Ergonomic design size of the family house, decoration Xiaobai quickly collect it

2021/09/0422:41:15 home 117

Ergonomic design size of the family house, decoration Xiaobai quickly collect it - DayDayNews





friends : editor, the last time you and the home inspector came to my house for inspection, you reminded me that the counter cabinet in the kitchen is relatively short. I wash and chop vegetables and bend over tiredly. What is the normal size of the counter cabinet?

Netizen: Last time I bought a TV, I found that my size was too big, and the distance between my TV background wall and the sofa was too close. After watching the TV for a long time, my eyes rose and sore. I want to ask. What is the distance between this sofa and the TV background wall?

Looking at the questions of netizens, the editor now just wants to quickly compile a copy of the relationship between ergonomics and interior design and decoration for decoration Xiaobai.

Ergonomic design size of the family house, decoration Xiaobai quickly collect it - DayDayNews

Ergonomic design size of the family house, decoration Xiaobai quickly collect it - DayDayNews

1. Kitchen size

standard depth of kitchen platform: 65cm

Station The standard height of the stool: 90cm (if you are taller, you can increase the height by 5-10cm according to your own height)

The most comfortable distance between the stool and the table: 25cm p6span8 p6span The best height of kitchen wall cabinet is: 60-70cm

The depth of the kitchen wall cabinet is: 35cm

Ergonomic design size of the family house, decoration Xiaobai quickly collect it - DayDayNews

Distance between pendant lamp and table: 75cm

spa n6span table height is: 70-75cm

dining chair height is: 45-50cm

strongcm*span table size for 2 persons: 6span strongFour persons: 135*85cm, eight persons 225*85cm

Ergonomic design size of the family house, decoration Xiaobai quickly collect it - DayDayNews

span5 sp strongspan2 bathroom height 55span2 The size is 75cm-85cm, and the width is 55cm-60cm. It does not need to exceed 60cm. If you want to make it larger or smaller than this size, it can be determined according to the specific size of the family.

The size of the toilet is 68cm in height, 38cm-48cm in width, and 68-72cm in depth.

The regular size of bathtub: 160cm*70cm (regular)

single bathtub is more suitable for small apartment,The size is tailored according to the situation of your own home.

Ergonomic design size of the family house, decoration Xiaobai quickly collect it - DayDayNews

The shower installation height is 90-100cm, the best height of the top spray is 230cm distance of 15cm

Ergonomic design size of the family house, decoration Xiaobai quickly collect it - DayDayNews

towel bar size between 100cm

cold 110-130cm

bathrobe hook 160-180cm

sanitary towel rack 65-70cm

bathroom shelf 140-150cm

heated towel racks 120-130cm

Ergonomic design size of the family house, decoration Xiaobai quickly collect it - DayDayNews

3, dining room size

power switch from the ground level 120-140cm

wall outlet height from the ground 30cm-35cm

air conditioning, exhaust fans and other outlets from the ground 190cm-210cm

baseboard 8cm-20cm

dado height: 80cm-150cm

chandelier: 240cm

wall light 150cm-180cm

strong5 strong5 strongspan 5 strong5 span 6span strong5

strong5 strong5 strong span 6 100 cm According to the depth of the human foot depth shoe design

shoe depth 30cm-32cm

shoe height 80cm-90cm

sofa size I won’t introduce them one by one here.You can go to the furniture store to buy according to the actual size of your home.

Ergonomic design size of the family house, decoration Xiaobai quickly collect it - DayDayNews

table length dimension: 120cm-150cm

table width dimensions: 60cm-75cm

table height dimension: 40cm-50cm

The height of the TV cabinet is: 40cm-50cm

-506span_strong2p 55span_strong2p 55strong TV is the best distance between 30spanspanspan and span0span_strong5span_span_span_strong5 It’s best to keep the distance between 130cm-170cm or more

The editor first organizes the specific dimensions of these three spaces regarding ergonomics and interior decoration.Do you know the other best distances? You can leave a message to the editor~


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