1. Cao Cao and "Sun Shiwan" In March of 215 AD, after Cao Cao destroyed Ma Chao and Han Sui, he only rested for three years. He couldn't wait to point his sword at Zhang Lu, personally unified a hundred thousand troops, and started a campaign to sweep Hanzhong. war. Because just

1. Cao Cao and "Sun Shiwan"

In March of 215 AD, after Cao Cao destroyed Ma Chao and Han Sui , he only rested for three years and couldn't wait to target Zhang Lu, and personally Unified an army of 100,000 people and started the battle of Hanzhong.

Because just a year ago, Liu Bei took advantage of the battle between Cao Cao and Ma Chao and had no time to take care of it, and snatched Yizhou from Liu Zhang. Now he is no longer the "lost dog" of the past. He holds , Jingzhou, and Yizhou. If Liu Bei is given another chance to develop, what else will he do? So Cao Cao is in a hurry and time does not wait for me.

Also in 215 AD, Sun Quan learned that Cao Cao was attacking Zhang Lu. His face was filled with joy and he jumped three feet high.

"Time has not waited for me". Since the untimely death of Zhou Yu, Soochow has been so silent that even those who are silent are despised by Guan Yu . Today, Liu Bei supports Xichuan and becomes prosperous. Cao Cao seized Yongliang and distributed it. I, Sun Quan, can never remain silent any longer.

Therefore, Sun Quan seemed to be competing with Cao Cao, no more, no less, and he also personally controlled a hundred thousand troops and sent them to Hefei. It's a pity that Sun Quan encountered Zhang Liao here. In a Battle of Xiaoyaojin , Zhang Liao defeated Soochow with only 800 death squads, and Sun Quan was also chased by Zhang Liao. Therefore, Sun Quan liked to give him the nickname "Sun Shiwan".

Not everyone can play with hundreds of thousands of people. Especially for Soochow, Zhou Yu was so talented that he was defeated by the death squads led by Cao Ren.

There is no way, Wu Bing is good at water combat. Land warfare, field warfare and fortification are the strengths of Cao Cao and Liu Bei - pitifully, Sun Quan can only watch and see how "Cao Shiwan" dominates Hanzhong .

However, Sun Quan soon became happy. As the saying goes: The sense of superiority is based on the failures of others. Cao Cao was no better than Sun Quan, but he was no better.

At the beginning, although Cao Cao broke through rivers and ponds and destroyed Dou Mao, when he arrived at Yangping Pass , he was bruised and swollen. Zhang Lu's younger brother Zhang Wei, who only led ten thousand people, suppressed Cao Cao to death. They were all disheartened and wanted to withdraw their troops. According to " Zizhi Tongjian": Many of the soldiers wounded the barbarians, and the army's food was exhausted, and their morale was depressed, so they wanted to pull out the army and cut off the mountain and return...

2. Give Ma Chao's wife to others

Then Hanzhong How did Zhang Lu achieve such a level? We must first introduce Zhang Lu’s counselor Yan Pu . He was from Yizhou, and when Zhang Lu dominated Hanzhong, his hometown of Anhan, Brazil, was included in his territory. Therefore, Yan Pu became Zhang Lu's hero.

is the same as when Pang Tong was Zhou Yu's meritorious service. It's just that Yan Pu is Zhang Lu's confidant. As for Pang Tong and Zhou Yu, it is more like a cooperative relationship where they appreciate each other.

Zhang Lu was arrogant. Someone found a jade seal. Zhang Lu, who was also the leader of the Five Pecks of Rice, thought that this was a perfect gift from heaven to make him king. Yan Pu quickly dissuaded him. The general idea is that although Hanzhong is rich in products and easy to defend and difficult to attack, the problem is that it does not have the strength to become a king, so why should it be a target?

In one sentence, Zhang Lu woke up and continued to keep a low profile. When Cao Cao came with his troops, Zhang Lu wanted to surrender immediately. On the one hand, his younger brother Zhang Wei disagreed, and on the other hand, Yan Pu also disagreed. He thought: Cao Cao should be beaten first before hurting him. If we kneel down when someone stares at him, it will not only be disrespectful, but also will not do any good.

Therefore, Zhang Wei risked his life to resist Cao Cao at Yangping Pass. However, Cao Cao was so lucky. When he sent Xiahou Dun and Xu Chu to greet the soldiers home, these two famous generals from the Three Kingdoms accidentally collided and discovered Zhang Wei's other camp and took the opportunity to break Yangping Pass.

Cao Cao was overjoyed, feeling like a windfall from heaven.Zhang Luze immediately said: Boss Cao really has a destiny, is this okay? Don't say anything, I want to surrender immediately!

Yan Pu stopped again and said: Surrender if you lose? That will also be looked down upon. We are still considered princes. Now we retreat to Bazhong first, and then surrender can be dignified and beneficial. Take a look at Yanpu's routine. Doesn't it remind people of Wancheng?

Originally, Zhang Xiu of Wancheng surrendered to Cao Cao, but Cao Cao went too far and made Zhang Xiu's aunt. Jia Xu planned the Battle of Wancheng without saying a word, killing Cao Ang, Dianwei , Cao Anmin. Even Cao Cao almost died here. It was not until Cao Cao was about to go to war with Yuan Shao that Jia Xu persuaded Zhang Xiu to surrender to Cao Cao.

Looking at Yan Pu's plan for Zhang Lu's surrender to Cao Cao, it was obviously influenced by Zhang Xiu in Wancheng. To put it bluntly, it was because of the bad things Cao Cao did that had a bad impact.

This is actually a key reason why Cao Cao failed to unify the Three Kingdoms. Just one sentence: I like to let myself go too much and cannot be strict with myself, which creates a lot of unnecessary resistance and consumption.

In this way, Zhang Lu sealed the treasury and left all materials and treasures in Hanzhong to Cao Cao to receive. Then he led his people to Bazhong and shouted: Cao Cao, I am going to fight with you - —

Although Cao Cao can't control himself sometimes, he is the best among men. It's obvious at a glance. How can anyone in the world continue to resist like this? It was clearly Zhang Lu who told me that if he wanted to surrender, it would depend on what conditions I offered, but he was very sincere.

Cao Cao immediately began to recruit Zhang Lu to surrender, and he was granted the title of Marquis, with ten thousand households living in the city - this is a proper Marquis of 10,000 households! His sons were also granted the title of marquis, and his son Cao Yu was married to Zhang Lu's daughter.

Of course, there is also Yan Pu. Cao Cao knows that these are his strategies. So he also made Yan Pu a marquis, and at the same time he also did one thing, giving Ma Chao's wife Dong's to Yan Pu as his wife...

This is strange, as everyone knows that Cao Cao likes to steal his opponent's wife. For example, when Xiapi broke Lu Bu , Cao Cao did not hesitate to offend Guan Yu in order to steal the wife of Qin Yilu of Lu Bu's general Madam Du. It is even more famous in Wancheng. But now why after capturing the wife of his old rival Ma Chao, did he give it to others instead of keeping it for himself?

3. It is only after hindsight that Ma Chao surrendered to Liu Bei in 214 AD with only Ma Dai , but abandoned the Dong family. However, Dong is not Ma Chao's original wife.

According to "Zi Zhi Tong Jian" records: Ma Chao's first wife and son were killed in 213 AD. " Beyond, Qu and Liang Kuan closed the city gates of Hebei and killed Chao's wife". It was this year that Ma Chao defected to Zhang Lu.

When Ma Chao first entered Hanzhong, Zhang Lu wanted to betroth his daughter to Ma Chao in order to win over him, but was stopped by his subordinates. The reason is: Ma Chao even dares to betray his own father, can you still expect him to be loyal to you? In other words, the credibility is ruined! ( If someone doesn’t love his own relatives, how can he love others )

But no matter what, in terms of Ma Chao’s status, his initial target was Zhang Lu’s daughter. Although he did not marry because of his bankruptcy, he did marry Dong. His wife is his wife. So, who would think that this Dong is from an ordinary family? They must belong to the powerful noble families within the boundaries of Hanzhong - this is called a match!

Liu Bei first married Sun Quan's sister, and was later forced by Fa Zheng to marry his sister-in-law Wu.

Zhang Fei forcibly married Xia Houyuan 's niece, and the same was true.

Cao Pi married Zhen Mi , Cao Zhi married Cui Yan's niece, the same is true - Ma Chao was once a prince and a famous general in the world, how can we make an exception?

Therefore, Ma Chao marrying the Dong family in Hanzhong is obviously Zhang Lu's remedy. It will definitely be worthy of Ma Chao, but it will also definitely make Ma Chao feel disappointed. That's why he abandoned the Dong family when he fled Zhang Lu in Hanzhong. Ma Chao's abandonment of the Dong family also created a big problem for the Dong family. Who else could he marry?

Now that Cao Cao has captured Hanzhong, his first task is to appease all forces and increase his sense of identity. It's still the old routine of letting his son marry Zhang Lu's daughter. What about the abandoned Dong family of Ma Chao?

Cao Cao owns it? It is indeed in line with Cao Cao's style. But the problem is that Cao Cao suffered so much and paid so much for this, how could he still be so out of tune? Moreover, Cao Cao has entered his old age at this moment.

​ Betrothed to a son? Don’t even think about it! After defeating Yuan Shao, Cao Cao ordered Cao Pi to marry Zhen Mi, and Cao Zhi to marry Cui Yan's niece. They were equal in status, and both parties had big families behind them. Now that Cao Yu marries Zhang Lu's daughter, and other sons marry Dong, is it still equal?

Therefore, the best way is to marry Zhang Lu's important ministers. So Yan Pu, who had the greatest merit and the most promising future, became the best candidate! From the analysis of relevant historical data, Yan Pu should have come from a poor family, and marrying the Dong family was equivalent to marrying into a wealthy family.

Ma Chao’s wife Dong Shi also legitimately changed her fate as a widow. Both parties were satisfied, which inevitably increased their recognition of Cao Cao. That's why I said that I realized Cao Cao was really smart after the fact. Sure enough, Yan Pu was loyal to Cao Wei from then on, and he was there to advise Cao Pi when he ascended the throne...