As the conflict between Israel and Palestine escalates, the most famous beauties in the entertainment and fashion circles of the two countries have also started to "do it" on social platforms. The representatives of both parties are doing well in the American entertainment and fa

2024/05/2318:31:33 hotcomm 1694

As the conflict between Israel and Palestine escalates, the most famous beauties in the entertainment and fashion circles of the two countries have also started to "do it" on social platforms.

As the conflict between Israel and Palestine escalates, the most famous beauties in the entertainment and fashion circles of the two countries have also started to

Representatives of both parties are doing well in the American entertainment and fashion circles. They are beautiful and well-known. They each have a huge number of fans on social platforms and have a strong mass base.

Israeli beauty

Gal Gadot can be regarded as the most famous female face produced in Israel. She is a native Israeli, and her ancestors are Jewish immigrants from Europe. He is 1.78 meters tall, has long legs, and his eyes are as sharp as killing people.

As the conflict between Israel and Palestine escalates, the most famous beauties in the entertainment and fashion circles of the two countries have also started to

Gadot has been starring as Gisele Yesha in the "Fast and Furious" series since 2011, leaving a very deep impression on the audience.

As the conflict between Israel and Palestine escalates, the most famous beauties in the entertainment and fashion circles of the two countries have also started to

In 2016, she played "Wonder Woman" in the movie "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice". As soon as she appeared, she stole the scene of the two protagonists, Batman and Superman. People exclaimed, this is the real goddess.

After the feature film "Wonder Woman" was released in 2017, Gal Gadot had no choice but to become famous. From then on, "Wonder Woman" became synonymous with her, and the name Israel once again entered the entertainment industry.

As the conflict between Israel and Palestine escalates, the most famous beauties in the entertainment and fashion circles of the two countries have also started to

Palestinian beauties

On the Palestinian side are the famous Hadid sisters - Gigi Hadid and Bella Hadid .

As the conflict between Israel and Palestine escalates, the most famous beauties in the entertainment and fashion circles of the two countries have also started to

These two beauties can be said to be born in Palestine and are two of the most famous in the American fashion circle. They are typical second-generation rich Palestinians born in the United States.

Gigi Hadid is 26 years old, and Bella Hadid is 24 years old. The two sisters also have a younger brother, Anwar. Their father, Mohammed Hadid, is a shrewd businessman. He started by selling second-hand classic cars , and then opened a He opened a nightclub and made a lot of money, starting his fortune-making experience in real estate in New York, USA.

As the conflict between Israel and Palestine escalates, the most famous beauties in the entertainment and fashion circles of the two countries have also started to

During this period, he fought against Donald Trump many times in the 1980s and snatched several plots of land from him, thereby establishing his status as a real estate tycoon.

Although Mohammed Hadid and Trump are industry rivals, their aesthetic tastes are quite consistent, that is, they both like to marry models as their wives.

As the conflict between Israel and Palestine escalates, the most famous beauties in the entertainment and fashion circles of the two countries have also started to

In 1994, the Palestinian tycoon who developed in the United States met Dutch model Yolanda and fell in love at first sight. The two got married that year and gave birth to two beautiful mixed-race daughters, Gigi Hadid and Bey. La Hadid, and a son.

As the conflict between Israel and Palestine escalates, the most famous beauties in the entertainment and fashion circles of the two countries have also started to

Gigi Hadid and Bella Hadid are natural stunners. Their sister, Gigi Hadid, who was born in 1995, has been a children's clothing model since she was 2 years old. She became a top model in major shows at the age of 18. Model, beautiful scenery.

As the conflict between Israel and Palestine escalates, the most famous beauties in the entertainment and fashion circles of the two countries have also started to

Bella Hadid, who was born in 1996, grew up on a ranch in California, USA. Her dream was to become an equestrian.

can't bear to have a supermodel sister at home. When she was 20 years old, she joined the same big-name modeling company as her sister. From then on, there was a pair of Arab sisters on the world's T-stage.

As the conflict between Israel and Palestine escalates, the most famous beauties in the entertainment and fashion circles of the two countries have also started to

Two sisters, one is 1.79 meters tall and the other is 1.75 meters tall. The elder sister Jiji looks more like Europeans and Americans, and is soft on signing contracts with big names.

As the conflict between Israel and Palestine escalates, the most famous beauties in the entertainment and fashion circles of the two countries have also started to

The younger sister Bella has an exotic style. She has a world-weary face and is naturally indifferent, which makes her the favorite of the fashion industry.

As the conflict between Israel and Palestine escalates, the most famous beauties in the entertainment and fashion circles of the two countries have also started to

Well, the beauty camps of both sides have been announced and are ready to go. Let's see what they said in this Palestinian-Israeli conflict .

Wonder Woman Gal Gadot and supermodel sisters Hadid commented on the rapidly worsening tensions between Israel and the Palestinians, with both sides fighting from a distance.

As the conflict between Israel and Palestine escalates, the most famous beauties in the entertainment and fashion circles of the two countries have also started to

Israeli beauty Gal Gadot

Gadot released her statement in the form of a picture on Twitter , which read: My heart is broken.

"Our country is at war. I'm worried for my family, my friends, I'm worried for my people."

As the conflict between Israel and Palestine escalates, the most famous beauties in the entertainment and fashion circles of the two countries have also started to

" This vicious cycle has gone on for too long. Israel should be a free and safe country. Our neighbors deserve the same treatment. "

"My prayers go out to the victims and their families. I pray that the hostility towards each other will end soon, and I pray that a solution can be found so that we can coexist in peace. I pray for a better future. "

As the conflict between Israel and Palestine escalates, the most famous beauties in the entertainment and fashion circles of the two countries have also started to

After all this, she mainly expressed three levels of meaning.

First, Israel and Palestine are fighting, and she is very worried about her family and friends.

Secondly, when is the time to retaliate? Israel and Palestine should not be like neighbors. That's how we get along well.

Then, pray for world peace and look forward to a better future.

This seemingly neutral post triggered a flood of comments, most of which were strong towards Gadot. In response to criticism, Gadot's information triggered an Internet storm.

As the conflict between Israel and Palestine escalates, the most famous beauties in the entertainment and fashion circles of the two countries have also started to

Netizens revealed that after winning the Miss Israel contest in 2004, Gal Gadot joined the Israeli army at the age of 19 and served for two years.

Netizens criticized Gadot, you are an Israeli veteran, do you dare to say that you have no tendency? Do you dare to say that you were not a "propaganda" tool for the military?

As the conflict between Israel and Palestine escalates, the most famous beauties in the entertainment and fashion circles of the two countries have also started to

Some people accused her of writing "Our Neighbors". Not “Palestine.”

“She probably can’t even say the word Palestine. "A female netizen sarcastically said on Twitter.

There were more and more negative comments, which made Gadot overwhelmed. She had to close the comment area of ​​the post.

As the conflict between Israel and Palestine escalates, the most famous beauties in the entertainment and fashion circles of the two countries have also started to

At the same time, her posts continued to ferment on Instagram. She There are 53 million followers.

Palestinian Beauty Hadid Sisters

Next up is Bella Hadid, the younger of the Hadid sisters, who posted on Instagram

"When our descendants look back, They will look back on us now and wonder, how did we allow the suffering of the Palestinians to continue for so long? "A human tragedy is unfolding before our eyes," she wrote. "

As the conflict between Israel and Palestine escalates, the most famous beauties in the entertainment and fashion circles of the two countries have also started to

"Those in power stammer out neutral words for fear of being reprimanded," Hadid continued, "while the world remains silent to avoid offending the wrong people. "

Bella Hadid must have had in mind the situation faced by Palestinians when she wrote these words, including ubiquitous checkpoints, expulsions and restrictions on food, water and necessities.

What she mainly expressed The words "bring sympathy" were used.

As the conflict between Israel and Palestine escalates, the most famous beauties in the entertainment and fashion circles of the two countries have also started to

Compared to Gadot, Bella Hadid's remarks received more understanding and sympathy.

She has 41 million followers on Instagram, which is significantly less than Gadot. 53 million.

As the conflict between Israel and Palestine escalates, the most famous beauties in the entertainment and fashion circles of the two countries have also started to

But she also has a more famous sister. Gigi Hadid has also posted many similar posts, mostly re-sharing what her sister has posted. Behind her, there are 66 million fans.

The total number of fans of the two sisters compared with Gal Gadot is 100 million vs 50 million.

It is no wonder that Gal Gadot lost in this war of words, and in this world, people tend to sympathize with the weak.

As the conflict between Israel and Palestine escalates, the most famous beauties in the entertainment and fashion circles of the two countries have also started to

Speaking of famous faces from Israel, there is also a predecessor of Gal Gadot, Natalie Portman, who became famous for playing the role of the little girl in ", This Killer Isn't Too Cold" when she was 13 years old. Gadot was still a primary school student at that time.

As the conflict between Israel and Palestine escalates, the most famous beauties in the entertainment and fashion circles of the two countries have also started to

However, Natalie Portman did not directly express her opinion on this, but only forwarded a related post. In addition, her number of fans was only 7 million, so her influence was obviously much smaller.

The double-edged sword of social media

Ironically, as violence in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict continues to unfold, influencers and celebrities are scratching their heads trying to figure out how to write about the incident in order to "Hot spots".

As the conflict between Israel and Palestine escalates, the most famous beauties in the entertainment and fashion circles of the two countries have also started to

Sisters such as Gal Gadot and Gigi Hadid and Bella Hadid are unable to stay out of the spotlight, while more celebrities are facing calls from fans and followers to demand They use their platforms to spread resources, information and show support.

Ultimately, there may be no winners in this conflict, including some celebrities who have spoken out online.

In recent years, the push for online celebrities, including influential celebrities, to speak out on major issues has become the norm in the Western world.

As the conflict between Israel and Palestine escalates, the most famous beauties in the entertainment and fashion circles of the two countries have also started to

Influencers say they are pressured by their followers to speak out. They play a huge role in social media, but their responses are sometimes self-serving and biased.

A senior media person once described it this way: Fans control the fate of their favorite influencers, and the message is clear - it is important to use your platform to support things that everyone thinks is right, and to do so quickly and meaningfully. Do this or you will lose followers.

In ^Tuijie^'s view, social media is a double-edged sword. When you become an influencer, you also become an influenced one.


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