#ShareYourToday’s Feelings# “Ah, it’s finally out”! I cried out in surprise as if a baby had just come out of the mother's womb and seen a brand new life. These are the mint and sunflower seeds I scattered in the flower pot a few days ago. I have been eagerly waiting for them to

The little mint buds that just poked their heads out of the coconut bran soil

This is the beginning of a weak life from scratch, and the loose and moist soil is the mother body for cultivating it. Before it enters the mother's body, it does not know that the environment in which it is born must be sterilized, fertilized, watered, and adequately illuminated to ensure that it receives sufficient nutrients, water, and sunlight in the mother's body and is born safely.

is now born safely and healthily! Such a fragile life, it needs to be carefully cared for. It must not be exposed to the sun to prevent its delicate body from being burned. It must not be watered too frequently to prevent it from being overdigested and damaging its internal organs. It must also be prevented from becoming weak and windy during ventilation... …

The mint buds have grown taller and stronger.

This is very similar to the process of giving birth to a child. I actually developed a relationship with it during the process of nurturing it, as if I was retracing the journey of giving birth and nurturing a child.

Every life comes from scratch, becomes an embryo, is born healthy, and becomes a living body. It has gone through a lot of hard work and struggle, and it is not easy. However, from being separated from the mother's body and opening your eyes to see the world, from being the weakest and most incompetent. To help you slowly grow up healthily and become a strong and beautiful living being, apart from being carefully cared for by your loved ones, what kind of training does it take, and how much perseverance and effort do you need to put in?

This is a violet that has been cultivated for two months

Therefore, every living thing, whether it is a plant, an animal or a person with high emotional intelligence, has the right to survive well, and should not be discriminated against, trampled on, abandoned or ignored. , should all be cared for with dignity, and should be cherished. This should be the so-called harmonious coexistence of man and nature, right?

These are my newly cultivated green plants. Do you recognize them?

They are all elves in nature. Ever since you got involved with them, you have been breathing together and advancing and retreating together. If you take good care of them, they will repay you by growing taller, becoming more beautiful and energetic.

If you don't take it seriously and don't treat it well, it will definitely neglect you and make your beauty look pale, and you will be the executioner who kills an innocent life.

Don’t think that only when human life is harmed is one guilty. All things and life in nature have feelings and are spiritual. If you take good care of it, and if you carelessly ignore its existence, the feedback it gives you will be completely different.

In the past, I didn’t take care of my flower gardening, and even watered them. They looked dead and alive. I thought it was true as others said, because I was born in the earth, so the flowers I raised were dull and lifeless. , because you don’t pay attention to it and ignore it, and a magnetic field of mutual attraction has not been established between you and it!

Now that you value it so much and treat it as carefully as a human being, a strong magnetic field has been established between you, and it can even feed back to you whether you are in a good or bad mood. How can they not grow up in good spirits? depressed?