It can be called the meat grinder battle in the Korean War, how tragic it was.

Guide: The Korean War was a head-on contest with US imperialism after the founding of New China, and it was also called the battle of nation-building. After the war, Mr. Peng proudly said: "The era when Western invaders can occupy a country by setting up a few cannons on a coast in the east for hundreds of years is gone!" The words

made countless Chinese people very excited and tears filled their eyes. This is what countless Chinese soldiers paid for with blood and lives.

Today, let’s talk about the most tragic war in the Korean war, the battle of Shangganling, he also became a meat grinder in the Korean War.

In the second half of 1952, the Korean War has entered a critical period. After the first five bloody battles, the heroic People's Volunteers have repelled nearly one million United Nations troops from the border with North Korea for more than 400 kilometers. The two forces confronted each other in Cheorwon and Jinhua.

The most decisive victory of these battles occurred on a few hills near this village called Shangganling...

At that time, the commander of the US Army, Van Fritte, wanted to target the combat targets on several hillsides near Shangganling. It is the five sacred mountains that we now know. The United Nations military wants to take down this mountain within a few days with two to three hundred casualties.

In response, the US Army Commander-in-Chief Van Fleet prepared more than 70,000 troops to launch an attack on Shangganling. At this time, our Volunteer Army had only more than 10,000 troops guarding Shangganling. It was the Volunteer Army, the 45th Division of the 15th Army. .

70,000 troops vs. Volunteers' 10,000 troops, thinking about the outcome of this battle seems to have been decided long ago, but it still happened that the commander-in-chief of the US Army, Van Fleet, did not arrive. It was this war that ended her many years of military career, and it became a nightmare that he lingered in her life.

At 3 o'clock in the morning on October 14, violent artillery fire sounded over Shangganling, and the battle known as the meat grinder officially started.

In this war, the US military used more than 320 heavy artillery pieces and 27 tanks. At the same time, it launched a violent bombing of Shangganling. At the same time, there were more than 100 bombers in the sky. The attackers continued to bomb. The position of the volunteers. He just climbed the bare stone and fell as much as two meters.

According to post-war statistics, in this day's time. According to post-war statistics, the US army fired more than 300,000 artillery shells and more than 500 aircraft bombs in Shangganling.

In this sea of ​​fire and smoke, the two battalions of my 45th Division who were responsible for the defense suffered heavy casualties, but they rely on their own fortifications, hand grenade submachine guns, and some old weapons to fight with the American army...

time and time again Repelled the enemy's charge until the 18th. After giving the enemy a major kill, the tenacious volunteer soldiers fought for four days, and finally retreated into the defense due to excessive casualties.

In these four days of battle, the US military thought it would only use more than 200 casualties, but unexpectedly more than 8,000 casualties were lost, and the Chinese army could not get a position.

Van Fleet was like a gambler at this time, with red eyes, and he personally ran to the front position to supervise the battle, constantly ditching and attacking orders.

This made the Volunteers Red Eyes too. Under the decision of their superiors, they resolutely did not hesitate to guard these hills. Until the morning of October 30, the artillery support of the Volunteer Army finally arrived with 133 heavy artillery and 30 120-meter heavy mortars for more than four hours to bomb the enemy's position.

In the early morning of the next day, the South Korean troops launched more than 40 rework, all of them went into battle and almost completely lost their combat capabilities.

Until November 1, the U.S. 70 counterattacked again, and was counterattacked by our army.

finally on the 15th, the Americans frankly admitted to the press that the Shangganling battle was a failure.

Battle of Shangganling The battle of Shangganling was finally over. However, on this 3.8 square kilometer mountain, the Chinese People's Volunteers invested a total of two field troops, a total of nine regiments, 11 artillery battalions, and a total of 43,000 people.

The United States has invested a total of ten corps, one airborne corps, and another one with a total of 60,000.

According to post-war statistics, the Volunteer Army killed more than 7,100 people and injured more than 8,500 in this war. At the cost of this war, a total of 25,000 enemy companies were wiped out. Among them, 5,200 were from the US. With 400,000 rounds of artillery shells, the US Army consumes 1.91 million rounds of aerial artillery shells and 5,000 pieces. Such a dense bomb in an area of ​​3.8 square kilometers is very rare in a world war.

This war is of great significance to the entire Korean War, and it also established the border of North Korea. After the Shangganling War, the US military never launched a large-scale offensive.

This war is called the "War of the Meat Grinder" "It's not an exaggeration. However, the Americans also called the Battle of Shangganling "Verdun on the Korean battlefield." Later, the Shangganling War also became the United States Military Academy at West Point and put it into the textbook as a war example.

However, the victory of the Korean War has had a huge impact on China. It has increased the prestige of New China in the world to an unprecedented level and greatly enhanced the self-confidence and pride of the Chinese people. This is

that countless martyrs traded with blood and lives