"The full text is about 2,300 words | 5 minutes to read" I have been dealing with home decoration, so I have gained a lot of loyal fans. While providing decoration suggestions to fans, I actually learned a lot. Because each family has different decoration styles and different nee

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"The full text is about 2,300 words | It takes 5 minutes to read"

has been dealing with home decoration, so I have gained a lot of loyal fans. While providing decoration suggestions to fans, I actually learned a lot. Because each family has different decoration styles and needs, it makes me understand more and more that there is no so-called standard or perfect decoration .

is the best if it suits you.

Of course, for those who are decorating for the first time, looking at some decoration lessons can really help a lot. In this next issue, I will share with you a 49-year-old aunt who followed me two years ago. She has installed 2 houses successively. Based on her living experience, I have summarized 10 decoration experiences, hoping to help to everyone.

1. Cabinet countertops should be made of high-density quartz stone

kitchen countertops. Currently, the main installed building materials are "stainless steel", "marble", "quartz stone" and " rock slab ". Among them, "quartz stone" is the most common and common material.

As a material with good looks and low cost, quartz stone countertops have been very popular for many years, but when choosing, you must choose "high-density" quartz stone . Otherwise, the following situation will occur:

The quality of quartz stone on the market varies. If you buy low-density quartz stone, you will not be able to see the shortcomings after installation. However, as the occupancy time is extended, it may not even take two or three months to find that the countertop will "bleed".

For example, if soy sauce is accidentally spilled on the countertop, if it is not wiped off in time, it will easily seep into the countertop. Once the color bleeds, it will be difficult to clean it off.

Meijia Guide recommends:

Choose quartz sand and quartz stone with a content of ≥93%!

2. Copper track for sliding doors

Whether it is a sliding door in the kitchen or a sliding door on the balcony, you must choose the minimalist copper track above. Because the biggest advantage of this kind of track is that it is not so easy to harbor dirt and evil.

On the contrary, let’s look at the traditional tracks. They are really difficult to clean:

Look at the tracks above. As long as you have cleaned them once, you will know how difficult they are to clean! Moreover, such a concave and convex groove track is not very aesthetically pleasing. In contrast, the copper track above is just a few copper bars embedded in the ground, so it does not affect the appearance at all. The key is good cleanliness.

3. Bathroom sewer pipes should be covered with sound-insulating cotton

Many people have finished decorating their bathrooms, only to discover that the sewer pipes are not covered with sound-insulating cotton. In fact, this material is necessary. Otherwise, just like my aunt's first house, I would hear a rumbling noise every time in the bathroom.

In addition, when choosing sound insulation cotton, you must remember that the higher the thickness, the better. Many owners buy soundproofing cotton, but the thickness is not up to standard, and the soundproofing effect is very poor, which is no different from not installing it.

In addition, remember to cooperate with damping piece to ensure it.

4. Choose ceramic integrated basin for bathroom basin

There are many materials for bathroom basin, such as ceramic integrated, rock slab integrated, rock slab countertop + ceramic basin combination, PVC material, etc. Among many materials, ceramic integrated basin is actually the best choice. Because during use, you will find that bathroom basins made of other materials are very impractical.

For example, a slate integrated basin is not only easy to splash water, but also prone to mold in the gaps in the bottom basin. The combination of slate countertops and ceramic basins also has the problem of trapping dirt and evil spirits. Moreover, the price is too high and it is not worth investing in.

5. Do not choose pure solid wood flooring

It is undeniable that pure solid wood flooring has many advantages, such as no formaldehyde, good foot feel, natural and beautiful texture, etc. But one thing to know is that pure solid wood flooring is not only expensive, but also troublesome to maintain. It won't work if it's too exposed to the sun, or it won't work if it's too humid. In short, it's too "pretentious".

Therefore, it is recommended that you either choose ceramic tiles or solid wood composite flooring.For example, three-layer solid wood composite flooring, or multi-layer solid wood composite flooring. If you are on a budget, you can also opt for laminate flooring. As long as the environmental protection level is above E0.

6. Don’t choose first-line big-name tiles for tiles.

If the floor is paved with tiles, when choosing tiles, you must look at the indicators of "water absorption", "anti-slip degree" and "aesthetics", rather than pursuing the brand too much. Because the difference between branded ceramic tiles and ordinary ceramic tiles is not big. Judging from the experience of people who have been there, the biggest difference is the difference in IQ tax. Often, if a first-line big-name ceramic tile sells for five to six hundred yuan a piece, at least three layers of moisture will be advertising fees.

In fact, even ceramic tiles that cost tens of dollars a piece can meet our flooring needs. And the quality of these products is generally acceptable, so there is no need to consider big brands.

7. The walls in the wet area of ​​the bathroom must be seamlessly caulked.

In the past, caulking agent was used between wall tiles. Therefore, many people will not consider doing beauty stitches now. But after you actually move in, you will find that in the wet area of ​​the bathroom, if you use the traditional caulking agent , it will be easily washed away during the shower. And I also understand this deeply. Therefore, it is recommended that everyone remember to use a caulking agent on the wall in the wet area even if the other walls are not cracked. Otherwise, it will be like the wall in the picture above, and the gaps in the tiles will be flushed out in less than three months.

8. There is no need for grille wood veneer on the TV wall.

Although many people may not want to hear it, grille wood veneer has really begun to ruin the street. At least half of every ten households will install grille wood veneer when decorating the TV wall. This kind of concave-convex wood veneer can indeed enhance the style and atmosphere. But only those who have cleaned dust know how useless it is.

Because the wooden grille has grooves, and the grooves are very narrow, it also determines that it is difficult to clean. In addition, this thing is usually designed with one door to the top, so the difficulty of cleaning increases a lot. Even if you have vacuum cleaner , you have to stand high to vacuum.

9. Try to choose swing doors for wardrobes.

Traditional wardrobe opening methods are usually sliding doors. But the grooves of the sliding door track of the wardrobe are too thin, so it is very difficult to clean. My previous wardrobe, to be honest, I chose sliding doors with tracks, but cleaning them was really frustrating. Similar to the following:

So if you install a wardrobe again, you must remember to install it with a swing door. However, flat doors have certain requirements on the bedroom area. If the distance between the bed and the wardrobe allows, consider swinging doors as much as possible. This can reduce a lot of housework.

10. Home appliances should be designed as "embedded" as much as possible

Many people do not consider "embedded appliances" in advance when decorating, but it is too late to regret it after moving in. Take the dishwasher as an example. If it is not designed to be built-in during decoration, if you want to change it later, you will have to change the water and electricity again, which not only takes time but also costs money. When decorating, it is wise to do it in one step. Otherwise, if you consider installing a dishwasher in the future, you will have to choose a "desktop dishwasher".

The desktop dishwasher not only has a small capacity, but also has exposed wiring and water pipes, which is too ugly. More importantly, it also takes up space on the countertop.

I hope the above 10 decoration experiences can bring you some reference.

said at the end:

Decoration is a subject, and there are too many knowledge points in it. So this requires us to look more and learn more. Only in this way can we avoid pitfalls and pay less IQ tax.

uses limited words to convey an infinite beautiful life. For more home topics, welcome to follow "Beautiful Home Guide". See you in the next issue!

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