According to the memories of our underground comrade Guo Ruhuai, who was a senior general of the Kuomintang, there were three very famous people in Taoyuan, known as the Three Heroes of Taoyuan. That is, Song Jiaoren, Qin Zhen and Hu Ying.

According to the memories of our underground comrade Guo Ruhuai, who was a senior general of the Kuomintang:

Taoyuan There were three very famous people in Taoyuan, known as the Three Heroes of Taoyuan. That is, Song Jiaoren , Qin Zhen , Hu Ying . Qin Zhen was the vice-president of the Kuomintang Legislative Yuan at the time and was highly respected.

While the 20th Army was stationed in Taoyuan, it happened that Qin Zhen went home to visit relatives. He also came to the army to visit all the officers and soldiers. Naturally, we welcomed you warmly and hosted a special lunch for you.

During the dinner, Tan Zhenchang spoke freely, and with wine to cheer him up, he talked about everything from all over the world. At first, everyone felt a little restrained in front of Tan, but later they found out that Tan was approachable and had no pretensions, so they became more relaxed.

During the conversation, we all criticized the Kuomintang bureaucrats. Tan Zhen disliked Tan Yankai the most, saying that he was simply a bureaucrat, and scolded Tan as worthless.

Tan Yankai

In order to please Tan, we also joked and said: " Chapter Taiyan wrote a couplet that was given to Tan Yankai. Does the dean still remember it?"

"Remember, remember." He continued while drinking. Said: "The couplet in which Zhang Taiyan scolded Tan Yankai is simply unparalleled."

After saying this, he memorized it with a shake of his head:

"Chunxuan spans four positions. She is the prime minister of the patriarchal army. Her biological mother is Mrs. Tan Ru, and her adoptive mother Song Mrs. Tai;

In the three dynasties of the Xianda Dynasty, there were princes of the Qing Dynasty and Hanlin officials, chairman of the Communist Party of China Wuchang, and chairman of the anti-communist Nanjing. "

I said: "Other words are easy to understand. He is the father and the prime minister, because he advocated calling Sun Yat-sen the father of the country. It's just that Mrs. Song, the adoptive mother, didn't understand what she meant. "It's absolutely true, you don't know the inside story."

Tan proudly picked up the wine glass and started drinking.

We wanted to know the mystery. For a moment, we forgot about the delicacies on the table, and everyone looked at him intently.

After Qin drank a glass of wine, he continued: Sun Yat-sen has always wanted to win over powerful people from the warlords to make revolutions. His method has failed many times, but he has never learned from it. When the warlords wanted to rely on him and use his brand, they would obey him, but when they wanted to compete for fame, profit and territory, they would oppose him.

After Sun Yat-sen married Soong Ching Ling , he knew that his aunt Soong Meiling had not yet been married, so he wanted to use her to build relationships.

Sun Yat-sen

happened to be widowed by Tan Yankai. In order to win over the Hunan Army commander, Sun Yat-sen got the Song family 's consent and went out to continue. As a young girl, it is appropriate for her to renew her marriage, but I am not in good health and am no longer able to take care of myself. I dare not delay Soong Meiling's youth."

But the messenger said: "How can that be done? The Soong family and Soong Meiling have agreed. If you say you are sick, who will." Can you prove it? Isn't this an excuse to look down on others? Sun Yat-sen can't lose this face, and the Song family can't lose this face!'

Tan Yankai said: "It doesn't matter, I have my own way. "

The next day, Tan Yankai prepared a generous gift and went to the Song family. He respectfully kowtowed to Mrs. Song three times, worshiped Mrs. Song as his godmother, and recognized Song Meiling as his god sister. This is how his adoptive mother, Mrs. Song, came to be. .

“Ah, so that’s what happened, bureaucrats really know how to be an official. "After hearing this, everyone was talking about it.

Song Meiling

Tan Zhen saw that everyone was in high spirits, so he kept talking: The commander of the Hunan Army often went to the Song family to see his god-sister. Song Meiling saw that Tan Yankai was so worthy of her. , so he was particularly fond of Tan.

In order to show his loyalty, Chiang Kai-shek went to Japan in 1927. Later, he came back from Japan and proposed to her in order to make a comeback. Chiang Kai-shek's intention was very clear, it was just for money, because Song Ziwen is the Minister of Finance, and Chiang Kai-shek wants to win over him (referring to Song Ziwen).

But Song Meiling said that there is a condition for marrying me. I won’t get married unless Tan Yankai acts as a matchmaker.

Chiang Kai-shek sent someone to tell Tan Yankai, Tan immediately agreed: "Yes, should."

So Tan Yankai came out to act as a matchmaker, and Soong Meiling married Chiang Kai-shek. "

Chiang Kai-shek and Soong Meiling got married

" After Song married Chiang, in order to end her failed marriage with Tan Yankai, he regarded Tan Yankai's daughter Tan Xiang as his own daughter and wanted to choose a good son-in-law for her. Her conditions for selecting her son-in-law were that a civil servant should have a doctorate and a military attaché should have a major general. "

When Qin Zhen talked about this, I interjected: "Yes, yes, yes. I heard about this when I was studying in mainland China. "

"Yes!" Qin took my words and continued: "Song Meiling looked around and found Chen Cheng. Chen Cheng originally had a wife, but the relationship was not good. He left her, and later Song Meiling As a matchmaker, Chen Cheng married Tan Xiang. "


After I heard this, I was still puzzled and asked Qin Zhen: "Everyone says that Soong Meiling's original lover was Liu Jiwen. How does Dean Qin explain it?"

Qin Zhen said: "Ah. , that is absolutely not the case, Liu Jiwen is the son-in-law of Gu Yingfen . When Sun Yat-sen was president, Gu Yingfen served as civil servant. In the past, Liu Jiwen's family was very poor, and it was impossible to send Liu to study in the United States.

Gu Yingfen sponsored Liu Jiwen to study in the United States. When Liu was studying at Columbia University in the United States, he and Soong Meiling were classmates, but there was only a friendship between them as classmates.

Liu Jiwen has never forgotten Gu Yingfen and hopes to come back and marry Gu's daughter after graduation. However, when Liu returned from the United States, Gu's daughter had already passed away.

Liu Jiwen became the mayor of Nanjing, which was related to Gu Yingfen and may also be related to Soong Meiling, but Soong Meiling's original crush was Tan Yankai and not Liu Jiwen. "

After listening to Qin Zhen's words, I feel that Song Meiling has the traditional morals of Chinese women. A woman with a Western education is worthy of respect.

The legend of "Jinling Spring Dream" is groundless and should be dismissed clarification.