Some people must have started wondering after reading the title, how can eggs bloom? In fact, it is not the eggs that bloom, but there is a flower called Plumeria. The world is so strange. Maybe what you think is a strange name is actually a plant. The name Plumeria sounds very s

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Someone must have started to wonder after reading the title, how can eggs bloom? In fact, it is not the eggs that bloom, but there is a flower called plumeria . The world is so strange. Maybe what you think is a strange name is actually a plant.

Frangipani sounds very strange as its name sounds, it feels like a flower blooming from an egg. In fact, Plumeria is a woody tree , but it is called Plumeria because the color is yellow and white when it blooms, just like the egg white and yolk.

Some people must have started wondering after reading the title, how can eggs bloom? In fact, it is not the eggs that bloom, but there is a flower called Plumeria. The world is so strange. Maybe what you think is a strange name is actually a plant. The name Plumeria sounds very s - DayDayNews

Many people say that plumeria flowers are very beautiful. Pick them off and insert them into your hair to make hair accessories, or use them as decorations in garlands. They are all beautiful artifacts for taking photos of concave shapes. So how should we care for such beautiful plumeria flowers? Today Xiaorui will let you know about it.

Some people must have started wondering after reading the title, how can eggs bloom? In fact, it is not the eggs that bloom, but there is a flower called Plumeria. The world is so strange. Maybe what you think is a strange name is actually a plant. The name Plumeria sounds very s - DayDayNews

1. The origin of plumeria

Plumeria is a positive tree species from Mexico. It likes to grow in a warm and humid environment. According to Xiaorui’s survey data, it is known that in my country’s Yunnan, Guangdong, and Fujian, etc. Plumeria flowers are cultivated everywhere.

Some people must have started wondering after reading the title, how can eggs bloom? In fact, it is not the eggs that bloom, but there is a flower called Plumeria. The world is so strange. Maybe what you think is a strange name is actually a plant. The name Plumeria sounds very s - DayDayNews

Don’t think that it is not loved by people because it is not well-known in China. In fact, it is a famous Buddhist flower. Have you ever heard of the Buddhist "five trees and six flowers"? Yes, plumeria is one of them, and it also has a very meaningful nickname - " temple tree ".

Some people must have started wondering after reading the title, how can eggs bloom? In fact, it is not the eggs that bloom, but there is a flower called Plumeria. The world is so strange. Maybe what you think is a strange name is actually a plant. The name Plumeria sounds very s - DayDayNews

Under the simple and plain appearance of plumeria, has a very touching flower language - low-key and subtle, with new life coming . This point has a perfect echo with the reincarnation in Buddhism, and another kind of ordinary love in flowers also proves that ordinary love is always everywhere in the world.

Some people must have started wondering after reading the title, how can eggs bloom? In fact, it is not the eggs that bloom, but there is a flower called Plumeria. The world is so strange. Maybe what you think is a strange name is actually a plant. The name Plumeria sounds very s - DayDayNews

2. Maintenance environment

Because frangipani inherently likes to grow in an environment with high temperature and good light, it can also grow more vigorously in an environment with high humidity. However, if you don’t have a big yard at home, it’s better not to plant plumeria, because plumeria itself is a tree and can grow into a big tree over time. If you don’t have a yard at home, you basically can’t grow frangipani. (Of course, you can also choose to plant potted varieties!)

Some people must have started wondering after reading the title, how can eggs bloom? In fact, it is not the eggs that bloom, but there is a flower called Plumeria. The world is so strange. Maybe what you think is a strange name is actually a plant. The name Plumeria sounds very s - DayDayNews

However, plumeria flowers are not resistant to low temperatures. As long as the ambient temperature is lower than 10 degrees, they will begin to lose their leaves. . The temperature of the trunk must not be lower than 0 degrees, otherwise the plumeria trunk will easily freeze to death. Only by keeping the temperature of plumeria trees at about 20 degrees will the plumeria begin to slowly sprout and grow leaves again, so when caring for plumeria, you must control the temperature of the environment.

Some people must have started wondering after reading the title, how can eggs bloom? In fact, it is not the eggs that bloom, but there is a flower called Plumeria. The world is so strange. Maybe what you think is a strange name is actually a plant. The name Plumeria sounds very s - DayDayNews

3. Watering

For plumeria planted outdoors, you basically don’t need to water it because it will rain in the natural environment, which is enough to satisfy the growth of plumeria. Of course, if it doesn’t rain for a long time , you can also water them properly.

Some people must have started wondering after reading the title, how can eggs bloom? In fact, it is not the eggs that bloom, but there is a flower called Plumeria. The world is so strange. Maybe what you think is a strange name is actually a plant. The name Plumeria sounds very s - DayDayNews

But if you are planting potted plumeria, then there are certain requirements for water control. Spring and autumn are the most vigorous periods of plumeria growth, that is, its growth period. At this time, we need to supply enough water to plumeria to maintain its normal growth. Therefore, we need to keep the soil moist. The frequency of watering should be once every 2 days, which is enough.

Some people must have started wondering after reading the title, how can eggs bloom? In fact, it is not the eggs that bloom, but there is a flower called Plumeria. The world is so strange. Maybe what you think is a strange name is actually a plant. The name Plumeria sounds very s - DayDayNews

In summer, there is no need to deliberately reduce the amount of watering for plumeria flowers. Because plumeria itself is resistant to high temperatures, high temperatures will not affect the growth of plumeria. On the contrary, because the temperature is too high, the water evaporation rate of the plant body will also be accelerated. Instead, we have to increase the amount of watering to the plumeria. Basically, we need to water it twice a day.

Some people must have started wondering after reading the title, how can eggs bloom? In fact, it is not the eggs that bloom, but there is a flower called Plumeria. The world is so strange. Maybe what you think is a strange name is actually a plant. The name Plumeria sounds very s - DayDayNews

If the weather temperature is too high, we also need to use a watering can to spray water around the plants to maintain the humidity of the plumeria environment, so that the plumeria can grow more vigorously.(However, it should be noted that the best time to water plumeria in summer is in the morning or evening. The temperature at noon will be higher and the water will evaporate faster. Then the effect of watering is far less than that in the morning or evening. It is better to water in the evening)

Some people must have started wondering after reading the title, how can eggs bloom? In fact, it is not the eggs that bloom, but there is a flower called Plumeria. The world is so strange. Maybe what you think is a strange name is actually a plant. The name Plumeria sounds very s - DayDayNews

But in winter, because plumeria has no advantage of being cold-tolerant , its growth rate will gradually slow down until it enters its dormant period. At this time, we need to start watering the plumeria and appropriately reduce watering (even stop watering when the temperature is the lowest).

Some people must have started wondering after reading the title, how can eggs bloom? In fact, it is not the eggs that bloom, but there is a flower called Plumeria. The world is so strange. Maybe what you think is a strange name is actually a plant. The name Plumeria sounds very s - DayDayNews

The frequency of watering plumeria does not need to be too high. Watering 2 to 3 times a month in stages is enough.. Otherwise, the pot soil will easily accumulate water, causing waterlogging and root rot, and even frostbite on the plumeria, which will affect the growth of the plumeria, and the ornamental value of the flowers that will bloom later will be greatly reduced. (Contrary to summer, when watering plumeria in winter, you should start watering at noon. The temperature at noon is warmer, and the occurrence of frostbite will be greatly reduced.)

Some people must have started wondering after reading the title, how can eggs bloom? In fact, it is not the eggs that bloom, but there is a flower called Plumeria. The world is so strange. Maybe what you think is a strange name is actually a plant. The name Plumeria sounds very s - DayDayNews

Such beautiful and meaningful eggs, raise them well. You can keep it at home and even use it to make tea after processing, which is also very beneficial to your health. (Those who don’t know how to handle frangipani flowers can only make tea after receiving professional guidance! Be sure to remember!)

I am Xiaorui, an editor who is passionate about sharing new things and caring for green plants and flowers. If you like Be sure to pay attention to Xiaoyu’s articles! See you in the next issue~

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