Table of contents 1/ Interpretation of French furniture printing logo 2/ Where to print? What size? 3/ What are the printing precautions? 4/ How to obtain the source file of French furniture printing logo? Starting from December 9, 2021, France has mandated that by June 2023 at t

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Table of contents 1/ Interpretation of French furniture printing logo 2/ Where to print? What size? 3/ What are the printing precautions? 4/ How to obtain the source file of French furniture printing logo? Starting from December 9, 2021, France has mandated that by June 2023 at t - DayDayNews/ Interpretation of French furniture printing logo

Table of contents 1/ Interpretation of French furniture printing logo 2/ Where to print? What size? 3/ What are the printing precautions? 4/ How to obtain the source file of French furniture printing logo? Starting from December 9, 2021, France has mandated that by June 2023 at t - DayDayNews/ Where to print? What size?

Table of contents 1/ Interpretation of French furniture printing logo 2/ Where to print? What size? 3/ What are the printing precautions? 4/ How to obtain the source file of French furniture printing logo? Starting from December 9, 2021, France has mandated that by June 2023 at t - DayDayNews/ What are the printing precautions?

Table of contents 1/ Interpretation of French furniture printing logo 2/ Where to print? What size? 3/ What are the printing precautions? 4/ How to obtain the source file of French furniture printing logo? Starting from December 9, 2021, France has mandated that by June 2023 at t - DayDayNews/ How to obtain the source file of French furniture printing logo?

Starting from December 9, 2021, France has mandated: By June 2023 at the latest, all furniture products sold in the French market must be accompanied by compliant labels as required. Today, Xiao O will explain in detail the printing marks and specific requirements of the French Furniture Law. The detailed explanation with pictures and texts is pure dry information. It is recommended to collect ~ (get the printing source file at the end of the article)

Interpretation of the French Furniture Printing Marks

The French Furniture Printing Marks are composed of 4 parts: ① Triman logo + ② text description + ③ three recycling methods + ④ website information; However, the "text description" of professional furniture and general furniture printing marks will be different. Sellers can choose the corresponding printing mark according to their own circumstances, as shown below Shown:

Table of contents 1/ Interpretation of French furniture printing logo 2/ Where to print? What size? 3/ What are the printing precautions? 4/ How to obtain the source file of French furniture printing logo? Starting from December 9, 2021, France has mandated that by June 2023 at t - DayDayNews

So, how does a seller determine which printing logo to use?

1) Professional furniture printing logo: suitable for "furniture stores" that only sell furniture products.

2) General furniture printing logo: suitable for "grocery stores", that is, in addition to selling furniture products, the store also sells other things.

Furniture printing logo has 3 color matching styles, and can be used in horizontal or vertical version. is shown in the figure below. Sellers can freely choose according to their own product type and size.

Table of contents 1/ Interpretation of French furniture printing logo 2/ Where to print? What size? 3/ What are the printing precautions? 4/ How to obtain the source file of French furniture printing logo? Starting from December 9, 2021, France has mandated that by June 2023 at t - DayDayNews

The picture shows the professional furniture printing logo

Where is it printed? What size?

Generally speaking, furniture recycling signs should be clearly visible to consumers and can be printed on different carriers, such as:

1) on the product;

2) on the packaging;

3) on product-related instructions or documents.

In special cases, for example, the logo cannot be materialized and consumers cannot see the logo intuitively, such as:

1) When the product surface area is 10 c㎡: all label content does not need to appear;

2) When the 10c㎡ product surface area is 20c㎡ : The Triman logo must be printed on of the product , and other information does not need to appear.

*In this case, the complete version of the furniture label can be printed on the instructions and other related documents.

The minimum size of the horizontal version is: 15mm*75mm

The minimum size of the vertical version is: 15mm*56mm

Table of contents 1/ Interpretation of French furniture printing logo 2/ Where to print? What size? 3/ What are the printing precautions? 4/ How to obtain the source file of French furniture printing logo? Starting from December 9, 2021, France has mandated that by June 2023 at t - DayDayNews

What are the printing precautions?

Table of contents 1/ Interpretation of French furniture printing logo 2/ Where to print? What size? 3/ What are the printing precautions? 4/ How to obtain the source file of French furniture printing logo? Starting from December 9, 2021, France has mandated that by June 2023 at t - DayDayNews) Reserved protected area

Furniture printing signs need to reserve a protected area. This area cannot have any text, images and other elements to avoid external factors affecting the reading of the logo content. protected area size = FR icon size , as shown in the figure:

Table of contents 1/ Interpretation of French furniture printing logo 2/ Where to print? What size? 3/ What are the printing precautions? 4/ How to obtain the source file of French furniture printing logo? Starting from December 9, 2021, France has mandated that by June 2023 at t - DayDayNews

Table of contents 1/ Interpretation of French furniture printing logo 2/ Where to print? What size? 3/ What are the printing precautions? 4/ How to obtain the source file of French furniture printing logo? Starting from December 9, 2021, France has mandated that by June 2023 at t - DayDayNews ) It is forbidden to modify the color of the Triman logo

Table of contents 1/ Interpretation of French furniture printing logo 2/ Where to print? What size? 3/ What are the printing precautions? 4/ How to obtain the source file of French furniture printing logo? Starting from December 9, 2021, France has mandated that by June 2023 at t - DayDayNews

Table of contents 1/ Interpretation of French furniture printing logo 2/ Where to print? What size? 3/ What are the printing precautions? 4/ How to obtain the source file of French furniture printing logo? Starting from December 9, 2021, France has mandated that by June 2023 at t - DayDayNews) It is forbidden to use the label without triman

Table of contents 1/ Interpretation of French furniture printing logo 2/ Where to print? What size? 3/ What are the printing precautions? 4/ How to obtain the source file of French furniture printing logo? Starting from December 9, 2021, France has mandated that by June 2023 at t - DayDayNews

Table of contents 1/ Interpretation of French furniture printing logo 2/ Where to print? What size? 3/ What are the printing precautions? 4/ How to obtain the source file of French furniture printing logo? Starting from December 9, 2021, France has mandated that by June 2023 at t - DayDayNews) It is forbidden to move the position of the triman

Table of contents 1/ Interpretation of French furniture printing logo 2/ Where to print? What size? 3/ What are the printing precautions? 4/ How to obtain the source file of French furniture printing logo? Starting from December 9, 2021, France has mandated that by June 2023 at t - DayDayNews

Table of contents 1/ Interpretation of French furniture printing logo 2/ Where to print? What size? 3/ What are the printing precautions? 4/ How to obtain the source file of French furniture printing logo? Starting from December 9, 2021, France has mandated that by June 2023 at t - DayDayNews) It is forbidden to change the size of the triman

Table of contents 1/ Interpretation of French furniture printing logo 2/ Where to print? What size? 3/ What are the printing precautions? 4/ How to obtain the source file of French furniture printing logo? Starting from December 9, 2021, France has mandated that by June 2023 at t - DayDayNews

How to obtain the source file of French furniture printing logo?

Leave a message at the end of the article or send a private message to Xiao O to get it immediately!

Foreign governments have become increasingly strict in regulating cross-border compliance. All sellers and friends must seize the time to register for EPR to ensure product compliance and complete the printing of product recycling marks. Otherwise, the product will face the risk of being banned from sale and removed from the shelves.

and above, Xiao O has shared the detailed printing and marking documents of the French Furniture Law with everyone. If you still have questions, you can leave a message at the end of the article for consultation. Xiao O is always on call~

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