for three to four thousand years. Later, during World War I and World War II, Jews were the key targets of exclusion and massacre by European powers. alone Hitler massacred more than 6 million Jews.

So it is not false to say that the Jews are pitiful. says that Jews are smart because Jews have an absolute advantage in terms of wealth capital possessions and the number of Nobel Prize winners.

data shows that among the 680 people who won the Nobel Prize between 1901 and 2001, 128 were Jewish (or Jewish ), accounting for 18.8%. And the number of Chinese or Chinese Nobel laureates is less than a fraction of the number of Jews.

The powder keg in the Middle East has exploded again. In the recent Palestinian-Israeli conflict, Israel, the little bully in the Middle East, launched a number of military attacks against Palestine, causing heavy casualties on both sides, especially the Palestinian military and  - DayDayNews

In terms of wealth, Jews account for nearly half of the top 40 richest people in the Forbes American Rich List. Jewish financiers such as "financial giant" Soros and "stock god" Buffett control the economic lifeline of Wall Street and even the world. Google's two founders, Page and Bailin, Oracle's Allison, Dell Computer's Dell , Microsoft President Ballmer, etc. are also Jewish.

So it is not false to say that Jews are smart. says that Jews are evil. Most of them have read articles about "Currency War" and "Freemasonry", which mainly talk about the means by which Jews control the world. There are also many conspiracy theories about Jews on the Internet, such as Jews planning biological and chemical warfare and World War III.

As for whether the Jews are evil or not, I will not make a judgment for the time being. But the influence of the Jews has long exceeded the imagination of the world. There is a joke circulating in the United States that Jews not only "control" Wall Street, Hollywood , and the media and public opinion, but even the president of the United States was elected by Jews. So the French "Le Monde" once said: "Jews influence the U.S. government through banknotes and votes."

The powder keg in the Middle East has exploded again. In the recent Palestinian-Israeli conflict, Israel, the little bully in the Middle East, launched a number of military attacks against Palestine, causing heavy casualties on both sides, especially the Palestinian military and  - DayDayNews

The birth of a tool country

It is precisely because of these three attributes of Jews that the world both admires and fears Jews. Both exploit and suppress. If the establishment of the Jewish state of Israel is taken as the node, then before the establishment of the Jewish state, suppression was dominant. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, was dominated by exploitation.

The founding of the nation was a turning point in the fate of the Jews. At the end of the 19th century, a wave of anti-Semitism emerged in Europe. As a result, Jews scattered across Europe began to immigrate to the Palestinian area in large numbers. The Jews had lived in this area before BC, but were later driven out by the Romans.

Being driven around was not the answer after all, so the Jews began to have the idea of ​​establishing a country. But at that time, the Palestinian area was mainly populated by Arabs. If the Jews wanted to establish a state here, would inevitably encroach on the interests of the local Arabs. Would the Arabs agree?

The powder keg in the Middle East has exploded again. In the recent Palestinian-Israeli conflict, Israel, the little bully in the Middle East, launched a number of military attacks against Palestine, causing heavy casualties on both sides, especially the Palestinian military and  - DayDayNews

Moreover, Arabs believe in Islam , and Jews believe in Judaism . Although Islam originated from Judaism, the two religions had parted ways at that time and were incompatible with each other. If believers of the two religions live together, they will inevitably have constant conflicts. This was the bane of the subsequent Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

But there are smart and wealthy Jews. Previously, through lending in Europe, Jews had basically taken control of important financial institutions in Europe and accumulated a large amount of capital and connections. Even the British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli at the end of the 19th century was a Jew.

So the Jews used these capital and connections to engage in public relations lobbying with the then world hegemon, Britain. As a result, in November 1917, the United Kingdom issued the "Balfour Declaration" expressing its support for the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine. The United Kingdom became the first world power to openly support the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine.

The powder keg in the Middle East has exploded again. In the recent Palestinian-Israeli conflict, Israel, the little bully in the Middle East, launched a number of military attacks against Palestine, causing heavy casualties on both sides, especially the Palestinian military and  - DayDayNews

The whole of Europe is attacking Jews. Why does Britain support the establishment of a Jewish nation at this time? Because it was during the World War , war cost money, so the Jews who had mastered huge amounts of wealth became the object of competition between the Allied Powers and the Entente Powers. As a result, Britain took the lead and seized the opportunity, turning wealthy Jews into cash machines for the Allied Powers.

Another reason is that at that time, Britain's national power was at its peak and it was expanding its territory around the world. Britain has also coveted the Middle East, the heart of the world continent. Therefore, placing Jews in the Middle East can become an important pawn for Britain to manage the Middle East and check and balance the power of Soviet Russia.

After the end of World War I, the Palestinian area was administered by the British Empire . The founding of the Jewish nation was about to be realized, but World War II broke out not long after, and the world structure underwent tremendous changes, so the founding of the nation had to be put on hold.

After the end of World War II, under the manipulation of Britain and the United States, the United Nations finally passed a resolution in 1947, deciding to establish an Arab state and a Jewish state in Palestine, which later became Palestine and Israel.

The powder keg in the Middle East has exploded again. In the recent Palestinian-Israeli conflict, Israel, the little bully in the Middle East, launched a number of military attacks against Palestine, causing heavy casualties on both sides, especially the Palestinian military and  - DayDayNews

The total area of ​​Palestine is about 26,000 square kilometers. According to the division opinions of the United States and Britain, the Jews will take away about 15,000 square kilometers of land, leaving only about 11,500 square kilometers of land for the Arabs who have lived here. . Moreover, resource-rich areas where can grow fruit trees have been allocated to Israel.

Isn’t this clearly bullying the local Arabs? So, on May 14, 1948, the day after the founding of the state of Israel, after Britain announced that it would no longer rule the Palestinian area, Arab League countries Egypt , Iraq , Lebanon , Syria , Jordan sent troops to attack Israel together. The first Middle East war broke out.

But as everyone knows, this Middle East coalition force did not attack Israel. Including the subsequent four Middle East wars , Arab countries have never fought against Israel. On the contrary, Israel has become stronger and stronger as it fights, becoming the current hegemon in the Middle East. Why can’t so many Arab countries defeat a small Israel? You know, Israel's population is only over 9.3 million, which is only half of its neighboring country, Syria, and its area is less than 1/7 of Syria. The reason for

is very simple, that is, it is supported by the United States, Britain and other countries. Israel was able to establish a country in the Middle East because of the United Kingdom. After its establishment, it was able to gain a foothold in the Middle East. is because of the support of the United States.

The powder keg in the Middle East has exploded again. In the recent Palestinian-Israeli conflict, Israel, the little bully in the Middle East, launched a number of military attacks against Palestine, causing heavy casualties on both sides, especially the Palestinian military and  - DayDayNews

The United States has three main strategic intentions: First, place a chess piece in the center of Eurasia to prevent the Arabs from establishing a unified power. Second, cut off the land access to Eurasia. Third, control the Middle East. After all, the Middle East has the golden waterway Suez Canal and rich strategic resources of oil.

Driven by this kind of interest, Israel has become a die-hard ally of the United States. With this strong backing, Israel has purchased a large number of advanced weapons from the United States, Britain and other countries, while also developing its own military industry. What's more surprising to everyone is that in the 1970s and 1980s, Israel also developed the nuclear weapon on its own.

The power structure of both parties in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict has also undergone a fundamental reversal. Israel has changed from a "beating" role to a "beating" role. Today’s Israel is more than twice the size of its territory when it was founded. This was all plundered bit by bit in previous Palestinian-Israeli conflicts.

There is no way, Palestine is no longer on the same level as Israel. If there was no United Nations that could still uphold justice and take into account the feelings of the entire Arab people, Israel might have destroyed Palestine long ago. This is the history of Israel's prosperity, the history of its evolution from the tool state of Britain to the tool state of the United States.

The powder keg in the Middle East has exploded again. In the recent Palestinian-Israeli conflict, Israel, the little bully in the Middle East, launched a number of military attacks against Palestine, causing heavy casualties on both sides, especially the Palestinian military and  - DayDayNews

Friend of the United States or Enemy of the United States?

I have to say that Israel has successfully "come to power" with the help of the United Kingdom and the United States. It has gone from a wandering nation that everyone shouted to fight to a regional power that fights whoever it wants in the Middle East. This is indeed beyond everyone's expectations. I am afraid that the UK and the US would not have thought that would be what it is today.

However, no matter how developed Israel’s economy, technology, and military strength are, it is still a country that is not recognized by the world. Israel has no friends in the Middle East and the entire Arab world basically views it as an enemy. Even Asia's Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad called the Israelis "from a country of crime."

Now Israel is placing all its bets on the United States, and everything in relies on the United States' leadership. But is the US-Israel alliance really that reliable?

The powder keg in the Middle East has exploded again. In the recent Palestinian-Israeli conflict, Israel, the little bully in the Middle East, launched a number of military attacks against Palestine, causing heavy casualties on both sides, especially the Palestinian military and  - DayDayNews

Why is the United States trying its best to suppress China and engage in comprehensive competition with China? They are afraid that China will surpass the United States and break the hegemony of the United States. But Americans will not fail to understand that compared to the "China threat" from the outside, the threat within the United States is more difficult and more terrifying.

There are approximately 13 million Jews in the world, more than 6 million of whom are in the United States. There may be more Jews in the United States than in Israel. Although American Jews only account for 2% of the total population of the United States, Jews are good at engaging in "financial power transactions". Through this method, they have controlled American finance, media, and even rights.

Are Americans willing to do this? When the United States was strong, life was easy for Americans. Now that the United States' national power is declining, life for Americans is getting harder and harder. You have to find a punching bag. China is the punching bag of the United States, but China is indeed too big. No matter how hard the Americans try, they can't hurt China's vitality.

The powder keg in the Middle East has exploded again. In the recent Palestinian-Israeli conflict, Israel, the little bully in the Middle East, launched a number of military attacks against Palestine, causing heavy casualties on both sides, especially the Palestinian military and  - DayDayNews

Then the question arises: Will Jews become the next target of Americans? Like Europe, the United States also believes in Christianity. One of the direct reasons for the massacre of Jews in Europe was sectarian strife.

In addition, the struggle for interests and rights is also a deeper reason why Europe cannot tolerate Jews. It is said that the anti-Semitic propaganda film produced by Nazi Germany at that time was like this: first the poor Germans were filmed, and then the wealthy Jewish businessmen were filmed, creating an impression for the audience that the former's poverty was caused by the Jews. In this way, the Jews have become a group of loan sharks and profiteers who plunder wealth...and this may indeed be the case.

Therefore, although Israel is now arrogant in the Middle East, the danger is approaching step by step. This danger comes either from the Americans or from the Arab countries as a whole after the decline of the United States. Once comes out, it will have to be paid back sooner or later.

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