There are more and more friends who like to maintain flowers and plants. Once they start to get into the "hole" of gardening, they will dig deeper and deeper and raise more and more flowers and plants, not only in the yard, but also on the balcony, and even in the living room at

There are more and more friends who like to maintain flowers and plants. Once they start to get into the "hole" of gardening, they will dig deeper and deeper, and grow more and more flowers and plants, not only in the yard, but also on the balcony, and even in the living room at home. There are flowers and plants, but when summer comes, friends who like to grow flowers will find a trouble, that is, the more potted plants there are, the more mosquitoes will be in the home, including mosquitoes, small flying insects, small black flies, etc. I don’t know why. Where do they come from? They are eliminated one after another. It is difficult to maintain them at home and spray pesticides, so there are many mosquitoes in summer.

The temperature is high in summer, and various small bugs reproduce very quickly. After planting plants at home, It is normal for small bugs to fly out. Mosquitoes flying around the house are particularly annoying. Here are 5 tips to eliminate mosquitoes in . No spraying is required, the money is low, and it is safe to use at home. High;

First of all, we must know why summer plants breed flying insects so easily. Mosquitoes and flying insects like a relatively high temperature environment. Frequent watering in summer, high humidity, and poor indoor ventilation can easily breed Some small flying insects, or some undecomposed organic fertilizer was used to fertilize the plants before. The undecomposed organic fertilizer contains some bacteria and insect eggs, and some small flying insects will breed in the summer. For these breeding Small flying insects can be eliminated with the following 5 tips;

The first tip is to spread clay particles;

For potted plants at home , you can spread a layer of clay particles on the surface of the pot soil to isolate flying insects. They are in contact with the soil. Reducing contact can reduce the probability of flying insects breeding. clay grains can also be replaced with coarse river sand, volcanic rock and other materials suitable for paving. The thickness of the clay grains should be about 2 cm. , in addition to reducing flying insects, it also has other benefits, such as: it is more beautiful, it can prevent soil from being washed out when watering, etc.;

The second tip is to use pepper water;

peppercorns are the most common in the kitchen Growing condiments is also very effective in killing Xiao Heifei. We take a smaller amount of peppercorns, put them in a clean container, add an appropriate amount of water, soak them for about 12 hours, and then filter the peppercorns. Go out and use it directly by filling the roots, which can have a very good insecticidal effect;

The third tip is to hang a small yellow board;

Generally, mosquitoes and flying insects like yellow, so there are many sticky insect boards is all made in yellow. Hang the yellow sticky insect board near the plants. These small flying bugs will be easily stuck. When there are more small flying insects on the sticky bug board, you must remove them in time. Replacement, the sticky board can only improve the effect, but cannot completely eliminate it;

The fourth tip - Fengyoujing;

Fengyoujing is quite common in daily life and can refresh the mind. , it can also prevent mosquito bites and relieve itching. We can also use Fengyoujing to kill small black flies and mosquitoes. Generally, the ratio is 1:500. After mixing with water, spray the leaves and irrigate the roots at the same time. , it will be effective after using it for a few days continuously;

The fifth tip - mosquito coil or electric mosquito liquid;

When there are flying insects in the potted plants at home, you can use the mosquito coil at home to smoke it. It can also be used indoors. Now Mosquito incense or electric mosquito repellent are relatively safe and environmentally friendly, and have a very good effect on killing mosquitoes. When using indoors, you can close the doors and windows and wait until people are not at home. When you return home, open the windows for ventilation in time, so the effect will be better. Mosquito-repellent incense can also be used on outdoor plants. Lighting a plate of mosquito-repellent incense and placing it near flowers and plants can also have a good mosquito-killing effect;

The tips shared above are not necessarily used alone, but can be used in combination. The effect will be better.

Today’s introduction to tips on how to eliminate flying insects is over.

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