On July 9, during the Guangzhou Construction Expo, Sofia, the leading customized home furnishing company, held the "Philippines" set sail, "windows" see the future - 2022 Sofia Doors and Windows National Launch Strategy Summit, and officially released the "Sofia Doors and Windows

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7 On July 9, during the Guangzhou Construction Expo, Sofia, the leading customized home furnishing company, held the "Philippines" set sail, "windows" see the future - 2022 Sofia Doors and Windows National Launch Strategy Summit, and officially released the "Sofia Doors and Windows" brand, becoming One of the biggest industry hot spots in this exhibition.

On July 9, during the Guangzhou Construction Expo, Sofia, the leading customized home furnishing company, held the

From selling "single products" to selling "lifestyle", integrated overall solutions are the future trend of the home furnishing industry.

According to the National Bureau of Statistics , the sales area of ​​commercial housing nationwide in 2021 will reach 1.794 billion square meters, and the potential demand for doors and windows is about 449 million square meters. The transaction volume of second-hand houses nationwide reached 3.93 million units. The renovation of second-hand houses has brought new potential demand for doors and windows to the door and window industry of nearly 100 million square meters. The market size of doors and windows will also exceed one trillion in 2021.

It can be seen that in addition to the large potential demand for doors and windows in the new house market, the renovation of second-hand houses has also generated strong demand for improved doors and windows for the door and window industry. As real estate gradually enters the era of stock houses, a large number of old window renewal business will be released Strong development momentum.

At the same time, doors and windows, as a higher priority consumer demand than customization, are naturally very attractive to customized homes with peak traffic. The front-end demand for doors and windows can naturally become a traffic entrance, driving the sales of customized home cabinets, finished products, and soft furnishings. Essence Securities’ research and development report on July 12 stated that system doors and windows , as a blue ocean category of home decoration consumption entrance, have broad market prospects. At the same time, with the consumption upgrade in the home furnishing industry, the demand for efficient, high-quality, and beautiful integrated solutions for the entire home space is becoming increasingly strong.

On July 9, during the Guangzhou Construction Expo, Sofia, the leading customized home furnishing company, held the

Picture/Sohu Home

Although the future is bright, the road is tortuous.

However, Sofia is not the first for customized home furnishing companies to enter the door and window industry. Schneiman Doors and Windows, which entered the door and window industry many years ago, Oppe Opinion Doors and Windows have been operating for many years, Holike acquired Leituo to enter the door and window industry, etc. .

For example, Oppein began to lay out the aluminum alloy doors and windows market three years ago, but three years later, the sales of aluminum alloy doors and windows are said to have just exceeded 100 million. If the data is true, then compared to Oppein's more than 20 billion In terms of annual sales, the 0.5% sales of account for and there is still a lot of room for improvement. Therefore, Jianzhong believes that judging from the limited information reported online, the future development of Sofia Doors and Windows is not just optimistic, but opportunities and challenges coexist. It may take at least three to five years of accumulation before there will be a certain level of development. score.

For any new industry, any new entrant must be in awe. , as Wang Bing said at the conference: "With awe for the industry, we will cooperate in depth with colleagues, experts, and entrepreneurial friends in the industry, never forgetting our original aspirations, and meeting consumers' needs for customized integrated presentation of the entire home." At the same time, let’s promote the upgrading and innovation of China’s doors and windows industry!”

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