Red Star Capital Bureau reported on April 28 that the relevant person in charge of responded to the Red Star Capital Bureau regarding the "employees' complaint about applying to use charity funds to fight against being laid off" that has been widely discussed on the Intern

2024/05/1300:10:33 hotcomm 1700
According to news from

Red Star Capital Bureau on April 28, the relevant person in charge of in the same city of 58 responded to the Red Star Capital Bureau regarding the "employees' complaint about applying to use Love Fund to resist being laid off" that has been widely discussed on the Internet.

Red Star Capital Bureau reported on April 28 that the relevant person in charge of responded to the Red Star Capital Bureau regarding the

April 19, 2022, Shenyang City, Liaoning Province, 58 city advertising. According to Vision China

html On April 27, Maimai netizen "Hou Mou" who was certified as " Anjuke Marketing Planning Manager" published a long article accusing

According to Hou's self-report, in March 2021, he joined the Anjuke Market Planning Department of's real estate division. When he joined the company, he learned about the "58 Love Fund" project. With a monthly donation of only 10 yuan, 58 Group will 1:1 additional donation amount, and appropriate subsidies can be provided when the person or his immediate family members encounter difficulties.

Hou said that on February 4, 2022, his father was diagnosed with terminal liver cancer. Since he had paid the 58 Love Fund in compliance with the regulations before, he applied to use the 58 Love Fund. The response given by the relevant person in charge at that time was to wait for surgery. Please apply again after it is over.

"But , just before my father's surgery, I received a layoff notice, requiring me to resign on April 25, and refusing my reasonable need to use the fund." Hou asked, "Why don't you fulfill the contract? I pay on time every month Fund, why are you always in trouble and forced to resign immediately when you use it?”

Red Star Capital Bureau reported on April 28 that the relevant person in charge of responded to the Red Star Capital Bureau regarding the

screenshot from

On April 28, the Red Star Capital Bureau interviewed the relevant person in charge of about this matter. The other party said that due to the impact of the epidemic and market operations, has recently made some personnel adjustments. The person in charge of

told Red Star Capital Bureau that the adjustment of involved Hou’s position, and actively conducted proper consultations. "The company negotiated with Hou to terminate the labor relationship in accordance with the Labor Law and other relevant laws and regulations, and paid him the corresponding legal economic compensation."

Regarding the "58 City Love Fund", the person in charge explained that this is for 58 City employees. The internal mutual aid organization of employees aims to provide certain assistance to employees and their families in need (major illness, accidental injury and death, and natural disasters ).

According to relevant regulations, relevant employees or immediate family members of can apply for subsidies according to the system after completing the corresponding treatment.

The person in charge said that because Hou’s immediate family member is in the diagnosis stage and has not started treatment, the 58 City Love Fund is temporarily unable to provide corresponding funding according to the relevant system, and the person in charge of the Love Fund also gave a clear reply.

"However, considering the condition of the employee's family, the company decided to provide certain humanitarian support. Since Hou does not accept the relevant consultation policies, will further actively communicate and do a good job in protecting his rights and interests." The person in charge said Red Star Capital Bureau said.

Red Star News reporter Yang Peiwen

Editor-in-chief Ren Zhijiang

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Red Star Capital Bureau reported on April 28 that the relevant person in charge of responded to the Red Star Capital Bureau regarding the

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