Novice florists who have just started to grow flowers have a headache when it comes to soil selection. They don’t know how to do it well, and they don’t know where to start. They listen to this and that, but they just can’t cultivate good soil that they are comfortable with. For

2024/06/1811:22:32 home 1795

Newbie gardeners who have just started to grow flowers have a headache when it comes to soil selection. They don’t know how to do it well, and they don’t know where to start. They listen to this and that, but they just can’t cultivate good soil that they are comfortable with. For those who grow flowers in the north, People work one person at a time, and they are better in the Yanbei region, where the soil itself is poor.

Novice florists who have just started to grow flowers have a headache when it comes to soil selection. They don’t know how to do it well, and they don’t know where to start. They listen to this and that, but they just can’t cultivate good soil that they are comfortable with. For  - DayDayNews

Barren land

So in the process of growing flowers, first of all, soil cultivation is a must-learn course. Most flowers like acidic soil. The soil in northern areas is hardened and even alkaline in some areas, so soil improvement must be carried out.

Novice florists who have just started to grow flowers have a headache when it comes to soil selection. They don’t know how to do it well, and they don’t know where to start. They listen to this and that, but they just can’t cultivate good soil that they are comfortable with. For  - DayDayNews

In soil improvement, the best medium is to add humus to increase the nutrient content of the soil. For example, fallen leaves or bark from various trees such as gardens, botanical gardens, woods, and green belts can be used to improve the soil. Compare The most useful ones generally use pine bark and pine needles , which can be collected in late autumn and winter every year. General flower pine needles can meet the needs of flower growth.

Novice florists who have just started to grow flowers have a headache when it comes to soil selection. They don’t know how to do it well, and they don’t know where to start. They listen to this and that, but they just can’t cultivate good soil that they are comfortable with. For  - DayDayNews

Whether it is pine needles or bark, after collection, it must be processed by fermentation before use. Fermentation time generally takes about three months.

If the fermented pine needles are collected in old pine forests, they are generally black and soft, and smell without pine or sulfur smell.

can also be purchased online, or in stores. These are fermented and can be used as long as they undergo high-temperature insecticide and sterilization treatment.

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