Asparagus is a very elegant potted plant. Asparagus bamboo has a small and delicate body, compact leaves, and a bonsai effect. It is as elegant and free as a spruce pine and is evergreen all year round. It has been the favorite of literati and elegant guests since ancient times.

2024/05/2220:54:33 home 1582

Asparagus bamboo is a very elegant potted plant . Asparagus bamboo has a small and delicate body, compact leaves, and has a bonsai effect. It is as elegant and free as spun . It is evergreen all year round. It has been the favorite of literati and elegant guests since ancient times. It is often placed in the study room or living room. There is a basin in the study room, which brings a strong aroma of books.

Asparagus is a very elegant potted plant. Asparagus bamboo has a small and delicate body, compact leaves, and a bonsai effect. It is as elegant and free as a spruce pine and is evergreen all year round. It has been the favorite of literati and elegant guests since ancient times.  - DayDayNews

There are many plants that are as good as asparagus, such as orchid , bowl lotus , etc., but they are very difficult to maintain and relatively expensive. For ordinary flower lovers, it is best to raise asparagus in pots. What a deal!

If you want to grow asparagus well, the following four tips are indispensable. In summary, it likes semi-shade, moisture, thin fertilizer, looseness and breathability to prevent water accumulation.

Asparagus is a very elegant potted plant. Asparagus bamboo has a small and delicate body, compact leaves, and a bonsai effect. It is as elegant and free as a spruce pine and is evergreen all year round. It has been the favorite of literati and elegant guests since ancient times.  - DayDayNews

  1. Light

Asparagus is a shade-tolerant plant. It likes to be placed in a semi-shady place or a place with sufficient scattered light to grow lush and green. It must not be exposed to the sun. The light should not be too strong. It should be exposed to a maximum of two or three hours of scattered light every day. That’s it. Too much light will burn the leaves, and in all likelihood, the leaves will turn yellow and die. No matter what time of the year, do not expose asparagus to the sun, so that yellow leaves will not occur.

Asparagus is a very elegant potted plant. Asparagus bamboo has a small and delicate body, compact leaves, and a bonsai effect. It is as elegant and free as a spruce pine and is evergreen all year round. It has been the favorite of literati and elegant guests since ancient times.  - DayDayNews

2. Soil

Asparagus likes moisture. If the soil is too dry, the leaves will easily turn yellow or even fall off and dry to death. You can water when you find that the soil surface is a little dry, but keep the soil moist without water accumulation. In addition, you should spray water mist on the leaves from time to time. When mixing the soil, you can add half of the granular soil to the nutrient soil, or add half of the large-grained river sand. They enhance the permeability of the soil, so that when growing asparagus, it is less likely to accumulate water and cause root rot, and it is less likely to turn yellow. Leaves.

Asparagus is a very elegant potted plant. Asparagus bamboo has a small and delicate body, compact leaves, and a bonsai effect. It is as elegant and free as a spruce pine and is evergreen all year round. It has been the favorite of literati and elegant guests since ancient times.  - DayDayNews

3. Fertilization

Fertilize once every three weeks in spring and autumn. Use fermented rice water or soy milk. Because asparagus is a plant mainly for foliage and plant type, it does not need to grow too tall or too fast. When fertilizing, it is also necessary to apply some slow-applying fertilizer to it, because its plant There is also a need to replace the old with the new. If there is a long-term lack of fertilizer, the newly grown buds will be relatively weak, and the ornamental value will be affected.

Asparagus is a very elegant potted plant. Asparagus bamboo has a small and delicate body, compact leaves, and a bonsai effect. It is as elegant and free as a spruce pine and is evergreen all year round. It has been the favorite of literati and elegant guests since ancient times.  - DayDayNews

4. Prune

If you are not satisfied with the shape of a single asparagus stem, or if it is too long and becomes a big, silly or bent hunchback , prune it lightly, starting from the next section of the first-level branch. Cut off the upper 0.5-1cm. After pruning, there will be only one bare stem left, and new first-level branches and leaves will grow out in a week. Moreover, the new branches will not grow very large, and the overall shape will be better-looking!

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