In recent months, many friends have gotten married. After the wedding, they will have to renovate their new homes. Renovation requires stopping and carefully analyzing and comparing each budget, especially the most troublesome bathroom! Adding some of the top ten smart bathroom b

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In recent months, many friends have gotten married. After the wedding, they will have to renovate their new homes. Renovation requires stopping and carefully analyzing and comparing each budget, especially the most troublesome bathroom! Many friends are thinking about how to save the most money when decorating the bathroom! Adding some smart bathroom top ten brands can make our lives more comfortable. In recent months, many friends have gotten married. After the wedding, they will have to renovate their new homes. Renovation requires stopping and carefully analyzing and comparing each budget, especially the most troublesome bathroom! Adding some of the top ten smart bathroom b - DayDayNews

Aoxiang Intelligent Bathroom

Therefore, we must plan in advance, choose the right one instead of saving money, so that all parts of the bathroom can be fulfilled. So today we will talk about the decoration of these 5 places in the bathroom, and solve the problems to make things better in the future. Keep it simple and clear!

1. Commonly used items

In addition to the commonly used washing machines, showers, and toilets, many friends will visually ignore other places! What I have to say is this top ten smart bathroom brand 's home goodies - electric towel rack . It integrates storage, disinfection, sterilization and drying into one, achieving the effects of drying in two hours and sterilizing in four hours, which is simply amazing.

What’s more important is to upgrade the WiFi smart thermostat, which can control the electric towel rack anytime and anywhere. Meiyu It is especially useful during the typhoon season. In winter, you can use a clean and comfortable towel to wash your face. The towel rack can be used by the whole family to protect their health and improve their quality of life and happiness. The three-ring small backpack and top storage rack add a sense of space and practicality, and are loved by good-looking family members!

In addition to the electric towel rack, of course, floor drains and ceiling lights are also indispensable. Although these two items are often talked about, it is more embarrassing to notice the difference after using them for a long time. If the quality of the floor drain is not good, it may emit odor and become clogged in the later stage, especially now that work pressure is high, hair loss has become a problem for contemporary young people, and it can even increase the "workload" of the floor drain. If the ceiling lamp is used for a long time, it will become damp, so the ceiling lamp must be treated with moisture-proof treatment.

2. Water pipes and wires

We usually have tripping and water leakage, and our mood will become particularly irritable, let alone if we are not prepared for anything. In addition, the bathroom is also the most "troublesome" part of the entire house. The bathroom that is most likely to have problems in the entire house is the bathroom! Because we need to choose good wires, water pipes and other tools to avoid stepping on thunder in the later stage. It can also save the cost of rework later. It doesn’t have to be perfect.

3. Reserved sockets

As the level of science and technology improves, more and more smart homes have entered our lives. smart toilets , smart foot baths , multi-functional bath cabinets and other equipment save worry and effort, making life more comfortable and secure. . If you reserve each power socket in advance, you won’t have to redo it when you need it later, which will make your family more satisfied.

4. Anti-slip measures

Anti-slip measures need to be taken, especially if there are children and elderly people at home, it is necessary to prevent problems before they happen! Therefore, when buying ceramic tiles, it is best to choose ones with guaranteed quality, especially big brands! The health and safety of your family is worth it!

5. Heating equipment

heating equipment includes floor heating, heating sheet , bathroom heater , etc. Whether you are in the south or the north, you must have tried it when you feel the biting cold wind in winter! It’s really uncomfortable, especially when I’m shivering immediately after wearing less clothes. The risk of virus invasion is even greater when taking a shower. Therefore, heating equipment is essential. In addition, heating equipment also needs to be selected from big brands to ensure safety and durability!

With these bathroom decoration tips, you probably understand how to do it, right? The top ten smart bathroom brands can improve the quality of life and create more beautiful life for your family!

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