According to news on October 11, market research organization Witsview released the latest LCD panel quotation. The average price of mainstream 55-inch TV panels is US$170, a decrease of US$15 or 8.1% compared with late September;

2024/05/2316:30:33 hotcomm 1295

According to news on October 11, market research organization Witsview released the latest LCD panel quotation. The average price of mainstream 55-inch TV panels is US$170 (approximately RMB 1,094), which is US$15 less than in late September, a decrease of 8.1%; The average price of 65-inch TV panels also fell 4% to US$238 (approximately RMB 1,531).

According to news on October 11, market research organization Witsview released the latest LCD panel quotation. The average price of mainstream 55-inch TV panels is US$170, a decrease of US$15 or 8.1% compared with late September; - DayDayNews

In terms of small and medium-sized TV panels, the quotations for 32-inch and 43-inch panels are US$52 and US$92 respectively, down 8% to 9% from late September. The prices of LCD panels of different sizes have dropped significantly, and the prices are close to the levels at the end of last year.

It is understood that LCD LCD panels began to plummet in July, and the decline has been very obvious in three months. Among them, the 32-inch panel fell by more than 40%, the 43-inch panel fell by more than 33%, and the 55-inch panel fell by more than 20%. The price of color TVs on the e-commerce platform has also fluctuated greatly. Many brands have promptly lowered the prices of some models. It seems that the real prices are really coming.

If the price reduction trend continues, the price of LCD panels will be even lower by the end of October. At the same time, the Double 11 event is coming, and driven by a series of promotional activities, TV sets may reach the lowest price in history, which is definitely the best time to buy.

According to news on October 11, market research organization Witsview released the latest LCD panel quotation. The average price of mainstream 55-inch TV panels is US$170, a decrease of US$15 or 8.1% compared with late September; - DayDayNews

However, panel prices are still likely to rebound, and BOE , Samsung , LG and other panel suppliers are taking measures to reduce production capacity. Once market demand is strong and supply cannot keep up, the prices of LCD panels and TVs will rise again. Therefore, those who want to buy a TV must seize the best time.

Peng Shuanglang, chairman of AU Optronics, once said that panel prices cannot rise or fall all the way, and appropriate adjustments are needed to bring prices back to the normal track. At the same time, he also revealed that this round of sharp decline in LCD panel prices was mainly caused by factors such as rising transportation costs and reduced customer demand. Once the problems in all aspects of the supply chain are resolved, the price of LCD panels is still likely to rise. After all, the impact of the global core shortage is still continuing.

According to news on October 11, market research organization Witsview released the latest LCD panel quotation. The average price of mainstream 55-inch TV panels is US$170, a decrease of US$15 or 8.1% compared with late September; - DayDayNews

Many friends may find that except for wages not increasing this year, it seems that all products are increasing in price. TVs experienced this sudden plunge because no one bought them after price increases for so long. Once market demand improves, prices may begin to rebound. Friends who want to buy a TV really don’t miss the opportunity of Double 11, otherwise you don’t know when the next really good price will be available.

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