The most famous painter before the American Revolution: John Singleton Copley

John Singleton Copley

John Singleton Copley 1738-1815

American portrait painter and history painter

His ability to capture the characteristics and personality of the subject matter made him the most famous portrait painter before the American Revolution

John Singleton Copley John Singleton Copley Watson and the Shark Watson and the Shark 1778

This oil painting ordered by British businessman Watson reproduces the real scene of the orderer being attacked by sharks in the harbor and rescued in his childhood.

In 1749, 14-year-old Watson was attacked by a shark while swimming in the port of Havana, Cuba. After the concerted efforts of everyone, he magically pulled him back from the brink of death. He later became a very successful British man. Businessman and politician. On the screen, nine sailors are desperately going to rescue Watson, but the red water in the lower left corner shows that he has lost his right foot. The expressions of

characters, the anxiety caused by their movements, and the thrilling nervousness of saving lives, are vividly described by Copley.

In 1778, when his work was exhibited at the Royal Academy of Art, it hit the animation industry, and its magnificent structure left a deep impression.

John Singleton Copley-Portrait of Colonel Fitch and his Sisters 1800-01

John Singleton Copley John Singleton Copley-Portrait of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mifflin 1773

Mifflin is a success A merchant patriot, became a major general in the army after the outbreak of the War of Independence, and became the first governor of Pennsylvania after the United States became independent. The wife is operating a portable textile machine and produces fabric decorative lace by herself, demonstrating her resistance to imports of daily necessities (tax) from the United Kingdom.

John Singleton Copley-Midshipman Augustus Brine 1782X

John Singleton Copley-A Boy with a Flying Squirrel 1765

z10John Singleton Copley-A Boy with a Flying Squirrel 1765

z10John Singleton Copley Daniel Crommelin Verplanck 1771

Above are the three most famous portraits of boys Copley

The spirit, that is outstanding

John Singleton Coplezzy John Singleton Coplezzy-Portrait of a Lady 1771z

zzzz314100ge 74 John Singleton Copley-Mrs. George Watson 1765

John Singleton Copley-Mrs. Sylvester Gardiner 1772

John Singleton Copley John 3zzzzzzz Copley John Singleton Copley 1764 Elizabeth Singleton Copleyzzzzzz14 The lines of the portraits of women are quite stiff

John Singleton Copley John Singleton Copley-Adam Babcock 1774

John Singleton Copley John Singleton Copley-Epes Sargent 1760

John Singleton Copley-Joseph Sherburne John Singleton Copley-Joseph Sherburne John Singleton Copley-Joseph Sherburn Copley Portrait of gulian verplanck 1771

John Singleton Copley-Nathaniel Hurd 1765

Not deliberately beautifying, but still expressive, elegant portrait of a man

John Singleton Copley Family 1776-The Single Copley Family 1776 -77

Finally, it is Copley's family portrait. Can you tell which is the painter himself?