Since yesterday, the "Dragon Boat Water", which is said to be the strongest this year, hit Guangdong again and ushered in continuous heavy rainfall. Several cities and counties have experienced varying degrees of waterlogging, landslides and geological disasters. The Guangdong Pr

2024/05/2305:53:33 hotcomm 1626
Since yesterday, the

Starting yesterday (12th)

"Dragon Boat Water", known as the strongest this year, hit

Guangdong once again ushered in continuous heavy rainfall

Many cities and counties have experienced varying degrees of

waterlogging, landslides and geological disasters

Meteorological disasters (heavy rain) in Guangdong Province ) Level III

emergency response is in effect...

Heavy rainfall in Guangdong continues and heavy rain red warnings are issued in many places

Yesterday (12th) during the day to today (13th) morning, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Shaoguan Some cities and counties in , Heyuan, Huizhou, Zhongshan , Jiangmen , Qingyuan experienced heavy rains, including extremely heavy rains (318.8 mm) in Guangzhou Conghua Lutian, Meizhou , Shanwei , Jieyang experienced heavy to heavy rains, and thundershowers and local heavy rains occurred in other cities and counties.

Since yesterday, the

According to meteorological and hydrological monitoring, the average rainfall in the province was 30.8 mm from 08:00 on the 12th to 08:00 on the 13th. Stations exceeding 25 mm accounted for 43.8% of the total number of stations in the province. Two stations recorded extremely heavy rain exceeding 250 mm. 235 stations recorded heavy rains of 100 mm to 250 mm, 780 stations recorded heavy rains of 50 mm to 100 mm, and 1,132 stations recorded heavy rains of 25 mm to 50 mm. The stations with heavier rainfall are: Guangzhou Conghua District Lutian Town 318.8 mm, Qingyuan Fogang County Shuitou Town 235.2 mm, Zhongshan Nanlang Town 219 mm, Shaoguan Xinfeng County Meikeng Town 215 mm,

Since yesterday, the 09.7 mm.

Since yesterday, the

Guangdong Province’s Level III emergency response to meteorological disasters (heavy rain) is now in effect. As of 11:36 on the 13th, the red rainstorm warning signals for Conghua, Longmen, Xinfeng, Heyuan, and Longchuan were still in effect.

Since yesterday, the Since yesterday, the

Heyuan urban area was flooded due to heavy rains, and vehicles were unable to move. The staff were working on it.

Heavy rains hit the city. Waterlogging and landslides occurred in many places in Guangdong.

According to @广东 Weather News, from the day of the 12th to the morning of the 13th, affected by heavy rains, Qingyuan and Buddha in Guangdong Gang, Liannan , Lianshan, Yangshan and other places were severely flooded, with roads collapsing, houses damaged, small bridges interrupted, and crops soaked. The Xiaojiang Town of Yangshan was soaked by floods.

Since yesterday, the


G205 National Highway Dongyuan District Luotian section was hit by heavy rains, landslide, resulting in road interruption, currently needs to be fully closed for cleaning. Passing vehicles should make a detour in time, cooperate with the traffic police's instructions, do not block the road and pass in order.

Since yesterday, the

Due to long-lasting heavy rain, 114 provincial highway 301 kilometers + 500 meters Qiwangling section and 315 kilometers Fengyang Xiadong section experienced road landslides. Currently, the traffic police department has implemented traffic control on the above sections. Drivers are requested to avoid them in time. OK. In addition, the water level in the Luoyang Bridge section is high. The general public is advised to avoid going to this section to avoid danger.

Since yesterday, the

Affected by the Dragon Boat Flood, many road sections in Heyuan City are seriously flooded. G205 National Highway, the section under the Bailingtou train bridgehead is flooded with water depth of , with the deepest water accumulation being 1.3 meters. There are transformers in many places, and there are dangers such as leakage and electric shock. Traffic police on duty on the road quickly divert traffic, remove blockages and ensure smooth flow of vehicles. and personnel quickly leave the danger area.

Since yesterday, the

There is serious water accumulation at the intersection of Heyuan Avenue and Kangle Road. , cars cannot pass. Drivers are asked to take a detour. In addition, due to the impact of heavy rainfall, the K2828+500 Gaotang section of the G205 national highway and the K2838+500 Xiaoxian Middle School section of the provincial highway S230 East Ring Road next to the Heyuan Prison under the control of the Heyuan Urban Highway Bureau were severely waterlogged, and traffic was interrupted.

Since yesterday, the

In addition, according to villagers in Daping Village, Shuntian Town, Dongyuan County, Heyuan, around 11:40 a.m. on the 13th, the Dangyan Bridge connecting Daping Village and Dangyan Village was washed away by floods. Daping Village leads to Dangyan Village on the other side of the river. Traffic in Yan Village was blocked and villagers were unable to pass. According to local villagers, a car passing by the bridge fell into the river when the bridge broke. At present, the vehicle information has not been determined. Public security, fire and other rescue personnel are taking three assault boats to carry out search and rescue work on the river downstream of where the car fell into the water.

Since yesterday, the


html From the daytime of June 12 to the morning of the 13th, heavy to heavy rains fell in the Sanlian area of ​​Qingyuan, Guangdong, Fogang, and eastern Yingde.This heavy rainfall caused Lianzhou urban flooding, and landslides occurred on the Lianzhou Yao'an Highway.

Since yesterday, the Since yesterday, the

Affected by the continuous heavy rain, X387 line Yao'an Township Xinzhuang section, Xingzi Town Dongshang Highway, Yuantan Village Committee section experienced tree collapse and landslides. The traffic police department has arrived at the scene to implement temporary traffic control, and has contacted the highway department and electric power department. The department went to the scene to make repairs. Passing vehicles are asked to detour in time, pay close attention to warning information, and pay attention to traffic safety.

Since yesterday, the

Affected by heavy rain, a landslide occurred on the Shengping section of the 106 National Highway in Fogang County. The highway department and traffic police department are doing their best to rescue the scene. Drivers are asked to drive carefully. The road is currently a single lane.

Since yesterday, the


Affected by thunderstorms and strong winds, Zhuhai Nanping Flower Bed was flooded, and Gree Flower Bed, under the Qianshan overpass, and the South Taiming Bay section of Pingbei 2nd Road experienced large areas of waterlogging. Traffic police were at the scene to handle and divert traffic. Drivers heading to this section of the road are asked to take a detour!

Since yesterday, the


From yesterday to this morning, 7 towns in Longmen, Huizhou had accumulated rainfall of more than 100 millimeters, including 210 millimeters in Lantian Township. Continuous heavy rainfall caused flooding in Longmen Dipai Town, and villagers' houses were flooded.

Since yesterday, the


In Guangzhou, precipitation is extremely uneven, with heavy precipitation mainly concentrated in Lutian, Liangkou and Aotou towns in Conghua. From 08:00 on the 12th to 08:00 on the 13th, the maximum cumulative rainfall in Guangzhou occurred in Lutian Town, Conghua, reaching 318.8 mm! The magnitude is a heavy rainstorm! What is the concept of 318.8 rainfall in 24 hours? The average annual precipitation in Beijing in 2016 was 680.6 mm. One day in Lutian is equivalent to half a year of rain in Beijing!

Since yesterday, the

weather forecast

According to, heavy rainfall will continue in our province by the morning of tomorrow (14th). The specific forecast is as follows:

html From the morning of the 113th to the 14th, Heyuan, Meizhou, and Shanwei will have heavy rains and local heavy rains; Shantou, Huizhou, Qingyuan, Chaozhou , and Jieyang will have heavy rains to heavy rains and local heavy rains; Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Foshan , Dongguan , Zhaoqing will have heavy rains with local heavy rains; other cities and counties will have heavy rains to heavy rains with local heavy rains.

html During the day on the 114th, the rain in our province weakened, Zhanjiang had heavy rain to heavy rain, Shanwei, Shantou, Jieyang, Chaozhou heavy rain to heavy rain turned to showers, Shenzhen, Maoming, Yangjiang, Zhuhai, Zhongshan, Jiangmen Heavy rain will turn to showers, and showers will turn to cloudy in other cities and counties.

html On the 115th, coastal cities and counties in Jiangmen and Yangjiang, Maoming, and Zhanjiang experienced heavy rain to heavy rain. The remaining cities and counties were mainly cloudy with local showers.

In addition, during thunderstorms, some cities and counties in our province are accompanied by strong convective weather such as short-term strong winds of around level 8.

Since yesterday, the

Heavy rainfall has continued for many days, and the soil moisture content is extremely high. Please be especially careful of waterlogging, flash floods, landslides and other disasters, and avoid staying near rivers, mountains, valleys, and low-lying lands.

How to rescue yourself when floods occur?

▶ Try to move to higher places.

is threatened by floods. If you have enough time, you should move to hillsides, highlands, etc. as soon as possible. When you are caught off guard and are surrounded by floods, you should try your best to use boats, rafts, door panels, wooden beds, etc. to carry out water transfer. When the flood comes too fast and it is too late to move away, you should immediately climb onto the roof, high-rise buildings, big trees, and high walls to take temporary shelter and wait for rescue.

▶Beware of landslides in mountainous areas

If it rains continuously in mountainous areas, flash floods may easily occur. In this case, you should pay attention to avoid crossing the river to prevent being washed away by flash floods. You should also pay attention to prevent damage from landslides, rolling stones, and mudslides.

▶In urban areas, pay attention to waterlogging and avoid dangerous walls

If it rains continuously, attention should be paid to preventing waterlogging in low-lying areas such as garages caused by urban waterlogging. When pedestrians are walking or vehicles are traveling, they should avoid dangerous walls and dangerous areas, and pay attention to personal and vehicle safety.

▶Avoid electrical facilities to prevent electric shock

If you find that high-voltage power towers have collapsed or wires are hanging low or broken, stay away from danger and do not touch or approach them to prevent electric shock. In addition, should not take shelter under trees, and avoid using mobile during thunderstorms.

Sudden extreme weather will not only cause property damage, but may also cause personal injury in severe cases. Therefore, you must know how to take precautions and save yourself when traveling during heavy rainfall. ▼

How to deal with sudden heavy rain while driving?

▶Must ensure clear vision

Turn on the wipers in time during heavy rain, and adjust the wiper speed according to the amount of rain. When the light dims, turn on the dipped headlights and fog lights in time. In addition, you should use air conditioners, rags, etc. to remove water vapor on the glass as soon as possible to avoid danger of unclear visibility of the road conditions.

▶Prevent sideslip when driving

Hold the steering wheel with both hands, keep driving in a straight line and at low speed , and try to avoid standing water. Stay calm when the vehicle skids. If the vehicle slides to the left, turn the steering wheel to the left, and vice versa, but the movement should not be too large, otherwise it will slide in the opposite direction.

▶Control the speed and keep the distance between vehicles

When driving on the highway:

Since yesterday, the . When the speed is 100 kilometers/hour, the distance between the front and rear of the vehicle is more than 100 meters.

Since yesterday, the . When the speed is 70 kilometers/hour, the distance between the front and rear of the vehicle is 70 meters or more .

Since yesterday, the . If you encounter rain, snow, fog, etc., the driving speed needs to be reduced and the safety distance should be lengthened.

In heavy rain, you should apply the brakes slowly when turning. If you need to stop, try to slow down in advance and brake lightly to avoid dangerous accidents.

What should you pay attention to when driving through water?

▶Wading operation essentials

When a car is wading in water, it should be put into low gear and drive smoothly into the water. Avoid slamming the accelerator or rushing to prevent water splashing into the engine and stalling. When driving, you should hold the accelerator steady, keep the car with sufficient and stable power, and pass in one breath. Try to avoid stopping, shifting gears, or making sharp turns, especially when the underwater road is filled with mud and sand. You should pay more attention to this. a little.

A picture tells you how deep water can be passed safely

Since yesterday, the

Picture: When driving through water, pay attention to the height of the vehicle's air inlet.

How to escape safely when trapped in a car on a rainy day?

We should unbuckle the seat belt as soon as possible and open the car door to escape. When the car door cannot be opened, we should choose to use hard objects in the car to smash the car window . When a window is broken, the four corners of the window are the most effective knocking positions, which can quickly break the glass and speed up escape.

When the car windows and doors cannot be opened, the trunk also has an escape channel . Many models have an emergency switch at the back and top of the trunk, which is the escape route.

Since yesterday, the

Picture: Trunk escape channel

First, you can find the double-row seat back unlock key near the bottom of the rear window glass, and use your feet to completely tilt the rear seat down. Then you can directly get into the trunk, and finally find the tail of Use a key or other hard object to pry off the trunk lock cylinder and cover it, and then turn the lock cylinder clockwise, and the trunk lid will open automatically.

Note: Not all models have this function . Most vehicles that can fold down the rear seats have this device, but the device types are different. Some require a key or a sharp object to open, and some require a pull-up function. Or a half-moon switch.

China Traffic Channel·Guangdong Media Matrix

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Since yesterday, the

Source of materials: Guangdong Weather, Guangdong Traffic Police, Guangdong Traffic Police Weibo

Editor: Liang Zhijian

Editor: Shi Haoming

Final review: Zhang Jun

Produced by: China Traffic Channel·Guangdong-New Media

Since yesterday, the

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