Some time ago, the famous British stand-up comedian Ian Cornito said to the audience during his performance: "Imagine if I died in front of everyone." Then he sat down, breathing more and more heavily, and lay down on the stage.

2024/05/1518:23:33 hotcomm 1054

Some time ago, the famous British stand-up comedian Ian Cornito said to the audience during his performance:

is alive, which is already a miracle.

Respecting life is our lifelong pursuit.


Life is hard

The future and accidents are unpredictable

Have you ever seen a living life die in front of you?

Some time ago, the famous British talk show actor Ian Cornito said to the audience during his performance:

"Imagine if I died in front of everyone."

Then he sat down, breathing more and more heavily, and lay down on the stage.

It wasn’t until 5 minutes passed that the audience realized that something had happened!

Ian Cognito died suddenly on the talk show stage at the age of 60.

Another life has passed away in such a hurry that one can’t help but sigh.

There is a saying that goes very well:

Life is difficult, you never know which one will come first, the future or the accident.

On October 25, 2018, there was finally news about Li Yong , who had disappeared from the screen for a long time.

This time, it was his farewell message to everyone.

Some time ago, the famous British stand-up comedian Ian Cornito said to the audience during his performance:

After fighting cancer for 17 months, Li Yong finally couldn't bear it anymore, disarmed and left the world.

is a pistachio to the audience, and his "Extraordinary 6+1" is a happy memory for many people.

But for him, he is just an ordinary person, he will be stressed and get sick.

I always thought that life was very long, but I never expected that an accident would happen in the next moment. Before

, a screenshot hit the circle of friends. A blogger named "Jingfenxia" died of leukemia due to staying up late for a long time.

His friend sent the last message to Moments on his behalf.

Some time ago, the famous British stand-up comedian Ian Cornito said to the audience during his performance:

"He is the kind of person who works very hard and rarely goes to the hospital. As a result, he was diagnosed with a serious illness."

"He misses those friends who often chat with him. Whenever he thinks of them, he is very happy. If he has a chance to I want to chat all night again. "

Unfortunately, there is no chance.

Life has always been difficult to grasp. Every living life passes away in just a blink of an eye.

The future and the unexpected, we never know which one will come first.


The word "accident"

is not as important as "life and death"

Compared with "death", the word "accident" is always very cold. And many people treat sudden death as an accident.

As everyone knows, there are no accidents in life.

In the past few months, I have read too many reports about "sudden death":

Hangzhou takeaway boy died suddenly late at night

Post-90 student died suddenly in bed

Internet police worked overtime continuously for 18 hours and died suddenly

A young man suddenly fell to the ground while playing basketball. Unfortunate sudden death


There are so many unexpected sudden deaths, but the root of the disaster was laid early.

netizen @KAKAPrancil once lost contact for 9 days, which frightened his relatives and friends.

During these nine days, he had been struggling on the line of life and death and almost lost his life.

"Severe pain in the neck... pain from needles on the back of the head... cold sweat began to break out on the body... sweat dripped from the arms to the floor..."

went to the hospital for a diagnosis, and the doctor directly issued a critical illness notice to him. It was "multiple bleeding in the brain."

So, he began hellish treatment.

A set of medicines are given every 6 hours, more than 20 bottles a day, to stop bleeding, absorb edema, cleanse the brain, etc.

After a narrow escape, he finally realized:

"You can no longer stay up late, and you can no longer take chances. While you are lucky, misfortune has already happened."

Kaka Prancil is lucky, but there are more What an unfortunate person, who has long since lost the chance to come back.

A 36-year-old Huawei engineer died suddenly in Kenya, leaving behind his wife who had no job, no income, and took care of two children alone.

Why did he go to Kenya? This is because the salary for overseas positions is higher.

Why did he die suddenly? It was because of his habit of working all night long without a break for 22 consecutive months that he eventually died of overwork.

If you don't take good care of your body and consume your life excessively, there will only be one consequence, which is death.

Those young people who trade their lives for money will die in exchange.

What is more important than making money is living.

I once heard someone say this:

"Those who cannot learn to cherish have not lost enough, and their regrets have not lasted long enough."


You can work hard

but never work hard

Before, there was a book called "Do you know how many Chinese people there are?" The video of "Pin?" has flooded the Internet.

You are used to working day and night, with almost no rest;

You are used to turning on your phone 24 hours a day and being on call at any time;

You even feel that drinking water or going to the toilet is a delay in work;

You don't even want to sleep or use Rest when you are making money;


When you are used to working hard, have you ever thought about what is worth working for? Is


works overtime day and night, working overtime to catch up on the plan. Maybe the leader will blame you: Why is it so slow? If you can't do it, just leave!

Bosses in high positions are always unkind and have no time to take care of your health and life. Is


You can't make enough money. When you own 10,000, you want to own 100,000; when you own 100,000, you want to own 1 million.

Until he got seriously ill, all the money he had worked so hard to save was lost.

For most ordinary people like us, it is not worth exchanging lives for money.

If you work hard, you can do a good job.

But only when you are healthy can you do your work longer and better.

The greatest sorrow in life is not failure, but that your body cannot support your ambition.

I have a friend who studied computer engineering. He graduated in 1985 and worked for Tencent and Huawei. His annual salary of 300,000 yuan is enviable.

resigned at the beginning of this year and returned to his hometown to live.

Everyone doesn’t understand. If you don’t want Duanduan’s job, why are you destroying your future?

They don't know, but I do.

He told me that if he kept working hard, he was afraid that he would not survive the day his son was born.

You can work hard, but don't work hard. Nothing is worth your life.

A person's entire life, except life and death, are all trivial matters.


Respecting life

is the lifelong pursuit of

health, which is the greatest competitiveness in this era.

Mr. Ji Xianlin once said:

Everyone strives for a perfect life. However, there is never a 100% perfect life.

You can work hard for the future, but you may not be able to survive until the day of success.

You can squander your health to win fame and achievements, but it is not until the moment of the "accident" that you understand:

The last thing you should do is exchange your life for money in the first half of your life, and exchange money for your life in the second half.

Qiu Chen in "Qi Pa Shuo" was diagnosed with "thyroid cancer, plus lymph node metastasis". It was not until then that she realized the preciousness of health.

At the beginning, she was frightened and anxious, and it was like a bolt from the blue. She still remembers every detail after getting the diagnosis certificate.

Then, surgery, recuperation, and reexamination.

Two months later, she returned to work.

Three months later, she returned to fitness.

Now she can joke about the surgical scar on her neck: "It's like changing her head."

Every adult lives a difficult life.

We all understand your hard work, so we hope you can be healthy.

The nights you have stayed through and the nights you have passed will one day make you breathless.

Adhere to a healthy routine and a reasonable diet, and one day you will be glorious.

Netizen @ Bathing in the Sun said this:

"I used to like to stay up late, check Moments, and catch up on TV series...

until I saw my accelerated aging, skin deterioration, severe hair loss, and eye fatigue.

So I I stopped staying up late, shut down my phone at 22:00 every night, and forced myself to sleep.

I persisted for less than two months, and my whole mental outlook has changed a lot. "

· You must have a regular schedule and don't let it go to your body. bomb.

· Learn to regulate the pressure of work or life, do your best, and don’t drag your body down.

· You must exercise more and move to be healthy.

There is no greater interest than human life at stake.

Only by living well can we do what we want to do and live the life we ​​want to live.

Even if you want to make a lot of money, even if you want to go a long way, you must first have a healthy body.

The body is the capital of everything. With health, we can go further and live longer.

Some time ago, the famous British stand-up comedian Ian Cornito said to the audience during his performance:

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