In early 1949, in order to reward the soldiers who had made contributions on the battlefield, Deng Xiaoping specially held a celebration banquet for everyone. When Deng Xiaoping raised his wine glass to congratulate a great hero sitting next to him, he casually made a joke.

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In early 1949, in order to reward the soldiers who had made contributions on the battlefield, Deng Xiaoping specially held a celebration banquet for everyone. When Deng Xiaoping raised his wine glass to congratulate a great hero sitting next to him, he casually made a joke. - DayDayNews

Deng Xiaoping


At the beginning of 1949, in order to reward the soldiers who had made contributions on the battlefield, Deng Xiaoping specially held a celebration banquet for everyone.

At the celebration banquet, everyone laughed and the atmosphere was very warm.

When Deng Xiaoping raised his wine glass to congratulate a great hero sitting next to him, he casually said a joke.

Unexpectedly, , the great hero, became furious after hearing this. He overturned the wine table on the spot and walked away. The scene was very embarrassing.

Deng Xiaoping didn't seem to care about this. He waved his hand and said: "Let him go." Liu Bocheng also smiled and said: "This fierce Zhang Fei will probably come to apologize soon."

So, how dare this person Who was the person who overturned the wine table in front of Deng Xiaoping? Why was Deng Xiaoping so tolerant of him?

Hate evil with hatred and embark on the road of revolution

This time, the person who flipped the table in front of Deng Xiaoping was Liu Changyi, who was known as the "fierce Zhang Fei in the army."

Liu Changyi was born in poverty and lived a life of scanty clothing since he was a child. In order to change the fate of the family, Liu Changyi's father tried every means to borrow money to send Liu Changyi to study.

However, Liu Changyi only attended school for half a year before he was forced to drop out because he could not afford the tuition.

In early 1949, in order to reward the soldiers who had made contributions on the battlefield, Deng Xiaoping specially held a celebration banquet for everyone. When Deng Xiaoping raised his wine glass to congratulate a great hero sitting next to him, he casually made a joke. - DayDayNews

When Liu Changyi was young

In order to make a living, Liu Changyi was sent to a tailor master to learn his craft. Two years later, Liu Changyi bid farewell to his master and returned home.

At this time, Liu Changyi was only 14 years old. His father felt that his son's craftsmanship was not good enough, so he hired another master named Chen Wenxiu to teach Liu Changyi his craftsmanship.

Later, Liu Changyi said goodbye to his family and followed his master to work in a sewing shop on Jianzi Street, Hankou.

Chen Wenxiu is a member of the Communist Party. Under the influence of his master, Liu Changyi also began to participate in trade union activities.

Once, the master gave Liu Changyi a task: to send a note to Master Zhang at No. 648 Moziqiao.

Before leaving, the master once again emphasized the appearance characteristics of Master Zhang to Liu Changyi, and told Liu Changyi to be careful and go back quickly.

After taking the note from the master, Liu Changyi carefully put it into his pocket and walked quickly through the streets and alleys to No. 48 Moziqiao.

However, looking at the seal on the door and several plainclothes agents walking back and forth in front of the door, Liu Changyi quickly realized that something was wrong. He shouted "no" in his heart and did not dare to stay any longer. He could only pretend Act as if nothing happened and continue walking forward.

In early 1949, in order to reward the soldiers who had made contributions on the battlefield, Deng Xiaoping specially held a celebration banquet for everyone. When Deng Xiaoping raised his wine glass to congratulate a great hero sitting next to him, he casually made a joke. - DayDayNews

When Liu Changyi was young

On the road, Liu Changyi also encountered a group of soldiers searching him. The clever Liu Changyi quickly swallowed the note in his pocket and the popsicle in his hand. In this way, he not only saved himself from danger, but also preserved the party's secrets.

As the situation in Wuhan becomes more and more severe, the situation of Communist Party members becomes more and more difficult.

One day in 1929, the master called Liu Changyi to him and solemnly said to him: "The situation is getting more and more dangerous. You are still young. If something unexpected happens, how can I explain it to your parents? You should go home. Go, the farmers in his hometown are also making revolution, and there may be more ways..."

In this way, Liu Changyi followed his master's advice and returned to his hometown. But not long after, the sad news came out that the master was brutally murdered by Kuomintang agents.

Liu Changyi was extremely saddened and vowed to avenge his master. So, he joined the Communist Youth League under the introduction of the trade union.

A few months later, Liu Changyi, who was only 15 years old, took more than 20 young people from the same village to join the Red Army, officially starting his revolutionary career.

The founding lieutenant general of the People's Republic of China was carried out from the coffin

Liu Changyi fought very bravely and tenaciously on the battlefield, so he gained the reputation of "the fierce Zhang Fei in the army".

In early 1949, in order to reward the soldiers who had made contributions on the battlefield, Deng Xiaoping specially held a celebration banquet for everyone. When Deng Xiaoping raised his wine glass to congratulate a great hero sitting next to him, he casually made a joke. - DayDayNews

The image of Zhang Fei in film and television dramas

Liu Changyi, who has experienced hundreds of battles, has had more than a hundred adventures. There is no part of his head, face, hands, legs, waist, back, crotch, etc. that is missing. Bullet-marked. Because of his severe injuries and limited medical tools, he was almost buried alive.

In 1933, in order to further expand its development base, the Fourth Red Army conducted three consecutive offensive campaigns, dealing a heavy blow to the Sichuan warlords Tian Songyao, Yang Sen, and others.

Liu Changyi, who served as the battalion commander of the second battalion of the 36th Regiment of the 12th Division of the Fourth Red Army, led the troops in two consecutive months of combat, always taking the lead and rushing to the front.

During the Battle of Xuanda, after Liu Changyi's right arm was injured, he simply bandaged it and then hurriedly returned to the intense battle.

When he came to the forward position and observed the enemy's situation with a telescope, the enemy suddenly fired a shell and exploded next to Liu Changyi.

After the explosion, the smoke had not completely dissipated. The soldiers found Liu Changyi lying beside the trench, covered in blood. All of his teeth were knocked out and shrapnel penetrated from his left jaw to his right cheek.

Due to excessive blood loss, Liu Changyi still failed to wake up after being in coma for more than ten hours.

In early 1949, in order to reward the soldiers who had made contributions on the battlefield, Deng Xiaoping specially held a celebration banquet for everyone. When Deng Xiaoping raised his wine glass to congratulate a great hero sitting next to him, he casually made a joke. - DayDayNews

Warlord Yang Sen

In order to save Liu Changyi, the doctor quickly found several soldiers to transfuse him with blood. However, due to limited conditions, the doctor could not conduct a blood test, so he had to take a gamble and directly give Liu Changyi a blood transfusion.

It may be that the blood type is wrong. During the blood transfusion, Liu Changyi's body temperature suddenly rose above 39 degrees, and the doctor could only stop the blood transfusion immediately.

Liu Changyi, who was in a coma and had a high fever, had his face gradually swollen and deformed. A few days later, the doctor announced that Liu Changyi had stopped breathing.

After the news of Liu Changyi's "sacrifice" came out, the entire army, from the commander to the ordinary soldiers, were grieving for the loss of such an outstanding commander. Many people were sad and shed tears silently.

Because the troops had to perform new tasks, the soldiers had no choice but to bury Liu Changyi.

Just as everyone was carrying Liu Changyi into the coffin and preparing to cover it, correspondent Hu Shaorong held the coffin sadly because he was reluctant to leave Liu Changyi, and cried bitterly: "Liu Battalion Commander, you can't leave! You can't leave... "

said, Hu Shaorong put a white handkerchief that Liu Changyi usually used into Liu Changyi's hand.

When Hu Shaorong touched Liu Changyi's hand, he suddenly found that Liu Changyi's hand was trembling slightly. Hu Shaorong thought he was overly sad and had hallucinations. He touched Liu Changyi's nostrils with his hand and found that Liu Changyi was still breathing weakly.

In early 1949, in order to reward the soldiers who had made contributions on the battlefield, Deng Xiaoping specially held a celebration banquet for everyone. When Deng Xiaoping raised his wine glass to congratulate a great hero sitting next to him, he casually made a joke. - DayDayNews

Liu Zhi

It turns out that the Red Army Hospital lacked medical equipment at that time, not even a basic stethoscope and blood pressure monitor , let alone an electrocardiogram.

Doctors can only verify the vital signs of the wounded by touching them with their hands, so accidents are inevitable.

Hu Shaorong shouted in surprise: "Liu Yingchang is not dead yet! Liu Yingchang is not dead yet!"

After hearing the news, people around him immediately gathered around, lifted Liu Changyi out of the coffin, and rushed to the hospital. Continue to rescue. In this way, Liu Changyi was miraculously resurrected.

Dangers like this are not uncommon for Liu Changyi. Another time, he was dying and almost ended up in a coffin again.

In early 1946, Liu Changyi, who served as the deputy commander of the First Column of the Central Plains Military Region of the Eighth Route Army, was hit by five bullets while preparing to annihilate the 199th Division of the Kuomintang Army Liu Zhi and fell into coma on the spot.

After Li Xiannian, Wang Zhen, Wang Shusheng and others learned that Liu Changyi was seriously injured, they immediately sent Pan Shizheng, the Minister of Health of the Military Region, to personally treat Liu Changyi.

After seeing Liu Changyi's injury, Pan Shizheng felt that surgery must be performed immediately.

However, at that time, the army lacked anesthetics, , anti-inflammatory drugs and surgical instruments.This greatly increases the difficulty of the operation. The most important thing is that without anesthesia, the test for the wounded is too great.

In early 1949, in order to reward the soldiers who had made contributions on the battlefield, Deng Xiaoping specially held a celebration banquet for everyone. When Deng Xiaoping raised his wine glass to congratulate a great hero sitting next to him, he casually made a joke. - DayDayNews

Wang Zhen

When Pan Shizheng was in trouble, Liu Changyi, who was in a coma, woke up after hearing their conversation.

The weak Liu Changyi asked for paper and pen, and tremblingly wrote three words on the paper: Dare to cut!

In this way, Pan Shizheng and the medical staff performed the operation on Liu Changyi using simple tools without anesthesia.

During the operation, Liu Changyi's face continued to have big beads of sweat, but he did not moan. Even the staff assisting in the surgery couldn't bear to look at it and turned their heads to one side.

Due to limited conditions, the doctor performed two operations and only removed a bullet and a piece of shrapnel from Liu Changyi's body.

After the operation, Liu Changyi suffered from high fever and continued coma, and was in critical condition. The organization has prepared for the worst, bought a coffin for Liu Changyi, and prepared to take care of his funeral arrangements.

When Li Xiannian reported his work to Zhou Enlai, he mentioned Liu Changyi's injury. Zhou Enlai immediately gave instructions: Send Liu Changyi to Peking Union Medical College Hospital for treatment by plane.

Liu Changyi was very grateful for the care of Zhou Enlai and the party organization.

In early 1949, in order to reward the soldiers who had made contributions on the battlefield, Deng Xiaoping specially held a celebration banquet for everyone. When Deng Xiaoping raised his wine glass to congratulate a great hero sitting next to him, he casually made a joke. - DayDayNews

Li Xiannian's youth

However, in order not to cause trouble to the organization, Liu Changyi resolutely refused to go to Beiping for treatment. He said: "Even if I die on the battlefield, I will not leave the army!"

After Zhou Enlai learned about it, he ordered again: immediately send special personnel to Wuhan within a limited time to purchase drugs and medical equipment and treat him on the spot!

After the medicines and equipment were ready, Pan Shizheng performed three more surgeries on Liu Changyi, and Liu Changyi came back to life again.

Apologize to Deng Xiaoping

Liu Changyi, who charged bravely on the battlefield, was still a man who dared to do things, dared to get angry, had an upright character and had no scruples.

After the Battle of Huaihai, the Central Plains Field Army issued a notice directly naming Liu Changyi, conniving two cadres to ride the train without a ticket, and also beat and scolded the conductor.

At that time, Liu Changyi was recovering from his injuries in Kaifeng. Seeing this notification, Liu Changyi felt baffled. He immediately jumped on his horse and rushed to Shangqiu . He brought the person involved to the two leaders Deng Xiaoping and Liu Bocheng for a face-to-face confrontation.

In early 1949, in order to reward the soldiers who had made contributions on the battlefield, Deng Xiaoping specially held a celebration banquet for everyone. When Deng Xiaoping raised his wine glass to congratulate a great hero sitting next to him, he casually made a joke. - DayDayNews

Liu Bocheng

In the end, it was Liu Bocheng who came to the rescue and said that "the notification was wrong and should be withdrawn." Only then did Liu Changyi return angrily.

After the victory in the Battle of Huaihai, Deng Xiaoping held a celebration banquet for everyone in order to reward the soldiers who had made military exploits.

At the banquet, Deng Xiaoping annihilated more than 10,000 enemies, seized a large amount of military supplies, and captured Huang Wei, a senior KMT general. Liu Changyi, deputy commander of the third column of the Central Plains Field Army, arranged to sit next to him.

At the banquet, everyone was very happy, chatting and laughing. Deng Xiaoping also raised his wine glass, walked up to each commander, and toasted to everyone one by one to express his congratulations.

When Deng Xiaoping toasted to Liu Changyi, he jokingly said: "Your troops fought well, but they just ate 500 more kilograms of meat."

Hearing this, Liu Changyi suddenly became furious and jumped up from his seat. He stood up, overturned the wine table, and walked away...

Liu Changyi's reaction embarrassed everyone present, and everyone fell silent.

Unexpectedly, Deng Xiaoping waved his hands indifferently and said: "Let him go." Liu Bocheng smiled and said: "This fierce Zhang Fei will probably apologize soon!"

In early 1949, in order to reward the soldiers who had made contributions on the battlefield, Deng Xiaoping specially held a celebration banquet for everyone. When Deng Xiaoping raised his wine glass to congratulate a great hero sitting next to him, he casually made a joke. - DayDayNews

Deng Xiaoping

The reason why Liu Changyi had such an overreaction , because their troops suffered heavy casualties during the encirclement and annihilation war.

In order to give the soldiers a good meal, Liu Changyi falsely reported the number of troops and received an extra 500 kilograms of meat.

Hearing Deng Xiaoping’s words, Liu Changyi thought Deng Xiaoping was laughing at him. Liu Changyi, who has always had a hot temper and doesn't mince words, overturned the table on the spot.

As expected by Deng Xiaoping, after Liu Changyi left, after some careful thinking, he realized that Deng Xiaoping was just teasing and joking, and had no intention of ridiculing. He quickly returned to the original route and apologized to Deng Xiaoping.

As an old comrade who has been with him for several years, Deng Xiaoping naturally understood Liu Changyi's straightforward temperament very well and knew that he meant no harm. Now that he sincerely apologized, Deng Xiaoping laughed and did not care.

Say things that others dare not say, and do things that others dare not do.

From the above things, we can see that Liu Changyi is not only straight-tempered, he also dares to say things that others dare not say, and do things that others dare not do, even if the other party It's the chief.

One day in November 1955, Deng Xiaoping and Liu Shaoqi inspected the navy. They shook hands with the soldiers cordially and asked where they were from, what their names were, and how old they were.

During the conversation, the distance between everyone was instantly shortened, and the atmosphere was very lively.

Deng Xiaoping and Liu Shaoqi also walked to the hammock, touched the bedding on the bed and the clothes worn by the sailors, and asked them if they were cold? Do you have enough clothes and shoes? How was your meal? Are you used to living at sea?

In early 1949, in order to reward the soldiers who had made contributions on the battlefield, Deng Xiaoping specially held a celebration banquet for everyone. When Deng Xiaoping raised his wine glass to congratulate a great hero sitting next to him, he casually made a joke. - DayDayNews

Liu Shaoqi

The soldiers were very moved by the chief's concern.

After listening to the work report, Deng Xiaoping and Liu Shaoqi, accompanied by the captain and political commissar, returned to the central cabin and took a short rest.

At this time, Liu Shaoqi took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, took one out and prepared to smoke.

Seeing this situation, the captain hesitated to speak. He wanted to say something, but he had some scruples and did not say it.

Just when the captain was hesitant, Liu Changyi said directly to Liu Shaoqi: "You can't smoke on the submarine."

Deng Xiaoping on the side also smiled and said: "If you can't smoke, you can't smoke."

After hearing this, Liu Shaoqi hurriedly Putting the cigarette in his hand back into his pocket, he also learned the accent of Sichuanese and said humorously: "Yes, yes, you should abide by the rules!"

Around the 1950s, the United States and Chiang Kai-shek often sent planes into Shandong Peninsula and Liaodong Peninsula coastal harassment, reconnaissance, and even provocation.

In order to strengthen combat readiness and prevent their sudden attacks, Liu Changyi organized a real-force exercise at the Lushun base. After Liu Changyi became the first commander of the North Sea Fleet, one or two large-scale exercises were conducted every year.

In early 1949, in order to reward the soldiers who had made contributions on the battlefield, Deng Xiaoping specially held a celebration banquet for everyone. When Deng Xiaoping raised his wine glass to congratulate a great hero sitting next to him, he casually made a joke. - DayDayNews

Liu Changyi

On the night of June 11, 1959, Liu Changyi had gone to bed to rest. Suddenly there was a phone ringing. After Liu Changyi answered the phone, he learned that the US-Jiang plane had appeared again.

Liu Changyi jumped up from the bed. He didn't even have time to change his clothes. Wearing pajamas and slippers, he hurried to the fleet aviation command post and immediately ordered the attack aircraft to pursue the enemy aircraft and be sure to shoot them down!

A few minutes later, Chen Genfa, squadron leader of the 5th Independent Battalion of the 4th North Sea Fleet Aviation Division, discovered the Kuomintang P2V-7 electronic reconnaissance aircraft over the Shandong Peninsula.

However, because the enemy plane was flying at ultra-low altitude at the time, coupled with the heavy coastal fog and low visibility, it was difficult to shoot down the enemy plane.

After listening to the report, Liu Changyi immediately picked up the walkie-talkie and ordered Chen Genfa: "We must find a way to shoot it down!"

After receiving the order, after half an hour of intense pursuit, our army finally shot down the enemy plane. , all 13 crew members on board were killed, and 4 "Sidewinder missiles" and 4 air samplers used to detect our atomic bomb tests were also seized.

In early 1949, in order to reward the soldiers who had made contributions on the battlefield, Deng Xiaoping specially held a celebration banquet for everyone. When Deng Xiaoping raised his wine glass to congratulate a great hero sitting next to him, he casually made a joke. - DayDayNews

P2V-7 reconnaissance aircraft

After the news reached Beijing, the central government immediately sent a congratulatory message and ordered a commendation.

Since then, Liu Changyi has stepped up his efforts to strengthen the combat readiness training of his troops.

A few months later, the United States and Chiang Kai-shek sent the RF-101 reconnaissance aircraft, known as the "Western Strategic Eyes", to the coastal areas of Liaodong for reconnaissance.

After discovering the enemy plane, our military pilot Wang Hongxi flew a domestic aircraft. Under the correct command and guidance of the ground personnel, he quickly shot down the enemy plane and captured Kuomintang Major Xie Xianghe alive.

After this shooting down incident, the myth that "anti-aircraft guns cannot hit, missiles cannot aim accurately, and aircraft cannot catch up" has been shattered.

He has strict requirements on his family.

Liu Changyi, who has an upright personality, is also the same when it comes to his family. He is not merciful even to his daughter-in-law who comes to visit him for the first time.

Liu Changyi's third sonLiu Xiaokun's lover Zhao Rongguang was criticized by Liu Changyi when he first came to Liu Changyi's home.

Zhao Rongguang was also born in a revolutionary family. She grew up in a military camp. She is warm-hearted, cheerful, meticulous and thoughtful, and is well received.

When Zhao Rongguang came to Liu Changyi's home for the first time as his daughter-in-law, Liu Changyi was very satisfied with this generous daughter-in-law.

In early 1949, in order to reward the soldiers who had made contributions on the battlefield, Deng Xiaoping specially held a celebration banquet for everyone. When Deng Xiaoping raised his wine glass to congratulate a great hero sitting next to him, he casually made a joke. - DayDayNews

Liu Changyi's later years

However, the rules should not be broken. During the conversation with his daughter-in-law, Liu Changyi put forward his requirements and hopes for her.

After the conversation, Liu Changyi asked his daughter-in-law Zhao Rongguang if he remembered it.

Since Zhao Rongguang came home for the first time, he was not used to Liu Changyi's Hubei accent, and he was a little nervous, so he did not hear Liu Changyi's words very clearly.

So, Zhao Rongguang replied carefully: "Dad, I... didn't understand what you said..."

Liu Changyi became angry when he heard this, and he criticized Zhao Rongguang: "What? Don’t you understand? You just didn’t pay attention!”

Faced with the sudden criticism, Zhao Rongguang felt aggrieved. It was the first time she came to the door and was scolded like this. She had never experienced such aggrievement.

As a result, Zhao Rongguang cried more and more and became more and more sad. He hid in his room and couldn't get out of his anger, and he didn't even eat.

But Liu Changyi did not give in at all. He felt that Zhao Rongguang was unwilling to admit his mistakes, refused to accept criticism, and added mistakes to mistakes.

In early 1949, in order to reward the soldiers who had made contributions on the battlefield, Deng Xiaoping specially held a celebration banquet for everyone. When Deng Xiaoping raised his wine glass to congratulate a great hero sitting next to him, he casually made a joke. - DayDayNews

Liu Changyi

Liu Xiaokun, several brothers and sisters, and Liu Changyi's wife, who knew Liu Changyi's temper, came to persuade Zhao Rongguang: Hurry up and admit your mistake. It will definitely not work if you don't admit it. Dad has such a temper...

Zhao Rong Guang could only wipe away his tears, reflect on Liu Changyi, and admitted that he had not listened carefully just now, his attitude was not correct, and he should not have lost his temper.

Liu Changyi did not embarrass his daughter-in-law Zhao Rongguang and told her again. After

ended, Liu Changyi asked Zhao Rongguang again if he understood.

This time, Zhao Rongguang nodded and said he understood, and repeated it to Liu Changyi.

Liu Changyi’s serious education to Zhao Rongguang: “Whether you are studying or working, your attitude must be serious. Chairman Mao said that ‘the Communist Party is most serious about seriousness’...”

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