Relying on the legacy of the "Sunflower Student Movement", Taiwan's "Power of the Times" party group, established in 2015, quickly became popular among young people and is now the fourth largest political party in Taiwan.

2024/05/1300:21:32 hotcomm 1983
Relying on the legacy of the

Xu Yongming

A case of collective bribery by "legislators" broke out in Taiwan's "Legislative Yuan". Six people were suspected of being involved in the dispute over the management rights of Taiwan's SOGO department store and accepting bribes. The amount of bribes received ranged from NT$2 million NT$ to NT$20 million. . The most shocking thing among them is the corruption involvement of Xu Yongming, chairman of the "Power of the Times" party.

Relying on the remnants of the "Sunflower Student Movement", Taiwan's "Power of the Times" party group, established in 2015, quickly became popular among young people and is now the fourth largest political party in Taiwan. They often flaunt "progressive values", "openness and transparency" and "anti-authority", and also claim that "anti-corruption" is their core value.

The above-mentioned party chairman Xu Yongming, who was involved in corruption, held a special press conference and made demands such as "if the elected candidate is suspected of corruption crimes, the recommended political parties should jointly punish him", and also blasted other politicians as "cannot withstand the temptation" "Zhu Bajie", but now he himself has fallen into the quagmire of corruption. In the most cynical way possible, he gave himself and his supporters a slap in the face.

The reason why the "Power of the Times" party group was able to establish a firm foothold in Taiwan in the first place stems from the fact that young people in Taiwan are tired of the vicious battle between blue and green and are disgusted with the tortuous and corrupt political arena. Taking advantage of this, it carefully packages itself and gives young people the illusion that this new political party is clean, does not collude with the blue and green, and can truly speak for fairness and justice. It is a party that speaks for young people.

Young people pursue "fairness and justice", so they actively cater to issues such as housing, wages, labor laws, tax reform, etc.; young people tend to be passionate, so they work hard to incite "dried mango" (sense of national subjugation), in order to He claims to "defend Taiwan" and uses his "anti-communist and hatred towards China" sentiment to harvest votes.

Their so-called political opinions and behaviors include drafting a "new constitution for Taiwan independence", promoting a "Taiwan independence referendum", participating in the Tokyo Olympics under the name "Taiwan", demanding the "name rectification" of China Airlines and passports, and quarreling with "Hong Kong independence" and "Tibet independence". "Xinjiang Independence" is colluding and selling experience to them... In short, whatever it takes to incite more panic and opposition, how to attract more media attention, and how to perform more frivolously, that's all.

Nowadays, the "power of the times" that claims to be "free from political interests" has such despicable and dirty corruption cases. Everyone is stunned, but if you think about it carefully, it has its origin. This is not only the tragedy of "Taiwanese democracy", but also the bad results that will inevitably occur when the extreme populist that "only seeks to be anti-communist and does not ask about right and wrong" appears in Taiwanese society.

It can be seen from the rise of political forces such as the "Power of the Times" that Taiwan's elections have been hijacked by "anti-China" populism. As long as a politician is sufficiently "anti-communist and anti-China", no matter what his talents are, whether his character is upright and honest, whether he sincerely cares about Taiwan's future, or whether he can work for the welfare of the people, even if he is unable to do these things, he can still harvest a lot of votes.

As long as politicians insist on "political correctness" and oppose the mainland, even if they lack political skills, basic professional knowledge, have confused ideas and even accept corruption and bribery, they can be manipulated by green public opinion into "acceptable minor flaws."

In this context, the "power of the times" that came to power shouting "progressive values" has obviously turned into a "scumbag project" of so-called democratic elections and failed to live up to young people's expectations for "fairness and justice." In fact, before this scandal, the "power of the times" had already made many ugly appearances. Former

chairman Huang Guochang, leader Lin Changzuo and others shouted "anti-China" and "Taiwan independence", but it was revealed that both of them had financial interests in the mainland and used tricks to evade military service in the Taiwanese army. They were criticized for "pretending to be independent" to deceive the world and steal their reputation; founding the party Party member Chen Weiting was almost discredited due to sexual scandals and moral issues and was forced to quit the party; former "legislator" Gao Lu Yiyong was not only involved in scandals, but his staff were also suspected of accepting improper financial benefits.

This fraud case is like adding another evil mirror, reflecting their ugly faces more clearly. For politicians on the island who use "public opinion" as a pretext, different parties or political ideas are just a cloak or package used to obtain political interests. In fact, what they care about most is still nothing more than money and power. Taiwanese people should stay awake, keep their eyes open, see their true colors, and not be easily deceived by fancy performances.

column editor: Zhang Wu Text editor: Dong Siyun Title picture source: Visual China Picture editor: Xiang Jianying

source: Author: Hong Kong and Taiwan accent Lei Lei

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