Bougainvillea is a common flowering plant in daily life. Summer is the flowering period of bougainvillea. The hotter the weather and the stronger the light, the more bougainvillea will bloom. However, many friends say that the bougainvillea they care for is blooming. However, the

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Bougainvillea is a common flowering plant in daily life. Summer is the flowering period of bougainvillea. The hotter the weather and the stronger the light, the more bougainvillea will bloom. However, many friends say that the bougainvillea they care for themselves It is blooming, but the branches are crooked and there are not many flowers. After confirming that there is no problem with the maintenance environment of the bougainvillea, it may have a lot to do with the pruning of the bougainvillea;

Bougainvillea is a common flowering plant in daily life. Summer is the flowering period of bougainvillea. The hotter the weather and the stronger the light, the more bougainvillea will bloom. However, many friends say that the bougainvillea they care for is blooming. However, the - DayDayNews

The bougainvillea is not blooming, maybe it is the branches. If it is too long, the nutrient transfer is slow, resulting in the plant not blooming or flowering less. It is also possible that the plant is not pruned in time after flowering, nutrient consumption is too much, and it is difficult to re-bloom. There may also be something wrong with your pruning method. The pruning is "bad", causing it to not bloom. So how do you prune the bougainvillea to make it bloom in full bloom?

When it comes to pruning bougainvillea, what is certain is that it must be pruned after flowering. The most important thing to prune after flowering is to cut off the remaining flowers and the branches where the flowers have failed. There is no way for these branches to bloom again, and it is a waste of nutrients to keep them. , this is a general pruning method. When there is no big problem with the bougainvillea, it can bloom again quickly after pruning after flowering. However, if it is a potted plant with thin branches, branches of different lengths or inconsistent If you know how to prune, you can refer to the following method, which will be more detailed;

Bougainvillea is a common flowering plant in daily life. Summer is the flowering period of bougainvillea. The hotter the weather and the stronger the light, the more bougainvillea will bloom. However, many friends say that the bougainvillea they care for is blooming. However, the - DayDayNews

Let’s talk about the pruning of seedlings first;

The method of pruning bougainvillea seedlings is very simple. It is enough that the crown width of the plant is larger than 1-1.5 times of the planting pot, and the branches It cannot be too long. If the branches are too long, cut them short in time. The nutrients of the seedlings are limited. If the branches are too long, it will cause unnecessary consumption of nutrients. The bougainvillea blooms on new branches, and the nutrients cannot be transmitted to the top of the branches, so it will be difficult for the bougainvillea to grow. For flowering, just prune off some thin branches without getting entangled. Weak branches cannot bloom and will waste nutrients. To bloom in small pots, it is to supply all the nutrients to the strong branches as much as possible, even if the side branches are trimmed down to only the palm of the hand. The length doesn’t matter;

Bougainvillea is a common flowering plant in daily life. Summer is the flowering period of bougainvillea. The hotter the weather and the stronger the light, the more bougainvillea will bloom. However, many friends say that the bougainvillea they care for is blooming. However, the - DayDayNews

let’s talk about the pruning of large seedlings;

Pruning of large bougainvillea seedlings will take one more step than small seedlings. In addition to pruning residual flowers and thin branches, the length of the branches must also be shortened. Generally, shortening one-third of the total length of the branches is most appropriate. , cannot be pruned again. If you cut off two-thirds and leave only one-third, it is likely to cause stiff seedlings and cause the bougainvillea to not bloom;

finally shared a way to promote branching by pruning the bougainvillea. The method is to make the bougainvillea grow longer and fuller, and bloom more. If you want to prune the branches to sprout two side buds, cannot prune on the young branches. The branches and leaves at the top of the newly grown branches are relatively tender. After pruning, With limited nutrients, only one side branch can grow, or even no side branches;

If you encounter a relatively tender branch and don't want it to grow particularly tall, you can pinch off its head first. "Pinch the head" is Only pinch off the top 1-2 pairs of leaves. After the leaves are pinched off, the branches below the will become lignified faster. When you feel that the branches have become semi-lignified, you can start pruning, depending on the height of the plant or what you want. Determine the pruning height by the desired shape. After is pruned, branches will grow. After such pruning, the bougainvillea will grow longer and more vigorous;

Bougainvillea is a common flowering plant in daily life. Summer is the flowering period of bougainvillea. The hotter the weather and the stronger the light, the more bougainvillea will bloom. However, many friends say that the bougainvillea they care for is blooming. However, the - DayDayNews

The purpose of pruning is to make the bougainvillea have more branches and bloom more. Therefore, nutrients must be kept up. When fertilizing bougainvillea in summer, you can use a compound fertilizer with a balance of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Sprinkle it directly on the surface of the pot soil and use it once every half a month. Pay attention to applying thin fertilizer frequently. Summer temperatures are high and it is easy to apply too much fertilizer. Fertilizer damage occurs, even for bougainvillea in the vigorous growth period, so when fertilizing, you must pay attention to applying thin fertilizers frequently;

etc. After you find flower buds growing on the branches, apply more phosphorus and potassium fertilizers, potassium dihydrogen phosphate or flower buds. Duoduo No. 2, after diluting the solution with water 1200-1500 times, spray the leaves and root irrigation at the same time, use it once every 10 days, which is beneficial to the differentiation of flower buds. The bougainvillea can bloom more and the flower color will be more vivid;

Bougainvillea is a common flowering plant in daily life. Summer is the flowering period of bougainvillea. The hotter the weather and the stronger the light, the more bougainvillea will bloom. However, many friends say that the bougainvillea they care for is blooming. However, the - DayDayNews

About today This is the end of the introduction of bougainvillea pruning methods.

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